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Some symbolic expressions for number five

Some symbolic expressions for number five


अक्ष अर्थ इन्द्रिय इषु इषुः पंक्तिः पंचन् पङ्क्ति पण्चकर्ण पञ्चक पवन बाण बाणः भूत मार्गण विषय शर समीरण सायक

अक्ष – akṣa Monier-Williams, Monier: A Sanskrit-English Dictionary. London : 1899akṣa m. an axle, axis (in this sense also n.

m. a wheel, car, cart

m. the beam of a balance or string which holds the pivot of the beam

m. a snake

m. terrestrial latitude (cf. “-karṇa, -bhā, -bhāga”)

m. the collar-bone

m. the temporal bone

m. N. of a measure (= 104 aṅgula); ([cf. Lat. ‘axis’; Gk. [greek]; Old

Germ. ‘ahsa’; Mod. Germ. ‘Achse’; Lith. ‘assis’.])

akṣa m. ( 1. “aś” a die for gambling

m. a cube

m. a seed of which rosaries are made (cf. “indrākṣa, rudrākṣa”)

m. the Eleocarpus Ganitrus, producing that seed

m. a weight called “karṣa”, equal to 16 māṣas

m. Beleric Myrobalan (Terminalia Belerica), the seed of which is used

as a die

m. a N. of the number 5

akṣa n. sochal salt

akṣa n. blue vitriol (from its cube-like crystals)

akṣa n. an organ of sense

n. sensual perception

akṣa m. the soul

akṣa m. knowledge, religious knowledge

akṣa m. a lawsuit

akṣa m. a person born blind

akṣa m. N. of Garuḍa

akṣa m. of a son of Rāvaṇa

akṣa m. of a son of Nara, &c.

akṣa &c. see col.3.

akṣa n. ([only ifc. (f. “ī”) for “akṣi”]), the eye.

Böhtlingk und Roth: Großes Petersburger Wörterbuch

akṣa m. “Würfel zum Spielen” ŚĀNT. 2, 12. P. 6, 2, 2, Sch. UṆ. 3, 65. AK.

2, 10, 45. 3, 4, 224. H. 486. an. 2, 556. MED. sh. 2. HĀR. 171. pīvānaṁ

meṣamapacanta vīrā nyuptā akṣā anu dīva āsan ṚV. 10, 27, 17.

*ṚV. 10, 34. enthält das sogenannte “Würfellied” (akṣasūkta NIR. 7, 3.),

in welchem ein Spieler seine Leidenschaft ergreifend schildert. akṣāṁ iva

śvaghnī ni minoti tāni (varuṇaḥ) AV. 4, 16, 5. yā akṣeṣu pramodante

(apsarasaḥ) 4, 38, 3. akṣeṣu kṛtyāṁ yāṁ cakruḥ 5, 31, 6. yathā

vṛkṣamaśanirviśvāhā hatnyaprati. evāhamadya kitavāṁ

akṣairbadhyāsamaprati.. 7, 50, 1. akṣāḥ phalavatīṁ dyuvaṁ datta gāṁ

kṣīriṇīmiva. saṁ mā kṛtasya dhārayā dhanuḥ snāvneva nahyata.. 7, 50, 9.

idamugrāya babhrave namo yo akṣeṣutanūvaśī. ghṛtena kaliṁ śikṣāmi sa

no mṛḍātīdṛśe 7, 110, 1. M. 4, 74. 7, 47. 50. Ueber die Anwendung von 5

Würfeln beim Opfer s. KĀTY. zu VS. 10, 28. Vgl. auch noch akṣa 7. 8.

SĀYAṆA zu ŚAT. BR. 5, 4, 1, 6. in Ind. St. I, 285, N. und ROTH in

ZdmG.II, 122.

akṣa m. ŚĀNT. 2, 12. 1) “Achse am Wagen” P. 5, 4, 74. H. an. 2, 556

(rathasyāvayave). VAIJ. beim Sch. zu ŚIŚ. 12, 2. (akṣaścakradhāraṇe)

und zu 18, 7. (akṣaṁ sic rathāṅga ādhāre). akṣaṁ na cakryoḥ ṚV. 1, 30,

14. 6, 24, 3. yo akṣeṇeva cakriyā śacībhirviṣvaktastambha pṛthivīmuta

dyām 10, 89, 4. akṣo vaścakrā samayā vi vāvṛte 1, 166, 9. sthirau gāvau

bhavataṁ vīLurakṣo meṣā vi varhi mā yugaṁ vi śāri 3, 53, 17.

akṣabhaṅge M. 8, 291. dṛḍhadhūrakṣaḥ P. 5, 4, 74, Sch. akṣadhūḥ VOP. 6,

73. ŚIŚ. 18, 7. Vgl. akṣāgrakīla und akṣāgrakīlaka. — 2) “Rad” AK. 3, 4,

224. MED. sh. 3. — 3) “Karren” H. an. 2, 556. MED. sh. 2. — 4) “eine auf

zwei Pfosten ruhende Platte” (paṭṭa), “an die eine Wage gehängt wird

(?)”: akṣaḥ pādastambhayorupari niviṣṭatulādhārapaṭṭaḥ MIT. 146, 1. —

5) “Auge” in übertragener Bedeutung am Ende einiger Composita:

puṣkarākṣaḥ P. 5, 4, 76, Sch. gavākṣaḥ ibid. und VOP. 6, 77. Vgl. akṣa n.,

akṣan und akṣi. — 6) “die Gegend unterhalb der Schläfen” YĀJÑ. 3, 87.

(VIJÑĀNEŚVARA: akṣaḥ karṇanetrayormadhye śaṅkhādadhobhāgaḥ). —

7) Name einer Pflanze, “Terminalia Bellerica”, AK. 2, 4, 2, 39. 3, 4, 224.

H. 1145. an. 2, 556. MED. sh. 3. Suśr. Die Synonyme kali und vibhīdaka

(vibhītaka) bedeuten gleichfalls “Würfel” (akṣa), da dazu die Nüsse der

“Terminalia Bellerica” gebraucht wurden; vgl. ROTH in ZdmG.II, 123. —

8) “die Nuss der Terminalia Bellerica”: yathā vai dve vāmalake dve vā

kole dvau vākṣau (Sch. = vibhītakaphale) muṣṭiranubhavati CHĀND. UP.

7, 3, 1. dhārābhirakṣamātrābhiḥ ARJ. 8, 4.

*Diese und die vorhergehende Bedeutung, die, wie wir auch oben

angedeutet haben, in der innigsten Verbindung mit akṣa “Würfel” stehen,

haben wir des Accents wegen hierher gezogen. ŚĀNT. 2, 12. heisst es

nämlich, dass akṣa, wenn es nicht “Würfel” bedeute, den Ton auf der

ersten Silbe habe. — 9) “Elaeocarpus Ganitrus” Suśr. — 10) “der Saame

dieser Pflanze”, der zu Rosenkränzen gebraucht wird (rudrākṣe) MED. sh.

3; vgl. akṣamālā. — 11) “der Saame einer anderen Pflanze” (indrākṣe)

MED. sh. 3. — 12) Name eines Gewichts, ein karsha = 16 māṣaka AK. 2,

9, 86. 3, 4, 224. H. 884. an. 2, 556. MED. sh. 3. — 13) “Schlange” MED.

sh. 3. — 14) Garuḍa, ŚABDAR. im ŚKDR. — 15) “Process” AK. 3, 4, 224.

H. an. 2, 556. MED. sh. 2. Vgl. akṣadarśaka, akṣadṛś, akṣapaṭala,

akṣapāṭaka. — 16) “Kenntniss” H. an. 2, 556. (jñāne) MED. sh. 2. (wenn

jñānārtha st. jñātārtha zu lesen ist, dann müsste noch artha als

besondere Bedeutung aufgeführt werden; vgl. 8- “affaire, transaction” bei

LOIS. zu AK. 3, 4, 224). — 17) “Seele” H. an. 2, 556. — 18) “ein

Blindgeborner” ŚABDAR. im ŚKDR. (jātāndha, vielleicht ein verlesenes

jñānārtha, von dem oben u. 16. die Rede war). — 19) Nom. pr. eines

Mannes, Rāvaṇa’s Sohn H. 2, 556. R. 1, 1, 73. RAGH. 12, 63. ein König,

Sohn Nara’s RĀJA-TAR. 1, 340. — 20) Zur astronomischen Bedeutung von

akṣa (“terrestrial latitude”, WILS.) vgl. folgende Citate im ŚKDR.:

candrāśvinighnā palabhārddhitā ca laṅkāvadhiḥ syādiha dakṣiṇo ‘kṣaḥ. iti

bhāsvatī. prabhā śaraghnā svaturīyayogādakṣaḥ sadā

dakṣiṇadikpradiṣṭaḥ. iti jātakārṇavaḥ. dakṣiṇottararekhāyāṁ sā tatra

viṣuvatprabhā śaṅkucchāyāhate trijye viṣuvatkarṇabhājite. lambākṣajye

tayoścāpe lambākṣau dakṣiṇau sadā. iti sūryasiddhāntaḥ.

akṣa n. 1) “Sinnesorgan” AK. 3, 4, 223. H. 1383. an. 2, 556. MED. sh. 3. —

2) “Auge” AK. 2, 6, 2, 44, Sch. ehi jīvaṁ trāyamāṇaṁ parvatasyāsyakṣam

(?) AV. 4, 9, 1 (das āñjanam wird angeredet). Am Ende eines adj.

Compositums steht regelmässig akṣa statt akṣi. Der Ton ruht auf der

Endsilbe und das f. geht auf ī aus, P. 5, 4, 113. VOP. 6, 18. 65.

abhinaddhākṣa CHĀHND. UP. 6, 14, 1. viśālākṣaḥ R. 1, 1, 13. lohitākṣaḥ

M. 7, 25. aśrupūrṇākṣī N. 12, 75. Am Ende eines adverbialen

Compositums ruht der Ton auf der 1sten Silbe von akṣa P. 6, 2, 121. Vgl.

2. akṣa 5, akṣan und akṣi. — 3) “Sochal-Salz” AK. 2, 9, 43. H. 943. an. 2,

556. MED. sh. 3. — 4) “blauer Vitriol” H. an. 2, 556. MED. sh. 3. — 5)

“Achse beim Wagen” Vaij. beim Sch. zu ŚIŚ. 18, 7; vgl. 2. akṣa 1.

akṣa Z. 5 lies 4, 38, 4; Z. 9 lies 7, 109, 1. “Würfel” so v. a. “Würfelspiel”

HALĀY. 2, 233. 5, 66. Bez. “der Zahl fünf” WEBER, JYOT. 101.

akṣa 1) R. 5, 41, 28. 6, 86, 4 (svakṣa). BHĀG. P. 5, 21, 14. -bhaṅga

GOBH. 2, 4, 3. M. 8, 291. -bheda Ind. St. 5, 353. — 5) akṣau PĀR. GṚHY.

2, 6. ŚĀÑKH. ŚR. 8, 11, 12. — 7) MBH. 3, 12361. BHĀG. P. 8, 2, 13. — 12)

n. Verz. d. Oxf. 307,b,4. — 15) = nyāya HALĀY. 2, 274. = ācāra 5, 66. —

19) streiche ṚV. 8, 46, 26 und füge nach R. 1, 1, 73 hinzu 5, 42. — 20)

vgl. nirakṣa. — 21) “Schlüsselbein” ŚAT. BR. 10, 2, 6, 14. — 22) “Masche”:

kṣudrākṣa (jāla) Spr. 3999. kṣudrekṣa v.l.

akṣa 1) n. Spr. 1604. m.: niyacchedviṣayebhyo ‘kṣān BHĀG. P. 2, 1, 18.

akṣa 20) SŪRYAS. 3, 14. 16. fg. 20. 25. fg. 4, 24. 5, 1. 4. 10, 7. 12, 44.

Mani, Vettam: Puranic Encyclopaedia. Delhi 1975

akṣa 1 I (Akṣakumāra).

akṣa 2 II We find another warrior of this name among the soldiers who

came to help Skanda in the Kaurava-Pāṇḍava battle. (Śloka 58, Chapter

45, Śalya Parva, M.B.).

Benfey, Theodor: A Sanskrit-English Dictionary. London : 1866

akṣa 1. akṣa, probably from a lost vb. akṣ, corresponding to [greek] in


I. n.

1. The eye; particularly as latter part of comp. adj., f. kṣī.

2. An organ of sense, Pañc. ii, d. 164.

II. m.

1. A die, Man. 4, 74.

2. The name of a plant, Terminalia Bellerica, of which the nuts are

used as dice, and the seed for making rosaries.

— Comp. kamala-patra-, adj., f. kṣī, adj. having eyes like lotus-leaves.

kūṭa-, m. a false die. jāla-, m. a lattice window. tāmra-, adj. red-eyed.

tāraka-, 1. adj. having stars for eyes. 2. m. a proper name. tryakṣa, i. e.


I. adj. having three eyes.

II. m. a name of RudraŚiva, and of a demon. daśākṣa, i. e. daśan-, m. the

name of a spell or charm padma-, adj. lotus-eyed. puṇḍarīka-, m. a name

of Viṣṇu. puṣkara-, adj. lotus-eyed. manda-, n. modesty. lohita-, adj.

red-eyed. sahasra-,

I. adj. thousand-eyed.

II. m. a name of Indra. su-, adj. 1. handsome-eyed. 2. acute.

— Cf. [greek] Lat. oculus; and see akṣi.

akṣa 2. akṣa, probably akin to aj, m.

1. The axle of a wheel.

2. A wheel.

3. A car.

— Comp. eka-, adj. having one axle.

— Cf. [greek] O.H.G. ahsa; A.S. eax; Lat. axis.

Cappeller, Carl: A Sanskrit-English Dictionary, based upon the St.

Petersburg Lexicons. Strassburg : 1891

akṣa pp. aṣṭa reach, obtain.

akṣa [1] m. die for playing; pl. game at dice.

akṣa [2] m. axle.

akṣa [3] (adj. –° f. ī) = akṣan.

Macdonell, Arthur Anthony: A Sanskrit-English Dictionary. London : 1893

akṣa 1. akṣa, m. die for playing.

akṣa 2. akṣa, m. axle; bone of the temples.

akṣa 3. akṣa, m. n. organ of sense: -° = akṣi, eye.

akṣa 4. akṣa, m.

-kṣapaṇa, -ka, m. N. of a gambler.

Rādhākāntadeva: Śabdakalpadruma (5 Vol). Third edition, reprint of the

1886 edition. Varanasi : 1967

akṣa na ū vyāptau . saṁhatau . iti kavikalpadramaḥ . na akṣṇoti dhanaṁ

lokaḥ . vyāpnoti rāśīkaroti vā ityarthaḥ . ū ākṣiṣṭāṁ . āṣṭāṁ . iti

durgādāsaḥ .

akṣa ū vyāptau . saṁhatau . iti kavikalpadrumaḥ . akṣati dhanaṁ lokaḥ .

vyāpnoti rāśīkaroti vā ityarthaḥ . ū ākṣiṣṭāṁ . āṣṭāṁ . iti durgādāsaḥ ..

Bhaṭṭācārya: Vācaspatyam (6 Vol). Chaukhamba Sanskrit Series 94,

reprint of the 1873-1884 edition. Varanasi : 1962

akṣa vyāptau saṁhatau ca bhvā° pa° veṭ . akṣati akṣṇoti ākṣīt āṣṭām

ākṣiṣṭām ānakṣe . kta aṣṭaḥ ktin aṣṭiḥ śatṛ akṣṇuvan i akṣi–kanin akṣa .

akṣa na° aśnute vyāpnoti viṣayān svavṛttyā saṁyogena vā aśa–sa .

indriye, akṣāṇi paṇḍitajanā vidurindriyāṇi u° netre, adhokṣaja iti . tutthe

(tuṁte) sauvarcale ca . jyotiṣokte rāśicakrāvayavabhede . śaṅkurnaronā

kathitaḥ saeva svārdhādraveryā viṣuvaddinārdhe . natiḥ palo’kṣaśca

saeva tajjñaistatronnatiryāsya saeva lamba iti

siddhāntaśiromaṇigaṇitādhyāyokte viṣuvaddinārdhe khārdhāpekṣayā

natirūpe palāṁśabhede pu° . etadvivaraṇam bhāskarācāryeṇa

pramitākṣarāyāṁ svayameva kṛtam . yathā nirakṣadeśe (laṅkāvibhāge)

yadeva viṣuvanmaṇḍalaṁ tadeva samamaṇḍalaṁ tataḥ

kṣitijādanyadunmaṇḍalaṁ nāma valayaṁ nāsti tatra dhruvau ca

kṣitijasaṁjñe, atha nirakṣadeśāt draṣṭā yathā yathā uttarato gacchati

tathā tathā udakdhruvamunnataṁ paśyati tathā yairbhāgai

rdhruvaunnatastaireva bhāgaiḥ akṣasaṁjñaiḥ svasvastikāt

dakṣiṇatoviṣuvanmaṇḍalaṁ nataṁ paśyatīti . candrāśvi 12 nighnā

palabhārdhitā ca laṅkāvadhiḥ syādiha dakṣiṇo’kṣa iti bhāsvatī . udagdiśaṁ

yāti yathā yathā narastathā tathā syānnatamṛkṣamaṇḍalam .

udagdhruvaṁ paśyati connataṁ kṣitestadantare yojanajāḥ palāṁśakā iti

siddhānta śi° golādhyāyaḥ yadi bhūparidhi (4967) yojanaiścakrāṁśāḥ

(360) labhyante tadāpasārayojanaiḥ kimiti, yadyṛkṣaparidhinā (360)

bhūparidhiḥ (4967) labhyate tadā akṣāṁśaiḥ kimiti, trairāśikena phalaṁ

nirakṣadeśalaṅkāsvadeśayorantarayojanāni syuriti, suyameva

pramitākṣarāyāṁ vyākhyātam, tathaiva golādhyāyoktaṁ darśitam .

yojanasaṁkhyā bhāṁśai (360) rguṇitā svaparidhi (4967) hṛtā

bhavantyaṁśāḥ (akṣāṁśāḥ) . akṣāṁśebhyo bhūmau kakṣāyāṁ (ṛkṣa 360

kakṣāyām) vā yojanāni ca vyastamiti . vyastamiti bhūparidhiguṇitā

bhāṁśahṛtā akṣasaṁkhyā (yojanasaṁkhyā) bhavatīti . nirakṣadeśāt

kṣiticatuthāṁśe kila merustatra navatiḥ palāṁśāḥ (akṣāṁśāḥ) iti ca

tatraivoktam . pāśake karṣaparimāṇe ca na° vibhītakavṛkṣe (vayaḍā)

tuṣe, ātmani rudrākṣe sarpe jātāndhe garuḍe ca pu° . tatra rudrākṣe

akṣamālā . karṣe anubhavati dhārābhirakṣamātrābhiriti, vibhītake yathā

vai dve āmalake, dve vā kaule dvau vākṣau iti śrutiḥ . vyavahāre

akṣadarśakaḥ . rāvaṇasutabhede pu° . tatkathā rāmā° su° 43 a° .

अर्थ – artha Monier-Williams, Monier: A Sanskrit-English Dictionary. London : 1899artha mn. ([in only n.; in six times n. and thrice m.; in later Sanskṛit

only m.]) aim, purpose (very often “artham, arthena, arthāya”, and

“arthe” ifc. or with gen. “for the sake of” on account of, in behalf of, for”)

mn. cause, motive, reason

mn. advantage, use, utility (generally named with kāma and dharma

see “tri-varga”; used in wishing well to another dat. or gen.

mn. thing, object (said of the membrum virile xiv)

mn. object of the senses

artha mn. (hence) the number “five”, Seiryas.

mn. substance, wealth, property, opulence, money

artha mn. (hence in astron.) N. of the second mansion, the mansion of

wealth (cf, “dhana”)

mn. personified as the son of Dharma arid Buddhi

mn. affair, concern (Ved. often acc. artham with “i”, or gam, to go to

one’s business, take up one’s work &c.)

artha mn. (in law) lawsuit, action

mn. having to do with (instr.), wanting, needing anything (instr.), SBr,


artha mn. sense, meaning, notion (cf. “artha-śabdau”and”arthāt” s.v.

below and “vedatattvārtha-vid”)

mn. manner, kind , prohibition, prevention

mn. price (for “argha” q.v.)

artha mn. (“āt”) abl. ind. see s.v. below

artha mn. (“e”) loc. ind. with 1. “kṛ” (g. “sakṣād-ādi” q.v.)

Böhtlingk und Roth: Großes Petersburger Wörterbuch

artha Uṇ. 2, 4. Im ṚV. nur an wenigen Stellen des 10ten Maṇḍala m.,

sonst n.; in der spätern Zeit nur m. (vgl. jedoch M. 11, 189. R. 5, 63, 15)

SIDDH. K. 250, “b”, 6. 1) “Ziel, Zweck” AK. 3, 4, 88. H. 1514. an. 2, 211.

MED. th. 2. tadindro arthaṁ cetati ṚV. 1, 10, 2. tvāmacchā carāmasi

tadidarthaṁ dive dive 9, 1, 5. maiṣāṁ nu gādaparo arthametam 10, 18, 4.

īyurarthaṁ na nyarthaṁ paruṣṇīm 7, 18, 9. śyenāso na duvasanāso

artham 4, 6, 10. 10, 29, 5. VS. 18, 15. arthadravyavirodhe ‘rthasāmānyam

KĀTY. ŚR. 1, 4, 16. 5, 5. śrutyarthakramebhyaḥ 3. arthanirvṛtteḥ 2. 3, 27.

arthābhāva 22, 6, 6. arthalopa 4, 3, 22. arthaprasaṁkhyā 1, 10, 3.

ekārtha, puruṣārtha 7, 2. parārtha 4, 3, 23. eṣvartheṣu paśūnhiṁsan M. 5,

42. arthasaṁpādana 7, 168. yadarthamiṣyate bhāryā prāptaḥ so

‘rthastvayā mayi BRĀHMAṆ. 2, 7. ṛte kuṭumbārthāt “ausser wenn es für

die Familie geschieht” YĀJÑ. 2, 46. yavārthāstu tilaiḥ kāryāḥ “was man

mit der Gerste bezweckt, soll man mit” Tila “thun”, d. h. “statt der

Gerste” Tila “nehmen” 1, 233. Sehr häufig am Ende eines adj. comp. (f.

ā) P. 2, 1, 36 und Vārtt. 3. 4. AK. 3, 6, 43. Accent P. 6, 2, 44.

yajñārthātkarmaṇo ‘nyatra “mit Ausnahme eines Werkes, das ein Opfer

zum Ziel hat, zu einem Opfer dient” BHAG. 3, 9. pitrarthe (“für die Manen

bestimmt”) pāñcayajñike M. 3, 83. yogavibhāga uttarārthaḥ “findet des

Folgenden wegen statt” P. 1, 4, 60, Sch. 1, 23, Vārtt. 2, 62, Sch. 2, 6,

Sch. saṁtānārthāya vidhaye RAGH. 1, 34. 2, 16. AK. 2, 8, 2, 19. H. 752. —

artham acc., arthāya dat. und arthe loc. “zum Behuf von, wegen, für.” Am

häufigsten (im MANU gegen 70 Mal) erscheint artham und, wie es

scheint, stets am Ende eines comp.: yajñasiddhyartham M. 1, 23.

vidyātapovivṛddhyarthaṁ śarīrasya ca śuddhaye 6, 30.

udakagrahaṇārtham PAÑCAT. 19, 15. jihīrṣurambho gurvartham DAŚ. 1,

36. amarānvai nibodhāsmāndamayantyarthamāgatān N. 3, 3.

velopalakṣaṇārthamādiṣṭo ‘smi kāśyapena ŚĀK. 46, 6. āpadarthaṁ

dhanaṁ rakṣeddārānrakṣeddhanairapi M. 7, 213. cihnabhūto

vibhūtyarthamayaṁ dhātrā vinirmitaḥ N. 17, 6. kimartham “weshalb” HIḌ.

4, 28. R. 1, 8, 2. tadartham 73, 4. etadartham N. 3, 25. amutrārtham M.

7, 95. taddarśanādabhūcchaṁbhorbhūyāndārārthamādaraḥ “qua

conspecta” Śivae “desiderium uxorem ducendi augebatur” KUMĀRAS. 6,

13. Im comp. ohne Flexionszeichen: ekakāryārthasaṁgatau SUND. 1, 4. —

arthāya steht sowohl mit dem gen. als auch am Ende eines comp.:

pratyākhyātā mayā tatra nalasyārthāya devatāḥ N. 13, 19. ṛtuparṇasya

cārthāya bhojanīyamanekaśaḥ preṣitaṁ tatra rājñā 23, 9. mamāyaṁ

nūnamarthāya yatamāno vihaṁgamaḥ. rākṣasena hataḥ saṁkhye

prāṇāṁstyajati R. 3, 73, 2. 2, 51, 1. 5, 13, 71. BRĀHMAṆ. 1, 29.

asmākārthāya (“um unserntwillen”) jajñiṣe AV. 1, 7, 6.

kāmasaṁjananārthāya R. 1, 9, 19. 4, 4. 2, 52, 88. VIŚV. 12, 9. SUND. 1,

7. 24. eka eva hitārthāya – bahavo ‘tra vipattaye PAÑCAT. III, 77. IV, 19.

asmadarthāya R. 3, 73, 32. — arthe gerade so verbunden:

gobrāhmaṇasya caivārthe M. 5, 95. 7, 14. BHAG. 1, 33. BRĀHMAṆ. 1, 27.

PAÑCAT. 220, 19. HIT. I, 62. ŚĀK. 88. rāmalakṣmaṇayorarthe tvatsute

varaye R. 1, 70, 44. 72, 6. etāstisrastu bhāryārthe nopayacchettu

buddhimān “nehme nicht zur Frau” M. 11, 172. vikrīṇīṣe sutaṁ yadi

paśorarthe (“als Opferthier”) VIŚV. 11, 13. kuṭumbārthe M. 8, 166. 167.

169. 10, 62. 11, 79. BHAG. 1, 9. DRAUP. 1, 4. N. 1, 6. 4, 16. 12, 20. 19, 4.

R. 3, 73, 35. PAÑCAT. I, 230. HIT. I, 38. VID. 272. jananyā rākṣasendro

‘dya mokṣārthe (“um Befreiung”) tava yācitaḥ R. 6, 10, 27. Nach VOP. 5,

36 haben arthena (mit dem instr.) und arthasya (mit dem gen.) dieselbe

Bedeutung. Vgl. arthatas. — 2) “Grund, Veranlassung, Ursache” H. an. 2,

211. MED. th. 2. ato ‘rthāt “aus diesem Grunde” M. 2, 213.

kenacidarthena “aus irgend einer Veranlassung” N. 15, 13. aluptaśca

muneḥ kriyārthaḥ “Mittel zum Opfer” RAGH. 2, 55. — 3) “Vortheil,

Nutzen”: arthānarthau M. 8, 24. kṣetriṇāmarthaḥ M. 9, 52. 51. yāvānartha

udapāne sarvataḥ saṁplutodake BHAG. 2, 46. parārtha RAGH. 1, 29.

Häufig in Verbindung mit kāma “Begierde” und dharma “Tugend.” Diese

drei Motive der Handlungen bilden den trivarga AK. 2, 7, 57. H. 1382. M.

12, 38. BRĀHMAṆ. 1, 16. dharmakāmārthān M. 7, 151. 26. R. 1, 5, 4.

kāmārthau M. 2, 224. R. 1, 7, 12. = arthakāmau P. 2, 2, 34, Vārtt. 8 (vgl.

gaṇa rājadantādi). M. 4, 176. KUMĀRAS. 5, 38. arthakāmeṣvasaktānām

M. 2, 13. dharmāvāptiṁ ca vipulāmarthakāmaṁ ca kevalam R. 2, 86, 6.

dharmārthau M. 2, 112. 224. 4, 92. 8, 74. = arthadharmau P. 2, 2, 34,

Vārtt. 8 (vgl. gaṇa rājadantādi). M. 7, 46. Dazu gesellt sich bisweilen

noch mokṣa “die letzte Befreiung” AK. 2, 7, 57. H. 1382. HIT. Pr. 25. I,

37. Bei einem Glückwunsch (āśiṣi) mit dem dat. oder gen. P. 2, 3, 73.

artho devadattāya oder devadattasya Sch. — 4) “Sache, Gegenstand,

Ding, Object” AK. 3, 4, 88. TRIK. 3, 3, 195. H. 1384, Sch. an. 2, 211.

MED. th. 2. adha cyavāna uttavītyartham “vermag Etwas” ṚV. 10, 59, 1.

na nirbaddhā upasargā arthānnirāhuḥ NIR. 1, 3. 11. 15. 16. 19. sa na

manyetāgantūnivārthāndevatānām 7, 4. indriyebhyaḥ parā hyarthā

arthebhyaḥ paraṁ manaḥ KAṬHOP. 3, 10. ĪŚOP. 8. na –

sūkṣmamapyarthamutsṛjet M. 8, 170. arthaṁ bhikṣitvā 11, 25. 42. 8, 180.

187. artho hi kanyā parakīya eva ŚĀK. 97. sukhārtheṣu M. 6, 26.

indriyārtheṣu 4, 16. 11, 44. BHAG. 2, 58. R. 1, 9, 4.

abhīpsitānāmarthānām M. 7, 204. 8, 53. ŚĀK. 61, 17. KUMĀRAS. 7, 71.

tamevārtham (“dasselbe”) abhāṣateva RAGH. 2, 51. saṁgītārtha

“musikalischer Apparat” MEGH. 57. Euphemistisch für den “penis”:

tasyāmarthaṁ niṣṭhāpya ŚAT. BR. 14, 9, 4, 8. 20 = BṚH. ĀR. UP. 6, 4, 9.

21 (an beiden Stellen: niṣṭhāya). — 5) “Gut, Besitz, Reichthum,

Vermögen, Geld” AK. 2, 9, 91. 3, 4, 88. H. 192. an. 2, 211. MED. th. 2.

arthasya saṁgrahe ca – vyaye caiva M. 9, 11. 4, 18. 5, 106. 7, 124, 157.

8, 47. fgg. samyagarthasamāhartar 7, 60. arthe (“bei den Finanzen”)

niyuñjīta 62. yasyārthāstasya mitrāṇi PAÑCAT. I, 3.

sarvānparityajedarthānsvādhyāyasya virodhinaḥ M. 4, 17. 15. 7, 106.

RAGH. 1, 7. arthalābha PAÑCAT. 7, 10. HIT. Pr. 15. arthavyaya H. 387.

arthānāṁ prayogaḥ (vgl. arthaprayoga) “das Ausleihen von Geld” TRIK.

2, 9, 1. — 6) “Sache, Angelegenheit” AK. 3, 4, 88. H. an. 2, 211. MED. th.

2. yena haivārthena puruṣaścarettaṁ haiva vadet CHĀND. UP. 5, 11, 6.

gṛhārthaḥ M. 2, 67. te sarveṣvartheṣvamīmāṁsye 2, 10.

svārthasādhanatatpara 4, 196. 2, 100. RAGH. 1, 19. KATHĀS. 15, 59.

svārthacintaka M. 7, 121. arthasiddhi 215. R. 2, 50, 5. RAGH. 2, 21.

KATHĀS. 2, 63. sarvasiddhārtha M. 1, 83. siddhārtha R. 1, 6, 7.

samṛddhārtha 44, 60. 3, 24, 10. 4, 44, 105. HIḌ. 1, 42. samāpte ‘rthe

YĀJÑ. 2, 86. durāpe ‘rthe RAGH. 1, 72. svārthaṁ kariṣyāmi N. 4, 17.

avaśyabhāvinyarthe BRĀHMAṆ. 2, 2. tameva cintayannartham R. 1, 2,

23. arthasaṁdeha “ein zweifelhafter Fall” HIT. 10, 11, v. l. Steht

bisweilen ziemlich müssig da: deśakālārthadarśin M. 8, 157.

dharmārthaprabhavaḥ neben adharmaprabhavaḥ 6, 64. saṁdeśārthāḥ

“Botschaften” MEGH. 5. putrārthakāraṇāt R. 1, 15, 22. apatyārthakāraṇāt

3, 4, 19. gurvagnihotrārthakṛte SĀV. 4, 25. — enasvibhiranirṇiktairnārthaṁ

kiṁcitsahācaret “er habe auch nicht die geringste Gemeinschaft mit

u.s.w.” M. 11, 189. “Geschäft, Arbeit”; in der Regel mit i, gam (“einem

Geschäft nachgehen, eine Arbeit treiben)”: devo no atra savitā nvarthaṁ

prāsāvīddvipaccatuṣpadityai ṚV. 1, 124, 1. kva nūnaṁ kadvo arthaṁ

gantā divo na pṛthivyāḥ “habt ihr Etwas zu thun im Himmel, nicht auf

Erden?” 38, 1. nūnaṁ janāḥ sūryeṇa prasūtā ayannarthāni

kṛṇavannapāṁsi 7, 63, 4. dive dive dhunayo yantyartham “tagtäglich

treiben die Rauschenden (Flüsse) ihre Arbeit” 2, 30, 2. arthaṁ hyasya

taraṇi 3, 11, 3. 1, 105, 2. 113, 6. 130, 5. 144, 3. 2, 39, 1. 3, 53, 3. 61, 3.

4, 13, 3. 6, 32, 5. 8, 58, 17. 68, 5. 10, 106, 7. 143, 1. AV. 15, 17, 8. m.:

etamarthaṁ ca ciketāhamagniḥ ṚV. 10, 51, 4. arthametaṁ

rathīvādhvānamanvā varībuḥ 6. VS. 18, 15. aharahararthāntsādhayante

ŚAT. BR. 11, 5, 7, 1. tasmādyadyadhvaryoḥ śālāyāmarthaḥ syāt “wenn

der” A. “in der” śā- “Etwas zu thun hat” 3, 6, 2, 20.

gṛtsamadamarthamabhyutthitam NIR. 9, 4. tenādakārthānkurvanti KAUŚ.

75. — Bemerkenswerth ist die Verbindung mit dem instr.: no hyavarcaso

vyāptyā canārtho ‘sti “der” ava- “hat nichts mit der” vyā- “zu thun” ŚAT.

BR. 5, 2, 5, 12. etairhyatrobhayairartho bhavati (“man hat mit Beiden zu

thun, man bedarf Beider”) yaddevaiśca brāhmaṇaiśca 3, 3, 4, 20. yadi

prāṇairihārtho vo nivartadhvam “wenn es Euch um’s Leben zu thun ist, so

kehret um” R. 3, 26, 10. na hi me jīvitenārtho nāpyarthairna vibhūṣaṇaiḥ

5, 26, 23. ko nu me jīvitenārthaḥ N. 12, 65. BHAG. 3, 18. HIT. Pr. 11.

acetanagrahaṇena nārthaḥ PAT. zu P. 3, 1, 7, Vārtt. 1. satāmarthaḥ

śivārcayā VOP. 5, 10. Es findet mit diesem instr. auch comp. statt P. 2, 1,

30, Sch. Accent eines solchen comp. 6, 2, 153, Sch. Vgl. arthin 1. — 7)

“Begehr, Verlangen, Bedarf” MED. th. 2. yāvadartha “soviel als nöthig ist”

M. 2, 51 (v. l.: yāvadanna). 182. — 8) “Sinn, Bedeutung, Begriff, Inhalt”

AK. 3, 4, 88. H. an. 2, 211. MED. th. 2. tasyaite kathitā hyarthāḥ

prakāśante mahātmanaḥ ŚVETĀŚV. UP. 6, 23. te tamarthamapṛcchanta

devān M. 2, 152. vedārthavid 3, 186. udāravṛttārthapadaiḥ ślokaśataiḥ R.

1, 2, 45. vicitrārthapadam (ākhyānam) 4, 28. viśrutārtha 29. vāgarthau

RAGH. 1, 1. arthaśabdau = śabdārthau gaṇa rājadantādi; vispaṣṭārtha M.

2, 33. arthayukta KUMĀRAS. 1, 19. parokṣārtha HIT. Pr. 9. śruterivārthaṁ

smṛtiranvagacchat RAGH. 2, 2. P. 1, 2, 56. īṣadarthe “in der Bedeutung

von” ī- 1, 1, 14, Kār. RAGH. 3, 21. In Verbindung mit tattva vorang. oder

folg.: vedaśāstrārthatattvajña M. 12, 102. R. 1, 1, 16. arthārthatattvajña

3, 76, 1. vedatattvārthavid M. 5, 42. 3, 96. asya sarvasya vidhānasya –

kāryatattvārthavit 1, 3. Am Ende eines adj. comp. häufig durch ka

verstärkt AK. 2, 8, 2, 62. 3, 2, 59. 3, 32. H. 4. — 9) “Art und Weise” H. an.

2, 211. — 10) “Verbot” (nivṛtti) AK. 3, 4, 88. H. an. 2, 211. MED. th. 2. —

11) “Preis” H. 868. Offenbar ein Fehler für argha. — 12) personif. ein Sohn

Dharma’s BHĀG. P. in VP. 55, N. 13. — Vielleicht von ar, also: “was man


artha 1) kastavārtho yatparasya hetormāmākrośasi DAŚAK. 80, 1.

arthena “wegen”, mit gen.: kuṇḍalayorarthenābhyāgato ‘smi MBH. 1, 767.

teṣāmarthena yācāmi tvāham 3, 9939. — 3)

arthānarthānubandhasaṁśayavicāra Verz. d. Oxf. H. 216,a,7. DAŚAK. in

BENF. Chr. 181,1. 2. patiṁ putraṁ bhrātaraṁ vā ghnantyarthe ghātayanti

ca “eines Vortheils wegen” Spr. 4371. — 4) = viṣaya “Object der Sinne”:

svārthena (saha) – indriyam (eti) VARĀH. BṚH. S. 75, 3. — 6) yo

‘bhyarthitaḥ sadbhirasajjamānaḥ karotyartham “wer ihre Sache –, ihre

Angelegenheit vollbringt” Spr. 4909. ko ‘rthasteṣāṁ pārthivopāśrayeṇa

318. — 8) arthāt “dem Sinne nach” so v. a. “das ist, nämlich, scilicet”:

anantaramadhigataṁ prāptam arthātkaṇvena ŚAṁK. zu ŚĀK. 41. SĀH. D.

332, 19. śabdakalpadrumaḥ arthāt etaddeśasthasamastakoṣāśeṣaśāstra-

ŚKDR. auf dem Titelblatte. — 10) lies “das Aufhören, Unterbleiben” st.

“Verbot.” Als Beispiel führt KṢĪRASVĀMIN (bei AUFRECHT, UṆĀDIS. Ind.

u. artha) maśakārtho dhūmaḥ “Rauch zur Vertreibung der Mücken”

(gehört natürlich zu 1.) an. — 13) Bez. “der Zahl fünf” WEBER, Nax. 2,

382. — 14) in der Astrol. Bez. “des zweiten Hauses, des Hauses des

Reichthums” (vgl. dhana) VARĀH. BṚH. S. 40, 6. 9. 41, 9. BṚH. 4, 10. 9,


artha 3) so v. a. “Lohn” Spr. (II) 3587. — 7) varārthā “nach einem Gatten

verlangend” BHĀG. P. 3, 8, 5. — 13) (Nachträge) SŪRYAS. 1, 38. 42. 2,

23. 12, 86.

Benfey, Theodor: A Sanskrit-English Dictionary. London : 1866

artha artha, i. e. ṛ + tha, m.

1. Desire; vivāha-, a marriage suit.

2. Aim; siddha-, one who has obtained his aim, Chr. 62, 60.

3. Advantage, Bhartṛ. 2, 40.

4. Business, Man. 2, 67.

5. Wealth, Pañc. i. d. 197; worldly prosperity, Man. 12, 38 (one of the

three aims of men; the two others are kāma, pleasure, and dharma,

virtue); money, Daśak. in Chr. 180, 19.

6. Cause, Man. 2, 213.

7. Thing, Man. 8, 170.

8. Meaning, Man. 3, 186; true sense, Man. 1, 3; thought, word, Cāk. d.


9. In law: A suit, an action.

10. The acc. artham is used as an adverb, but almost always at the

end of a compound word, implying, ‘for,’ ‘on account of,’ e. g. yajña-

siddhiartham, For the performance of sacrifices, Man. 1, 23. The dat.

arthāya, and loc. arthe, may be also used at the end of a compound

word, or may govern the genitive. Abl. arthāt, ‘to wit,’ ‘namely,’ Sch. Śāk.

d. 41.

— Comp. iti-artha + m, adv. to this end, Brāhmaṇav, 3, 4. indriya-, m. an

object of sense, Man. 4, 16. etad-artha + m, therefore, Pañc. i. d. 330; in

order, Rām. 2, 52, 24 kim-, adj. with what aim, Chr. 57, 24. kim-artha +

m. adv. why, to what end, Nal. 22, 7. kṛta-, adj. having attained one’s

end, satisfied, Rām. 4, 34, 22. gṛha-, m. the business of the house, Man.

2, 67. tad-artha + m, adv. therefore, Rām. 1, 73, 4. nirartha, i. e. nis-,

I. m. nonsense.

II. adj. 1. purposeless. 2. poor. 3. unmeaning. niścitārtha, i. e. nis-cita-,

(vb. ci), adj. completely resolved, Rām. 4, 42, 9. para-, m. 1. great

importance. 2. the interests of another. 3. sexual intercourse. parama-,

m. 1. the most sublime truth. 2. the whole truth. 3. reality. 4. earnest,

Śāk. d. 51. puruṣa-, m. 1. the object or aim of man. 2. human exertion.

bhūta-, m. an element of life. mahā-,

I. m. a principal object.

II. adj. 1. significant. 2. dignified. yajña-, adj. serving for a sacrifice,

Bhag. 3, 9. yathā-, adj. 1. according to the sense. 2. proper, right, tham,

adv. suitably, properly. a-yathā-, adj. not true, Śāk. d. 54. yad-artha + m,

adv. for what reason, Chr. 3, 3. yāvadartha, i. e. yāvant-,

I. adj. as much as may be useful, Man. 2, 182.

II. adv. tham, as much as may be useful, ib. 2, 51. sva-,

I. adj. 1. having one’s own object. 2. having a literal meaning. 3.


II. m. 1. property. 2. own object. 3. own interest, Bhartṛ. 2, 59.

Cappeller, Carl: A Sanskrit-English Dictionary, based upon the St.

Petersburg Lexicons. Strassburg : 1891

artha n. m. aim, purpose, meaning, sense, object, profit, advantage of

(instr.), wealth, property, money, thing, matter, business, cause, suit,

action; o. –° adj. having a thing for object, for the sake of, on account of,

for; acc., instr., dat. & loc. the same adv.

Macdonell, Arthur Anthony: A Sanskrit-English Dictionary. London : 1893

artha ar-tha, n. (V.), m. business, work; aim, purpose; cause; meaning;

advantage, profit, use, utility, the useful; reward; gain; property, wealth,

money; thing, object; matter, affair; case, suit; a. -°, hvg. in view,

serviceable for: -m, in., d., lc. on account of, for sake of, for (-°); ab. =

that is to say. ayam arthaḥ, this thing;

kam artham, what thing ? ko’ar-thaḥ, what is the use of (in.) ? what

does (g.) care for (in.)?

Rādhākāntadeva: Śabdakalpadruma (5 Vol). Third edition, reprint of the

1886 edition. Varanasi : 1967

artha t ka ṅa yācane . iti kavikalpadrumaḥ .. ṅa arthayate arthāpayate .

prārthayatyalpamūlyānītyādau prārthanaṁ prārthaḥ paścāt prārthaṁ

karoti iti ñau parasmaipadaṁ . iti durgādāsaḥ ..

Bhaṭṭācārya: Vācaspatyam (6 Vol). Chaukhamba Sanskrit Series 94,

reprint of the 1873-1884 edition. Varanasi : 1962

artha yācane ada° cu° ātma° dvika° seṭ . arthayate ārtithata .

arthayāmāsa . arthakaḥ arthī arthitaḥ arthyaḥ arthanīyaḥ arthayitum

arthanam arthanā . arthayitvā arthayitā surāḥ sapabhyaryayitāra ete

kumā° . avakāśaṁ kilodanyān rāmāyābhyarthito dadau raghuḥ aglopitvaṁ

sthānivattvaṁ cādantasya prayojanam yatra tvete na vidyete

tatrāglopavikalpanam . tadbalādantyadīrghaśca puk cetyaṅkāpayatyapi

kāmadhenūkteḥ puk–dīrghaśca arthāpayate . sam + samarthane

samamarthayate samarthanañca pramāṇena vyavasthāpanam . ku pīḍane

kadādeśaḥ kadarthayate . abhi + ābhimukhyena prārthane

abhyarthanīyaḥ . abhyarthanābhaṅgabhayena sādhuḥ kumā° . prati +

pratikūlācaraṇe pratyarthī . pratyarthībhūtāmapi tāṁ samādheḥ kumā° .

artha pu° artha bhāvakarmādau yayāyatham ac . 1 abhidheye 2

śabdaśaktyā vodhyepadārthe ca tadadoṣau śabdārthāvanalaṅkṛtī punaḥ

kvāpi kā° pra° ālaṅkārikamate sa ca arthastrividhaḥ vācyo

lakṣyovyaṅgyaśceti bhedāt . arthovācyaśca lakṣyaśca vyaṅgyaśceti tridhā

mataḥ . vācyo’rtho’bhidhayā bodhyo lakṣyolakṣaṇayā mataḥ .

vyaddhyovyañjanayā tāḥ syustisraḥ śabdasya śaktayaḥ sā° da° . tāśca

tattacchabde vakṣyante . anyamate tātparyākhyāṁ vṛttimāhuḥ

padārthānvayabodhane . tātparyārthaṁ tadarthañca vākyaṁ

tadbodhakaṁpare . iti tātparya pratipādyo’pyaparaḥ arthabhedaḥ . sa ca

abhihitānvayaśabde vivṛtaḥ . 3 dhane . tasya

sarvairarthanīyatvāttathātvam ajarāmaravat prājñovidyāmarthāṁśca

cintayet arthasyopārjane kleśastato’pi parirakṣaṇe nīti° .

sacārthastrividhaḥ śuklaḥ śavalaḥ kṛṣṇaśceti bhedāt yathā atha

gṛhāśramiṇastrividho’rthobhavati . śuklaḥ śavalo’sitaśceti . śuklenārthena

yadaihikaṁ karoti taddevamāsādayati . yacchabalena tanmānuṣyam,

yatkṛṣṇena tattiryaktvam .. svavṛttyupārjitaṁ sarvaṁ sarveṣāṁ śuklam .

anantaravṛttyupāttaṁ śavalam . antaritavṛttyupāttañca kṛṣṇam .

kramāgataṁ prītidāyam prāptañca saha bhāryayā . aviśeṣeṇa sarveṣāṁ

dhanaṁ śuklaṁ prakīrtitam .. utkocaśuklasaṁprāptamavikreyasya vikraye

. kṛtopakārādāptañca śavalaṁ samudāhṛtam ..

pārśviṁkadyūtacauryāptaṁ pratirūpakasāhasaiḥ . vyājenopārjitaṁ yacca

tat kṛṣṇaṁ samudāhṛtam .. yathāvidhena dravyeṇa yatkiñjit kurute naraḥ

. tathābidhamavāpnoti sa phalaṁ pretyacehaca viṣṇu° sū° .. 4 prayo jane

iṣṭe . prayojanañca icchāviṣayaḥ . tacca gauṇamukhyabhe dena dvividham

yatra anyecchānadhīnecchā jāyate tat mukhyaṁ yathā sukhaṁ

duḥkhābhāvaśca tayoricchāyā anyecchānadhīnatvāt . sākṣāt paramparayā

vā tatsādhanaṁ tu gauṇaṁ tatra sukhaduḥkhābhāvecchayaiva icchodayāt

gauṇatvam . prabojanañca yadyapi nānāvidham tathāpi śāstrakāraiḥ

prādhānyena dharmārthakāmamokṣarūpāṇi catvāryevāṅgīkṛtāni tatraiva

sarvaprayojanānāmantarbhāvāt . taeva catvāraḥ ṣuruṣārthāḥ

puruṣeṇeṣyamāṇatvāt . māṁkhyāsta sargāpavargātmakaṁ dvividhaṁ

puruṣārthamāhuḥpuruṣasya prayojanamuddiśya prakṛteḥ pravartanāt .

evaṁ caturvidhe dvividhe vā puruṣārthe matabhedena sthite teṣu madhye

mokṣaeva paramapuruṣārthaḥ atha

trividhaduḥkhātyantanivṛttiratyantapuruṣāṣārthaḥ sā° sṛ° . iha khalu

dharmārthakāmamokṣākhyeṣu caturvidhapuruṣārtheṣu mokṣaeva

paramapuruṣārthaṁ ve° pa° .


anyecchānadhīnecchāviṣayatvāt prādhānyam . dharmārthakāmāstu

tatsādhanāni tatrāpi dharmo’rthasādhanam arthaḥ kāmasya

sādhanamityavāntarabhedaḥ īkṣvākūṇāṁ durāpe’rthe tadadhīnāhi

siddhayaḥ raghuḥ . jñātārthojñāsambandhaḥ śrotuṁ śrotā pravartate

ityatrārthapadenābhidheyaprayo janayorgrahaṇam kasyārthakāmau vada

pīḍayāmi apyarthakāmau tasyāstāṁ dharma eva manīṣiṇaḥ raghuḥ . 5

nimitte ato’rthānna pramādyanti pramadāsu vipaścitaḥ manuḥ

arthāthetoḥ kullū° artho’yamaṁrthāntaralabhya eva kumā° arthāntaraṁ

kāraṇāntaramiti malli° . nimittañca kāraṇanuddeśyañca tatra

nimittārthena arthena tu nityasamāso viśeṣyanighnatā ceti vārtikokteḥ

nityaścaturthīsamāsaḥ . dvijārthaṁ payaḥ . dvijārthā yavāgūḥ .

yūpārthaṁ dāru . bhāṣyakṛtā tu yūpārthaṁ dāru ityādau vahuvrīhirapi

mādhuḥ svare viśeṣa ityuktam anye ca bahavaḥ śūrā madarthe

tyaktajīvitāḥ gītā madarthamapi karmāṇi kurvannāpnoti kilviṣam gītā

madarthasandeśamṛṇālamantharaḥ naiṣa° . paralokasahāyārthaṁ

sarvabhūtānyapīḍayan tasmāddharmaṁ sahāyārthaṁ iti ca manuḥ .

karmaṇi–ac . 6 viṣaye śabdādau . indriyāṇīndriyārthebhyaḥ gītā

indriyebhyaḥ parāhyarthā hyarthebhyaśca paraṁ manaḥ ka° u° . 7

jñeyavastuni indriyārthasannikarṣotpannaṁ jñānaṁ pratyakṣam gau° sū°

. atrārthaḥ ghaṭādivastumātram . rājña upāye 8 tantrāvāpādau

arthacintāśabde udā° 9 vastusvabhāve yathārtham . 10 nivartanīye

maśakārthodhūmaḥ . jyotiṣokte 11 lagnāvaghidvitīyabhavane 12 prakāre .

bhāve ac 13 abhilāṣe 14 prārtha ne ca karmaṇi yat 15 artha nīye viṣṇau

pu° artho’nartho mahākopaḥ vi° sa° sukharūpatayā savvai rarthyata

ityarthaḥ . bhā° 16 phale . arthāya sādhuḥ arthādanapeto vā yat arthyaḥ .

arthādanapete arthasādhane ca tri° . arthyāmarthapatirvācama raghuḥ .

vāgīśaṁ vāgbhirarthyābhiḥ kumā° .

इन्द्रिय – indriya Monier-Williams, Monier: A Sanskrit-English Dictionary. London : 1899indriya mfn. fit for or belonging to or agreeable to Indra

indriya m. a companion of Indra(?)

indriya n. power, force, the quality which belongs especially to the

mighty Indra

indriya n. exhibition of power, powerful act

indriya n. bodily power, power of the senses

indriya n. virile power

indriya n. semen virile &c.

indriya n. faculty of sense, sense, organ of sense

indriya n. the number five as symbolical of the five senses. (In addition

to the five organs of perception, “buddhīndriyāṇi” or “jṇānendriyāṇi”, i.e.

eye, ear, nose, tongue, and skin, the Hindūs enumerate five organs of

action, “karmendriyāṇi” i.e. larynx, hand, foot, anus, and parts of

generation; between these ten organs and the soul or “ātman” stands

“manas” or mind, considered as an eleventh organ; in the Vedānta,

“manas, buddhi, ahaṁkāra”, and “citta” form the four inner or internal

organs, “antar-indriyāṇi”, so that according to this reckoning the organs

are fourteen in number, each being presided over by its own ruler or

“niyantṛ”; thus, the eye by the Sun, the ear by the Quarters of the world,

the nose by the two Aśvins, the tongue by Pracetas, the skin by the Wind,

the voice by Fire, the hand by Indra, the foot by Viṣṇu, the anus by Mitra,

the parts of generation by Prajāpati, manas by the Moon, buddhi by

Brahman, ahaṁkāra by śiva, citta by Vishnu as Acyuta; in the Nyāya

philosophy each organ is connected with its own peculiar element, the

nose with the Earth, the tongue with Water, the eye with Light or Fire,

the skin with Air, the ear with Ether; the Jainas divide the whole creation

into five sections, according to the number of organs attributed to each


Böhtlingk und Roth: Großes Petersburger Wörterbuch

indriya P. 5, 2, 93. 1) adj. “dem” Indra “angemessen, gehörig, lieb u.s.w.”

Ist in der Regel nur vom Soma und was damit zusammenhängt

gebraucht: rasa ṚV. 9, 13, 5. 47, 3. 86, 10. 8, 3, 20. soma 10, 65, 10. VS.

20, 55. āpacchlokamindriyaṁ pūyamānaḥ ṚV. 9, 92, 1. iyarti

vagnumindriyam 30, 2. sa marmṛjāna indriyāya dhāyase 70, 5. 86, 3. saṁ

madebhirindriyebhiḥ pibadhvam 4, 35, 9. payas AV. 6, 124, 1. — 2) m.

“Genosse des” Indra: indra indriyairmaruto marudbhirādityairno aditiḥ

śarma yaṁsat ṚV. 1, 107, 2. Doch könnte man hier beinahe besser den

strengen Parallelismus verlassen und die Bedeutung 3, “b” annehmen;

vgl. vāyuṣṭvā brahmaṇā pātvindrastvā pātvindriyaiḥ AV. 19, 27, 1. — 3) n.

SIDDH.K.249, “a”, pen. a) “Vermögen, potentia; zwingende Kraft,

Uebergewalt; diejenige Eigenschaft, welche” Indra d. h. “dem

Uebergewaltigen vorzugsweise zukommt.” Das Wort darf also nicht so

angesehen werden, wie wenn es, von indra als dem Namen des Gottes

ausgehend, zunächst “Eigenschaft und Würde” Indra’s bezeichnete,

sondern dasselbe ruht auf der Appellativbedeutung von indra und jene

secundäre Bedeutung ist in dieser primitiven miteingeschlossen. tava

tyadindriyaṁ bṛhattava śuṣmamuta kratum ṚV. 8, 5, 17. avocāma mahate

saubhagāya satyaṁ tveṣābhyāṁ mahimānamindriyam VĀLAKH. 9, 5. ṚV.

10, 113, 3. vadhīṁ vṛtraṁ maruta indriyeṇa 1, 165, 8. tannaḥ śardhāya

dhāsathā svindriyam 111, 2. adhā hinvāna indriyaṁ jyāyo mahitvamānaśe

9, 48, 5. asme vo astvindriyamasme nṛmṇamuta kraturasme varcāṁsi

santu vaḥ VS. 9, 22. 19, 5. viṣṇustvāmindriyeṇa pātu 7, 20. bāhū me

balamindriyaṁ hastau me karma vīryam. ātmā kṣatramuro mama 20, 7.

72. indra nakirdadṛśe ta indriyam ṚV. 6, 27, 3. tatta indriyaṁ paramaṁ

parācairadhārayanta kavayaḥ puredam 1, 103, 1. 55, 4. 57, 3. 84, 1. 85,

2. 2, 16, 3. 4, 24, 5. 6, 25, 8. 10, 116, 1. 124, 8. indrasya va indriyeṇābhi

ṣiñcet AV. 16, 1, 9. VS. 9, 40. 10, 20. 20, 3. 19, 12. 20, 61. 69. 70.

indriyeṇa vai manyunā manasā saṁgrāmaṁ jayati TS. 2, 1, 3, 2. 1, 6, 12,

3. AIT. BR. 8, 7. ŚAT. BR. 6, 1, 1, 2. — b) “Aeusserung des Vermögens,

Kraftthat; gewaltige Erscheinung”: indriyāṇi śatakrato yā te janeṣu

pañcasu ṚV. 3, 37, 9. uta nūnaṁ yadindriyaṁ kariṣyā indra pauṁsyam 4,

30, 23. dediṣṭa indra indriyāṇi viśvā 5, 31, 3. siṁhasya loma tviṣirindriyāṇi

VS. 19, 92. — c) “körperliches Vermögen, Sinnesvermögen; sinnliche

Kraft”: cakṣuryāvatsamaśnute. tāvatsamaitvindriyaṁ mayi

taddhastivarcasam AV. 3, 22, 5. 5, 9, 8. matimā dhehi medhāmatho no

dhehi tapa indriyaṁ ca 6, 133, 4. punarmaitvindriyaṁ punarātmā

draviṇaṁ brāhmaṇaṁ ca 7, 67, 1. vākcendriyaṁ ca 12, 5, 7. yadgrāme

yadaraṇye yatsabhāyāṁ yadindriye. yadenaścakṛmā vayam “im Bereich

des eigenen Vermögens” d. h. “der eigenen Person” VS. 3, 45. 21, 12.

ŚAT. BR. 14, 9, 4, 5. fgg. In den BRĀHMAṆA meist in Verbindung mit

vīrya und zwar im sg. oder pl.: evamasyendriyāṇi vīryāṇyudakrāman ŚAT.

BR. 12, 7, 1, 9. 2, 1. 13, 2, 5, 4. AIT. BR. 1, 12. 13. śatāyurvai puruṣaḥ

śatavīryaḥ śatendriyaḥ 6, 2. ŚAT. BR. 13, 1, 1, 4. 5, 6.

sarvadhātvindriyabalavīryasaṁpūrṇatā SUŚR. 1, 129, 6. Im Besondern: a)

“männliches Vermögen” und concret: “männlicher Same” AK. 2, 6, 2, 13.

TRIK. 3, 3, 306. H. 629. an. 3, 482. MED. j. 74. yoniṁ praviśadindriyam

(vijahāti) VS. 19, 76. indriyaṁ skannamadbhirupasiñcet KĀTY. ŚR. 25, 11,

21. M. 4, 220. Vgl. ŚAT. BR. 14, 9, 4, 10. — b) “Sinnesvermögen im

engern Verstande, Sinn, Sinnesorgan” AK. 1, 1, 4, 17. 3, 4, 19. 68. TRIK.

H. 1383. H. an. MED. pañcendriyāṇi manaḥṣaṣṭhāni AV. 19, 9, 5.

śvobhāvā martyasya yadantakaitatsarvendriyāṇāṁ jarayanti tejaḥ

KAṬHOP. 1, 26. indriyanityaṁ vacanam NIR. 1, 1. 3, 12. pañcendriyāṇi M.

1, 15. SUŚR. 1, 147, 8. Daher indriya symbolisch als Bez. der Zahl “fünf”

gebraucht ŚRUT. 16. Ind. St. 2, 279. 282. indriyāṇāṁ vicaratāṁ

viṣayeṣvapahāriṣu. saṁyame yatnamātiṣṭhedvidvānyanteva vājinām.. M.

2, 88. indriyāśvāḥ KIRĀT. 5, 50. indriyāṇāṁ tu sarveṣāṁ yadyekaṁ

kṣaratīndriyam M. 2, 99. satatamindriyeṣveva juhvati 4, 22. hriyamāṇāni

viṣayairindriyāṇi nivartayet 6, 59. indriyāṇi – hantyadakṣiṇo yajñaḥ 11, 40.

cittanāśādvipadyante sarvāṇyevendriyāṇi me. kṣīṇasnehasya dīpasya

saṁsaktā raśmayo yathā.. DAŚ. 2, 68. indriyaghāta SĀṁKHYAK. 7.

indriyāṇāṁ saṁyamaḥ M. 12, 83. HIT. I, 25, v. l. indriyasaṁyama ŚAT.

BR. 11, 5, 7, 1. saṁyatendriya N. 1, 4. R. 3, 13, 15. niyatendriya M. 6, 4.

11, 75. 106. 109. R. 1, 7, 4. 4, 25, 13. saṁniyamya tu tāni (indriyāṇi) M.

2, 93. indriyāṇāṁ jaye 7, 44. śrutvā spṛṣṭvā ca dṛṣṭvā ca bhuktvā ghrātvā

ca yo naraḥ. na hṛṣyati glāyati vā sa vijñeyo jitendriyaḥ.. 2, 88. 70. 4, 145.

6, 34. 7, 44. 8, 173. 11, 39. R. 1, 1, 14. 3, 3, 4. VIŚV. 1, 8. 7, 10.

vijitendriya M. 6, 1. YĀJÑ. 1, 87 (f. ā). R. 1, 6, 3. guptatame- RAGH. 1,

55. avaśendriyacitta HIT. I, 16. indriyanigraha M. 6, 92. 10, 63. 12, 31.

indriyāṇāṁ nirodhena 6, 60. i- prasaṅgena 2, 93. 12, 52. -asaṅga 6, 75.

durbalendriya 3, 79. vikale- 8, 66. calite- VIŚV. 4, 23. R. 5, 23, 6.

kṣubhite- 4, 8, 45. ākule- 1, 1, 52. vyākule- DAŚ. 2, 2. f. ā DRAUP. 8, 44.

jarākṣīṇendriya HIT. I, 103. śokenāpihitendriyāṇāṁ R. 5, 29, 16. Den fünf

“aufnehmenden Sinnesorganen” (buddhīndriyāṇi) werden ebenso viele

“Organe für sinnliche Verrichtungen” (karmendriyāṇi) an die Seite

gestellt: “After, Schamglied, Hände, Füsse, Stimme”; beide Reihen haben

ihre Einheit in “dem Sinne” (manas), so dass mit unlogischer Einrechnung

des manas “eilf Organe” gezählt werden. M. 2, 89. fgg. MBH. 14, 1113.

fgg. SUŚR. 1, 310, 10. fgg. SĀṁKHYAK. 26. 27. 49. indriyāṇāṁ

manaścāsmi BHAG. 10, 22. Im VEDĀNTA (nach ŚKDR.) bildet manas mit

buddhi, ahaṁkāra und citta die vier “innern Organe” (antarindriyāṇi), so

dass in Allem “vierzehn Organe” angenommen werden. Jedem Organ

steht ein göttliches Wesen als “Lenker” (niyantar) zur Seite: dem Ohr die

Weltgegenden, der Haut der Wind, dem Auge die Sonne, der Zunge

Pracetas, der Nase die beiden Aśvin, der Stimme das Feuer, der Hand

Indra, dem Fuss Viṣṇu, dem After Mitra, dem Schamglied Prajāpati, dem

Manas der Mond, der Buddhi Brahman, dem Ahaṁkāra Śiva, dem Citta

Viṣṇu (Acyuta). Vgl. SUŚR. 1, 311, 4. fgg. MBH. 14, 1119. fgg. Im NYĀYA

wird jedes der fünf Sinnesorgane mit einem Element in nähere Beziehung

gesetzt: die Nase mit der Erde, die Zunge mit dem Wasser, das Auge mit

dem Feuer, die Haut mit dem Winde, das Ohr mit dem Aether. ŚKDR. Die

Jaina theilen die ganze Schöpfung in 5 grosse Klassen nach der Zahl der

Sinnesorgane, die dem Geschöpf innewohnen: Erde, Wasser, Feuer, Luft

und Pflanzen (ekendriya) “fühlen” nur; Würmer u. s. w. (dvīndriya)

“schmecken” auch; Ameisen u. s. w. (trīndriya) “riechen” ausserdem;

Spinnen u. s. w. (caturindriya) “fühlen, schmecken, riechen” und “sehen”;

die höhern Thiere, Menschen, Götter und die Bewohner der Unterwelt

(pañcendriya) erfreuen sich “aller Sinnesorgane.” H. 21. 22. — Nach

NAIGH. 2, 10 ist indriyam ein dhananāma.

indriya 3) c) b) śreṣṭha so v. a. “das Auge” Spr. 4195. — g) Bez. “der Zahl

fünf” VARĀH. BṚH. S. 77, 23. — d) indrasyendriyam N. eines Sāman Ind.


Benfey, Theodor: A Sanskrit-English Dictionary. London : 1866

indriya indriya, i. e. indra + iya, n.

1. Power, Chr. 291, 2 = Rigv. i. 83, 2.

2. Semen virile, Man. 4, 220.

3. An organ of sense, Man. 1, 15.

— Comp. antar-, n, the internal sense, i. e. the faculty of thinking.

Vedāntas. in Chr. 217, 19. karmendriya, i. e. karman-, n. an organ of

action, e. g. the hand, foot, etc., Man. 2, 91. jita-, adj. one who has

subdued his senses, Rām. 3, 49, 53. nis-, adj., f. yā, 1. having lost the

use of a limb, Man. 9, 201. 2. powerless, Man. 9. 18 (? see Sch.). buddhi-

(or jṅāna-), n. an organ of perception and intellect, as the mind, eye, ear,

etc., Man. 2, 91. sa-, adj. with the organs of sense, Man. 1, 55.

Cappeller, Carl: A Sanskrit-English Dictionary, based upon the St.

Petersburg Lexicons. Strassburg : 1891

indriya a. belonging or agreeable to Indra. m. a friend of Indra. — n.

Indra’s chief quality i.e. strength, might; used also of man’s powers, esp.

a sense or organ of sense, also the virile power, concr, semen.

Macdonell, Arthur Anthony: A Sanskrit-English Dictionary. London : 1893

indriya indriya, a. belonging to, like or dear to Indra; m. companion of

Indra; n. Indra’s might; dominion; mighty deed; vigour, energy; semen

virile; organ of sense;

-kāma, a. desirous of might;

-grāma, m. totality of the senses;

-śakti, f. power of the senses;

-saṁyama, m. restraint of the senses.

Bhaṭṭācārya: Vācaspatyam (6 Vol). Chaukhamba Sanskrit Series 94,

reprint of the 1873-1884 edition. Varanasi : 1962

indriya na° indrasya ātmano liṅgaṁ indra + gha . jñānakriyāsādhane 1

cakṣurādau 2 hastādau ca .

indriyamindraliṅgamindradṛṣṭamindrasṛṣṭamindrajuṣṭamindradattamiti vā

pā° tasyā nekāvidhārthakatā darśitā itiśabdaḥ prakārārthe indreṇa

durjayamindriyamityapi si° kau° . atra sūtre indreṇa paramātmanā

dṛṣṭamityuktirapi indriyasya asmadādīnāṁ pratyakṣāgīcaratāṁ nirasyati .

yadvā indreṇātmanā dṛṣṭasātmatvenābhimataṁ kāṇo’haṁ

badhiro’hamityādyabhimatam . etasmājjāyate prāṇomanaḥ sarvendriyāṇi

ceti śruteḥ indriyasya īśvarasṛṣṭatvam . indradattamiti indra aiśvaryaṁ

datto’smai svasvakārye hi teṣāmaiśvaryamīśvareṇa dattam ataeva tāni

balādiva gṛhītvā viṣayeṣu prāṇinaṁ svasvaviṣayagrahaṇāya pravartayanti

. asati hyaiśvarye na tad sambhavati .

cakṣurādīnāmātmānumāpakatvañcettham . karaṇavyāpāraḥ sakartṛkaḥ

karaṇavyāpāretvāt chidikriyāyāṁ vāsyādivyāpāravaditi karaṇavyāpāreṇa

karturamānagamyatve tatsājātyāt jñānakriyākaraṇamapi sakartukaṁ

karaṇatvāditi cakṣurādinā jñānasādhanenātmano’numānam . tathā

indriyasyāpratyakṣatve’pi jñānakriyā sakaraṇikā kriyātvāt chidikriyāvat

ityanumānam tatsattve pramāṇam . tattanmatabhedena indriyasya



ātmaśabde 665 pṛṣṭhe prapañcena parīkṣitam . indriyañca dvividhaṁ

jñānakārmondriyabhedāt tatra śrotrādīni jñānendrāyāṇi hastādīni

karmendriyāṇi . śrotraṁ tvakcakṣuṣī jihvā nāsikā caiva pañcamī .

pāyūpasthaṁ hastapādaṁ vāk caiva daśamī smṛtā manuḥ . nāsikālocane

jihvā tvak śrotraṁ cendriyāṇi ca . hastau pāyurupasthaśca vākpādau ca

daśaiva tu śāradā° . buddhīndriyāṇi śrotraghrāṇarasanatvagākhyāni .

vākpāṇipādapāyūpasthāni karmendriyāṇyāhuḥ sāṁ° kā° . etāni ca

ṣāhyendriyāṇi . ubhayātmakamatra manaḥ saṁkalpakamindriyañca

sādharmyāt sā° kā° manastūbhayavidhakaraṇopakāritvāt karaṇam . tacca

jñānakarmavyāpārasāmānye kāraṇamapi na tatra karaṇam

asādhāraṇakāraṇasyaiva karaṇatvāt rūpādijñāne cakṣurādīnāmiva tasya

asādhāraṇabāhyagrāhyaviśeṣābhāvāt kintu susvādyupalabdhau

asādhāraṇyāt tatraivāsya karaṇatvamiti naiyāyikādayaḥ . vedāntinastu

manasonendriyatvamaṅgīkurvantitacca ātmaśabde darśitam . ataeva

pañcaprāṇamanobuddhidaśendriyasamanvitam . apañcīkṛtamūtottha

sūkṣmāṅgaṁ bhogasādhanamiti manobuddhyorindriyāt pṛthagnirdeśaḥ .

sāṁkhyamate sātvika ekādaśakaḥ pravartate vaikṛtādahaṅkārāt .

bhūtādestanmātraḥ sa tāmasastaijasādubhayam sāṁ° kā°

rajoguṇopaṣṭabdhasātvikādevāhaṅkārāt ekādaśendriyotpattiruktā

tenāhaṅkārikāṇīndriyāṇi . ghrāṇarasanacakṣustvakśrotrāṇīndriyāṇi

bhūtebhyaḥ go° sū° bhautikānīti naiyāyikāḥ . etasmājjāyate prāṇaḥ

manaḥ sarvendriyāṇi ceti śruteḥ ātmopādānānīti vedāntinaḥ . atra

indriyebhyaḥ manasaḥ pṛthagnirdeśādapi manasonendriyatvam ataeva

kaṭhopaniṣadi gītāyāñca indriyebhyaḥ parāhyarthā arthemyaśca paraṁ

manaḥ indriyāṇi hayānāhurmanaḥ pragraha meva ceti ca

indriyamanasorbhedanirdeśaḥ . yathā ca tadutpattiḥ tathā pañcadaśyāṁ

darśitam yathā . tamaḥpradhānaprakṛte stadbhogāyeśvarecchayā .

viyatpavanatejo’mbubhuvo bhūtāni jajñire . satvāṁśaiḥ pañcabhisteṣāṁ

kramāddhīndriyapañcakam . śrotratvagakṣirasanaghrāṇākhyamupajāyate

. tairantaḥkaraṇaṁ sarvairvṛttibhedena tat dvidhā . manovimarśarūpaṁ

syādbuddhiḥ syānniścayātmikā . rajoṁśaiḥ pañcabhisteṣāṁ kramāt

karmendriyāṇi tu . vākpāṇipādapāyūpasthābhidhānāni jajñire 1 dīpe .

teṣāṁ sthānakāryādikamuktaṁ tatraiva 2 dīpe śrotraṁ tvakcakṣuṣī jihvā

ghrāṇaṁ cendriyapañcakam . karṇādigolakasthaṁ tatprāptyai dhāvet

bahirmukham . kadācit pihite karṇeśrūyate śabda āntaraḥ . prāṇavāyau

jāṭharāgnau jalapāne’nnabhakṣaṇe . vyajyantehyāntarāḥ sparśāmīlane

cāntaraṁ tamaḥ . udgāre rasagandhau cetyakṣāṇāmāntaragrahaḥ .

pañcoktyādānagamanavisargānandakāḥ kriyāḥ . kṛṣivāṇijyasevādyāḥ

pañcasvantarbhavanti hi . vākpāṇipāda pāyūpasthaṁ

karmendriyapañcakam . mano daśendriyādhyakṣaṁ

hṛtpadmagolakasthitam . taccāntaḥkaraṇaṁ nāhyeṣvasvatantraṁ

vinendriyaiḥ . akṣeṣvarthārpiteṣveva guṇadoṣavicārakam . satvaṁ

rajastamaścāsya guṇā, vikriyate hi taiḥ . vairāgyaṁ

kṣāntiraudāryamityādyāḥ satvasambhavāḥ . kāmakrodhau

lobhamohāvityādyā rajautthitāḥ . ālasyabhrāntitantrādyā

vikārāstamautthitāḥ . sātvikaiḥ puṇyaniṣpattiḥ pāpotpattiśca rājasaiḥ .

tāmase nobhayaṁ kintu vṛthāyuḥkṣapaṇa bhavet . tatrendriyāṇāṁ

kāryabhedā api sāṁ° kā° darśitāḥ yathā śabdādiṣu

pañcānāmālocanamātramiṣyate vṛttiḥ . vacanādānaviharaṇot

sargānandāśca pañcānām . ādipadāt sparśarūparasagandhānāṁ

grahaṇam tathā ca śrotrasya śabdagrahaṇam, tvacaḥ sparśagrahaṇam,

cakṣuṣo rūpagrahaṇam . jihvāyā rasagrahaṇam . ghrāṇasya

gandhagrahaṇamasādhāraṇaṁ kāryaṁ bhavati . evaṁ vāgādīnāṁ

vacanādikarmāṇyuktāni . antaḥkaraṇaṁ trividhaṁ daśadhā bāhyaṁ

trayasya viṣayākhyam . sāmpratakālaṁ bāhyaṁ, trikālamābhyantaraṁ

karaṇam sāṁ° kā° . antaḥkaraṇaṁ trividhaṁ buddhirahaṅkāro mana iti .

śarīrābhyantaravṛttitvādantaḥkaraṇam . daśadhā bāhyamindriyaṁ

trayasyāntaḥkaraṇasya viṣayākhyaṁ viṣayamākhyāti

viṣayasaṁkalpābhimānādhyavasāyeṣu kartavyeṣu dvārībhavati . tatra

buddhīndrayāṇyālocanena, karmendriyāṇi tu yathāsvaṁ vyāpāreṇa sā°

kau° . viṣayāṇāṁ grahītṝṇi śanaiḥ pañcendriyāṇi ca manuḥ .

śaucamindriyanigrahaḥ manuḥ . indriyasyendriyasyārthe rāgadveṣau

vyavasthitau indriyāṇi pramāthīni gītā° . pañca bāhyāni jñānendriyāṇīti

manuṣyādyabhiprāyam kṛcit jīve adṛṣṭavaśāt tato nyūnatā’pi . yathā

vṛkṣāṇām sparśasādhanatvagindriyamātram śaṅkhaśuktyānīnām tvagjihve

dve indriye mahīlatādīnāṁ trīṇīndriyāṇi . sarpādīnāṁ catvārīndriyāṇi

teṣāṁ śrotrābhāvāt kumbhīrasya ca catvāri tasya jihvābhāvāt

ityabadheyam . eteṣāñca jīvānāṁ liṅgaśarīrasattve’pi

tattadgolakasthānaśūnyatvānna tattatkāryārthaṁ vṛttiḥ . bauddhamate

golakānyevendriyāyāṇi . tanmataṁ vivaraṇīpanyāse dūṣitaṁ tacca 666

pṛ° darśitam . 2 retasi 3 vīrye ca . indriyakāmasya śrutiḥ samāvadindriyā

bhavanti tāṇḍya° samānasāmarthyāḥ bhā0

इषु – iṣu Monier-Williams, Monier: A Sanskrit-English Dictionary. London : 1899iṣu mf. an arrow &c.

iṣu mf. (in mathematics) a versed sine

mf. N. of a Soma ceremony

mf. the number five

mf. N. of a particular constellation ([According to Dayānanda “iṣu”

may mean “ray of light”; cf. Gk. [greek]; Zd. ‘ishu’.])

iṣu “iṣu-dhi”, &c. see 1. “iṣ”.

Böhtlingk und Roth: Großes Petersburger Wörterbuch

iṣu (von iṣ “schleudern”) m. f. Uṇ. 1, 13. SIDDH. K. 248, “b”, 5. in der

alten Sprache selten m. 1) greek “Pfeil” AK. 2, 8, 2, 55. 3, 4, 110. H. 778.

tasya -sādhvīriṣavo yābhirasyati ṚV. 2, 24, 8. iṣvāḥ parṇamivā dadhuḥ 10,

18, 14. 103, 11. 7, 75, 11. 8, 7, 4. VS. 16, 3. AV. 1, 13, 4. 5, 5, 4. 14, 12.

18, 15. 11, 9, 1. ŚAT. BR. 2, 3, 3, 10. 5, 3, 5, 29. pañcaprādeśā ha sma

tveva pureṣurbhavati (als Maass) 6, 5, 2, 10. śatabradhna iṣustava ṚV. 8,

66, 7. AV. 4, 6, 6. catuḥsaṁdhirhīṣuranīkaṁ śalyastejanaṁ parṇāni AIT.

BR. 1, 25. iṣuvadha “Tod durch einen Pfeil” ŚAT. BR. 5, 4, 2, 2. iṣuparṣin

12, 4, 2, 5. eṣa tamiṣuṁ saṁdadhe ŚĀK. 94, 10. iṣurmukto dhanuṣmatā

PAÑCAT. I, 219. iṣukṣepa VYUTP. 127,a. naśyatīṣuryathāviddhaḥ khe

viddhamanuvidhyataḥ M. 9, 43. iṣuprayoga RAGH. 2, 42.

niṣaṅgādasamagramuddhṛtam – pratisaṁharanniṣum 3, 64. amoghā

iṣavaśceme R. 3, 18, 38. yadiṣavaḥ sidhyanti lakṣye cale ŚĀK. 38. iṣuṇā

DAŚ. 1, 25. Ein adj. comp. auf iṣu hat den Ton auf der Endsilbe des

ersten Wortes P. 6, 2, 107. 108. Am Ende eines adj. comp. iṣuka, f. -kāḥ

trīṣukaṁ dhanuḥ KĀTY. ŚR. 25, 4, 47. carmatūṇyaḥ seṣukāḥ 15, 3, 19.

Die einzelnen Theile des Pfeils s. bei anīka, apāṣṭha, tejana, kulmala,

parṇa, śalya. — 2) iṣustrikāṇḍā “der dreitheilige Pfeil”, N. eines

Sternbildes (vielleicht der Gürtel des Orion) neben mṛga, mṛgavyādha und

rohiṇī AIT. BR. 3, 33; vgl. iṣuṇā trikāṇḍena ŚAT. BR. 2, 1, 2, 9. — 3) bei

den Mathematikern (wie alle Synonn. von “Pfeil”) “der Sinus versus”

COLEBR. Alg. 89. — 4) N. einer vom “Pfeil” benannten Soma-Feier KĀTY.

ŚR. 22, 5, 30. iṣuriṣṭiḥ 10, 23. iṣuvajrau sind sāmavedavihitau kratū P. 2,

4, 4, Sch.

iṣu 4) ṢAḌV. BR. 3, 2. 9. — 5) Bez. “der Zahl fünf” (wegen der 5 Pfeile

des Liebesgottes) SĀH. D. 264. — 6) Bez. “einer best. Constellation” d. i.

“wenn alle Planeten in den Häusern 4, 5, 6 und 7 stehen”, VARĀH. BṚH.

12, 7; vgl. śara.

iṣu 5) (Nachträge) SŪRYAS. 1, 30. 42. 8, 8.

Benfey, Theodor: A Sanskrit-English Dictionary. London : 1866

iṣu 1. iṣ + u, m. and f. An arrow.

— Comp. kusuma-, m. the god of love. pañceṣu, i. e. pañcan-, m. the god

of love. puṣpa-, m. the god of love Cf. [greek]

Cappeller, Carl: A Sanskrit-English Dictionary, based upon the St.

Petersburg Lexicons. Strassburg : 1891

iṣu m. f. arrow; poss. iṣumant (iṣumant).

Macdonell, Arthur Anthony: A Sanskrit-English Dictionary. London : 1893

iṣu iṣ-u, m. f. arrow.

Bhaṭṭācārya: Vācaspatyam (6 Vol). Chaukhamba Sanskrit Series 94,

reprint of the 1873-1884 edition. Varanasi : 1962

iṣu puṁstrī īṣyate hiṁsyate’nena īṣa–u hrasvaśca . 1 vāṇe

patisaṁharanniṣum raghuḥ . iṣumatiraghusiṁhe daṁdaśūkān jiṣāṁmau

bhaṭṭiḥ . iṣubhiḥ pratiyotsyāmi gītā strītva tasya sādhvīriṣavo yābhirasyati

ṛ° 2, 21, 4, 8 . yāmiṣuṁ giriśanta! bibharṣyastave yaju° 16, 3 . tatta

lyasaṁkhye 2 pañcasaṁkhyānvite ca . pañcaśaraśabde vakṣyamāṇasya

kāmaśarasya pañcasaṁkhyākatvasyānusāreṇa śaraśabdena hi

pañcasaṁkhyā bodhyate . pañcapañcāṣṭasapteṣu jñeyamojaḥ su rāśiṣu

jyoti° . 3 vṛttakṣetrāntargate

jīvāvadhiparidhiparyantakṛtasaralarekhāyāñca tadānayanaprakāraḥ

sodāharaṇaḥ līlā° darśito yathā jyāvyāsayogāntaraghātamūlaṁ

vyāsastadūnodalitaḥ śaraḥ syāt . vyāsāccharonāccharasaṅguṇācca mūlaṁ

dvinighnaṁ bhavatīha jīvā . jīvārdhamakte śarabhaktayukte

vyāsapramāṇaṁ pravadanti vṛtte udā° daśavistṛtivṛttāntaryatra jyā

ṣaṇmitā bhavet . tatreṣuṁ vada vāṇājjyāṁ jyāvāṇābhyāñca vistṛtim

nyāsaḥ . vyāsaḥ 10, jyā 6, anayoryogaḥ 16, antaraṁ 4 tayorghāto 64,

tasya mūlaṁ 8, tenonovyāsaḥ 2, dalitaḥ śaraḥ 1 . tena 10 hastavyāsake

vṛttakṣetre yadi jīvamitiḥ 6 tadā śara mānam 1 ekahasta iti jñeyam .

jñātaśaravyāsake vṛttakṣetre jīvānayanaṁ yathā vyāsaḥ 10 hastaḥ, śaraḥ

1 hastaḥ tenonitaḥ vyāsaḥ 9, tasya mūlam 3 . dvābhyāṁ guṇitam 6,

jīvāmānam . jñātābhyāṁ jyāvāṇābhyāṁ vyāsānayanam . yathā jīvā 6

tasyārdhaṁ 3, tasya vargaḥ 9 . śarasaṁkhyayā 1 bhakte 9 .

śarasaṁkhyayā 1 yoge vyāsamānam 10 . evamanyasaṁkhyakajīvādau

anayā diśā śarādyānayanam . grahāṇāṁ krāntivṛtta kṣetrasya

śarānayanaṁ saṁkṣepeṇa darśitam si° śi°

satrirāśigrahadyujyānighnastrijyoddhṛtaḥ śaraḥ . sphuṭo’sau

krāntisaṁskāre dṛkkarmaṇyakṣaje tathā mū° . ayaṁ saṁkṣipto

gauṇaprakāraḥ . mukhyastu pūrvaṁ vyākhyāta eva . tathāpīha

yuktimātramucyate . viṣuvadvṛttāt krāntirdhruvābhimukhī .

krāntyagrāccharaḥ kadambābhimukhaḥ . kathaṁ tena tiryaksthena sā

saṁskāryā . ataḥ krāntyagre yaddyujyāvṛtta tasya śarāgrasya ca

yadantaramṛju tena saṁskṛtā satī sphuṭā bhavati . tajjyāntaraṁ

koṭirūpam . śaraḥ karṇarūpaḥ . tadvargāntarapadaṁ dyujyā vṛtte bhujaḥ .

etat tryasraṁ digvalanajatryasrasaṁbhavam . tatra satrirāśigrahakrāntiḥ

kadambadhruvasūtrayorantaram . tajjyā bhujaḥ . taddyujyā koṭistrijyā

karṇaḥ . yadi trijyayeyaṁ koṭistadā śareṇa ketyupapannam .

koṭirūpasyaiva śarasya dhruvonprukhasyākṣajyayā’kṣajaṁ dṛkkarma

kartuṁ yujyate prami° vistarastatraiva vikṣepaliptāḥ kṣitijādikānāṁ kheśā

110 dvivāṇendumitā 152 rasāśvāḥ 76 . ṣaṭtrīndavaḥ 136, khāgnibhuvaḥ

130 sitajñapātau sphuṭau staścalakendrayuktau mū° kṣitijasya

kharudramitā 110 madhyamā vikṣepaliptāḥ . budhasya dvivāṇendumitāḥ

152 . guroḥ ṣaṭsaptatiḥ 76 . śukrasya ṣaḍviśva 136 tulyāḥ . śaneḥ

khatrīndu 130 mitā veditavyāḥ . tathā budhaśukrayoryau gaṇitāgatau

pātau tau svasvaśīghrakendreṇa yuktau kāryau . evaṁ sphuṭau staḥ .

atropapattiḥ . madhyamagativāsanāyāṁ vedhaprakāreṇa vedhavalaye

grahavikṣepopapattirdarśitaiva . kiṁtvantyaphalajyārdhadhanuṣā

satrigṛheṇa tulyaṁ yadā śīghrakendraṁ bhavati tadā trijyātulyaḥ

śīghrakarṇo bhavati tasmin dine vedhavalaye yāvān paramo vikṣepa

upalabhyate tāvān grahasya paramo madhyamavikṣepaḥ . evamete

bhaumādīnāmupalabdhāḥ paṭhitāḥ . atha jñaśukrayoḥ pātasya

sphuṭatvamucyate . bhagaṇādhyāye ye budhaśukrayoḥ pātabhagaṇāḥ

paṭhitāste svaśīghrakendrabhagaṇairadhikāḥ santo vāstavā bhavanti . ye

paṭhitāste svalpāḥ karmalāghavena sukhārtham . ataḥ

paṭhitacakrabhavau svaśīghrakendrayutau vāstavabhagaṇaniṣpannau

sphuṭau bhavataḥ . tathā coktaṁ gole . ye cātra pātabhagaṇāḥ paṭhitā

jñabhṛgvoste śīghrakendramagaṇairityādi . idānīṁ

grahavikṣepānayanamāha prami° . mandasphuṭāt khecarataḥ svapāta

yuktādbhujajyā paṭhiteṣunighnī . svaśīghrakarṇena hṛtā śaraḥ syāt

sapātamandasphuṭagoladikkaḥ sū° . mandasphuṭādgrahāt

svapātayuktādbhujajyā sādhyā . sā grahasya paṭhitena śareṇa guṇyā

svaśīghrakarṇena bhājyā phalaṁ sphuṭavikṣepaḥ syāt . sapāto

mandasphuṭo graho yadi rāśiṣaṭkādūnastadottaro vikṣepo’nyathā

dakṣiṇaḥ . atropapattiḥ . mandasphuṭo grahaḥ svaśīghrapratimaṇḍale

bhramati . tatra ca tasya pāto’pi . pāto nāma pratimaṇḍalavimaṇḍalayoḥ

saṁpātaḥ . tasmādārabhya vikṣepapravṛttiḥ . iha susaralabaṁśaśalākayā

kakṣāmaṇḍalaṁ tatpratimaṇḍalaṁ ca chedyakoktavidhinā viracayya tatra

śīghrapratimaṇḍale meṣādeḥ pratilomaṁ pātasthānaṁ ca cihnayitvā tatra

vimaṇḍalaṁ niveśyam . pātacihnādrāśiṣaṭkāntare

vimaṇḍalapratimaṇḍalayoranyaṁ sampātaṁ kṛtvā pātāt

pūrvatastribhe’ntare patitavikṣepapramāṇena pratimaṇḍalāduttarato

vimaṇḍalaṁ kenacidādhāre sthiraṁ kṛtvā meṣāderanulomaṁ

mandasphuṭaṁ grahaṁ pratimaṇḍale vimaṇḍale ca dattvā

vikṣepopapattiṁ darśayet . tatra tayorgrahayoryāvān

viprakarṣastāvāṁstatra pradeśe vikṣepaḥ . atha tasyānayanam .

pātasthāne hi vikṣepābhāvaḥ . tatastribhe’ntare paramo vikṣepaḥ .

antare’nupātena . ataḥ pātagrahacihnayorantaraṁ tāvajjñeyam . tacca

tayoryoge kṛte bhavati . yato bheṣāderanulomaṁ graho dattaḥ . pātastu

pratilomam . atastayoryogaḥ śarārthaṁ kila kendram . tasya dorjyā

sādhyā . yadi trijyātulyayā dorjyayā paṭhitavikṣepatulyaṁ

pratimaṇḍalavimaṇḍalayorantaraṁ labhyate tadā’bhīṣṭayā

grahasthānabhavayā dorjyayā kimiti phalaṁ śīghrakarṇāgre vikṣepaḥ .

atha dvitīyo’nupātaḥ . yadi śīghrakarṇāgre etāvān vikṣestadā trijyāgre ka

iti . atra guṇabhājakayostrijyātulyayostulyatvānnāśe kṛte sati dorjyāyāḥ

paṭhitavikṣepo guṇaḥ śīghrakarṇo haraḥ . phalaṁ kakṣāpradeśe vikṣepo

jyārūpastasya cāpaṁ sphuṭavikṣepa ityarthaḥ . bhūcihne

sūtrasyaikamagraṁ baddhvā dvitīyamagraṁ vimaṇḍale grahasthāne

nibadvaṁ sūtraṁ karṇaḥ . sūtrakakṣamaṇḍalayorantaraṁ sphuṭaḥ śara

ityādi sarvaṁ chātrāya darśanīyam . idānīṁ vikṣepasya

krāntisaṁskārayogyatālakṣaṇamanyat sphuṭīkaraṇamāha . prami°

cijyāvargādayanavalanajyākṛtiṁ prohya mūlaṁ yaṣṭiryaṣṭyā

dyucaraviśikhastāḍitastrijyayāptaḥ . yadvā

rāśitrayayutakhagadyujyakāghnastrimaurvyā bhaktaḥ spaṣṭībhavati

niyataṁ krāntisaṁskārayogyaḥ mū° . grahasya

yutāyanāṁśoḍupakoṭiśiñjinītyādināyanaṁ valanaṁ sādhyam . atra

valanaśabdena valanajyā grāhyā na dhanuḥ . tathā itaḥ prabhṛti

vṛhajjyābhiḥ karma kartavyam . yato vṛhajjyābhiḥ śarajyā śarakalātulyaiva

bhavati . tasyānayanam . valanasya vargaṁ trijyāvargādapāsya

yanmūlaṁ labhyate tadyaṣṭisaṁjñaṁ jñeyam . tayā yaṣṭyā grahavikṣepo

guṇitastrijyayā bhaktaḥ sphuṭaḥ krāntisaṁskṛrayogyo bhavati .

athānukalpa ucyate . yadvā rāśitrayayutakhagadyujyakāghna iti

rāśitrayayutasya grahasya yāvatī dyujyā tayā vā guṇyastrijyayā bhaktaḥ

sphuṭo bhavati . atra bhājakasyaikaptvādguṇakasyānyatvāt phalaṁ

svalpāntaramityato’nukalpenoktam . atropapattiḥ . krāntyagrāt kila śaro

bhavati . śarāgre grahaḥ krāntiḥ śareṇa saṁskṛtā sphuṭā bhavati . atra

gaṇitāgatenaiva śareṇa krāntiḥ sphuṭā kriyate tadayuktam . yataḥ krānti

rviṣuvanmaṇḍalāt tiryagdhruvābhimukhī . vikṣepastu krāntimaṇḍalāt

tiryagrūpaḥ kadambābhimukhaḥ yathoktaṁ gole . sarvataḥ

krāntisūtrāṇāṁ dhruve yogo bhavedyataḥ . viṣuvanmaṇḍalaprācyā dhruve

yāmyā tathottarā . sarvataḥ kṣepasūtrāṇāṁ dhruvājjinalavāntare . yogaḥ

kadambasaṁjño’yaṁ jñeyo valanabodhakṛt . tatrāpamaṇḍalaprācyā

yāmyā saumyā ca dik sadā . kadambabhrabhavṛttaṁ ceti . ato vikṣepaḥ

kadambābhimukho bhavati . dhruvābhimukhyā krāntyā saha kathaṁ tasya

minnadikkasya yogaviyogāvucitau . tayoryadbhinnadiktvaṁ

tadāyanavalanavaśāt . atha tadgolopari pradarśyate . yathoditaṁ golaṁ

viracayya krāntivṛtte yadgrahacihnaṁ tasmāt parito

navatibhāgāntare’nyat trijyāvṛttaṁ niveśyam . atha

grahacihnāddhruvoparigāmi sūtraṁ tasmin vṛtte yatra lagati

tatkadambayorantarasya jyā trijyā sa karṇaḥ . tayorvargāntarapadaṁ

koṭiḥ . sā ca yaṣṭisaṁjñā . krāntyagrādvikṣepaḥ kadambābhimukhaḥ

karṇarūpaḥ . tasya koṭirūpakaraṇāyānupātaḥ . yadi trijyākarṇe yaṣṭiḥ

koṭistadā śarakarṇekā . phalaṁ krāntisaṁskārayogyo vikṣepo mavati .

tena saṁskṛtā krāntiḥ sphuṭā . vikṣepāgrasthasya grahasya

viṣuvanmaṇḍalasya ca yadyāmyottaramantaraṁ sā sphuṭā krāntirucyate

athānukalpe’pīyameva vāsanā . atra satrirāśigrahakrāntijyā bhujasthāne

kalpitā sa bhujaḥ . taddyujyā yaṣṭisthāne kalpitā sā koṭiḥ . tatrāpi trijyā

karṇa iti sarvamupapannam prami° . tatraiva sthānāre’pyuktam .

nāḍikāmaṇḍalāt tiryagatrāpamaḥ krāntivṛttāvadhiḥ krāntivṛttāccharaḥ .

kṣepavṛttāvadhistiryagevaṁ sphuṭo nāḍikāvṛttakheṭāntarāle’pamaḥ mū° .

krāntivṛtte yat sphuṭagrahasthānaṁ tasya nāḍikāvṛttāt tiryagantaraṁ sā

krāntiḥ atha vimaṇḍale ca yat grahasthānaṁ tasya krāntivṛttādyat

tiryagantaraṁ sa vikṣepaḥ . atha vimaṇḍalasthagrahastha nāḍīvṛttādyat

tiryagantaraṁ sā sphuṭā krāntiḥ prami° . 3 sāmavedavihite yajñabhede .

iṣuvajrau sāmavede vihitau si° kau° . iṣuprakāraḥ sthūlā° kan .


इषुः – iṣuḥ Apte, Vaman Shivaram: The Practical Sanskrit-English Dictionary. Poona :1890

iṣuḥ [iṣ-u; cf. also Uṇ. 1. 13]

(1) An arrow.

(2) The number five.

(3) (In Math.) A versed sine.

(4) N. of a Soma ceremony.

— Comp.

–agraṁ, –anīkaṁ the point of an arrow.

–asanaṁ, –astraṁ the bow; rāmamiṣvasanadarśanotsukaṁ R. 11.

37; -yaṁtramukto bāṇaḥ Dk. 9.

–āsa a. throwing arrows. (

–saḥ) 1. a bow. –2. an archer, a warrior; Bg. 1. 4, 17.

–kāraḥ, –kṛt m. an arrow-maker.

–dharaḥ, –bhṛt m. an archer.

–pathaḥ, –vikṣepaḥ an arrow-shot, the range of an arrow.

–prayogaḥ discharging an arrow; R. 2. 42.

–mātra a. having the length of an arrow (about 5 short spans or

three feet.). (

–traṁ) 1. the length of an arrow. –2. an altar (kuṁḍa). –hasta a.

carrying arrows in the hand.

Rādhākāntadeva: Śabdakalpadruma (5 Vol). Third edition, reprint of the

1886 edition. Varanasi : 1967

iṣuḥ puṁ, strī, (iṣyati gacchatīti . iṣ + u .) bāṇaḥ . ityamaraḥ .. (utkarṣaḥ

sa ca dhanvināṁ yadiṣavaḥ sidhyanti lakṣye cale . iti śākuntale 2 aṅke .)

पंक्तिः – paṁktiḥ Apte, Vaman Shivaram: The Practical Sanskrit-English Dictionary. Poona :1890

paṁktiḥ f. [paṁc vistare ktiv]

(1) A line, row, range, series; dṛśyeta cārupadapaṁktiralaktakāṁkā V.

4. 6; pakṣmapaṁktiḥ R. 2. 19; alipaṁktiḥ Ku. 4. 15; R. 6. 5.

(2) A group, collection, flock, troop.

(3) A row of people (of the same caste) sitting down to a meal, a

company or party at dinner of the same caste; cf. paṁktipāvana below.

(4) The living generation.

(5) The earth.

(6) Fame, celebrity.

(7) A collection of five, or the number ‘five’.

(8) The number ‘ten’ as in paṁktiratha, paṁktigrīva.

(9) Cooking, maturing, (10) A company of persons of the same tribe.

— Comp.

–kaṁṭakaḥ = paṁktidūṣaka q. v.

–grīvaḥ an epithet of Rāvaṇa.

–caraḥ an osprey.

–dūṣaḥ –dūṣakaḥ a person defiling a society of persons, one with

whom it is improper to associate at dinner-time.

–pāṁvanaḥ a respectable or eminent person; especially, a

respectable Brāhmaṇa who, being very learned, always gets the seat of

honour at dinner parties, or who purifies by his preence the paṁkti or

persons who sit in the same row to dine with him; paṁktipāvanāḥ

paṁcāgnayaḥ Māl. 1, where Jagaddhara says:

–paṁktipāvanāḥ paṁktau bhojanādigoṣṭhyāṁ pāvanāḥ .

agrabhojinaḥ pavitrā vā . yadvā . yajuṣāṁ pārago yastu sāmnāṁ yaścāpi

pāragaḥ . atharvaśiraso’dhyetā brāhmaṇaḥ paṁktipāvanaḥ .. or agryāḥ

sarveṣu vedeṣu sarvaṁpravacenaṣu ca . yāvadete prapaśyaṁti paṁktyāṁ

tāvatpunaṁti ca .. tato hi pāvanātpaṁktyā ucyaṁte paṁktipāvanāḥ.

Manu explains the word thus.

–apāṁktyopahatā paṁktiḥ pāvyate yairdvijottabhaiḥ .

tānnibodhata kārtsnyena dvijāgryān paṁktipāvanān Ms. 3. 183; see 3.

184, 186 also.

–rathaḥ N. of Daśaratha; R. 9. 74.

पंचन् – paṁcan Apte, Vaman Shivaram: The Practical Sanskrit-English Dictionary. Poona :1890

paṁcan num. a. (Always pl.; nom. and acc. paṁca) Five. (As the first

member of comp. paṁcan drops its final n). [cf. Gr. pente]

— Comp.

–aṁśaḥ the fifth part, a fifth.

–agniḥ 1. an a ggregate of five sacred fires; i. e.

(anvāhāryapacana or dakṣiṇa, gārhapatya, āhavanīya, sabhya, and

āvasathya) –2. a householder who maintains the five sacred fires;

paṁcāgnayo dhṛtavratāḥ Māl. 1; Ms. 3. 185. –3. five mystic fires

supposed to exist in the body. –4. one who is acquainted with the

doctrine of these fires.

–aṁga a. five-membered, having five parts or divisions as in

paṁcāṁgaḥ praṇāmaḥ (i. e. bāhubhyāṁ caiva jānubhyāṁ śirasā vakṣasā

dṛśā); kṛtapaṁcāṁgavinirṇayo nayaḥ Ki. 2. 12 (see Malli. and Kāmandaka

quoted by him); paṁcāgamabhinayamupadiśya M. 1;

cittākṣibhrhastapādairaṁgaiśceṣṭādisāmyataḥ . pātrādyavasthākaraṇaṁ

paṁcāgo ‘bhinayo mataḥ … (–gaḥ) 1. a tortoise or turtle. –2. a kind of

horse with five spots in different parts of his body. (

–gī) a bit for horses. (

–gaṁ) 1. collection or aggregate of five parts. –2. five modes of

devotion. –3. the five parts of a tree; tvakpatrakusumaṁ

mūlaphalamekasya śākhinaḥ . ekatra militaṁ caitat paṁcāṁgamiti

saṁjñitam … –4. a calender or almanac, so called because it treats of

five things: (–tithirvāraśca nakṣatraṁ yogaḥ karaṇameva ca);

caturaṁgabalo rājā jagatīṁ vaśamānayet . ahaṁ

paṁcāṁgabalavānākāśaṁ vaśamānaye .. Subhāṣ. -guptaḥ a turtle. –

patraṁ a calender. -śuddhiḥ f. the propitiousness or favourable state of

five important points; i. e. tithi, vāra, nakṣatra, yoga, and karaṇa (in


–aṁgika a. five-membered.

–aṁgula a. (lā or lī f.) measuring five fingers. (

–laḥ) the castor-oil plant.

–a (ā) jaṁ the five products of the goat.

–apsaras n. N. of a lake, said to have been created by the sage

Maṇḍakarṇi; cf. R. 13. 38.

–amṛta a. consisting of 5 ingredients. (

–taṁ) 1. the aggregate of any five drugs. –2. the collection of five

sweet things used in worshipping deities; (dugdhaṁ ca śarkarā caiva

ghṛtaṁ dadhi tathā madhu). –arcis m. the planet Mercury.

–avayava a. five-membered (as a syllogism, the five members

being, pratijñā, hetu, udāharaṇa, upanaya and nigamana q. q. v. v.).

–avasthaḥ a corpse; (so called because it is resolved into the five

elements); cf. paṁcatva below.

–avikaṁ the five products of the sheep.

–aśītiḥ f. eighty-five.

–ahaḥ a period of five days.

–ātapa a. doing penance with five fires (i. e. with four fires and

the sun); cf. R. 13. 41.

–ātmaka a. censisting of five elements (as body).

–ānanaḥ, –āsyaḥ, –mukhaḥ, –vaktraḥ 1. epithets of Śiva. –2. a

lion (so called because its mouth is generally wide open; paṁcaṁ

ānanaṁ yasya), (often used at the end of names of learned men to

express great learning or respect; nyāya-, tarka- &c., e. g.

jagannāthatarkapaṁcānana). –3. the sign Leo of the zodiac. (

–nī) an epithet of Durgā.

–āmnāyāḥ (m. pl.) five Śāstras supposed to have proceeded from

the five mouths of Śiva.

–iṁdriyaṁ an aggregate of the five organs (of sense or actions;

see iṁdriyaṁ). –iṣuḥ, –bāṇaḥ, –śaraḥ epithets of the god of love; (so

called because he has five arrows: their names are:

–araviṁdamaśokaṁ ca cūtaṁ ca navamallikā . nīlotpalaṁ ca

pacaite paṁcabāṇasya sāyakāḥ; the five arrows are also thus named:

–saṁmohanonmādanau ca śoṣaṇastāpanastathā . staṁbhanaśceti

kāmasya paṁcabāṇāḥ prakīrtitāḥ ..). –uṣman m. pl. the five digestive

fires supposed to be in the body.

–kapāla a. prepared or offered in five cups.

–karṇa a. branded in the ear with the number ‘five’ (as cattle &c.);

cf. P. VI. 3. 115.

–karman n. (in medicine) the five kinds of treatment; i. e.

(1) vamana ‘giving emetics’; 2 recana ‘purging’; 3 nasya ‘giving

strenutatories’; 4 anuvāsana ‘administering an enema which is oily’, and

5 nirūha ‘administering an enema which is not oily’. –kṛtvas ind. five

times. –koṇaḥ a pentagon. –kolaṁ the five spices taken collectively. —

koṣāḥ (m. pl.) the five vestures or wrappers supposed to invest the soul;

they are: annamayakoṣa or the earthly body (sthūlaśarīra);

prāṇamayakoṣa the vesture of the vital airs; manomayakoṣa the sensorial

vesture; vijñānamayakoṣa the cognitional vesture (these three form the

liṁgaśarīra); and ānaṁdamayakoṣa the last vesture, that of beatitude.

–krośī 1. a distance of five Krośas. –2. N. of the city Benāres. –khaṭvaṁ,

–khaṭvī a collection of five beds. –gata a. (in alg.) raised to the fifth

power. –gavaṁ a collection of five cows. –gavyaṁ the five products of

the cow taken collectively; i. e. milk, curds, clarified butter or ghee, urine,

and cowdung (kṣīraṁ dadhi tathā cājyaṁ mūtraṁ gomayameva ca). –gu

a. bought with five cows. –guṇa a. five-fold. (–ṇāḥ) the five objects of

sense (rūpa, rasa, gaṁdha, sparśa and śabda). (–ṇī) the earth. –guptaḥ

1. a tortoise. –2. the materialistic system of philosophy, the doctrines of

the Chārvākas. –catvāriṁśa a. forty-fifth. –catvāriṁśat f. forty-five. —

janaḥ 1. a man, mankind. –2. N. of a demon who had assumed the form

of a conch-shell, and was slain by Kṛṣṇa. –3. the soul. –4. the five

classes of beings; i. e. gods, men, Gandharvas, serpents and pitṛs. –5.

the four primary castes of the Hindus (brāhmaṇa, kṣatriya, vaiśya and

śūdra) with the Niṣādas or barbarians as the fifth (pl. in these two

senses); (for a full exposition see Śārīrabhāṣya on Br. Sūtras I. 4. 11-13).

(–nī) an assemblage of five persons. –janīna a. devoted to the five races.

(–naḥ) an actor, a mimic, buffoon. –jñānaḥ 1. an epithet of Buddha as

possessing the five kinds of knowledge. –2. a man familiar with the

doctrines of the Pāśupatas. –takṣaṁ, –kṣī a collection of five carpenters.

–tattvaṁ 1. the five elements taken collectively; i. e. pṛthvī, ap, tejas,

vāyu and ākāśa. –2. (in the Tantras) the five essentials of the Tāntrikas,

also called paṁcamakāra because they all begin with ma; i. e. madya,

māṁsa, matsya, mudrā, and maithuna. –tatraṁ N. of a wellknown

collection in five books containing moral stories and fables –tanmātraṁ

the five subtle and primary elements (such as śabda, rasa, sparśa, rūpa

and gaṁdha). –tapas m. an ascetic who in summer practises penance

sitting in the middle of four fires with the sun burning right over his head;

cf. havirbhujāmedhavatāṁ caturṇāṁ madhye lalāṭaṁtapasaptasaptiḥ R.

13. 41 and Ku. 5. 23; and Ms. 6. 23 and Śi. 2. 51 also. –taya a. five-fold.

(–yaḥ) a pentad. –tiktaṁ the five bitter things: —

niṁbāmṛtāvṛṣapaṭolanidigdhikāśca. –triṁśa a. thirty-fifth. –triṁśat, —

triṁśatiḥ f. thirty-five. –daśa a. 1. fifteenth. –2. increased by fifteen; as

in paṁcadaśaṁ śataṁ ‘one hundred and fifteen’. –daśan a. pl. fifteen. –

ahaḥ a period of fifteen days. –daśin a. made or consisting of fifteen. —

daśī the fifteenth day of a lunar fortnight. –dīrghaṁ the five long parts of

the body; bāhū netradvayaṁ kukṣirdve tu nāse tathaiba ca .

statayoraṁtaraṁ caiva paṁcadīrdhaṁ pracakṣate … –devatāḥ the five

deities: –ādityaṁ gaṇanāthaṁ ca devīṁ rudraṁ ca keśavam .

paṁcadaivatamityuktaṁ sarvakarmasu pūjayet … –nakhaḥ 1. any animal

with five claws; paṁcaḥ canakhā bhakṣyā ye proktāḥ kṛtajairdvijaiḥ Bk. 6.

131; Ms. 5. 17, 18; Y. 1. 177. –2. an elephant. –3. a turtle. –4. a lion or

tiger. –nadaḥ ‘the country of five rivers,’ the modern Panjab (the five

rivers being śatadru, vipāśā, irāvatī, caṁdrabhāgā and vitastā, or the

modern names Sutlej, Beas, Ravee, Chenab and Jhelum). (–dā- pl.) the

people of this country. –navatiḥ f. ninety-five. –nīrājanaṁ waving five

things before an idol and then falling prostrate before it; (the five things

being: a lamp, lotus, cloth, mango and betel-leaf). –paṁcāśa a. fifty-

fifth. –paṁcāśat f. fifty-five. –padī 1. five steps; Pt. 2. 115. –2. the five

strong cases, i. e. the first five inflections. –parvan n. pl. the five parvans

q. v.; they are caturdaśyaṣṭamī caiva amāvāsyā ca pūrṇimā .

parvāṇyetāni rājeṁdraṁ ravisaṁkrāṁtireva ca … –pād a. consisting of

five feet, steps, or parts. (–m.) a year (saṁvatsara). –pātraṁ 1. five

vessels taken collectively. –2. a Śrāddha in which offerings are made in

five vessels. –pitṛ m. pl. the five fathers: janakaścopanetā ca yaśca

kanyāṁ prayacchati . annadātā bhayatrātā paṁcaite pitaraḥ smṛtāḥ …

–prāṇāḥ (m. pl.) the five life-winds or vita airs; prāṇa, apāna, vyāna,

udāna and samāna. –prasādaḥ a temple of a particular size with four

pinnacles and a steeple). –baṁdhaḥ a fine equal to the fifth part of

anything lost or stolen. –bāṇaḥ, –vāṇaḥ, –śaraḥ epithets of the god of

love; see paṁceṣu. –bāṁhuḥ N. of Śiva. –bhadra a. 1. having five good

qualities. –2. consisting of five good ingredients (as a sauce &c.). –3.

having five auspicious marks (asa horse) on the chest, back, face and

flanks. –4. vicious. –bhuja a. pentagonal. (–jaḥ) a pentagon; cf.

paṁcakoṇa. –bhūtaṁ the five elements; pṛthvī, ap, tejas, vāyu and

ākāśa. –makāraṁ the five essentials of the left-hand Tantra ritual of

which the first letter is ma; see paṁcatattva

(2). –mahāpātakaṁ the five great sins; see mahāpātaka. —

mahāyajñāḥ (m. pl.) the five daily sacrifices enjoined to be performed by

a Brāhmaṇa; see mahāyajña. –māṣa (ṣi) ka a. consisting of five Māṣas

(as a fine &c.). –māsya a. happening every five months. –mukhaḥ an

arrow with five points; (for other senses see paṁcānana.) –mudrā five

gestures to be made in presenting offerings to an idol. –yāmaḥ a day (?).

–ratnaṁ a collection of five gems; (they are variously enumerated:

(1) nīlakaṁ vajrakaṁ ceti padmarāgaśca mauktikaṁ . pravālaṁ ceti

vijñeyaṁ paṁcaratnaṁ manīṣibhiḥ ..

(2) suvarṇaṁ rajataṁ muṁktā rājāvartaṁ pravālakaṁ .

ratnapaṁcakamākhyātam ..

(3) kanakaṁ hīrakaṁ nīlaṁ padmarāgaśca mauktikam .

paṁcaratnamidaṁ proktamṛṣibhiḥ pūrvadarśibhiḥ … –2. the five most

admired episodes of the Mahābhārata. –rasā the āmalakī tree (Mar.

āṁvaLī). –rātraṁ a period of five nights. –rāśikaṁ the rule of five (in

math.). –lakṣaṇaṁ a Purāṇa; so ealled because it deals with five

important topics: –sargaśca pratisargaśca vaṁśo manvaṁtarāṇi ca .

vaṁśānucaritaṁ caiva purāṇaṁ paṁcalakṣaṇaṁ .. see purāṇa also. —

lavaṇaṁ five kinds of salt; i. e. kācaka, saiṁdhava, sāmudra, biḍa and

sauvarcala. –lāṁgalakaṁ a gift (mahādāna) of as much land as can be

cultivated with five ploughs. –lohaṁ a metallic alloy containing five

metals (i. e. copper, brass, tin, lead, and iron). –lohakaṁ the five metals;

i. e. gold, silver, copper, tin, and lead. –vaṭaḥ the sacred or sacrificial

thread worn across the breast (yajñopavīta). –vaṭī 1. the five fig-trees; i.

e. aśvattha, bilva, vaṭa, dhātrī, and aśoka. –2. N. of a part of the

Daṇḍukā forest where the Godavarī rises and where Rāma dwelt for a

considerable time with his beloved; it is two miles from Nasik; U. 2. 28;

R. 13. 34. –vargaḥ 1. an aggregate of five. –2. the five essential

elements of the body. –3. the five organs of sense. –4. the five daily

sacrifices enjoined to be performed by a Brāhmaṇa; cf. mahāyajña. —

varṣadeśīya a. about five years old. –varṣīya a. five years old. –valkalaṁ

a collection of the barks of five kinds of trees; namely nyagrodha,

uduṁbara, aśvattha, plakṣa and vetasa). –vārṣika a. recurring every five

years. –vāhi n a. drawn by five (as a carriage). –viṁśa a. twenty-fifth.

–viṁśatiḥ f. twenty-five. –viṁśatikā a collection of twenty-five; as in

vetālapaṁcaviṁśatikā. –vidha a. five-fold, of five kinds. -prakṛtiḥ f. the

five departments of a government; Ms. 7. 157. –vṛt, –vṛtaṁ ind. five-fold.

–śata a. amounting to five hundred. (–taṁ 1. one hundred and five. –2.

five hundred. –śākhaḥ 1. the hand. –2. an elephant. –śikhaḥ a lion. –ṣa

a. pl. five or six; saṁtyanye’pi bṛhaspatiprabhṛtayaḥ saṁbhāvitāḥ

paṁcaṣāḥ Bh. 2. 34. –ṣaṣṭa a. sixty-fifth. –ṣaṣṭiḥ f. sixty-five. –saptata

a. seventyfifth. –saptatiḥ f. seventy-five. –sugaṁdhakaṁ the five kinds of

aromatic vegetable substances; they are: —

karpūrakakkolalavaṁgapuṣpaguvākajātīphalapaṁcakena .

samāṁśabhāgena ca yojitena manoharaṁ paṁcasugaṁdhakaṁ syāt …

–sūnāḥ f. the five things in a house by which animal life may be

accidentally destroyed; they are: –paṁcasūnā gṛhasthasya

cullīpeṣaṇyupaskaraḥ kaṁḍanī codakuṁbhaśca Ms. 3. 68. –hāyana a. five

years old.

पङ्क्ति – paṅkti Monier-Williams, Monier: A Sanskrit-English Dictionary. London : 1899paṅkti (also “-ktī” m.c. and in comp.) f. (fr. “paṇcan”) a row or set or

collection of five, the number 5 &c.; a sort of five fold metre consisting of

5 Pādas of 8 syllables each ; any stanza of 4 x 10 syllables (= “chandas”

; the number 10 (cf. “-grīva” &c. below); any row or set or series or

number, a group, collection, flock, troop, assembly, company (e.g. of

persons eating together or belonging to the same caste) &c.; the earth ;

w.r. for “pakti” q.v.

Böhtlingk und Roth: Großes Petersburger Wörterbuch

paṅkti (von pañcan) P.5,1,59. f. SIDDH. K. 248,a,3. auch paṅktī. 1)

“Fünfheit, Fünfzahl, eine Reihe von Fünfen”, russian paṅktirvai

pañcamasyāhno nidānam ŚĀÑKH. BR. 23. 1. TBR. 1, 1, 10, 3. dhānāḥ

karambhaḥ parivāpaḥ puroḍāśaḥ payasyā tena paṅktirāpyate TAITT. bei

SĀY. in ZdmG.4, 295, N. 2. saiṣā devatābhiḥ paṅktirbhavati ŚAT. BR. 3, 1,

4, 19. 20. 13, 2, 5, 1. yasminnagnirvaiśvānaraḥ saha paṅktyā śritaḥ “mit

der Fünfzahl” (mit Beziehung auf haviṣpaṅkti) AV. 13, 3, 5. smarabāṇa-

RĀJA-TAR. 3, 525. — 2) “ein fünftheiliges Metrum mit der Grundform von

fünf” Pāda “zu acht Silben” ṚV. PRĀT. 16, 37. 1. 18, 23. 30. 15, 14. AV.

13, 1, 5. 19, 21, 1. VS. 10, 14. 13, 58. ŚAT. BR. 8, 2, 4, 3. TBR. 2, 7, 10,

2. pañcapadā ca paṅktiḥ MBH. 3, 10662. BHĀG. P. 3, 12, 46. paṅktyuttara

ṚV. PRĀT. 16, 44. Hierher viell. auch: lakṣaṇāni surāstomā (surastomā?)

niruktaṁ surapaṅktayaḥ. oṁkārāśca MBH. 13, 4108. Später “jedes

Metrum von vier Mal zehn Silben” COLEBR. Misc. Ess. II, 159. MED. t. 31.

paṅkti = chandas AK. 3, 4, 74. H. an. 2, 177. — Daher 3) “Zehnzahl” AK.

3, 4, 74 (wo wohl daśakaṁ zu lesen ist). 2, 9, 85. TRIK. 3, 3, 165. MED.

rāvaṇaśiraḥ- RAGH. 12, 99. “die Zehnzahl” scheint auch in dem Sūtra

paṅktiviṁśatitriṁśaccatvāriṁśatpañcāśatṣaṣṭisaptatyaśītinavatiśatam P.

5, 1, 59 gemeint zu sein; der Schol. erklärt aber: pañca padāni

parimāṇamasya. paṅktiśchandaḥ.. Vgl. -grīva, -ratha. — 4) (von der

“Fünfzahl” als “Zusammenstellung Mehrerer” ausgehend) “Reihe, Gruppe,

Schaar, Verein, Gesellschaft” AK. 2, 4, 1, 4. 3, 4, 26, 199. TRIK. 2, 4, 1. 3,

3, 165. H. 1423. H. an. (wo -śreṇyoḥ st. śroṇyoḥ zu lesen ist). MED.

HALĀY. 4, 36. catuṣpādeti dvipadāmabhisvare

saṁpaśyanpaṅktīrupatiṣṭhamānaḥ (wobei noch die urspr. Zahlbedeutung

deutlich hervortritt) ṚV. 10, 117, 8. nirākṛtanimeṣābhirnetrapaṅktibhiḥ ad

ŚĀK. 25, 7. nimeṣālasapakṣma- RAGH. 2, 19. unnayana- (u. d. W.

ungenau erklärt) 4, 3. payomucāṁ paṅktiṣu 6, 5. patākāṁśuka- VID. 53.

KATHĀS. 34, 121. pada- “eine fortlaufende Reihe von Fusstritten” ŚĀK.

56. VIKR. 79. VID. 286. PAÑCAT. 243, 1. sopāna- MEGH. 51. akṣara- Spr.

472, v. l. vārāṇasīrathyāpaṅktiṣu BHARTṚ. 3, 66. pakvakedārapaṅktiṣu

HARIV. 4015. danta- PAÑCAT. 182, 16. phala- MĀRK. P. 43, 39.

valmīkānāṁ paṅktyāṁ yadyeko ‘bhyucchritaḥ VARĀH. BṚH. S. 53, 95.

balākā- MBH. 1, 5401. haṁsānām 3, 9957. 4, 1867. VARĀH. BṚH. S. 43,

25. GHAṬ. 9. kāka- Spr. 431. kākapaṅktībhiḥ MĀRK. P. 43, 9.

bhramarapaṅktayaḥ ARJ. 7, 23. RAGH. 9, 33. KUMĀRAS. 4, 15. VARĀH.

BṚH. S. 12, 11. ṣaṭpadapaṅktībhiḥ HARIV. 3598. kalpayitvā

pṛthakpaṅktīrubhayeṣāṁ (surāṇāmasurāṇāṁ ca) jagatpatiḥ.

tāṁścopaveśayāmāsa svāsu svāsu ca paṅktiṣu.. BHĀG. P. 8, 9, 20.

niścerustasya vadanānniśvāsapavaneritāḥ. prajānāṁ paṅktayaḥ HARIV.

2832. gopīnām, tārā- 3527. fg. satyāmapi putrapaṅktau “eine ganze Reihe

von Söhnen” KUMĀRAS. 7, 4. ā sahasrātpaṅktiṁ punanti “eine

Gesellschaft bis zum Belauf von Tausend” TAITT. ĀR. 10, 38, 39. punāti

paṅktiṁ vaṁśyāṁśca sapta sapta parāvarān M. 1, 105. 3, 183. 4, 115.

MBH. 13, 4298. ekapaṅktyām 5052. paṅktyāḥ 4306. 4308. paṅktyāṁ

samupaviṣṭāyām 4288. ekapaṅktyā tu ye vipramatha vetaravarṇajam.

viṣamaṁ bhojayantīha MĀRK. P. 14, 55. Steht bisweilen unlogisch voran:

paṅktibhaktivirājita (ratha) HARIV. 9286. śrīmatsu paṅktimārgeṣu 4017.

— 5) “die Erde” ŚABDAM. im ŚKDR. — Wird häufig mit pakti verwechselt;

so H. an. 2, 176. MED. t. 30. MBH. 12, 9745. loka- GAUḌAP. zu

SĀṁKHYAK. 23. Daher bei WILSON die Bedd. “cooking, maturing; fame,

celebrity.” — Vgl. akṣara-, alpaśaḥ- (auch COLEBR. Misc. Ess. II, 153),

āstāra-, pada-, prastāra-, viṣṭāra-, saṁstāra-, sataḥ-, haviṣpaṅkti,


paṅkti 2) Sp. 353, Z. 4. fg. lakṣaṇāni svarāḥ stobhā die ed. Bomb.;

oṁkārāśca bei uns Druckfehler für oṁkāraśca. — Vgl. mahā-.

Benfey, Theodor: A Sanskrit-English Dictionary. London : 1866

paṅkti and paṅktī paṅkti/ī (akin to pañcan), f. The number five, [greek]

samara-bāṇa-, The five arrows of the god of love, Rājat. 3, 525.

2. A sort of metre, consisting of four times ten syllables.

3. The number ten, Ragh. 12, 99.

4. A line, a row, Pañc. 182, 16.

5. A multitude, a flock, Mārk. P. 43, 9.

6. A company, Man. 3, 183.

— Comp. pada-, a line of footsteps, Śāk. d. 56.

Cappeller, Carl: A Sanskrit-English Dictionary, based upon the St.

Petersburg Lexicons. Strassburg : 1891

paṅkti f. a set or row of five; group, troop, assembly, party; a kind of


Macdonell, Arthur Anthony: A Sanskrit-English Dictionary. London : 1893

paṅkti paṅk-ti, f. set of five [greek] series of fives; a metre: 5 X 8, later 4

X 10 syllables; the number ten; line, row; multitude; company, society;

-krama, m. succession: in. in a row;

-pāvana, a. purifying a society;

-ra-tha, m. N. = Daśa-ratha.

Bhaṭṭācārya: Vācaspatyam (6 Vol). Chaukhamba Sanskrit Series 94,

reprint of the 1873-1884 edition. Varanasi : 1962

paṅkti strī paci–vistāre ktin . 1 sajātīyapadārthānāṁ sthitibhede (śāri

pāṁti) iti khyāte padārthe bhaugiti puṅktiḥ vṛ° ra° uktalakṣaṇe

pañcākṣarapādake 2 chandobhede 3 daśākṣarapādake chandojātibhede

gāyatryuṣṇiganuṣṭup ca vṛhatī paṅktireva ca vṛ° ra° . 4 daśasaṁkhyāyām

paṅktirathaḥ (daśarathaḥ) . 5 pṛthivyāṁ śabdamā° . 6 gaurave 7 pāke ca

medi° . patitādyekapaṅaktau bhojanādau doṣaḥ na saṁvasecca

patittairna cāṇḍālairna pukkaśaiḥ . na mūrkhernāvaliptaiśca

nāntyairnāntyāvasāyibhiḥ . ekaśayyāsanapaṅktibhāṇḍapakkānnasiśraṇam

. yājanādhyāpane yonistathaiva sahabhojanam . sahādhyāyastu daśamaḥ

saha yājanameva ca . ekādaśa samuddiṣṭā doṣāḥ sāṅkarya saṅgitāḥ .

samīpe cāpyavasthānāt pāpaṁ saṁkramate nṛṇām . tasmāt

sarvaprayatnena sāṅkaryaṁ parivarjayet .

paṅktisāṅkaryadoṣanivāraṇopāyā yathā . ekapaṅktyupaviṣṭā ye na

spṛśanti parasparam . bhasmanā kṛtamaryādā na teṣāṁ saṅkaro bhavet .

agninā bhasmanā caiva ṣaṅbhiḥ padṛktirbibhidyate kūrmapu° 15 a° .

पण्चकर्ण – paṇcakarṇa Monier-Williams, Monier: A Sanskrit-English Dictionary. London : 1899paṇcakarṇa “paṇca-karṇa” mfn. branded in the ear with the number 5

(as cattle)

paṇcakarṇa “paṇca-karṇa” m. N. of a man

पञ्चक – pañcaka Böhtlingk und Roth: Großes Petersburger Wörterbuchpañcaka (von pañcan) 1) adj. “aus Fünfen bestehend”, = pañca

parimāṇamasya P. 5, 1, 58, Sch. ṚV. PRĀT. 16, 10. gaṇa M. 2, 92.

SĀṁKHYAK. 24. varga MBH. 15, 932. SUŚR. 1, 143, 21. 158, 2. KĀM.

NĪTIS. 8, 37. 38. BHĀG. P. 8, 16, 50. Ind. St. 1, 88. dāsāstripañcakāḥ “von

fünfzehnerlei Art” MIT. 267, 7. = pañcāṁśo vasnaṁ bhṛtirvāsya P. 5, 1,

56, Sch. -māsika “der im Monat fünf erhält” P. 5, 4, 116, Vārtt. 4, Sch.

devadattaḥ “fünf Procent nehmend” P. 5, 1, 47, Vārtt., Sch. “für fünf

gekauft” P. 5, 1, 22, Sch. pañcakaṁ śatam “fünf vom Hundert” M.8, 139.

142. 152. YĀJÑ. 2, 37. 42. vayasāśītipañcakaḥ “85 jährig” MBH. 7, 5089.

— m. n. gaṇa ardharcādi zu P. 2, 4, 31. — 2) m. a) pañcakāḥ = śakunayaḥ

P. 5, 1, 58, Sch. — b) N. pr. eines Wesens im Gefolge des Skanda MBH. 9,

2537. — 3) f. pañcikā a) Bez. “der aus je fünf” Adhyāya “bestehenden

Bücher im” AIT. BR. Auch im TĀṆḌYA-BRĀHMAṆA scheinen die

Abtheilungen so zu heissen, da COLEBR. Misc. I, 83 wohl (wie auch 36)

pañcikā st. pañjikā zu lesen ist. navadvīpī- (?) Verz. d. B. H. No. 889. — b)

N. “eines mit fünf Muscheln gespielten Spieles” Schol. zu P. 2, 1, 10. — 4)

n. a) “Fünfzahl”, greek HARIV. 15356. AK. 2, 8, 2, 53. VARĀH. BṚH. S. 9,

14. 53, 85. 67, 89. ŚAṁK. zu BṚH. ĀR. UP. S. 100. PAÑCAT. 134, 16.

BHĀG. P. 3, 11, 15. MĀRK. P. 37, 33. Schol. zu KĀTY. ŚR. 467, 19. 550, 3.

VEDĀNTAS. (Allah.) No. 45. Schol. bei WILSON, SĀṁKHYAK. S. 126. VOP.

5, 12. 25, 17. pañcakena gaṇa prakṛtyādi zu P. 2, 3, 18, Vārtt.

pañcapañcakatattvajña “die 25” Tattva R. 3, 53, 42; man hätte eher

pañcatattvapañcaka erwartet. — b) “Schlachtfeld” ŚABDĀRTHAK. bei

WILS.; viell. aus samantapañcaka geschlossen.

pañcaka 1) “aus Fünfen bestehend” Ind. St. 8, 249. 254. vielleicht “fünf

Tage alt”: -mṛtasya dāhavidhiḥ Verz. d. Oxf. H. 294,b,17.

Mani, Vettam: Puranic Encyclopaedia. Delhi 1975

pañcaka One of the two soldiers presented to Subrahmaṇya by Indra for

the battle between the devas and asuras. The other was named Utkrośa.

(Śloka 35, Chapter 45, Śalya Parva).

Benfey, Theodor: A Sanskrit-English Dictionary. London : 1866

pañcaka pañcaka, i. e. pañcan + ka,

I. adj.

1. Consisting of five, Man. 2, 92.

2. With śata, Five in the hundred, Man. 8, 139.

II. n.

1. The number five, [greek] śata-, Five hundred, Pañc. 134, 16.

2. A collection of five, Bhāg. P. 3, 11, 15.

— Comp. pañcap°, i. e. pañcan-, n. the twenty-five (principles of the

Sāṅkhya philosophy), Rām. 3, 53, 42.

Cappeller, Carl: A Sanskrit-English Dictionary, based upon the St.

Petersburg Lexicons. Strassburg : 1891

pañcaka a. consisting of five, five days old, etc.; w. śata n. five per cent.

–m. a man’s name; f. pancikā a book of 5 chapters; n. aggregate of five.

Macdonell, Arthur Anthony: A Sanskrit-English Dictionary. London : 1893

pañcaka pañca-ka, a. consisting of five; five days old; with śata, n. five

per cent; n. the number five [greek]; (pañca) -kapāla, a. (ī) distributed in

five dishes;

-kṛtvas, ad. five times;

-gavya, n. sg. & pl. five products of the cow (milk, curds, butter, urine,


-guṇa, a. five times greater than (ab.);

-grāmī, f. group of five villages;

-catvār-iṁśat, f. forty-five;

-candra, m. N.;

-cūda, a. having five tufts of hair;

-jana, m. pl. the five races or kinds: gods, men, Gandharvas and

Apsarases, serpents, and Manes; sg. man: ī-ya, a. sacred to the five


-tantra: -ka, n. T. of a collection of fables in five books;

-tapas, a. (ascetic) exposing himself to five fires (one at each cardinal

point, with the sun above);

-taya, a. (ī) fivefold;

-tā, f. fivefold amount; dissolution of the body into the five elements,


-tīrthī, f. the five sacred bathing-places; N. of a Tīrtha;

-triṁśat: -ī, f. thirty-five;

-tva, n. fiveness; the five elements, earth, water, fire, air, and ether;

dissolution into the five elements, death: -ṁ gam, die;

-daśa, a. (ī) fifteenth; consisting of fifteen; increased by fifteen;

ī, f. fifteenth day in a half-month;

-daśan, a. pl. fifteen;

-daśa-vārṣika, a. fifteen years old;

-daśa+aha, m. period of fifteen days: i-ka, a. lasting fifteen days;

-dhā, ad. in five parts, fivefold;

-dhātu, n. sg. the five elements.

Bhaṭṭācārya: Vācaspatyam (6 Vol). Chaukhamba Sanskrit Series 94,

reprint of the 1873-1884 edition. Varanasi : 1962

pañcaka tri° pañcabhiḥ krītaḥ kan . 1 prañcabhiḥ krīte . pañcaiva

svārtheka . 2 pañcasaṁkhyānvite 1 śakuni pañcakādhikṛte śāstre si° kau°

. pañca aṁśo bhāgo vetanaṁ mūlyaṁ vā’sya(so’ṁśavasna bhṛtayaḥ) pā°

kan . 3 pañcāṁśayukte 4 pañcabhṛtiyukte 5 pañcamūlyānvite ca tri° .

pañcāsmin vṛddhyādirūpeṇa dīyante tadasmin vṛddhyāyalābhaśulkopadā

dīyate pā° kan . vṛddhyāditvena dīya mānapañcasaṁkhyāyukte 6 śatādau

. vṛddhirdīyata ityādikrameṇa pratyekaṁ sambandhādekavacanam .

pañcāsmin vṛddhiḥ āyaḥ lābhaḥ śulkasupadā vā dīyate . pañcakaḥ śatikaḥ

śatthaḥ sāhasraḥ . uttamarṇena mūlātiriktam grāhyaṁ vṛddhiḥ .

grāmādiṣu svāmigrāhyo bhāgaḥ āyaḥ vikretā mūlyādadhikagrāhyoḥ lābhaḥ

. rakṣānirveśo rājabhāgaḥ śulkaḥ si° kau° varṇakramācchataṁ

dvitricatuḥpañcakamanyathā yājña° caturthyartha upasaṁkhyānam vārti°

pañca vṛddhyādinā dīyante ‘smai . 7 vṛddhyādinā

dīyamānapañcasaṁkhyānvitadravyasampradāne tri° . pañcamena rūpeṇa

grahaṇam tāvatithaṁ grahaṇamiti lugvā pā° kan . pūraṇārthasya vā luk .

pañcamena rūpeṇa kasyacit 8 grahaṇe . tāvatithena gṛhṇātīti kan

vaktavyaḥ nityañca luk vārti° uktaḥ kan pūraṇārthasya vā luk .

pañcamena rūpeṇa 9 grāhake tri° . pañcānāmavayavam kan ardhacā° pu°

na° . 10 pañcasaṁkhyāyām ekaṁ dvikaṁ trikaṁ caiva catuṣkaṁ

pañcakaṁ tathā harikā° . 11 dhaniṣṭhāntyārdhādipañcatārake jyotiṣam .

12 rogāgnirājacauramṛtyusaṁjñake vāṇapañcake ca

bhaumākariktāmādyūte carone’ṅge vipañcake muhū° vyākhyāne pī°

dhārāyāṁ pakṣāntare vipañcaka ityasya bāṇapañcakārthakatvasyokteḥ

bāṇāśca upayamaśabde 1269 pṛ° darśitāḥ . pañcabhāgenānītatvā teṣāṁ

tathātvam . pañcake niṣiddhāni yathā vasiṣṭhaḥ

vasvaparārdhātpañcakadhiṣṇaye kāryaṁ gehasya gopanaṁ naiva .

dakṣiṇādiṅmukhagamanaṁ dāhaṁ pretasya

kāṣṭhasaṁgrahaṇamirtināradaḥ vasvantyārdhādipañcarkṣe saṁgrahaṁ

tṛṇakāṣṭhayoḥ . yāmyadiggamanaṁ śayyā na kārthaṁ gṛhagopanam iti

śrīpatirapi vāsavottaradalādipañcake yāmyadiggamanagehagopanam .

pretadāhatṛṇakāṣṭhasaṁgrahaṁ śayyakāvitatanaṁ ca varjayet

trivikramo’pi śayyāvitānaṁ pretādikriyāṁ kāṣṭhatṛṇārjanam .

yāmyadiggamanaṁ kuryānna candre kumbhamīnage iti nanu pretadāhe

kiṁ nakṣatrāntare mṛtasya dhaniṣṭhottarārdhādike dāho na kārya iti uta

pañcakaeva mṛtasya pañcake dāho na kārya iti āhosvidyasmin

kasmiṁścinnakṣatre pañcakātirikte pañcake bā mṛtasya pañcake dāho na

kārya iti trayaḥ pakṣāḥ sambhavanti tatra yadi vijñāyate nakṣatrāntare

mṛtasya pañcake dāho na kārya iti tatra pañcake maraṇasya doṣavattā na

prāpnoti taccāyuktaṁ yaspāduktaṁ brahmapurāṇe kumbhamīnasthite

candre maraṇaṁ yasya jāyate . na tasyordhvagatirdṛṣṭā santatau na

śubhaṁ bhavet iti . atha vijñāyate pañcakaeva mṛtasya pañcake dāho na

kārya iti tadapi na, śravaṇe, dhaniṣṭhāpūrvārdhe ca mṛtasya ṣañcake

dāhaniṣedho na prāpnoti kintudāhaḥ kartavya ityeva prāpnoti .

astvevamiti cenna prāptasya dāhaṁ tyajediti dāhasyaiva

kriyākārakasambandhena prādhānyato niṣedhāt, kiñca

triguṇaphaladovṛddhau naṣṭe hṛte ca mṛte’pi veti tripuṣkarayogaphalavat

pañcakamaraṇaniṣedha eva vaktavye dāhaniṣedhasya pṛthagupādānāt

kartavyatāpattiḥ . tasmādyasmin kasmiṁścinnakṣatre mṛtasya pañcake

dāho na kārya iti tṛtīyaḥ pakṣaḥ sādhīyān . prādhānyāddāhasyaiva niṣedha

ityuktaṁ prāk ataḥ pañcakāt prāk maraṇadoṣo nāsti tathā tatraiva

dāho’pi na doṣāya . yadi kriyākaraṇavaśāt kālātikrame sati

pañcakapravṛttistadā śāntiṁ vidhāya dāhaḥ kāryaḥ pañcake tu dvayamapi

niṣiddhaṁ maraṇaṁ dāhaśceti . uktaṁ ca brahmapurāṇe

kumbhamīnasthite candre maraṇaṁ yasya jāyate . na

tasyordhvagatirdṛṣṭā santatau na śubhaṁ bhavet . na tasya dāhaḥ

kartaṣyo vināśaḥ sveṣu jantuṣu . pañcakānantaraṁ kāryaṁ kāryaṁ

dāhādikaṁ khalu . atha vā taddine kāryo dāhastu vidhipūrvakam .

revatīprānte mṛtasya revatīmapahāya dāhaḥ kārya ityarthaḥ

dhaniṣṭhottarārdhādimṛtasya dāhastu sadyaeva pañcakasya

bahukālavyāpitvātparyuṣitadāhaniṣedhācca . sa ca dāhaḥ

śāntividhipūrvakaḥ kāryaḥ . sa ca vidhirukto brahmapurāṇe dāhadeśe

śavaṁ nītvā snāpayecca prayatnataḥ . darbhāṇāṁ pratimāḥ kāryāḥ

pañcorṇāsūtraveṣṭitāḥ . yavapiṣṭenānuliptāstābhiḥ saha śavaṁ dahet .

pretavāhaḥ pretasakhaḥ pretapaḥ pretabhūmipaḥ . pretahartā

pañcamaśca nāmānyetāni ca kramāt iti . viśeṣastvantyeṣṭipaddhatyādau

draṣṭavyaḥ . nanvatra triguṇaphalado vṛddhau naṣṭe hṛte ca mṛte’pi veti

maraṇanipedhaeva vaktavyo kiṁ punardāhaniṣedhena . ucyate

doṣādhikyasūcanārthaṁ hi punardāhaniṣedhaḥ ataeva pañcake mṛtasya

puttalakavidhānaṁ kṛtvā dāhaḥ kāryaḥ tataḥ sūtakānte putrādibhiḥ

śāntikaṁ ca vidheyam . uktaṁ ca garuḍapurāṇe tato dāhaḥ

prakartavyastaiśca puttalakaiḥ saha . sūtakānte tadā putraiḥ kāryaṁ

śāntikapauṣṭikam . pañcake tu mṛto yo’sau na gatiṁ labhate naraḥ .

tilāṁścaiva hiraṇyaṁ ca tamudiśya ghṛtaṁ dadet iti . ato nakṣatrāntare

mṛtasya pañcake dāhaprāptau putanakavidhireva bhavati tataḥ sūtakānte

śāntikaṁ ca . evaṁ pañcakānte mṛtasyāśvinyāṁ dāhaprāpau

puttalakavidhirna kinu stūtakānte śānvikameva vidheyam pī° dhā° .

पवन – pavana Monier-Williams, Monier: A Sanskrit-English Dictionary. London : 1899pavana m. “purifier”, wind or the god of wind, breeze, air (ifc. f. “ā”) &c.

m. vital air, breath

m. the regent of the Nakshatra Svāti and the north-west region

m. N. of the number 5 (from the 5 vital airs)

m. a householder’s sacred fire

m. a species of grass

m. N. of a son of Manu Uttama

m. of a mountain

m. of a country in Bharata-kshetra

pavana n. or m. purification, winnowing of corn

pavana n. a potter’s kiln, śṛiṅgār.

pavana n. an instrument for purifying grain &c., sieve, strainer

pavana n. blowing

pavana n. water

pavana mfn. clean, pure

Apte, Vaman Shivaram: The Practical Sanskrit-English Dictionary. Poona :


pavana a. Clean, pure. –naḥ [pūlyu]

(1) Air, wind; sarpāḥ pibaṁti pavana na ca durbalāste Subhāṣ.;

pavanapadavī, pavanasutaḥ &c.

(2) N. of Viṣṇu.

(3) A householder’s sacred fire. –naṁ

(1) Purification.

(2) Winnowing.

(3) A sieve, strainer.

(4) Water.

(5) A potter’s kiln (m. also). –nī A broom.

— Comp.

–aśanaḥ, –bhuj m. a serpent.

–ātmajaḥ 1. an epithet of Hanumat. –2. of Bhīma. –3. fire.

–āśaḥ a serpent, snake. -nāśaḥ 1. an epithet of Garuḍa. –2. a


–tanayaḥ, –sutaḥ 1. epithets of Hanumat. –2. of Bhīma.

–vāhanaḥ fire.

–vyādhiḥ 1. an epithet of Uddhava, a friend and counsellor of

Kṛṣṇa. –2. rheumatism.

Böhtlingk und Roth: Großes Petersburger Wörterbuch

pavana (wie eben) 1) “das Reinigen” (des Getraides) AK. 3, 3, 24. n. H.

1017. 1521. m. (!) H. an. 3, 389. MED. n. 84. — 2) n. “Werkzeug zum

Reinigen, Sieb, Seihe und dergl.” NIR. 6, 9. anasthāḥ pūtāḥ pavanena

śuddhāḥ śucayaḥ śucimapi yanti lokam AV. 4, 34, 2. syonā māpaḥ

pavanaiḥ punantu 18, 3, 11. asthīni pavanena saṁpūya ĀŚV. GṚHY. 4, 5.

Vgl. danta-. — 3) m. “Wind (der Reiniger”), auch im medic. Begriff, AK. 1,

1, 1, 58. TRIK. 3, 3, 247. H. 1106. H. an. MED. HALĀY. 1, 75. N. 24, 35.

pavanaḥ pavatāmasmi BHAG. 10, 31. MBH. 7, 4740. 13, 337. R. 2, 41, 15.

6, 112, 62. BHARTṚ. 1, 39. 3, 93. MEGH. 8. 14. RAGH. 1, 42. 2, 13. 3, 30.

ŚĀK. 55. 86. VARĀH. BṚH. S. 5, 63. 34, 1. RĀJA-TAR. 2, 124. tadāsya-

Spr. 1265. niśvāsa- MĀRK. P. 62, 16. nītimantrapavanaiḥ HIT. III, 147.

SUŚR. 1, 20, 13. 47, 2. 135, 2. 152, 14. pavanādhika 181, 18. -prabhavā

rogāḥ 2, 323, 10. “die drei Winde” prāṇa, apāna, samāna 1, 128, 20.

Personif.: pavanasya hrade snātvā MBH. 3, 6075. Regent des Nakshatra

Svāti VARĀH. BṚH. S. 98, 1. statt dieses 9, 2. Regent von Nordwest 85,

76. Am Ende eines adj. comp. f. ā MBH. 7, 6676. HARIV. 2663. VARĀH.

BṚH. S. 46, 27 (28). “der Wind” als Bez. “der Zahl fünf” VARĀH. BṚH. 1,

7. — 4) “das im Hause gepflegte heilige Feuer” (āvasathyāgni) HĀRITA

bei KULL. zu M. 3, 185. — 5) “Töpferofen”, m. TRIK. n. H. an. MED. yaḥ

kumbhakārapavanopari paṅkalepastāpāya kevalamasau na tu tāpaśāntyai

Spr. 117. Die hier auftretende v.l. payana erwähnt auch ŚKDR., aber als

fehlerhaft; vgl. vulg. poyān. — 6) n. “Wasser” ŚABDAM. im ŚKDR. — 7) m.

N. pr. a) eines Sohnes des Manu Uttama BHĀG. P. 8, 1, 23. — b) des

Verfassers eines Gāndharvaveda WEBER, Ind. Lit. 240. — 8) f. ī a)

“Besen” H. 1015, Sch. — b) N. pr. eines Flusses VP. 171, N. 12. — 9) adj.

= prayata “rein” ŚABDAR. im ŚKDR.

pavana 3) so v. a. “Athem” SARVADARŚANAS. 178, 1. — 5) die richtige

Form ist vielleicht pacana. — 10) N. pr. eines Landes in Bharatakshetra

WILSON, Sel. Works 1, 293.

pavana n. “das Blasen”: vāyostiryakpavanam KAṆ. 5, 2, 13.

Benfey, Theodor: A Sanskrit-English Dictionary. London : 1866

pavana pavana, i. e. pū + ana,

I. m.

1. Wind, air, Śāk. d. 55.

2. A potter’s kiln, Böhtl. Ind. Spr. 117.

3. A proper name.

II. m. (or n.) The sacred fire.

— Comp. danta-, n. A small piece of wood for cleaning the teeth with.

Cappeller, Carl: A Sanskrit-English Dictionary, based upon the St.

Petersburg Lexicons. Strassburg : 1891

pavana m. wind (often personif.), N. of a man; n. instrument for purifying,

sieve, strainer, etc.

Macdonell, Arthur Anthony: A Sanskrit-English Dictionary. London : 1893

pavana pav-ana, m. (purifier), wind, breeze, air; god of wind; vital air;

breath; domestic (sacred) fire; n. instrument for purifying, winnowing-

fan; whisk; sieve, strainer; potter’s kiln;

-kṣipta, pp. tempest-tossed;

-java, m. (swift as the wind), N. of a horse;

-tanaya, m. son of the wind, ep. of Hanumat and of Bhīmasena;

-āghāta, m. gust of wind;

-ātmaja, m. son of the wind, fire; ep. of Bhīmasena.

Bhaṭṭācārya: Vācaspatyam (6 Vol). Chaukhamba Sanskrit Series 94,

reprint of the 1873-1884 edition. Varanasi : 1962

pavana na° pū–lyuṭ . 1 niṣpāve śūrpavātena dhānyādeḥ śodhane ādhāre

lyuṭ . 2 kumbhakārasya āmaghaṭādipākasthāne (poyāna) medi° . karaṇe

lyuṭ . 3 jale śabdamā° kartari lyu . 4 vāyau pu° amaraḥ pavanāśca

āvahādayaḥ sapta anilaśabde 16 4 pṛ° darśitāḥ . vatsarabhede teṣāṁ

krameṇaikekavatsarādhipatitvam tacca jyotistattve uktaṁ yathā śākaḥ

śarābdhisaṁguṇyo munibhirbhāga hāritaḥ . āvahādikrameṇaiva sapta

vātāḥ prakīrtitāḥ guṇyā śākāṅkaḥ . guṇyakaḥ 45 bhāktakaḥ 7 5 prayate

tri° śabdara° . 6 viṣṇau pu° pavanaḥ pāvano’nilaḥ viṣṇusaṁ° .

बाण – bāṇa Monier-Williams, Monier: A Sanskrit-English Dictionary. London : 1899bāṇa or #vāṇa (), “bāṇa” (; later more usually “vāṇa” q.v.) m. a reed-

shaft, shaft made of a reed, an arrow &c. &c.; N. of the number five

(from the 5 arrows of Kāma-deva; cf. “paṇca-b-“) ; the versed sine of an

arc ; a mark for arrows, aim ; a partic. part of an arrow ; Saccharum Sara

or a similar species of reed ; the udder of a cow (“vāṇa” ; music (for

“vāṇa”) = “kevala”,; N. of an Asura (a, son of Bali, an enemy of Viṣṇu

and favourite of śiva) ; of one of Skanda’s attendants ; of a king ; (also

“-bhaṭṭa”) of a poet (the author of the Kādambarī, of the Harsha-carita,

and perhaps of the Ratnāvalī) ; of a man of low origin ; m. () or (“ā”) f. ()

a blue-flowering Barleria; (“ā”) f. the hind part or feathered end of an

arrow ; n. the flower of Barleria ; the body

Böhtlingk und Roth: Großes Petersburger Wörterbuch

bāṇa m. n. SIDDH.K.248,b,5. 1) m. oxyt. und parox. “Rohrpfeil, Pfeil” AK.

2, 8, 2, 54. 3, 4, 13, 48. TRIK. 2, 8, 52. 3, 3, 138. H. 778. fg. 229. an. 2,

149. MED. ṇ. 27. HALĀY. 2, 311. 5, 68. yatra bāṇāḥ saṁpatanti ṚV. 6, 75,

17. ā te yoniṁ garbha etu pumānbāṇa iveṣudhim AV. 3, 23, 2. 6, 105, 2.

KAUŚ. 35. SUND. 2, 16. DRAUP. 9, 9. MBH. 8, 3192. DAŚ. 1, 23. 50. R. 1,

1, 43. 2, 44, 18. 3, 69, 15. Spr. 429. Schol. zu ŚAT. BR. 14, 6, 8, 2. –

saṁdhāna “das Aufsetzen des Pfeils auf den Bogen” ŚĀK. 52. -mukti “das

Abschiessen eines Pfeils” H. 780. HALĀY. 2, 315. -varṣin RAGH. 12, 50. –

siddhi “das Treffen der Pfeile” KĀM. NĪTIS. 14, 25. 27. kandarpa- Spr.

1970. 2518. BRAHMA-P. in LA.53, 13. VET. 7, 4. Wegen der “fünf Pfeile

des Liebesgottes”, Bez. “der Zahl fünf” SŪRYAS. 2, 17. 8, 3. 12, 89.

ŚRUT. 16. 27. Vgl. pañcabāṇa. — 2) m. “ein best. Theil eines Pfeils” H. an.

bāṇā f. “das hintere Ende eines Pfeils” (bāṇamūla) MED. Vgl. bāṇavant. —

3) “Ziel”: yo yogo bhagavadbāṇaḥ (yo bhagavantaṁ lakṣīkaroti Schol.)

BHĀG. P. 3, 25, 29. — 4) m. “eine best. Rohrart”, = bhadramuñja RĀJAN.

im ŚKDR. — 5) m. f. (ā) “eine blau blühende Barleria” AK. 2, 4, 2, 55.

TRIK. 3, 3, 138. H. an. MED. VAIJ. beim Schol. zu ŚIŚ. 6, 46.

vikacavāṇadalāvalayaḥ ŚIŚ. 6, 46. — 6) m. “Kuheuter” MED. — 7) m. =

kevala MED. — 8) n. “Körper” PRAŚNOP. 2, 2. — 9) N. pr. a) eines Asura,

eines Sohnes des Bali, Feindes des Viṣṇu und Günstlings des Śiva, AK. 3,

4, 13, 48. TRIK. 2, 8, 22. H. 221. H. an. MED. VYĀḌI beim Schol. zu H.

210. MBH. 1, 2528. 9, 2700. 12, 8264. HARIV. 190. fg. 2362. 3135. 9793.

9806. fgg. 10731. fgg. KATHĀS. 31, 11. 27, 142. VP. 147. 593. fgg. BHĀG.

P. 3, 3, 11. 6, 8, 16. fg. 8, 10, 19. 29. -jit Bein. Viṣṇu’s H. 221, Sch. -han

desgl. WILSON und ŚKDR. angeblich nach H. bāṇāri desgl. ŚABDĀRTHAK.

bei WILSON. bāṇasutā Bāṇa’s Tochter, Bein. der Ūṣā, ŚABDAR. im ŚKDR.

— b) eines Wesens im Gefolge des Skanda (neben khaḍga “Schwert)”

MBH. 9, 2569. — c) eines Fürsten HARIV. 5018. 5499. eines Sohnes des

Vikukshi und Vaters des Anaraṇya, R. 1. 70, 22. fg. (72, 20 GORR.). 2,

110, 9. — d) eines Dichters, Verfassers der Kādambarī, des Harṣacarita

und vielleicht auch der Ratnāvalī (nach HALL.), DHAR. im ŚKDR. Verz. d.

B. H. No. 561. fg. Verz. d. Oxf. H. 142,a,15. 258,b,15. No. 334. HALL in

der Einl. zu VĀSAVAD. 7. 8. 21. 49. -bhaṭṭa Verz. d. Oxf. H. 124,b,33. No.

212. — e) eines Mannes niedriger Herkunft RĀJA-TAR. 7, 318. — Die Bed.

“Feuer” bei WILSON und im ŚKDR. beruht auf einer falschen Zerlegung

von juhūvāṇa TRIK. 1, 1, 66.

bāṇa 1) am Schluss, Bez. “der Zahl fünf” SĀH. D. 264. — 5) n. “die

Blüthe” KIR. 4, 28 (bei MALLIN. zu lesen bāṇāni nīla-). 10, 24.

bāṇa 5) HALĀY. 2, 50. VARĀH. BṚH. S. 10, 21. n. “die Blüthe” ŚIŚ. 12, 37.

— 6) vgl. 1. vāṇa.

Mani, Vettam: Puranic Encyclopaedia. Delhi 1975

bāṇa (BĀṆABHAṬṬA) I. A Sanskrit poet who lived in the 7th century

A.D. He was a member of the assembly of emperor Harṣavardhana.

‘Harṣacarita’ (prose) is the most important work of Bāṇa. Though many

of the descriptions in this book contain exaggerations it affords plenty of

scope for investigation into the features of ancient Sanskrit literature. He

has mentioned about Vyāsa, Bhaṭṭāra-hariścandra, Sātavāhana,

Pravarasena, Bhāsa, Kālidāsa and such others.

bāṇa 2 II A mighty and powerful Asura.

bāṇa 3 III A warrior of Subrahmaṇya. Mention is made about this Bāṇa in

Mahābhārata, Śalya Parva, Chapter 45, Stanza 67.

bāṇa 4 IV An asura. During the regime of Śrī Rāma this Asura fought

against the King and his brothers. A Śivaliṅga had been consecrated in

the throat of this asura. So it was not possible for Lakṣmaṇa to defeat

him though he had fought with him for so many days. Lakṣmaṇa heard an

etherial voice saying, “Unless and until the image of Śivaliṅga is removed

from his throat Bāṇa could not be killed.” By the operation of arrows

Lakṣmaṇa smashed the image of Śivaliṅga in his throat. With the same

arrow he cut the throat of the asura also and thus Bāṇa was killed.

(Kampa Rāmāyaṇa, Uttara Kāṇḍa).

Benfey, Theodor: A Sanskrit-English Dictionary. London : 1866

bāṇa bāṇa, see vāṇa.

Cappeller, Carl: A Sanskrit-English Dictionary, based upon the St.

Petersburg Lexicons. Strassburg : 1891

bāṇa [1] bāṇa m. reed-shaft, arrow, N. of an Asura etc.; bāṇavat adv. like

an arrow.

bāṇa m. reed-shaft, arrow, N. of an Asura etc.; bāṇavat adv. like an


bāṇa [2] -> vāṇa.

Macdonell, Arthur Anthony: A Sanskrit-English Dictionary. London : 1893

bāṇa bāṇa, (or a), m. (reed), shaft, arrow; the number five (because

Kāma has five arrows); mark or aim (of an arrow); m. N. of the author of

the Kādambarī and the Harṣacarita (seventh century A. D); N. of an

Asura; N.; m. blue Barleria; n. its flower: -gocara, m. range of an arrow,

arrow-shot (distance);

-tā, f. state of an arrow;

-tūnī-kṛ, turn into a quiver;

-dhi, m. (arrow-case), quiver;

-patha, m. range of an arrow, arrow-shot (distance);

-pāta, m. -patha, m. arrow-shot (distance);

-bhaṭṭa, m. Bāṇa (the author);

-maya, a. consisting or formed of arrows;

-yojana, n. quiver.

Bhaṭṭācārya: Vācaspatyam (6 Vol). Chaukhamba Sanskrit Series 94,

reprint of the 1873-1884 edition. Varanasi : 1962

bā(vā)ṇa pu° baṇa–śabde vaṇa–gatau vā saṁjñābāṁ kartari ghañ . 1

śase, 2 gostane, (vāṁṭa) 3 virocanasute 4 daityabhede, 5 kevale ca 6

śaraputre 7 nīlajhiṇṭhyām puṁstrī° amaraḥ 8 bāṇamūle strī medi° .

medinyāṁ dantoṣṭhyavāditvena paṭhitaḥ rāyamukuṭādavasta baṇa śabde

iti pātuprakṛtikatvamāhurato’svobhayavidhāditvam bala–bhāve ghañ . 9

śabde 10 tadathitadadhiṣṭhātṛdevyāṁ sarasvatyāṁ strī upacārāt 11 vākye

amaraḥ .

बाणः – bāṇaḥ Apte, Vaman Shivaram: The Practical Sanskrit-English Dictionary. Poona :1890


(1) An arrow, shaft, reed; dhanuṣyamoghaṁ samadhatta bāṇaṁ Ku.

3. 66.

(2) An aim or mark for arrows.

(3) The feathered end of an arrow.

(4) The udder of a cow.

(5) A kind of plant (nīlajhiṁṭī; f. also); vikacabāṇadalāvalayo ‘dhikaṁ

rurucire rucirekṣaṇavibhramāḥ Śi. 6. 46.

(6) N. of a demon, son of Bali; cf. uṣā.

(7) N. of a celebrated poet who lived at the court of king

Harṣavardhana and flourished in the first half of the seventh century; see

App. II). He is the author of kādaṁbarī, harṣacarita and of some other

works; (Govardhana in his Āryasaptaśatī v. 37 speaks in these terms of

Bāṇa: –jātā śikhaṁḍinī prāgyathā śikhaṁḍī tathāvagacchāmi .

prāgalbhyamadhikamāptuṁ vāṇī bāṇo babhūvoti ..; so hṛdayavasatiḥ

paṁcabāṇastu bāṇaḥ P. R. 1. 22).

(8) A symbolical expression for the number ‘five’.

(9) A sound, voice. (10) Fire.

(11) Lightning. –ṇaḥ, –ṇā The hinder part or feathered end of an


— Comp.

–asanaṁ a bow.

–āvaliḥ –lī f. 1. a series of arrows. –2. a series of five verses

forming one sentence.

–āśrayaḥ a quiver.

–gaṁgā N. of a river said to have been produced by Ravaṇa’s


–gocaraḥ the range of an arrow.

–jālaṁ a number of arrows.

–jit m. an epithet of Viṣṇu.

–tūṇaḥ, –dhiḥ a quiver.

–pathaḥ the range of an arrow.

–pāṇi a. armed with arrows.

–pātaḥ 1. an arrow-shot (as a measure of distance). –2. the

range of an arrow.

–mukti f.,

–mokṣaṇaṁ discharging or shooting an arrow.

–yojanaṁ a quiver.

–rekhā a long wound made by an arrow.

–vāraḥ a breast-plate, an armour, cuirass; cf. vārabāṇaḥ. –vṛṣṭiḥ

f. a shower of arrows.

–saṁdhānaṁ the fitting of an arrow to the bow-string.

–siddhiḥ f. the hitting of a mark by an arrow.

–sutā an epithet of Uṣā, daughter of Baṇa; see uṣā. –han m. an

epithet of Viṣṇu.

Rādhākāntadeva: Śabdakalpadruma (5 Vol). Third edition, reprint of the

1886 edition. Varanasi : 1967

bā(vā)ṇaḥ puṁ, (baṇanaṁ bāṇaḥ śabdastadasyāstīti . bāṇa + ac .)

astraviśeṣaḥ . tira iti bhāṣā . tatparyāyaḥ . pṛṣatkaḥ 2 viśikhaḥ 3

ajimbhagaḥ 4 khagaḥ 5 āśugaḥ 6 kalambaḥ 7 mārgaṇaḥ 8 śaraḥ 9 patrī

10 ropaḥ 11 iṣuḥ 12 . ityamaraḥ . 2 . 8 . 86 .. citrapuṅkhaḥ 13 śāyakaḥ 14

vīrataraḥ 15 tūṇakṣeḍaḥ 16 kāṇḍaḥ 17 viparṣakaḥ 18 śaruḥ 19 vājī 20

patravāhaḥ 21 astrakaṇṭakaḥ 22 .. lauhamayavāṇasya paryāyaḥ .

prakṣveḍanaḥ 1 lohanālaḥ 2 nārācaḥ 3 .. kṣiptabāṇasya paryāyaḥ .

prahitaḥ 1 nirastaḥ 2 .. viṣāktabāṇasya paryāyaḥ . tīkṣṇaḥ 1 liptakaḥ 2

digdhaḥ 3 .. tīro niṣphalasāyake . iti śabdaratnāvalī .. * .. (yathā, ṛgvede .

6 . 75 . 17 .

yatra bāṇāḥ saṁpatanti kumārā viśikhā iva .

tatrā no brahmaṇaspatiraditiḥ śarma yacchatu viśvahā śarma

yacchatu ..) valirājasya jyeṣṭhaputtraḥ . yathā —

baleḥ puttraśataṁ tvāsīdbāṇajyeṣṭhantato dvijāḥ .

bāṇaḥ sahasrabāhuḥ syāt sarvāstraguṇasaṁyutaḥ ..

tapasā toṣito yasya pure vasati śūladhṛk .

mahākālatvamagamat sāmyaṁ yasya piṇākinaḥ .. iti matsyapurāṇe 5

adhyāyaḥ .. (asya janmādivivaraṇantu bāṇayuddhaśabde draṣṭavyam .

vistṛtistu harivaṁśe viṣṇuparvaṇi 173 adhyāyamārabhya draṣṭavyā ..)

gostanaḥ . kevalaḥ . iti medinī . ṇe, 27 .. agniḥ . iti trikāṇḍaśeṣaḥ ..

kāṇḍāvayavaḥ . iti viśvaḥ .. bhadramuñjaḥ . iti rājanirghaṇṭaḥ .. (puṁ,

strī, nīlajhiṇṭī . iti vaijayantī .. yathā, māghe . 6 . 46 .

vikacabāṇadalāvalayo’dhikaṁ rurucire rucirekṣaṇavibhramāḥ ..

baṇyate śabdyate iti . baṇa śabde + akartari ca kārake saṁjñāyām . 3 . 3

. 19 . iti ghañ . vāk . iti nighaṇṭuḥ .. ikṣvākuvaṁśīyo’yodhyārājaḥ

svanāmakhyāto vikukṣeḥ puttraḥ . yathā, rāmāyaṇe . 1 . 70 . 22 — 23 .

ikṣvākostu sutaḥ śrīmān kukṣirityeva viśutaḥ .

kukṣerathātmajaḥ śrīmān vikukṣirudapadyata ..

vikukṣestu mahātejā bāṇaḥ puttraḥ pratāpavān .

bāṇasya tu mahātejā anaraṇyaḥ pratāpavān .. kādambarīpraṇetā

kaviviśeṣaḥ . yathā, kādambaryāṁ kavivaṁśavarṇane .

sarasvatīpāṇisarojasampuṭapramṛṣṭahomaśramasīkarāmbhasaḥ .

yaśo’ṁśuśuklīkṛtasaptaviṣṭapāt tataḥ surobāṇa iti vyajāyata ..

dvijena tenākṣata kaṇṭhakauṇṭhyayā mahāmanomohamalīmasāndhayā


alabdhavaidagdhyavilāsamugdhayā dhiyā nibaddhveyamatidvayī kathā

.. ayameva harṣacaritapraṇetā iti kecit ..)

भूत – bhūta Monier-Williams, Monier: A Sanskrit-English Dictionary. London : 1899bhūta mf (“ā”) n. become, been, gone, past (n. the past) &c. &c.

mf (“ā”) n. actually happened, true, real (n. an actual occurrence,

fact, matter of fact, reality) &c.

mf (“ā”) n. existing, present

bhūta mf (“ā”) n. (ifc.) being or being like anything, consisting of, mixed

or joined with &c. (also to form adj. out of adv., e.g. “ittham-, evam-,


mf (“ā”) n. purified

mf (“ā”) n. obtained

mf (“ā”) n. fit, proper

mf (“ā”) n. often w.r. for “bhṛta”

bhūta m. a son, child

bhūta m. a great devotee or ascetic

bhūta m. (pl.) N. of an heretical sect (with Jainas, a class of the


bhūta m. N. of śiva

bhūta m. of a priest of the gods

bhūta m. of a son of Vasu-deva and Pauravī

bhūta m. of a son-in-law of Daksha and father of numerous Rudras

bhūta m. of a Yaksha

bhūta m. (“ā” f.) the 14th day of the dark half of the lunar month ( also


bhūta m. N. of a woman

bhūta n. (cf. above ) that which is or exists, any living being (divine,

human, animal, and even vegetable), the world (in these senses also m.)

&c. &c.

bhūta n. a spirit (good or evil), the ghost of a deceased person, a

demon, imp, goblin (also m.) &c. (cf. 241)

bhūta n. an element, one of the 5 elements (esp. a gross element =

“mahā-bh-” q.v.; but also a subtle element = “tan-mātra” q.v.; with

Buddhists there are only 4 element) &c.

bhūta n. N. of the number “five” (cf. “mahā-bh-” and “pāṇcabhautika”)

bhūta n. well-being, welfare, prosperity

Apte, Vaman Shivaram: The Practical Sanskrit-English Dictionary. Poona :


bhūta p. p. [bhū-kta]

(1) Become, being, existing.

(2) Produced, formed.

(3) Actually being, really happened, true.

(4) Right, proper, fit.

(5) Past, gone.

(6) Obtained.

(7) Mixed or joined with.

(8) Being like, similar. (see bhū). –taḥ

(1) A son, child.

(2) An epithet of Śiva.

(3) The fourteenth day of the dark half of a lunar month (also bhūtā).

(4) A great devotee.

(5) N. of a priest of the gods.

(6) The dark fortnight of a month (kṛṣṇapakṣa). –taṁ

(1) Any being (human, divine or even inanimate). Ku. 4. 45; Pt. 2. 87.

(2) A living being, an animal, a creature; kṣaraḥ sarvāṇi bhūtāni

kūṭastho’kṣara ucyate Bg. 15. 16; bhūteṣu kiṁ ca karuṇāṁ bahulīkaroti

Bv. 1. 122; U. 4. 6.

(3) A spirit, ghost, an imp, a devil, (m. also in these senses).

(4) An element; (they are five, i. e. pṛthvī, ap tejas, vāyu, and ākāśa);

taṁ vedhā vidave nūnaṁ mahābhūtasamādhinā R. 1. 29.

(5) An actual occurrence, a fact, a matter of fact.

(6) The past, past time.

(7) The world.

(8) Well-being, welfare.

(9) A symbolical expression for the number ‘five’. (10) Fitness,


— Comp.

–anukaṁpā compassion for all beings; bhūtānukaṁpā tava cet R.

2. 48.

–aṁtakaḥ the god of death, Yama.

–ariḥ Asa Foetida.

–arthaḥ 1. the fact, real fact, true state, truth, reality; ārye

kathayāmi te bhūtārthaṁ S. 1; bhūtārthaśobhā hriyamāṇanetrā Ku. 7. 13;

kaḥ śraddhāsyati bhūtāryaṁ sarvo māṁ tulāyiṣyati Mk. 3. 24. –2. an ele

ment of life. -kathanaṁ, -vyāhṛtiḥ f. a statement of facts;

bhūtārthavyāhṛtiḥ sā hi na stutiḥ parameṣṭhinaḥ R. 10. 33.

–ātmaka a. consisting or composed of the elements.

–ātman a. 1. one whose soul is purified. –2. composed of the five

elements (as the body); cf. Ms. 12. 12. (–m.) 1. the individual (as

opposed to the Supreme) soul. –2. an epithet of Brahmā. –3. of Śiva. –4.

of Viṣṇu. –5. an elementary substance. –6. the body. –7. war, conflict.

–8. the elementary or vital principle. –9. a soul which clings to the

elements, a carnal mind; Y. 3. 34.

–ādiḥ 1. the Supreme Spirit. –2. an epithet of Ahaṅkāra (in

Sāṅkhya phil.).

–ārta a. possessed by a de vil.

–āvāsaḥ 1. the body. –2. an epithet of Śiva. –3. of Viṣṇu.

–āviṣṭa a. possessed by a devil or evil spirit.

–āve, śaḥ demoniac possession.

–ijyaṁ–ijyā making oblations to the Bhūtas.

–iṁdriyajayin m. a kind of ascetic.

–iṁṣṭā the fourteenth day of a lunar fortnight.

–īśaḥ 1. an epithet of Brahman. –2. of Viṣṇu. –3. of Śiva;

bhūteśasya bhujaṁga vallivalayasraṅnaddhajūṭā jaṭāḥ Māl. 1. 2.

–īśvaraḥ an epithet of Śiva; R. 2. 46.

–unmādaḥ demoniac possession.

–upadeśaḥ a reference to past things or such as already exist.

–upasṛṣṭa, -upahata a. possessed by a devil.

–odanaḥ a dish of rice.

–kartṛ, -kṛ t m. an epithet of Brahman.

–kālaḥ 1. past time. –2. (in gram.) the past or preterite time.

–keśī the holy basil.

–krāṁtiḥ f. possession by a devil.

–gaṇaḥ 1. the collection of created beings.

(2) the whole class of spirits or devils; Bg. 17. 4. –grasta 1.

possessed by a devil. –grāmaḥ 1. the whole multitude or aggregate of

living beings; U. 7, Bg. 8. 19. –2. a multitude of spirits. –3. the body. —

ghnaḥ 1. a kind of birch tree. –2. a camel. –3. garlic. (–ghnī) the holy

basil. –caturdaśī the fourteenth day of the dark half of Kartika. –cārin m.

an epithet of Śiva. –ciṁtā an enquiry into the elements, investigation into

their nature. –jayaḥ victory over the elements. –dayā compassion

towards all beings, universal benevolence. –druh, –dhruk a. injurious,

malicious. –dharā, –dhātrī, -dhāriṇī the earth. –nāthaḥ an epithet of

Śiva. –nāyikā an epithet of Durgā. –nāśanaḥ 1. the marking-nut plant, —

2. mustard. –3. pepper. (–naṁ) 1. Asa Foetida. –2. a bead used for

rosaries (rudrākṣa). –nicayaḥ the body. –pakṣaḥ the dark fortnight. —

patiḥ 1. an epithet of Śiva; Ku. 3. 43, 74. –2. of Agni. –3. the sacred

basil. –patrī the holy basil. –pūrṇimā the day of full-moon n. the month of

Aśvina. –pūrva a. existed before, former; bhūtapūrvakharālayaṁ U. 2. 17.

–pūrvaṁ ind. formerly. –prakṛtiḥ f. the origin of all beings; S. 1. 1. –baliḥ

= bhūtayajña q. v. –brahman m. a low Brāhmaṇa who maintains himself

with the offerings made to an idol; see devala. –bhartṛ m. an epithet of

Śiva. –bhāvanaḥ an epithet of Brahman. –2. of Viṣṇu. –bhāṣā, —

bhāṣitaṁ the language of devils. –bhautika a. consisting of the elements.

–maheśvaraḥ an epithet of Śiva. –mātṛ f. an epithet of Gaurī. –mātraṁ-

trā the rudiment of an element. –mātrāḥ f. pl. the coarse and subtile

elements. –yajñaḥ an oblation or offering to all created beings, one of the

five daily Yajṇas to be performed by a householder. –yoniḥ the origin of

all created beings –rāj m. an epithet of Śiva. –varga the whole class of

spirits. –vāsaḥ the Bibhītaka tree. –vāhanaḥ an epithet of Śiva. –vikriyā

1. epilepsy. –2. possession by a devil –vijñānaṁ. –vidyā demonology. —

vṛkṣaḥ the Bibhītaka tree. –śuddhiḥ f. purification of the elements (of the

body). –saṁsāraḥ the world of mortals. –saṁcāraḥ do moniac

possession. –saṁcārin m. a forest conflagration. –saṁplavaḥ universal

deluge or destruction. –sargaḥ 1. the creation of the world, the class or

order of created beings. –2. creation of the elements. –sākṣin m. ‘all-

seeing,’ an eye-witness of created beings. –sādhanī the earth. —

sūkṣmaṁ a subtle element. –sṛṣṭiḥ f. 1. the illusion effected by the power

of Bhūtas. –2. the whole class of Bhūtas taken collectively. –sthānaṁ 1.

the abode of living beings. –2. the abode of demons. –hatyā destruction

of living beings. –haraḥ bdellium.

Böhtlingk und Roth: Großes Petersburger Wörterbuch

bhūta (partic. von 1. bhū) am Anf. eines comp. vor kṛta u. s. w. gaṇa

śreṇyādi zu P. 2, 1, 59. am Ende eines comp. (vgl. 1, “c.)” nach śroṇi u. s.

w. gaṇa kṛtādi ebend. 1) adj. a) “geworden” so v. a. “gewesen,

vergangen”; n. “das Vergangene, Vergangenheit”; = atīta AK. 3, 4, 14,

80. H. an. 2, 183. = vitta (lies vṛtta) MED. t. 41. fg. HALĀY. 5, 73. VAIJ.

bei MALLIN. zu ŚIŚ. 2, 4 (samātīta zu lesen). yena bhūtaṁ janayo yena

bhavyam ṚV. 10, 55, 2. bhūtaṁ bhaviṣyat AV. 4, 11, 2. 6, 115, 2. 10, 8, 1.

11, 4, 20. 17, 1, 19. parimitaṁ vai bhūtam AIT. BR. 4, 6. TBR. 3, 8, 17, 3.

12, 8, 3. ŚAT. BR. 10, 4, 1, 9. ĀŚV. GṚHY. 2, 4, 14. īśānaṁ

bhūtabhavyasya KAṬHOP. 4, 5. MAITRJUP. 6, 5. KAUṢ. UP. 1, 5. M. 12,

97. Spr. 4668. KATHĀS. 1, 24. MĀRK. P. 79, 7. 99, 48. PAÑCAR. 4, 3, 49.

WEBER, RĀMAT. UP. 337. 351. bhūte VS. PRĀT. 2, 45. P. 3, 2, 84. 3, 2,

140. VOP. 25, 1. 26, 86. RĀJA-TAR. 4, 636 (zugleich “Geschöpf).” — b)

“wirklich geschehen”; n. “Thatsache”: bhūtābhūtaparijñānaṁ

kṛtākṛtaparīkṣaṇam KĀM. NĪTIS. 13, 48. bhūtā hyarthā vinaśyanti –

viklavaṁ dūtamāsādya Spr. 4671. -vādin YĀJÑ. 3, 285. bhūtena

vyavahārānnayennṛpaḥ 2, 19. abhūtadoṣa “an dem keine Schuld in

Wirklichkeit haftet, schuldlos” Spr. 2196. bhūta = ṛta AK. = satya H. an.

MED. Vgl. bhūtārtha. — c) “geworden, seiend”, in comp. mit seinem

Prädicate, inbes. mit einem subst., wodurch mit ihrem subst. in

Geschlecht und Zahl congruirende Attribute und Prädicate gewonnen

werden: tṛtīya- ṚV. PRĀT. 4, 2. dū- 5, 24. sāḍbhūta AV. PRĀT. 2, 82.

unmatta- Spr. 339. aṁśa- BHĀG. P. 4, 1, 4. avayava- ŚVETĀŚV. UP. 4, 10.

ātma- M. 7, 217. kāvyātma- SĀH. D. 3, 10. ārakṣa- M. 3, 204.

tāmāśramalalāmabhūtāṁ śakuntalām ŚĀK. 25, 4. sarvasyāśrayabhūtāḥ

Spr. 3215. kāṣṭha- R. 1, 45, 3. kṛmi- M. 10, 91. ketu- N. 12, 28.

kṣaṇabhūteva nau rātriḥ saṁvṛtteyam R. 1, 65, 3. 2, 52, 52. kṣetra- M. 9,

33. jīva- BHAG. 7, 5. 15, 7. R. 1, 4, 23. tamo- M. 1, 5. 12, 115. Spr. 3118.

dāsa- R. 2, 101, 9. nyāsa- 1, 66, 13. 3, 51, 18. MBH. 2, 774. paśu- R. 1,

62, 11. punarukta- RAGH. 5, 34. vīja- M. 9, 33. brahma- 5, 93. BHAG. 5,

24. 18, 54. MBH. 1, 14. R. 1, 34, 13. bhasma- 44, 42. 3, 35, 54. bhāra- P.

5, 1, 50, Sch. bhāṣya- ŚIŚ. 2, 24. bhūmi- “der Boden seiend” (nicht “auf

der Erde befindlich)” Spr. 5163. bhṛtya- PAÑCAT. 87, 5. mūla- Verz. d.

Oxf. H. 104,b,22. ratna- N. 2, 22. rāma- R. 3, 43, 32. 6, 73, 25. lakṣya-

YĀJÑ. 3, 248. vāyu- M. 2, 82. MBH. 3, 12810. vṛtra- 14, 308. śarīra- 13,

526. śeṣa- MADHUS. in Ind. St. 1, 20, 19. saṁkleda- YĀJÑ. 3, 75. saṁjñā-

VOP. 6, 12. suhṛdbhūtā PAÑCAT. 81, 5. sthāni- P. 1, 1, 57, Sch.

hṛdayotsavabhūtā (kathā) MĀRK. P. 23. 113. Mit. advv. verbunden:

itthaṁ- (s. auch bes.) KUMĀRAS. 6, 26 (getrennt gedr.). evaṁ- (s. auch

bes.) Verz. d. Oxf. H. 229,b,9. SĀH. D. 27,8. tathā- (s. auch bes.) 9. Spr.

2028. śvobhūte sa (svayaṁvaraḥ) bhaviṣyati so v. a. “morgen” N. 18, 23.

Dieses ist das bhūta = sama oder upamāne der Lexicographen (AK. 3, 4,

14, 80. H. 1462. H. an. MED. VAIJ. a. a. O.), und in der That lässt sich

bhūta in dieser Verbindung häufig durch “gleich” wiedergeben. Vgl. citra-,

para-, pātra- (u. pātra 4.), pūrva-, prāṇa-, bhava-. — d) “eingeweicht in”

(vgl. das caus. von 1. bhū): gośakṛdbhūtānāṁ vā yavānām SUŚR. 2, 72,

15. — e) = prāpta “erlangt” AK. 3, 2, 54. H. 1490. H. an. MED. — f)

“passend, schicklich”; = yukta, ucita AK. H. an. MED. Statt samānīte cire

VAIJ. a. a. O. ist wohl samātītocite zu lesen. — g) fehlerhaft für bhṛta

KĀM. NĪTIS. 15, 28. 18, 3. 4. 5. 15 (vgl. 17). — 2) n. “kräftiges Dasein,

Wohlsein, Gedeihen”: devā asurāṇāṁ bhūtecchadbhireva bhūtaṁ

chādayitvāthainānatyāyan AIT. BR. 6, 36. bhūtamasi bhūte mā dhāḥ TS.

3, 2, 8, 5. VS. 18, 14. Vgl. durbhūta. — 3) m. (dieses nur ausnahmsweise)

und n. gaṇa ardharcādi zu P.2,4,31. SIDDH. K. 251,a,1 v. u.

“Gewordenes” so v. a. “Wesen im weitesten Sinne”, von “göttlichen,

menschlichen und anderen Wesen” gebraucht; “Welt”; = prāṇin, jantu,

sattva AK. H. an. MED. VAIJ. a. a. O. HALĀY. 5, 82. ye bhūtāni

samakṛṇvannimāni ṚV. 10, 82, 4. 174, 5. bhūtānāṁ garbhamā dadhe 3,

27, 9. AV. 11, 6, 21. sūryo bhūtasyaikaṁ cakṣuḥ 13, 1, 45.

bhūtasyādhyakṣāḥ 1, 31, 1. niryācanbhūtātpuruṣaṁ yamāya “aus der

Welt” 6, 133, 3. idaṁ sarvaṁ bhūtaṁ yadidaṁ kiṁ ca CHĀND. UP. 3, 12,

1. bhūtasya und bhūtānāṁ patiḥ AV. 3, 10, 9. 10, 1, 22. VS. 2, 2. 20, 32.

ŚAT. BR. 6, 1, 3, 7. TS. 2, 6, 6, 3. ŚĀÑKH. ŚR. 4, 20, 1. PĀR. GṚHY. 2, 9.

ṣaḍjātā bhūtā prathamajā ṛtasya AV. 8, 9, 16. 21. viśvā bhūtāvacākaśat

13, 2, 12. 18, 4, 7. 19, 22, 1. prajā vai bhūtāni ŚAT. BR. 2, 4, 2, 1. 3, 5, 2,

13. 11, 3, 3, 3. 5, 4, 4. 13, 7, 1, 1. bhūtāya tvā nārātaye “einem Wesen”

(guter Art), “nicht einem Unholde” VS. 1, 11. 5, 12. 32, 11. AIT. BR. 3,

15. annaṁ hi bhūtānāṁ śreṣṭham TAITT. UP. 2, 2. sarveṣāṁ ca devānāṁ

sarveṣāṁ ca bhūtānām KAUṢ. UP. 4, 20. MAITRJUP. 6, 32. sarvabhūtāni

nirmame M. 1, 16. 42. 7, 5. rakṣandharmeṇa bhūtāni rājā vadhyāṁśca

ghātayan 8, 306. yā niśā sarvabhūtānām BHAG. 2, 69. 7, 26. yaccāpi

sarvabhūtānāṁ bījaṁ tadaham 10, 39. sarvabhūtānāṁ bhāve HIḌ. 4, 32.

MBH. 3, 1036. vāsudevaśca bhūtānām (śreṣṭhaḥ) 7, 197. teṣveva yātrā

lokānāṁ bhūtānāmiva vāsave 13, 2089. R. 1, 1, 3. MEGH. 99. Spr. 1895.

2055. 2173. 3120. 3628. 4669. fg. 5419. SĀṁKHYAK. 69. RĀJA-TAR. 4,

636 (zugleich “Vergangenheit).” sarvabhūtānukampaka M. 6, 8.

bhūtānukampā RAGH. 2, 48. -dayā PAÑCAR. 4, 2, 18. -viśeṣasaṁghāḥ

BHAG. 11, 15. ahiṁsakāni M. 5, 45. khecarāṇi SUND. 2, 7. tatra sa

śuśrāva śabdaṁ vai madhye bhūtasya kasyacit N. 14, 2. kiṁ

bhūtamadhikaṁ tataḥ Spr. 2385. mahadbhūtam ŚAT. BR. 14, 5, 4, 10. 12.

TBR. 3, 7, 10, 1. KĀTY. ŚR. 2, 1, 18. 19. ĀŚV. GṚHY. 3, 9, 6. MAITRJUP.

5, 32. MBH. 1, 1290. 6, 3014. fg. HARIV. 8153. bhūtaṁ

mahatkairātasaṁsthitam ARJ. 3, 20. caturvidhānāṁ (aṇḍaja, jarāyuja,

svedaja, udbhijja) bhūtānām MBH. 2, 1431. 3, 12809. HALĀY. 5, 73.

bhūtānāṁ prāṇinaḥ śreṣṭhāḥ M. 1, 96. sarvāṇi bhūtāni sthā- varāṇi carāṇi

ca 7, 15. MBH. 12, 8523. triṣu lokeṣu yadbhūtaṁ

kiṁcitsthāvarajaṅgamam SUND. 1, 25. 3, 13. bhūtaṁ carācaram BHAG.

10, 39. sthāvarāṇi ca bhūtāni “Pflanzen” M. 11, 240. sthāvarāṇāṁ ca

bhūtānāṁ jātayaḥ ṣaṭprakīrtitāḥ.

vṛkṣagulmalatāvallyastvaksārāstṛṇajātayaḥ.. MBH. 13, 2992. masc. Spr.

2056. sthāvarā jaṅgamāścaiva mahābhūtāḥ MBH. 2, 466. bhūtānāṁ patiḥ

unter den Opferpriestern der Götter Ind. St. 3, 467. — 4) m. n. “ein

unheimliches Wesen, Gespenst, Kobold” AK. 1, 1, 1, 6. H. an. MED.

HALĀY. 1, 87. 5, 55. 73. ye bhūtāḥ pracaranti divānaktaṁ balimicchantaḥ

ĀŚV. GṚHY. Einschieb. STENZ. 46. 47. -gṛhyāṇi PĀR. GṚHY. 1, 12. 2, 9.

SUŚR. 1, 114, 9. 117, 9. 181, 20. HARIV. 11554. ṛṣayaḥ pitaro devā

bhūtānyatithayaḥ M. 3, 80. bhūtāni balikarmaṇā (arcayet) 81.

divācarebhyo bhūtebhyo naktaṁcāribhya eva ca 90. VARĀH. BṚH. S. 46.

90. KATHĀS. 5, 25. 47, 46. VP. 41. 150, N. 18. BHĀG. P. 3, 14, 22. MĀRK.

P. 51, 53. pretānbhūtagaṇāṁśca BHAG. 17, 4. grahabhūtapretādīnām

WEBER, RĀMAT. UP. 315. bhūtapretapiśācādyāḥ 355. LALIT. ed. Calc.

313, 11. bhūtavigrahāḥ Spr. 3154. bhūtopahatacitteva R. 2, 58, 30 (34

GORR.). bhūtopasṛṣṭeva 60, 1. paśupatirdivyairbhūtaiḥ samāvṛtaḥ MBH.

6, 219. bhūtairvṛto rudra iva R. 6, 35, 3. parivṛto

bhūtairdehavadbhirivāntakaḥ 36, 6. bhūtapatiḥ sabhūtaḥ KUMĀRAS. 3,

74. -vijñāna Verz. d. Oxf. H. 307,b,33. -pratiṣedha 37. –

vetālamatanibarhaṇa 251,a,45. bhūtādisarvopadravanāśana Verz. d. B. H.

No. 963. Bei den Jaina bilden die bhūtāḥ eine Klasse der Vjantara H. 91.

— 5) n. “Element”, insbes. “ein grobes” (sthūla, mahant), also “Erde,

Wasser, Feuer, Luft, Aether”, aber auch ein “feines” (s. tanmātra); =

kṣmādi AK. 3, 4, 14, 80. H. an. MED. HALĀY. 5, 71. 73. VAIJ. a. a. O.

pañca tanmātrā bhūtaśabdenocyante atha pañca mahābhūtāni

bhūtaśabdenocyante MAITRJUP. 3, 2. 6, 28. M. 12, 14. 20. fgg. 90. MBH.

1, 252. 648. 3707. tatyajustaṁ mahābhāgaṁ pañca bhūtāni so v. a. “er

starb” 3, 16529. R. 6, 82, 35. pañcabhūtaparityaktaṁ śavam HARIV.

1142. samūho bhūtasaṁjñakaḥ MBH. 12, 7483. 13, 174. 14, 475. 1119.

fgg. SUŚR.1,5,14. SĀṁKHYAK. 22. 38. 56. NĪLAK. 37. TATTVAS. 16. 41.

VEDĀNTAS. (Allah.) No. 76. WEBER, RĀMAT. UP. 335. MĀRK. P. 24,31.

Verz. d. Oxf. H. 104,b,27. 231,b,3. -jaya 5. bhūtendriyeṣu 229,b,36.

bhūteṣu sthūlasū kṣmeṣu 37. mahānti M. 1, 18. MBH. 12, 8521. BHĀG. P.

3, 26, 24. -viveka Verz. d. Oxf. H. 222,a,25. Die Buddhisten nehmen nur

“vier Elemente” an COLEBR. Misc. Ess. I, 392. Wegen der “fünf

Elemente” Bez. “der Zahl fünf” Ind. St. 8, 167. Vgl. pāñcabhautika. — 6)

m. “der 14te Tag in der dunklen Hälfte eines Monats” TRIK. 1, 1, 107. f. ā

dass. SKANDA-P. und TITHYĀDIT. im ŚKDR. Vgl. bhūteṣṭā. — 7) m.

“Knabe” (kumāra) MED. — 8) m. “ein grosser” Jogin (yogīndra) ŚABDAR.

im ŚKDR. Śiva WILSON nach ders. Aut.; vgl. bhūtendriyajayin. — 9) m. pl.

N. einer häretischen Schule, deren Anhänger sich den Körper mit “Asche”

einrieben, Hist. de la vie de HIOUEN-THSANG 224. Man hätte eine von

bhūti “Asche” abgeleitete Form erwartet. — 10) m. N. pr. eines

Opferpriesters der Götter Ind. St. 3, 467. eines Sohnes des Vasudeva von

der Pauravī VP. 439. BHĀG. P. 9, 24, 46. eines Schwiegersohnes des

Daksha und Vaters einer Unzahl von Rudra 6, 6, 2. 17. N. pr. eines Jaksha

Verz. d. Oxf. H. 18,b,37. — Vgl. abhūtatadbhāva, abhūtarajas, bhauta,


bhūta 1) “h)” “gemischt, verbunden mit”: māṁsabhūtodana so v. a.

“Reisbrei mit Fleisch” R. 2, 52, 83.

bhūta 1) c) “seiend” so v. a. “gegenwärtig” KAṆ. 2, 2, 14. — f) füge 3, 4,

14, 80 nach AK. hinzu.

Cappeller, Carl: A Sanskrit-English Dictionary, based upon the St.

Petersburg Lexicons. Strassburg : 1891

bhūta a. become, either been, past, gone, former; or being (often –°),

present, real. — m. N. of a Yakṣa etc. n. being, creature, the world;

ghost, goblin, demon (m.); the past, fact, reality, welfare, prosperity;

element (ph.). — Abstr. -tā f., -tva n.

Macdonell, Arthur Anthony: A Sanskrit-English Dictionary. London : 1893

bhūta bhū-ta, pp. become, having been, past; actually happened;

existing, present; being (compounded with a predicate, especially a

substantive, to form adjectives; adverbs are thus turned into the

corresponding adjectives); mixed or joined with (-°); purified; m. n. being

(divine, human, animal, and even vegetable); good being (V.); created

thing; world (V.; gnly. n.); uncanny being , spirit, ghost, goblin (C.); n.

past; fact, reality, actual occurrence; welfare; element (esp. the gross

elements, earth, water, fire, air, ether; of which the body is supposed to

be composed and into which it is dissolved: cp. pañca-tva).

Bhaṭṭācārya: Vācaspatyam (6 Vol). Chaukhamba Sanskrit Series 94,

reprint of the 1873-1884 edition. Varanasi : 1962

bhūta na° bhū–kta . 1 nyāyye ucite pṛthivījalatejobāyugaganarūpeṣu

gandhādiviśeṣaguṇavatṣu 2 dravyeṣu, 4 satye, yathārthe vāstavike

bhūtamapyanupatyastaṁ hīyate vyavahārataḥ iti smṛtiḥ . 5

tattvānusandhāne ca chalaṁ nirasya bhūtena smṛtiḥ . 6 piśācādau pu° 7

kumāre 8 yogīndre 9 kṛṣṇapakṣe 10 prāṇini ca na° . 11 atīte vṛtte 12

sadṛśe 13 prāpte 14 satyārthe tri° . 15 kṛṣṇacaturdarśyā strī ṭāp .

bhūtatvaṁ ca ātmānyatve sati viśeṣaguṇavattvam na tu jātiḥ mūrtatvena

sāṅkaryāt tathāhi bhūtatvābhāvabati manasi mūrtatvasya sattvāt

mūrtatvābhāvavati gagane bhūtatvasya sattvāt ubhayoḥ

parasparabhāvasāmānādhikaraṇyam pṛthivyādiṣu caturṣu ca

bhūtatvamūrtatvayorubhayoḥ sattvāt parasparasāmānādhikaraṇyamiti

māṅkaryāt jātivyādhakatā .

मार्गण – mārgaṇa Monier-Williams, Monier: A Sanskrit-English Dictionary. London : 1899mārgaṇa mfn. (ifc.) desiring, requiring, asking

mfn. seeking, investigating

mārgaṇa m. a beggar, suppliant, mendicant

mārgaṇa m. an arrow &c.

mārgaṇa m. a symbolical expression for the number 5 (derived from the

5 arrows of the god of love)

mārgaṇa n. the act of seeking or searching for, investigation, research,

inquiry &c.

mārgaṇa n. the act of begging, solicitation, affectionate solicitation or

inquiry (also “ā” f.)

mārgaṇa n. a bow (16384 Hastas long?)

Apte, Vaman Shivaram: The Practical Sanskrit-English Dictionary. Poona :


mārgaṇa a. [mārg-lyu lyuṭ vā]

(1) Seeking, searching or looking out for.

(2) Inquiring.

(3) Asking, begging. –ṇaṁ, –ṇā

(1) Begging, requesting, soliciting.

(2) Seeking, looking out for, searching.

(3) Investigating, inquiry, examination. –ṇaḥ

(1) A beggar, supplicant, mendicant.

(2) An arrow; durvārāḥ smaramārgaṇāḥ K. P. 10; abhedi

tattādṛganaṁga mārgaṇairyadasya pauṣpairapi dhaiyarkaṁcukaṁ N. 1.

46; Vikr. 1. 77; R. 9. 17, 65.

(3) The number ‘five’.

Böhtlingk und Roth: Großes Petersburger Wörterbuch

mārgaṇa (von 1. mārg) 1) nom. ag. “verlangend, fordernd”: mārgaṇaiḥ

“(Pfeile)” kṣatamārgaṇaiḥ MBH. 6, 5561. “ein Bettelnder, Bettler” AK. 3,

1, 49. H. 388. an. 3, 219. MED. ṇ. 71. — 2) m. a) “Pfeil” AK. 2, 8, 2, 55. H.

778. H. an. MED. HALĀY. 2, 311. MBH. 4, 1703. 5, 2087. 7215. 6, 5561.

R. 3, 25, 5. 6, 65, 21. 67, 33. 68, 22. 70, 31. 77, 14. RAGH. 9, 22. 65. ed.

Calc. 3, 53. Spr. 2297. sa- adj. MBH. 3, 8486. 10963. HARIV. 12531.

samārgaṇaguṇaṁ dhanuḥ MBH. 3, 16208. — b) Bez. “der Zahl fünf”

(wegen der “fünf Pfeile” des Liebesgottes) SŪRYAS. 1, 30. — 3) n. a) “das

Suchen” AK. 3, 3, 30. H. an. MED. puṇyaślokasya MBH. 3, 2726. fg.

HARIV. 10314. R. GORR. 1, 4, 77. 78. mānuṣye kadalīstambhaniḥsāre

sāramārgaṇam. yaḥ karoti Spr. 4712. matsyamārgaṇaśīla Comm. zu TBR.

3, 4, 1, 12. kārya- “das Suchen –, das Ausforschen einer Sache” DAŚAR.

1, 46. — b) “das Bitten, Betteln” H. an. MED. auch mārgaṇā f. H. ś. 94.

mārgaṇa n. = praṇaya JAṬĀDH. im ŚKDR. “affection, affectionate

solicitation or inquiry” WILSON; praṇaya wird auch als Synonym von

yācñā aufgeführt. — Vgl. ṛṇa-, naṣṭa-.

Benfey, Theodor: A Sanskrit-English Dictionary. London : 1866

mārgaṇa mārgaṇa, i. e. mārg + ana,

I. adj. Begging, a beggar.

II. m.

1. A solicitor.

2. An arrow, Chr. 34, 15.

III. n.

1. Searching, Hit. iv. d. 71.

2. Begging.

Cappeller, Carl: A Sanskrit-English Dictionary, based upon the St.

Petersburg Lexicons. Strassburg : 1891

mārgaṇa a. asking, requiring (–°). –m. beggar, suppliant; arrow (abstr.

-tā f.), n. searching, inquiring.

Macdonell, Arthur Anthony: A Sanskrit-English Dictionary. London : 1893

mārgaṇa mārg-aṇa, a. seeking, requiring; m. beggar, supplicant; arrow;

search; investigation: -tā, f. nature of an arrow: -ṁ gam, become an


Bhaṭṭācārya: Vācaspatyam (6 Vol). Chaukhamba Sanskrit Series 94,

reprint of the 1873-1884 edition. Varanasi : 1962

mārgaṇa na° mārga–lyuṭ . 1 anveṣaṇe amaraḥ . 2 yācane 3 praṇaye ca

medi° . kartari lyu . 4 yācake tri° 5 śare pu° amaraḥ .

विषय – viṣaya Monier-Williams, Monier: A Sanskrit-English Dictionary. London : 1899viṣaya m. (ifc. f. “ā”; prob. either fr 1. “viṣ”, “to act”, or fr. “vi” + “si”, “to

extend” cf. sphere (of influence or activity), dominion, kingdom, territory,

region, district, country, abode (pl. = lands, possessions) &c.

m. scope, compass, horizon, range, reach (of eyes, ears, mind &c.)


m. period or duration (of life)

m. special sphere or department, peculiar province or tield of action,

peculiar element, concern (ifc. = “concerned with, belonging to, intently

engaged on”; “viṣaye”, with gen. or ifc. = “in the sphere of, with regard

or reference to”; “atra viṣaye”, “with regard to this object”) &c.

m. space or room (sometimes = fitness) for (gen.)

m. an object of sense (these are five in number, the five “indriya”, or

organs of sense having each their proper “viṣaya” or object, viz. 1.

“śabda”, “sound”, for the ear cf. “śruti-viṣaya”; 2. “sparśa”, “tangibility”,

for the skin; 3. “rūpa”, “form” or “colour”, for the eye; 4. “rasa”, “savour”,

for the tongue; 5. “gandha”, “odour” for the nose: and these five Vishayas

are sometimes called the Guṇas or “properties” of the five elements,

ether, air, fire, water, earth, respectively; cf. “śruti-viṣaya-guṇa”) 83

m. a symbolical N. of the number “five”

m. anything perceptible by the senses, any object of affection or

concern or attention, any special worldly object or aim or matter or

business, (pl.) sensual enjoyments, sensuality &c.

m. any subject or topic, subject-matter &c.

m. an object (as opp. to “a subject”)

m. a fit or suitable object (“for” dat. gen., or comp.) &c.

viṣaya m. (in phil.) the subject of an argument, category, general head

(one of the 5 members of an Adhikaraṇa [q.v.], the other 4 being “viśaya”

or “saṁśaya, pūrva-pakṣa, uttara-pakṣa” or “siddhānta”, and “saṁgati”

or “nirṇaya”)

m. un-organic matter 73

viṣaya m. (in gram.) limited or restricted sphere (e.g. “chandasi viṣaye”,

“only in the Veda”) (ifc. = restricted or exclusively belonging to)

viṣaya m. (in rhet.) the subject of a comparison (e.g. in the comp.

“lotus-eye” the second member is the “viṣaya”, and the first the


m. a country with more than 100 villages

m. a refuge, asylum

m. a religious obligation or observance

m. a lover, husband

m. semen virile

Böhtlingk und Roth: Großes Petersburger Wörterbuch

viṣaya (von 1. viṣ) P. 8, 3, 70 (nach dem Schol. von si mit vi). m. am Ende

eines adj. comp. f. ā. 1) “Gebiet, Bereich, Reich”; = deśa, upavartana,

janapada, rāṣṭra P. 4, 2, 52. AK. 2, 1, 8. 3, 4, 25, 186. TRIK. 3, 3, 320. H.

947. H. an. 3, 506. MED. j. 105. HALĀY. 2, 129. = āśaya AK. 3, 3, 11. – M.

5, 82. 7, 133. fg. 8, 148. 387. MBH. 1, 5937. kasyaiṣa viṣayo ramyaḥ R. 1,

9, 61. -rakṣaṇa, bhraṣṭo viṣayādrājā 17, 5. 47, 22. 76, 13. 2, 35, 11. 50,

19. 59, 8. 92, 3. Spr. 2980. 3015. vrajāmo viṣayāditaḥ KATHĀS. 25, 78.

BHĀG. P. 4, 14, 22. 9, 23, 5. na punarātmagatyā mānuṣāṇāmeṣa viṣayaḥ

so v. a. “hier haben aber Menschen nicht von selbst ihren Aufenthaltsort

gewählt” ŚĀK. 104, 14. yamasya Jama’s “Gebiet, – Reich” R. 3, 55, 52.

surāri- 5, 74, 33. nagna- KATHĀS. 18, 314. lahare viṣaye RĀJA-TAR. 5,

51. lāṭasindhu- VARĀH. BṚH. S. 69, 11. gauḍaviṣaye HIT. 27, 22. 39, 4.

17. 113, 19. pātāla- R. 5, 74, 33. pl.: puraṁ ca viṣayāśca naḥ MBH. 1,

7541. viṣayeṣu tapasvinaḥ R. 2, 91, 7. viṣayāndāpayāmi te “Ländereien”

KATHĀS. 49, 61. 53, 192. 103, 220. parisaraviṣayeṣu (= paryantadeśeṣu)

“in der nächsten Umgebung” KIR. 5, 38. parasparāntarviṣayau hi

tāvubhau babhūvatuḥ so v. a. “sie standen in einiger Entfernung von

einander” R. 5, 44, 9. — 2) “Gebiet, Bereich” in übertr. Bed.; = gocara

TRIK. H. an. MED. cakṣuṣorviṣayaḥ “Gesichtskreis, Sehweite” R. 5, 24,

17. cakṣurviṣaya (s. auch bes.) dass.: ā cakṣurviṣayāccainaṁ dadarśa

punaḥ punaḥ MBH. 14, 1537. cakṣurviṣayamāgataḥ R. 6, 81, 18. fg.

MṚCCH. 109, 12. cakṣurviṣayātikrānta HIT. 14, 12. acakṣurviṣaye (s. auch

acakṣurviṣaya) R. 2, 63, 21. dṛgviṣayopagata VARĀH. BṚH. S. 104, 52.

dṛṣṭiviṣaye RAGH. 15, 79. nayana- s. bes. śravaṇa- “Hörweite” MEGH.

101. jñāna- ŚĀÑKH. ŚR. 13, 5, 1. MBH. 14, 296. mano- KUMĀRAS. 6, 17.

yā viṣaye sthitāḥ so v. a. “dazwischenliegend” ṚV. PRĀT. 17, 2.

gandhasya viṣayaḥ ist die Erde MBH. 14, 299. rasasya das Wasser 392.

rūpasya das Licht 304. sparśasya die Luft 306. śabdasya der Aether 308.

jīvitavya- so v. a. “Lebensdauer” PAÑCAT. 4, 16.fg. jīva- dass. ed. orn. 1,

19. viṣaye “im Bereich von” so v. a. “in Bezug auf”: atra viṣaye “in Bezug

darauf” MBH. 13, 5682 nach der Lesart der ed. Bomb. PAÑCAT. 64, 12.

14. 114, 20. strīṇāṁ viṣaye ko ‘tra saṁdehaḥ 27, 18. yuvativiṣaye

sṛṣṭirādyeva dhātuḥ MEGH. 80. aho buddhiprāgalbhyamasya nītiviṣaye

PAÑCAT. 112, 19. tanmayādyāsya mitraviṣaye viśvāsaḥ samutpannaḥ

131, 11. dhanaviṣaye tvayā saṁtāpo na kāryaḥ 139, 3. manye tvāṁ

viṣaye vācāṁ snātamanyatra cchāndasāt BHĀG. P. 1, 4, 13.

parasvaviṣaye spṛhā AK. 1, 1, 7, 24. SARVADARŚANAS. 84, 7. 8. Am

Ende eines adj. comp.: alpaviṣayā matiḥ “ein kleines Gebiet umfassend”

RAGH. 1, 2. — 3) “ein Gebiet, auf dem man sich heimisch fühlt, das man

beherrscht, Jmdes Fach, – Sache”; = yasya yo jñātastatra AK. 3, 4, 24,

154. H. an. MED. sarvatraudarikasyābhyavahāryameva viṣayaḥ VIKR. 39,

14. eṣa pravrājakastrīṇāṁ viṣayaḥ KATHĀS. 32, 126. yoginyā

mantramārgo ‘yaṁ nāsmākaṁ viṣayaḥ punaḥ 37, 191. nātrāsmākaṁ

gativiṣayaḥ PAÑCAT. ed. orn. 53, 20. viṣaye sati vakṣyāmi so v. a. “wenn

ich es weiss” MBH. 13, 2206. na tvāmaviṣaye niyokṣyāmi kathaṁ ca na

2207. na khalu dhīmatāṁ kaścidaviṣayo nāma ŚĀK. 55, 20. — 4)

“Wirkungskreis, Erscheinungsgebiet”: raveraviṣaye so v. a. “wenn die

Sonne nicht scheint” Spr. 1964. 2491. guṇasamudāyāvāptiviṣayāṁ dyutim

so v. a. “sich in der Erlangung vieler trefflicher Eigenschaften

manifestirend” 2822. avakāśaviṣayā nirvṛtiḥ “sich als Musse äussernd”

2879. — 5) “ein fest umgrenztes –, umschriebenes Gebiet”: chandasi

viṣaye so v. a. “nur im” Veda KĀŚ. zu P. 1, 2, 36. saṁhitāviṣaye Schol. zu

39. am Ende eines adj. comp.: strī- so v. a. “ein femininum tantum”

ŚĀNT. 1, 5. 2, 2. nabviṣaya “ein neutrum tantum” 3. ābviṣaya “stets auf”

ā (femin.) “ausgehend” 1, 20. chandobrāhmaṇāni ca tadviṣayāṇi “die

unter diese Kategorie fallen” P. 4, 2, 66. — 6) “ein für Etwas geeigneter

Boden, das am-Platze-Sein”: ka iha paritāpasya viṣayaḥ Spr. (II) 525.

sāmādīnāṁ madhye kasyātra viṣayaḥ PAÑCAT. 227, 22. — 7) “das Object

eines Sinneswerkzeuges” (Laut u.s.w.) AK. 1, 1, 4, 16. 3, 4, 24, 154. H.

1384. H. an. MED. gandharūparasasparśaśabdāśca viṣayāḥ smṛtāḥ YĀJÑ.

3, 91. AMṚTAN. UP. in Ind. St. 9, 25. ŚAṁK. ebend. 17, N. 2. SUŚR. 1,

311, 1. TATTVAS. 6. ghrāṇo gandhaviṣayaṁ budhyate 14. RĀJA-TAR. 2,

3. SARVADARŚANAS. 24, 1. śrutiviṣayaguṇā (tanu d. i. ākāśa) ŚĀK. 1.

tamekadṛśyaṁ nayanaiḥ pibantyo nāryo na jagmurviṣayāntarāṇi

KUMĀRAS. 7, 64 = RAGH. 7, 12. Wenn manas zu den indriya gezählt

wird, erscheinen sechs viṣayāḥ NĪLAK. 22. COLEBR. Misc. Ess. I, 290. —

8) Bez. “der Zahl fünf” VARĀH. BṚH. S. 8, 21. 77, 23. 98, 1. BṚH. 1, 19.

7, 1. — 9) pl. “die Sinnesobjecte” als “Gegenstände des Genusses, die

Sinnenwelt, Sinnengenuss”: indriyāṇi hayānāhurviṣayāṁsteṣu gocarān

KAṬHOP. 3, 4. indriyāṇāṁ vicaratāṁ viṣayeṣvapahāriṣu Spr. (II) 1113.

hriyamāṇāni viṣayairindriyāṇi M. 6, 59. viṣayeṣvaprasaktiḥ 1, 89. viṣayeṣu

sajjati 6, 55. 7, 30. Spr. (II) 808. viṣayeṣu prajuṣṭāni (indriyāṇi) M. 2, 96.

yathā yathā niṣevante viṣayānviṣayātmakāḥ 12, 73. viṣayā vinivartante

nirāhārasya dehinaḥ BHAG. 2, 59. viṣayāṇāṁ sukham R. 1, 9, 3. asārāḥ

Spr. (II) 776. svīkṛtāḥ (I) 1195. nopabhoktuṁ na ca tyuktuṁ śaknoti vi

ṣayāñjarī 1652. BRAHMA-P. in LA. (III) 54, 22. anākṛṣṭasya viṣayaiḥ

RAGH. 1, 23. mama sarve viṣayāstvadāśrayāḥ 8, 68. niyacchedviṣayebhyo

‘kṣān BHĀG. P. 2, 1, 18. viṣayānpriyānbhuñjānaḥ 7, 4, 19. -saṅga M. 12,

18. viṣayopasevā 32. viṣayaiṣin RAGH. 1, 8. -vyāvṛttātman 3, 70. VIKR. 9.

nirviṣṭaviṣayasneha RAGH. 12, 1. -lolupa KATHĀS. 40, 51. viṣayoparama

SĀṁKHYAK. 50. viṣayāsaktamanas ŚUK. in LA. (III) 32, 11. viṣayāsakti

33, 15. viṣayopahāsa Verz. d. Oxf. H. 123,a,32. aviṣayamanasāṁ yatīnām

MĀLAV. 1. uparatāśeṣaviṣayaṁ manaḥ SĀH. D. 63, 15. Ausnahmsweise

sg.: pibanti nāma viṣayamasaṁkhyātāḥ kumārakāḥ CŪLIKOP. in Ind. St.

9, 13. — 10) “Object” überh.: puṁviṣayau “Subject und Object”

SARVADARŚANAS. 69, 11. MBH. 14, 1373.fg. deha indriyaṁ viṣayaḥ

BHĀṢĀP. 36. viṣayo dvyaṇukādiśca brahmāṇḍānta udāhṛtaḥ 37.

dṛṣṭānuśravika- JOGAS. 1, 15. 2, 54. viṣayo ‘yaṁ purāṇasya yanmāṁ

tvaṁ pṛcchasi “ein im” Purāṇa “behandelter Gegenstand” MBH. 1, 1439.

yatra yatra puruṣasya saṁdehaḥ sa sarvo ‘pi vicāraśāstrasya viṣayo

bhaviṣyati SARVADARŚANAS. 127, 10. fg. 159, 1. In der Pūrvamīmāṁsā

ist viṣaya “der zu behandelnde Gegenstand” eines der 5 Glieder jedes

Abschnittes oder Titels: te ca pañcāvayavā

viṣayasaṁśayapūrvapakṣasiddhāntasaṁgatirūpāḥ 122, 21. svādhyāyo

‘dhyetavya ityetadvākyaṁ viṣayaḥ 22.fg. iṣu- “der Gegenstand, auf den

der Pfeil gerichtet wird, Ziel eines Pfeils” ŚIŚ. 9, 40. Häufig am Ende eines

adj. comp. anya- “ein anderes Object habend, auf etwas Anderes

gerichtet, – sich beziehend, Anderes betreffend”: dṛṣṭi ŚĀK. 30. kathāḥ

BHĀG. P. 3, 15, 23. ananya- 1, 8, 13. tvayi me ‘nanyaviṣayā matiḥ 42.

yasminnīśvara ityananyaviṣayaśabdo yathārthākṣaraḥ “keinem Andern

zukommend” VIKR. 1. KĀVYĀD. 2, 331. ityevaṁviṣayā buddhiḥ KULL. zu

M. 2, 3. tadviṣayā buddhiḥ ŚAṁK. zu BṚH. ĀR. UP. S. 73. bhagavadviṣayā

ratiḥ SĀH. D. 7, 13. BHĀG. P. 1, 6, 4. 2, 9, 27. 6, 2, 10. RĀJA-TAR. 5,

185. mama tāvadekaiva buddhiḥ palāyanaviṣayā “nur auf Flucht gerichtet”

PAÑCAT. 247, 6. anukaraṇamityāditrisūtrī svabhāvātkṛñviṣayā “bezieht

sich auf” SIDDH.K. zu P.1,4,62. vayaṁ tu tatsargasargaviṣayāḥ so v. a.

“beschäftigt mit” BHĀG. P. 8, 7, 34. — 11) “ein sich zu Etwas” (gen. dat.)

“eignendes Object”: (sā) puṁsāmiṣṭaśca viṣayo maithunāya MBH. 4, 832.

858. (gajaḥ) naiva viṣayo vāhasya dohasya vā Spr. (II) 1324. varāho vā

rāhuḥ prabhavati camatkāraviṣayaḥ 1126. viṣayo rājā

babhūvānandaśokayoḥ so v. a. “war zugänglich für” RĀJA-TAR. 8, 1231.

sakalavacanānāmaviṣayaḥ so v. a. “unbeschreiblich” MĀLATĪM. 17, 2.

prabhūṇāṁ hi vibhūtyandhā dhāvatyaviṣaye matiḥ so v. a. “nach

Unerlaubtem” KATHĀS. 17, 138. — 12) im Tropus “der eigentlich

gemeinte Gegenstand”, im Gegens. zum Bilde; z. B. in der Figur: sie

schaut mit klaren Augen-Lotusen ist Auge viṣaya, Lotus viṣayin KUVALAJ.

19,b. PRATĀPAR.9,b,1. 78,a,9. — 13) verwechselt mit viṣama in

kāntāraviṣayeṣu R. 4, 40, 23. — Vgl. nirviṣaya, buddha-, yama-, sva-,

vaiṣaya und vaiṣayika.

Benfey, Theodor: A Sanskrit-English Dictionary. London : 1866

viṣaya viṣaya (probably vi-kṣi + a), m.

1. A collection of villages.

2. A country, Rājat. 5, 51; Pañc. 129, 14; a kingdom, Bhartṛ. 2, 12;

Rām. 3, 54, 28 (yama-, The lower regions, death); a place, Śāk. 104, 14;

Kir. 5, 38.

3. Anything indigenous or peculiar to a province.

4. Home, province, department, sphere, Vikr. 39, 14; Pañc. 4, 17

(jīvitavya-, Duration of life); Pañc. 227, 22 (application); element, that

which is peculiarly known to those who occupy themselves with it or live


5. Horizon, sight, a place which may be looked over by somebody,

reach, Man. 8, 148; Hit. 28, 3, M.M.; Megh. 35; 101.

6. Anything perceivable by the senses, an object of sense, Man. 1, 15;

Vikr. d. 9.

7. An object in general, Bhāṣāp. 36; atra viṣaye, Concerning this

object, Pañc. 114, 20; dhanaviṣaye, Concerning wealth, Pañc. 139, 3;

strīṇāṁ viṣaye, Concerning women, 27, 18; an object of art, Mālav. d. 29.

8. Worldly object, affair, business, enjoyment, etc., Pañc. iii. d. 244;

sensual enjoyment, Hit. iii. d. 116.

9. Aim, Śiś. 9, 40.

10. A religious observance.

11. Refuge, asylum.

12. A lover, a husband.

— Comp. a-,

I. adj. unacquainted with worldly objects, Śāk. 55, 20.

II. m. 1. not being an object, Mālat. 17, 2. 2. invisibility, Hit. ii. d. 77. an-

anya-, adj. having, or referring to, no other object, Vikr. d. 1. avakāśa-,

adj., f. yā, literally, having as its sphere space, room, i. e. demanding a

place (which it cannot get because the heart is filled with pride, etc.),

Pañc. iii. d. 264. cakṣurviṣaya, i. e. cakṣus-, m. sight, Man. 2, 298. a-

cakṣus-, adj. not distinguishable by one’s eye, Man. 4, 77. guṇa-

samudaya-avāpti-, adj., f. yā, having as its object the acquirement of a

multitude of good qualities, Hit. i. d. 174, M.M. nis-,

I. m. no home, not being a dwelling-place, Hariv. 3654.

II. adj. 1. having no home banished, Rām. 3, 79, 47. 2. not attached to

worldly objects, Bhāg. P. 2, 1, 19. nīti-, m. sphere of prudent conduct,

Pañc. 112, 19. palāyana-, adj., f. yā, having flight as its object, i. e.

advising flight, Pañc. 247, 6. mitra-, m. friendship, Pañc. 131, 11. yuvati-,

m. a woman, Megh. 80. śruti-, m. 1. an object of hearing, i. e. sound, Śāk.

d. 1. 2. an object of the Vedas. sva-, m. one’s own country, Hit. i. d. 170,


Cappeller, Carl: A Sanskrit-English Dictionary, based upon the St.

Petersburg Lexicons. Strassburg : 1891

viṣaya m. reach, sphere, domain, province, country; the right place for

(gen.); object, esp. of sense, pl. (sgl.) the pleasures of sense or the

external world. chandasi viṣaye in the sphere of i.e. only in the Veda (g.).

Adj. –° falling into the sphere of, belonging or relating to. — Abstr. -tā f.,

-tva n.

Macdonell, Arthur Anthony: A Sanskrit-English Dictionary. London : 1893

viṣaya viṣ-aya, m. [working, field of action] sphere of activity; scope,

compass, range, reach (of the eye, ear, mind, etc.); duration (of life);

province, department, domain, business; restricted sphere (gr.); room,

appropriateness for (g., rare); object of a sense (there are five

corresponding to the five senses: sound, touch, form, taste, smell);

objects or pleasures of sense, worldly concerns, sensual enjoyment (pl.);

object (opp. subject); topic, subject-matter; aim, mark; object suitable

for (d., g., -°); subject of comparison (in a trope; e. g. in ‘lotus-eye,’ ‘eye

is the viṣaya, ‘lotus’ the viṣayin or object); place, spot; region, district,

country, kingdom (pl. lands, possessions): -° a. manifesting itself in or

as; restricted to the category of, exclusively belonging to, invariably;

relating to, treating of, concerned with, directed to, aiming at: lc.

viṣaye, in the sphere of, with regard to, concerning (g., -°);

atra viṣaya, with regard to this;

chandasi viṣaye, only in the Veda.

Bhaṭṭācārya: Vācaspatyam (6 Vol). Chaukhamba Sanskrit Series 94,

reprint of the 1873-1884 edition. Varanasi : 1962

viṣaya pu° viṣiṇvanti svātmakatayā viṣayiṇaṁ nirūpayanti saṁbadhnanti

vā vi + ṣi–ac . indriyagocare 1 śabdādau 2 deśe ca amaraḥ . 3

bhogasādhane viṣayo dvyaṇukādistu brahmāṇḍānta udāhṛtaḥ .

sindhuhimādirviṣayo mataḥ . prāṇādistu mahāvāyuparyanto viṣayo mataḥ

bhāṣā° . atra viṣayaḥ bhomasādhanaṁ sarvameva hi

kāryamadṛṣṭādhīnaṁ yacca kāryaṁ yadadṛṣṭādhīnaṁ tat tadupabhogaṁ

sākṣātparamparayā janayatyeva na hi vījaprayojanābhyāṁ vinā

kasyacidutpattirasti tena dvyaṇukādibrahmāṇḍāntaṁ sarvameva viṣayo

bhavatītyarthaḥ si° muktā° . viṣiṇvanti viṣayiṇaṁ badhnanti svena rūpeṇa

nirūpaṇīyaṁ kurvantīti viṣayāḥ pṛthivyādayaḥ sukhādayaśca

asmadādīnāmaviṣayāśca tanmātralakṣaṇāḥ yogināmūrdhvasrotasāṁ ca

viṣayāḥ sāṁkhya° ta° kau° . 4 nityasevite amaraḥ . 5 avyakte 6 śukre ca

ajayapālaḥ . 7 kāntādau 8 upabhomye śabdaratnā° 8 niyāmake viśabdo hi

niḥśeṣārthaḥsinotirbandhanarthakaḥ . viśeṣeṇa sinotīti viṣayo ‘to

niyāmakaḥ bhaṭṭakā° . 9 āropāśraye sāropānyā tu yatroktā viṣayo viṣayī

tathā . viṣayyantaḥkṛte’nyasmi. sā syāt sādhyavasānikā kāṣyapra° . 10 vi

cārārhavākye adhikaraṇāvayavabhede viṣayo viśayaścaiva

pūrvapakṣastathottaram . nirṇayaśceti siddhāntaḥ śāstre’dhikaraṇaṁ

smṛtam mīmāṁsā° .

शर – śara Monier-Williams, Monier: A Sanskrit-English Dictionary. London : 1899śara m. (fr. “śrī” “to rend” or “destroy”) a sort of reed or grass,

Saccharum Sara (used for arrows) &c. &c.

m. an arrow, shaft &c.

m. N. of the number “five” (from the 5 arrows of the god of love)

śara m. (in astron.) the versed sine of an arc (accord. to also “the

whole diameter with subtraction of the versed sine”)

m. a partic. configuration of stars (when all the planets are in the 4tb,

5th, 6th, and 7th houses)

m. the upper part of cream or slightly curdled milk (v.l. “sara”), ApSr.

m. mischief, injury, hurt, a wound

m. N. of a son of Ricatka

m. of an Asura (v.l. “śuka”)

śara n. water (see “śara-varṣa” and “-ṣin”)

Böhtlingk und Roth: Großes Petersburger Wörterbuch

śara (von 1. śar) m. P. 3, 3, 57, Schol. (parox.). 1) “Rohr” überh., insbes.

“Saccharum Sara Roxb.” (zu Pfeilen verwandt) NIR. 5, 4. AK. 2, 4,5, 27.

H. 1192. an. 2, 459. fg. MED. r. 87. HALĀY. 2, 36. ṚV. 1, 191, 3. AV. 1, 2,

1. 3, 1. vi te madaṁ śaramiva pātayāmasi 4, 7, 4. kṣipraṁ śara iva

bhajyantām 8, 8, 4. ŚAT. BR. 1, 2, 4, 1. śareṣikā 3, 1, 3, 13. -barhis 14, 9,

4, 11. TS. 5, 2, 6, 2. 6, 1, 3, 3. KAUŚ. 47. fg. KĀTY. ŚR. 25, 7, 17.

GṚHYAS. 1. 94. M. 8, 247. R. 2, 96, 44. 52. R. GORR. 2, 30, 13. SUŚR. 1,

27, 20. 35, 12. 96, 13. -kāṇḍa 333. 20. -pāṭitapāda KATHĀS. 74, 107.

VARĀH. BṚH. S. 53, 97. -kṣāra 54, 113. 95, 5. darbhaśaram gaṇa

gavāśvādi zu P. 2, 4, 11. -pāṇḍura RAGH. 14, 26. -kāṇḍapāṇḍu MĀLAV.

43. -kāṇḍāpāṇḍu ŚIŚ. 11, 30. -gaura R. 4, 39, 14 (vgl. śaṇagaura MBH. 3,

16350). — 2) “Pfeil” AK. 2, 8, 2, 55. 3, 4, 1, 2. TRIK. 2, 8, 52. H. 778. H.

an. MED. HALĀY. 2, 308. 311. 5, 5. MUṆḌ. UP. 2, 2, 3. M. 3, 44.

dhanuḥśarāṇāṁ kartā 160. MBH. 3, 12225. 15657. 15731. R. 1, 1, 64.

śaramuddhṛtya 2, 63, 22. MEGH. 49. RAGH. 1, 61. śaraṁ

niṣaṅgāduddhartum 2, 30. 3, 56. VARĀH. BṚH. S. 26, 9. 58, 33.

DHŪRTAS. 66, 11. PAÑCAT. 224, 11. HIT. 34, 20. smara- 39, 22.

KATHĀS. 4, 8. vākśarāḥ R. 2, 35, 3. am Ende eines adj. comp. (f. ā)

KATHĀS. 39, 170. kariṣyamāṇaḥ saśaraṁ śarāsanam RAGH. 3, 52. — 3)

Bez. “der Zahl fünf” (wegen der “fünf Pfeile” des Liebesgottes) WEBER,

Nax. 2, 382. VARĀH. BṚH. S. 8, 20. GAṆIT. MADHJAM. 5. SĀH. D. 264;

vgl. śarāgni 2). — 4) “sinus versus” COLEBR. Alg. 89. GAṆIT. TRIPRAŚN.

58 nebst Comm. GOLĀDH. GOLAB. 16. GRAHAṆAV. 29. DṚKK. 10.

GAṆIT. GRAHACCH. 2. Bei ĀRYABHAṬA 2, 17 sowohl “sinus versus”, als

auch “der ganze Durchmesser nach Abzug des sinus versus.” — 5) Bez.

“einer best. Constellation, wenn nämlich alle Planeten in den Häusern 4,

5, 6 und 7 stehen”, VARĀH. BṚH. 12, 15. — 6) N. pr. eines Mannes ṚV. 1,

116, 22. 8, 59, 13. fg. eines Asura HARIV. 217 (nach der Lesart der

neueren Ausg. st. śuka der älteren). 2288. — Vgl. ku-, kusuma-, pañca-,

parṇa-, puṣpa-, bhīma-, mahā-, rāma-, sthūla-, hari-.

śara m. = śaras “Rahm” H. an. 2, 459. fg. MED. r. 87. sara RATNAM. im

ŚKDR. — Vgl. kṣīra-.

śara n. “Wasser” H. an. 2, 459. MED. r. 87.

Benfey, Theodor: A Sanskrit-English Dictionary. London : 1866

śara śara,

I. m.

1. A sort of reed, Saccharum sara, Man. 8, 247; a reed, Pañc. 140, 25.

2. An arrow (i. e. śṛ10 + a), Pañc. 224, 11.

3. The cream of slightly curldled milk, Mālav. d. 43 (cream, cf. sara).

II. n. Water.

— Comp. a-yugma- (having an odd number of arrows), m. Kāmadeva,

Daśak. in Chr. 190, 22. kusuma- (having flowers instead of arrows), m.

epithet of Kāma, Kathās. 26, 277. pañcaśara, i. e. pañcan- (having five

arrows), m. Kāma, Prab. 72, 11. puṣpa-, m. Kāma. sa-, adj. furnished

with arrows. hari-, m. Śiva.

Cappeller, Carl: A Sanskrit-English Dictionary, based upon the St.

Petersburg Lexicons. Strassburg : 1891

śara [1] m. reed, arrow.

śara [2] m. sour cream.

śara [3] (°–) water.

Macdonell, Arthur Anthony: A Sanskrit-English Dictionary. London : 1893

śara 1. śar-a, m. [destroyer: śṝ] V., C.: reed (sp. Saccharum Sara used

for arrows); arrow; N. (RV.); N. of an Asura (E.).

śara 2. śar-a, n. [prob. = sara, fluid], water (rare); 3. sour cream (rare).

Bhaṭṭācārya: Vācaspatyam (6 Vol). Chaukhamba Sanskrit Series 94,

reprint of the 1873-1884 edition. Varanasi : 1962

śara na° śṝ–ac . 1 jale 2 vāṇe 3 dadhidugdhāgrasāre pu° medi° 4

iṣusādhane tṛṇabhede pu° . bhadramuñjaḥ śaro

vāṇastejanaścakṣuveṣṭanaḥ . muñjo muñjātako vāṇaḥ sthūladarbhaḥ

sumedhasaḥ . nuñjadvayantu madhuraṁ tuvaraṁ śiśiraṁ tathā .

dāhatṛṣṇāvisarpāsramūtravastyakṣirogajit . doṣatrayaharaṁ vṛṣyaṁ

mekhalāsūpayujyate bhāvapra° . bhāve ap . 5 hiṁsāyām .

समीरण – samīraṇa Monier-Williams, Monier: A Sanskrit-English Dictionary. London : 1899samīraṇa “sam-īraṇa” mfn. setting in motion, causing activity,

stimulating, promoting Carm. (ifc. f. “ā”) breeze, wind, air, breath (also

“the god of wind”) &c.

mfn. wind of the body (of which there are five see “vāyu”)

mfn. N. of the number “five”

mfn. a traveller

mfn. marjoram or a similar plant

samīraṇa “sam-īraṇa” n. setting in motion

samīraṇa “sam-īraṇa” n. hurling, throwing

samīraṇa “sam-īraṇa” n. “-sahāya” mfn. accompanied or fanned by the

wind (as a forest fire) “-īrita” mfn. stirred, moved, tossed, thrown &c.

samīraṇa “sam-īraṇa” n. sent forth, uttered (as a sound)

Böhtlingk und Roth: Großes Petersburger Wörterbuch

samīraṇa (vom caus. von īr mit sam) 1) adj. a) “in Bewegung –, in

Thätigkeit versetzend”: pañcendriya- (manas) MBH. 12, 13605. — b)

“anregend, befördernd”: mada- (pāna) MBH. 7, 4345. HARIV. 5761. bala-

(pāna) R. 6, 37, 79. — 2) m. a) “Wind” (auch im Körper) AK. 1, 1, 1, 58.

H. 1106. an. 4, 90. MED. ṇ. 111. HALĀY. 1, 76. MBH. 3, 11998. 4, 1903.

HARIV. 12787. R. 2, 94, 14. ṚT. 2, 17. RAGH. 6, 26. KUMĀRAS. 1, 8.

MĀLATĪM. 148, 20. VARĀH. BṚH. S. 46, 46. CHANDOM. 56. KATHĀS. 67,

101. Verz. d. Oxf. H. 106, “a”, 8 (am Ende eines adj. comp. f. ā). SĀH. D.

113, 6. PAÑCAR. 1, 9, 29. SUŚR. 1, 148, 19. 152, 11. 219, 12. 2, 20, 3.

361, 6. “der Gott des Windes” MBH. 3, 10257. BHĀG. P. 8, 11, 1.

PAÑCAR. 1, 11, 31. — b) “ein Reisender” H. an. MED. — c) “Majoran”

oder “eine ähnliche Pflanze” AK. 2, 4, 2, 59. H. an. MED. — 3) n. “das

Schleudern”: astra- MBH. 8, 4284. “das in-Bewegung-Versetzen”:

vāyuśarīrasamīraṇāt “dadurch dass der Wind im Körper eine Bewegung

verursacht” TS. PRĀT. 2, 2.

Benfey, Theodor: A Sanskrit-English Dictionary. London : 1866

samīraṇa samīraṇa, i. e. sam-īr + ana,

I. m.

1. Air, Mālat. 148, 20; wind, Arj. 4, 7.

2. A traveller.

3. A plant, commonly Maruvaka.

II. n. Throwing.

Cappeller, Carl: A Sanskrit-English Dictionary, based upon the St.

Petersburg Lexicons. Strassburg : 1891

samīraṇa a. setting in motion, exciting; m. = prec., also the god of the


Bhaṭṭācārya: Vācaspatyam (6 Vol). Chaukhamba Sanskrit Series 94,

reprint of the 1873-1884 edition. Varanasi : 1962

samīraṇa pu° sam + īra–lyu . 1 vāyau 2 maruvakavṛkṣe amaraḥ 3 pathike

medi° . bhāve lyuṭ . samyaguktau na° .

सायक – sāyaka Monier-Williams, Monier: A Sanskrit-English Dictionary. London : 1899sāyaka mfn. intended or fitted to be discharged or hurled ( ii, 20)

sāyaka m. (in also n.) a missile, arrow &c. &c.

sāyaka m. a symbolical expression for the number “five” (from the 5

arrows of the god of love)

sāyaka m. a sword

sāyaka m. the latitude of the sky

sāyaka m. Saccharum Sara

sāyaka m. N. of a man

sāyaka m. the being or standing in regular order (= “krama-sthiti”; prob.

w.r. for “śāyikā”)

Böhtlingk und Roth: Großes Petersburger Wörterbuch

sāyaka (von 2. si) 1) adj. “zum Schleudern bestimmt” NAIGH. 2, 20. vajra

ṚV. 1, 32, 3. 84, 11. 10, 83, 1. — 2) m. und n. (ṚV.) “Wurfgeschoss, Pfeil”

AK. 3, 4, 1, 2. TRIK. 2, 8, 53. H. 778. an. 3, 107. MED. k. 167. HALĀY. 2,

311. arhanbibharṣi sāyakāni dhanva ṚV. 2, 33, 10. 3, 53, 23. 10, 48, 4. R.

3, 69, 17. 5, 33, 38. RAGH. 3, 53. ed. Calc. 57. ŚĀK. 11. 36. GĪT. 12, 19.

PAÑCAT. 120, 10. tūṇau cākṣayyasāyakau MBH. 3, 11980. R. 1, 1, 41. 2,

31, 30. vāksāyakāḥ Spr. (II) 6018. tīkṣṇasūryāṁśusāyakaiḥ KATHĀS. 95,

12. kanyāmekāmapaśyāma kāmasyāstramasāyakam 4, 3.

smarasāyakalakṣyatā 31. — 3) m. Bez. “der Zahl fünf” (wegen der 5 Pfeile

des Liebesgottes) SĀH. D. 264. — 4) m. “Schwert” AK. H. an. H. ś. 142.

MED. MBH. 4, 1336. — 5) m. N. pr. eines Mannes gaṇa naḍādi zu P. 4, 1,

99. PRAVARĀDHY. in Verz. d. B. H. 59, 25. fg. — 6) fg. sāyikā a) “Dolch”

H. ś. 145. — b) = kramasthiti ŚABDAR. im ŚKDR. fehlerhaft für śāyikā. —

Vgl. asama-, puṣpa-, harimanyu-.

Benfey, Theodor: A Sanskrit-English Dictionary. London : 1866

sāyaka sāya + ka (and śāyaka śāyaka), m.

1. An arrow, Pañc. 120, 10.

2. A sword.

— Comp. a-sanva- and puṣpa-, m. Kāma, the god of love, Kathās. 15, 2;

Lass. 66, 11.

Cappeller, Carl: A Sanskrit-English Dictionary, based upon the St.

Petersburg Lexicons. Strassburg : 1891

sāyaka a. suitable for hurling; m. n. missile, arrow.

Macdonell, Arthur Anthony: A Sanskrit-English Dictionary. London : 1893

sāyaka sāya-ka, a. [2. si] meant for discharging or hurling (RV.); m. (C.),

n. (RV.) missile, arrow: -puṅkha, m. feathered part of an arrow;

-maya, a. consisting of arrows.

Bhaṭṭācārya: Vācaspatyam (6 Vol). Chaukhamba Sanskrit Series 94,

reprint of the 1873-1884 edition. Varanasi : 1962

sāyaka pu° so–ṇvul . 1 vāṇe 2 khaṅge ca amaraḥ .

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