Astronomical and Calendar Codes

Mythological code, as its name suggests, is coupled with mythology and astral religion or worship of planets and stars. It consists in a metaphorical labeling of astronomical-calendar concepts by ordinary words with metaphorical meanings.


Mythological code

Mythological code

"Paroksha-priya hi devah"
("Luminaries adhere exclusively to the suggested meaning".)

Mythological code, as its name suggests, is coupled with mythology and astral religion or worship of planets and stars. It consists in a metaphorical labeling of astronomical-calendar concepts by ordinary words with metaphorical meanings.

Modern philology, which has been for a long time separated both from mythology and from natural sciences, affirms occasionally with aplomb that mythology represents prescientific outlook of barbarians, when natural phenomena were interpreted with the help of folkloric consciousness. However, this thesis is not well-grounded internally. Moreover, it also contradicts a mass of historic facts.


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