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Symbolic expressions for number “three”

Symbolic expressions for number “three”


अग्नि अग्निः अनल अनलः गुण गुणः ज्वलन दहन पावक महेश मून्नु राम वह्नि शिखिन् हर हरनेत्र हुताश

अग्नि – agni Monier-Williams, Monier: A Sanskrit-English Dictionary. London : 1899agni m. ( “ag” fire, sacrificial fire (of three kinds, Gārhapatya, āhavanīya,

and Dakṣiṇa)

m. the number three

m. the god of fire, the fire of the stomach, digestive faculty, gastric


m. bile

m. gold

m. N. of various plants Semicarpus Anacardium , Plumbago Zeylanica

and Rosea, Citrus Acida

m. mystical substitute for the letter “r”

m. in the Kātantra grammar N. of noun-stems ending in “i” and “u”

([cf. Lat. ‘igni-s’; Lith. ‘ugni-s’; Slav. ‘ognj’]).

Böhtlingk und Roth: Großes Petersburger Wörterbuch

agni m. Uṇ. 4, 51. 1) “Feuer” AK. 1, 1, 1, 48. H. 1099. MED. n. 1.

agnināgniḥ samidhyate ṚV. 1, 12, 6. pra te agnayo ‘gnibhyo varaṁ niḥ

suvīrāsaḥ śośucanta dyumantaḥ 7, 1, 4. Ist aus Wasser entstanden M. 9,

321. agnivāyuravibhyastu trayaṁ brahma sanātanam. dudoha

yajñasiddhyarthamṛgyajuḥsāmalakṣaṇam.. 1, 23. apāmagneśca

saṁyogāddhema rūpyaṁ ca nirbabhau 5, 113. spṛṣṭvāgnim 5, 103.

nāgniṁ mukhenopadhamet 4, 53. agnimārokṣyate R. 6, 72, 57. agniṁ

praviveśa KATHĀS. 20, 216. pradakṣiṇaṁ parītyāgnim M. 2, 48.

apasavyamagnau kṛtvā 3, 214. gṛhye ‘gnau 3, 84. laukike ‘gnau 3, 282.

vaivāhike ‘gnau 3, 67. na ca havyaṁ vahatyagniḥ 4, 249.

juhuyāttābhiragnim (samidbhiḥ) 2, 186. 4, 145. hutāgniḥ adj. 7, 145.

juhuyādghṛtamagnau 8, 106. hutvāgnau vidhivaddhomān 11, 119. agnau

prāstāhutiḥ 3, 76. prāsyedātmānamagnau vā samiddhe triravākśirāḥ 11,

73. agnau kuryāt 3, 210. tyaktāgniḥ adj. 3, 153. tyāgaḥ svādhyāyāgnyoḥ

11, 59. ta (mātāpitarāvācāryaśca) evoktāstrayo ‘gnayaḥ.. pitā vai

gārhapatyo ‘gnirmātāgnirdakṣiṇaḥ smṛtaḥ. gururāhavanīyastu sāgnitretā

garīyasī.. 2, 230. 231. AK. 2, 7, 19. agnīṁścātmani vaitānānsamāropya

yathāvidhi M. 6, 25. 38. pañcāgnīnapi juhvataḥ (nach KULL. ausser den 3

eben genannten noch āvasathya und sabhya) 3, 100. pañcāgniḥ adj. 3,

185. Häufig der Pl. von den geheiligten Feuern: yatrāgnayo ‘pi vā 3, 103.

navenānarcitā hyasya paśuhavyena cāgnayaḥ 4, 28. pratyūhennāgniṣu

kriyāḥ 5, 84. prāduṣkṛtāgniṣu 4, 104. prāduṣkṛteṣvagniṣu 4. 106.

apavidhyāgnīn 11, 41. bhāryāyai pūrvamāriṇyai dattvāgnīnantyakarmaṇi 5,

168. citāmāropayāmāsa – tato ‘gniṁ vidhivaddattvā R. 4, 24, 42. —

tṛṇāgni M. 3, 168. kaṭāgni 8, 377. Das Feuer als Gottesurtheil 8, 114 –

116. Uebertr.: kulaṁ dahati rājāgniḥ 7, 9. viṣāgni R. 6, 34, 23. tathā

jñānāgninā pāpaṁ sarvaṁ dahati vedavit M. 11, 246. krodhāgni R. 6, 36,

43. kopāgni 1, 41, 3. ŚĀK. Ch. 61, 13. VID. 145. śokāgni R. 2, 24, 8.

MṚCCH. 8, 21. HIT. I, 146. anuśayāgni KATHĀS. 20, 216. kāmāgni VID.

10. — 2) “Feuersbrunst”: yasya dṛśyeta rogo ‘gnirjñātimaraṇam M. 8, 108.

saṁbhrame cāgnikārite 4, 118. — 3) “das Brennen” (des Arztes):

kṣārādagnirgarīyān SUŚR. 1, 35, 10. 29, 10; vgl. agnikarman. — 4) “der

Gott des Feuers.” Ueber seine Stellung in der älteren Theologie vgl. NIR.

7, 8. Nach den Anschauungen des Veda lässt sich seine Thätigkeit nach

drei Richtungen unterscheiden. a) er ist der Vermittler des Opfers, Bote

der Menschen und Priester derselben: tve agne viśve amṛtāso adruha āsā

devā haviradantyāhutam ṚV. 2, 1, 14. antardūto rodasī dasma īyate hotā

niṣatto manuṣaḥ purohitaḥ 3, 3, 2. — b) als Bewahrer der leuchtenden

Kraft auch nach dem Verschwinden des himmlischen Lichtes ist er ein

Beschützer gegen die Schrecken und gegen die Geister der Finsterniss:

agnirjāto arocata ghnandasyūṁ jyotiṣā tamaḥ. avindadgā apaḥ svaḥ.. 5,

14, 4. — c) Agni ist der Hüter des Hauses und Heerdes: ni duroṇe amṛto

martyānāṁ rājā sasāda vidathāni sādhan. ghṛtapratīka urviyā

vyadyaudagnirviśvāni kāvyāni vidvān.. 3, 1, 18. agniṁrvai

devānāmavamaḥ Agni “ist der nächste der Götter” AIT. BR. 1, 1. Zu einer

kosmischen Macht wird Agni verflüchtigt, wo von seiner dreifachen

Geburt gesprochen oder er dem Wesen aller Götter gleichgesetzt wird, z.

B. ṚV. 2, 1. 10, 115. Die gewöhnlichsten Modificationen, unter welchen er

angerufen wird, sind: jātavedas, vaiśvānara, tanūnapāt, apāṁ napāt,

narāśaṁsa. Erscheint in Zusammens. mit andern Göttern: agnāmarutau,

agnāviṣṇū, agnīndrau, agnīparjanyau, agnīvaruṇau, agnīṣomau, indrāgnī.

Ist eine mächtige Gottheit: yathāgnirdaivataṁ mahat M. 9, 317. einer der

8 Welthüter M. 5, 96. 7, 4. 9, 303. im Südosten H. 169. erscheint an der

Spitze der Götter: surāḥ sarve..sendrāḥ sāgnipurogamāḥ R. 1, 38, 2. 49,

1. N. 5, 33 (vgl. 4, 9.) VIŚV. 6, 15. wohnt in allen Wesen und ist Zeuge

ihrer Handlungen: tvamagne sarvabhūtānāṁ śarīrāntaragocaraḥ. tvaṁ

sākṣī mama dehasthastrāhi māṁ devasattama.. R. 6, 101, 30. erscheint

als ein Angiras: te ‘gniṁ prajighyuraṅgirasāṁ vā eko ‘gniḥ.

parehyādityebhyaḥ śvaḥsutyāṁ svargasya lokasya prabrūhīti. AIT. BR. 6,

34; vgl. VĀYU-P. im VP. 83, N. 3. als Ṛṣi AIT. BR. 7, 34. König der Manen,

versch. PUR. im VP. 153, N. 1. ein Marut, HARIV. 11545. Sohn der Śāṇḍilī

13928. einer der Saptarshi im 4ten Manvantara 426. Verfasser mehrerer

Verse der VS. WEBER LI, eines Gesetzbuches, Ind. St. I, 233. fgg. ein

Stern VP. 241. Misc. Ess. II, 352. — 5) “das Feuer im Magen,

Verdauungskraft”: agnermandatvāt “wegen Schwäche der Verdauung”

SUŚR. 1, 149, 9; vgl. agnidīpana, agnidīpti und agnivardhaka. — 6) “Galle”

RĀJAN. im ŚKDR. — 7) “Gold” RĀJAN. im ŚKDR. — 8) Name

verschiedener Pflanzen: a) = citraka, “Plumbago zeylanica”, MED. n. 1.

RĀJAN. im ŚKDR. SUŚR. — b) = raktacitraka RĀJAN. im ŚKDR. — c) =

bhallātaka, “Semecarpus Anacardium”, ebend. — d) = nimbūka “Citrus

acida”, ebend. — 9) eine mystische Bezeichnung des Buchstabens “r”,

Ind. St. II, 316. — Das na in agni geht in keinem Compositum in ṇa über,

gaṇa kṣubhnādi; Bildung von Derivaten aus Compositis auf agni, die eine

Gegend bezeichnen, P. 4, 2, 126. Vielleicht von aj wegen der

“Beweglichkeit” des Feuers; vgl. russian litt. “ugnis”, lat. “ignis.”

agni Z. 16 lies āvasathya. agneḥ puram N. eines Wallfahrtsortes MBH. 13,


agni 1) als “Feuer” Bez. der “Zahl drei” SŪRYAS. 1, 30. 33. — 10) Bez.

“der auf” i “und” u “auslautenden Nominalstämme” KĀTANTRA 2, 1, 50.


Mani, Vettam: Puranic Encyclopaedia. Delhi 1975


Benfey, Theodor: A Sanskrit-English Dictionary. London : 1866

agni agni (probably from añj in its original signification, To shine), m.

1. Fire.

2. The sacrificial fire.

3. The deity of fire.

4. The digestive power.

— Comp. an-, adj. without fire, Man. 6, 25. ākita- (vb. dhā), adj. one who

keeps up a consecrated fire, Man. 3, 282. an-āhita-, adj. one who

neglects to keep up a consecrated fire, Man. 11, 14. kaṭa-, m. a fire of dry

grass, Man. 8, 377. kopa-, and krodha-, m. the fire of wrath. jñāna-, m.

the flame of knowledge, Man. 11, 246. tṛṇa-, m. a fire of dry grass, Man.

3, 168. dakṣiṇa-, m. one kind of sacred fire, that which is taken from the

domestic fire and is placed to the south. da/āva-, m. the fire of a forest

conflagration. pañcāgni, i. e. pañcan-, adj. one who keeps the five fires

constantly burning, Man. 3, 185. rājāgni, i. e. rājan-, m. the fire of a king

(in wrath), Man. 7, 9. viṣa-, m. the fire of poison. śoka-, m. the fire of

grief. huta- (vb. hu), and homa-, m. the sacrificial fire.

— Cf. Lat. ignis.

Cappeller, Carl: A Sanskrit-English Dictionary, based upon the St.

Petersburg Lexicons. Strassburg : 1891

agni m. fire, or Agni (the god of fire).

Macdonell, Arthur Anthony: A Sanskrit-English Dictionary. London : 1893

agni ag-ni, m. fire; conflagration; god Agni.

Bhaṭṭācārya: Vācaspatyam (6 Vol). Chaukhamba Sanskrit Series 94,

reprint of the 1873-1884 edition. Varanasi : 1962

agni pu° aṅgati ūrdhvaṁ gacchati agi–ni nalopaḥ . agnau

svanāmaprasiddhe tejobhede, tejasi

ākāśādvāyurvāyoragniragnerāpodbhyaḥ pṛthivī, iti śrutiḥ . tatra

tejaḥpadārthastāvaddvividhaḥ sūkṣmaḥ sthūlaśca .

sūkṣmavāyusaṁbhūtaḥ sūkṣmavāyusaṁbhūtaḥ sūkṣmaḥ pañcīkṛtastu

sthūlaḥ tāsāṁ trivṛtaṁ trivṛtamekaikāṁ karotīti śrutau trivṛtkaraṇasya

pañcīkaraṇasyāpyulakṣaṇatvam . pañcīkaraṇaprakāraśca

pañcīkaraṇaśabde vakṣyate . tathā ca bhūtāntarāṣṭamabhāgamiśritena

svasvārdhabhāgena utpannaḥ pañcīkṛtaḥ . tasya ca pañcātmakatve’pi

vaiśeṣyāttadvāda iti śārīrakokteḥ bhūyastvāt taijasatvavyavahāraḥ .

so’yaṁ sthūlo vahniḥ prakārāntareṇa trividhaḥ bhaumaḥ divyaḥ

jāṭharaśceti bhedāt . tatra pārthivakāṣṭhādi prabhavaḥ bhaumaḥ

mahānasādyagniḥ, jalavāyvādibhavaḥ divyaḥ vidyudulkāvajrādiḥ .

ubhāvapi ūrdhvajvalanasvabhāvaḥ . udare bhavastṛtīyaḥ . trayo’pyamī

svasaṁyuktapākadāhaprakāśana samarthāḥ . sarve’pyamī loke śāstre ca

vahnyādiśabdena vyavahniyante teṣāṁ viśeṣaguṇāḥ śabdasparśarūpāṇi

yoyoyāvatithaścaiṣāṁ sa sa tāvadguṇaḥ smṛtaḥ iti manunā bhūtamadhye

tṛtīyasya tejasaḥ triguṇatvamuktaṁ vyaktamuktaṁ mahābhārate śabdaḥ

sparśaśca rūpañca tejaso’tha guṇāstrayaiti ata eva vahnau

bhṛgabhugadhvaniriti pañcadaśyāmuktam vahneśca

tejojalabhūmyātmakatvena lohitaśuklarūpatvam ata eva chāndogye

trivṛtkaraṇānantaram vahnestrirūpatvamuktaṁ yathā yadagneḥ rohitaṁ

rūpaṁ tejasastadrūpaṁ, yacchuklaṁ tadapāṁ, yat kṛṣṇa tadannasyeti

vivṛtañcaitadbhāṣyakṛtā yattaddevatānāṁ trivṛtkaraṇamuktaṁ

tasyaivodāharaṇamucyate . udāharaṇaṁ

nāmaikadeśaprasiddhyāśeṣaprasiddhyarthamudāhriyata iti . tadetadāha

yadagneḥ trivṛtkṛtasya rohitaṁ rūpaṁ prasiddhaṁ loke tadatrivṛtkṛtasya

tejaso rūpamiti viddhi . tathā yacchuklaṁ rūpamagneḥ

tadapāmatrivṛtkṛtānāmeva yat kṛṣṇaṁ tasyaivāgneḥ rūpaṁ tadannasya

pṛthivyā atrivṛtkṛtāyā iti viddhīti . ata eva tattacchāstrakāvyādiṣu

vahneraruṇarūpatayā varṇanaṁ dṛśyate . agnimūrtidhyāne ca

aruṇarūpatvamanupadaṁ darśayiṣyate . loke cāruṇatvenaiva

pratyakṣeṇāsāvupalabhyate evañca naiyāyikoktaṁ tejasaḥ

śuklabhāsvararūpatvaṁ pratyakṣavedaviruddhatvādupekṣyameva . tatra

bhaumadivyayoḥ prāyaśolokasiddhatvena divyasyāgre divyaśabde

vakṣyamāṇatvācca jāṭhare vahnau viśeṣo’bhidhīyate . nābherurdhaṁ

hṛdayādadhastādāmāśayamācakṣate tadgataṁ sauraṁ tejaḥ

pittamityācakṣate iti bhāṣyavivaraṇe ānandagiriḥ

vaidyakavacanatvenovāca . ata eva tasya kaukṣeya iti saṁjñā .

chāndogye ca ya hṛdayasya nāḍyastāḥ piṅgalāścāṇimnastiṣṭhanti

śuklasya nīlasya pītasya lohitasye tyasau vā ādityaḥ piṅgalaḥ eṣa śukla

eṣa nīla eṣa pīta eṣa lohita iti . vyākhyātañcaitat bhāṣyakṛtā . atha yā etā

vakṣyamāṇā hṛdayasya puṇḍarīkākārasya brahmopāsanasthānasya

sambandhinyo nāḍyo hṛdayamāṁsapiṇḍātsarvato viniḥsṛtā

ādityamaṇḍalādiraśmayastāścaitāḥ piṅgalasya

varṇaviśeṣaviśiṣṭasyāṇimnaḥ sūkṣmarasasya rasena pūrṇāstadākārā eva

tiṣṭhanti vartanta ityarthaḥ . tathā śuklasya nīlasya pītasya lohitasya ca

rasasya pūrṇā iti sarvatrādhyāhāryam . saireṇa tejasā pittākhyena

pākābhinirvṛttena kaphenālpena samparkāpiṅgalaṁ bhavati, sauraṁ tejaḥ

pittākhyam . tadeva vātabhūyastvānnīlaṁ bhavati . tadeva ca

kaphabhūyastvācchuklaṁ, kaphena samatāyāṁ pittam, śoṇitabāhulyena

lohitam . vaidyakādvā varṇaviśeṣā anveṣṭavyāḥ . kathaṁ bhavatīti?

śrutistvāhādityasambandhādeva, tattejaso nāḍīṣvanugatasyaite varṇa

viśeṣā iti . kathamasau vā’dityaḥ piṅgalo? varṇata eṣa ādityaḥ śuklo’pyeṣa

nīla eṣa pīta eṣa lohita āditya eva, tasya cānnarasasya

dhātvantarasamparkavaśāt varṇaviśeṣa ityānandagiriḥ .

asyaivajāṭharasya pipāsāhetutvaṁ chāndogye uktaṁ yathā atha yatraitat

puruṣaḥ pipāsati nāma teja evaitat pītaṁ nayate iti . vyākhyātañca

bhāṣyakṛtā dravakṛtasyāśitasyānnasya netryaḥ āpo’nnaśuṅgaṁ dehaṁ

kledayantyaḥ śithilīkuryuḥ abbāhulyāt, yadi tejasā na śoṣyeta . nitarāñca

tejasā śoṣyamāṇāsvapsu dehabhāvena pariṇamamānāsupātumicchā

pipāsā puruṣasya jāyate tadā puruṣaḥ pipāsati nāma, tadetadāha teja

eva tattadā pītamabādi śoṣayat dehalohitādibhāvena nayate

pariṇamayatīti . tasya rasapākaprakāramāha yogārṇave . āyuṣyaṁ

bhuktamāhāraṁ sa vāyuḥ kurute dvidhā saṁpraviśyānnamadhyantu,

pṛthak kiṭṭaṁ pṛthag jalam (kiṭṭam annamalabhedam) . agnerūrdhvaṁ ca

saṁsthāpya tadannaṁ ca jalopari . jalasyādhaḥ svayaṁ prāṇaḥ

sthitvāgniṁ dhamate śanaiḥ (dhamate saṁdhukṣayati) vāyunā

dhmāyamāno’gniratyuṣṇaṁ kurute jalam . annaṁ taduṣṇatoyena

samantāt pacyate punaḥ . dvidhā bhavati tat pakvaṁ pṛthak kiṭṭaṁ

pṛthag rasam . rasena tena tā nāḍīḥ prāṇaḥ pūrayate punaḥ .

pratyarpayanti sampūrṇārasāni tāḥ samantata iti . evaṁ rasapākottaraṁ

dhātupāko’bhihitaḥ padārthādarśe . yathā

tvagasṛgmāsamedo’sthimajjaśukrāṇi dhātavaḥ . sapta syustatra coktā

tvak raktajodaravahninā . pakkādbhavedannarasādevaṁ raktādibhistathā

. svasvakośāgninā pākāt prajāyante tvagādaya iti . etammūlameva tasya

ṣoḍhā śarīrāṇi ṣaṭ tvaco dhārayanti ceti yājñavalkyavacanavyākhyāyāṁ

mitākṣarākṛtā spaṣṭamuktam yathā tasyātmanoyāni jarāyujāṇḍajādīni

śarīrāṇi tāni pratyekaṁ ṣaṭprakārāṇi

raktādiṣaḍdhātuparipākahetubhūtaṣaḍagnisthānayogitvena . tathāhi

annarasojāṭharavahninā pacyamānī raktatāṁ pratipadyate, raktaḥ

svakośasthāgninā pacyamānaṁ māṁsatvam, māṁsañca

svakośasthānalaparipakkaṁ medastvam, medo’pi svakośavahninā

pakkamasthitām, asthyāpi svakośaśikhiparipakkaṁ majjatvam, majjāpi

svakośapāvakaparipacyamānaṁ caramadhātutayā pariṇamate iti

jāṭharasya prakārāntareṇa pācanādidaśavidhakarmakāritvāt

daśavidhatvamuktaṁ padārthādarśe yathā bhrājakorañjakaścaiva

kledakaḥ snehakastathā dhārako bandhakasyaiva drāvakākhyaśca

saptamaḥ . vyāpakaḥ pācakaścaiva śleṣmako daśadhā mata iti .

vaidyakecāsya caturvidhakāryaviśeṣakāritvāccāturvidhyamuktam .

viṣamaśca samastīkṣṇo mandaśceti caturvidhaḥ . kaphapittāna lādhikyāt

tatsāmyājjāṭharo’nalaḥ . viṣamo vātajān rogān, tīkṣṇaḥ

pittasamudbhavān, karotyagnistathāmagdo vikārān kaphasambhavān .

samāḥ samo’gniraśitamātrāḥ samyak pacatyasau iti .. agneratitīkṣṇatve

bhasmakasaṁjñā sa hi samyagāhārābhāve śoṇitādidhātūnapi pācayitvā

āśu dehaṁ nāśayatīti rakṣitaḥ āhasma . aghikaṁ kāyaśabde vakṣyate .

vāhyasya bhaumasyāgneḥ karmaviśeṣe nāmānyuktāni vidhānapārijāte .

yathā laukike pāvakohyagniḥ prathamaḥ parikīrtitaḥ . agnistumāruto

nāma garbhādhāne prakīrtitaḥ .. puṁsave camaso nāma śobhanaḥ

śubhakarmasu . (śuṅgakarmaṇīti raghu0) . tacca

sīmantāntargatakarmabhedaḥ . sīmante hyanalo nāma pragalmo

jātakarmaṇi .. pārthivo nāmakaraṇe prāśane’nnasya vai śuciḥ .

sabhyanāmā tu cūḍāyāṁ bratādeśe samudbhavaḥ .. godāne sūryanāmā

syāt keśānte yājakaḥ smṛtaḥ . vaiśvānaro visarge syādvivāhe valadaḥ

smṛtaḥ .. caturthīkarmaṇi śikhī dhṛtiragnistathā’pare . (apare karmaṇi)

āvasathyastathādhāne vaiśvadeve tu pāvakaḥ . brahmāgnirgāhapatye

syāddakṣiṇāgniratheśvaraḥ . viṣṇurāhavanīye syādagnihotre trayomatāḥ

lakṣahome’bhīṣṭadaḥ syāt koṭihome mahāśanaḥ . eke ghṛtārciṣāṁ

prāhuragnidhyānaparāyaṇāḥ .. rudrādau tu mṛḍo nāma śāntike

śubhakṛttathā . ādiśabdāt laghurudraśatarudrātirudrālakṣyante .

(pūrṇāhutyāṁ mṛḍo nāmeti raghu0) . pauṣṭike varadaścaiva

krodhāgniścābhicārake . vaśyārthe vaśakṛt prokto vanadāhe tu poṣakaḥ .

udare jaṭharī nāma kravyādaḥ śavabhakṣaṇe . samudre vāḍavo

hyagnirlaye saṁvartakastathā .. saptaviṁśatisakhyātā agnayaḥ karmasu

smṛtāḥ . taṁ tamāhūya hotavyaṁ yo yatra vihito’nalaḥ .. anyathā

viphalaṁ karma sarvaṁ tadrākṣasambhavet . ādityādigrahāṇāṁ ca

sāmprataṁ hyagnirucyate .. āditye kapilo nāma piṅgalaḥ soma ucyate .

dhūmaketu stathā bhaume jaṭharo’gnirbudhe smṛtaḥ .. vṛhampatau śikhī

nāma śukre bhavati hāṭakaḥ . śanaiścare mahātejā rāhau ketau

hutāśanaḥ iti .. yajñādau tu pañca bhedāḥ āvasathyāhavanīyau

dakṣiṇāgnistathaiva ca . anvāhāryo gārhapatya ityete pañca vahnayaḥ iti

śā° rāgha° . pañcāgnayo ye ca triṇāciketā iti śrutiḥ . agnerdhyeyarūpaṁ

yathā rudratejaḥsamudbhūtaṁ dvimūrdhānaṁ dvināsikam . ṣaṇnetraṁ ca

catuḥśrotraṁ tripādaṁ saptahastakam . yāmyabhāge caturhrastaṁ

savyabhāge trihastakam . sruvaṁ srucañca śaktiṁ ca akṣamālāṁ ca

dakṣiṇe . tomaraṁ vyajanaṁ caiva ghṛtapātrantu vāmake . bibhrataṁ

saptabhirhastairdvimukhaṁ saptajihvakam . dakṣiṇañca caturjihvaṁ

trijihvamuttaraṁ mukham . dvadaśakoṭimūrtyākhyaṁ

dvipañcāśatkalāyutam . svāhāsvadhāvaṣaṭkārairaṅkitaṁ meṣavāhanam .

raktamālyāmbaradharaṁ raktaṁ padmāsanasthitam .. raudraṁ tu

vahnināmānaṁ vahnimāvāhayāmyaham . iti rudrakalpaḥ .

agnerbhautikatve’pi karmāṅgahomasādhanatayā evaṁ dhyātavyatā .

agnyabhimānini cetanādhiṣṭhite śarīrādāvaśi upacārāt agniśabdaprayogaḥ

. agnyadhiṣṭhātari devabhede agniṁ dūtaṁ vṛṇīmahe hotāraṁ

viśvavedasa mityādau vede tasyaiva āhvānapūrvakopāsyatvamuktam .

tadadhiṣṭhitadehabhede’pi, sa eva viśvanarājjanmāsādya

agnilokādhipatyaṁ cakāreti kāśīkhaṇḍe uktaṁ tatkathā vaiśvānaraśabde

vakṣyate . agnidevatāke kṛttikānakṣatre aśviyamadahane tyādinā jyotiṣe

kṛttikānakṣatrasya tatsvāmikatvokteḥ taddevatāke pratipattithau

vahnestadādhipatyaṁ tithiśabde vakṣyate . tasya bahutve’pi

vedatrayabhedena dakṣiṇāgnigārhapatyāhavanīyanāmatayā prādhānyena

tritvāt pradhānena vyapadeśā bhavantīti nyāyāt

tatsaṁkhyāsadṛśasaṁkhyāke tritvasaṁkhyānvite, svodayāt

svāgnilabdhaṁ (30) yadbhuktaṁ bhogyaṁ ravestyajediti nīlakaṇṭhaḥ .

citrakavṛkṣe (cite) svarṇe tasya tattejojātatvāttathā tat kathā

agniretaḥśabde vakṣyate bhallātakavṛkṣe (bhelā) nimbuka vṛkṣe (nevu)

pitte dhātau tasya tadutpannatvāttathā yathā ca tasya tadutpannatvaṁ

tathoktaṁ prāk . tatsvāmike agnikoṇe ca . evamagnivācakāḥ sarve’pi

śabdāḥ kṛttikānakṣatrādau vartante . vittaṁ brahmaṇi kāryasiddhiratulā

śakre hutāśe bhayamiti tithita° . hutāśe agnikoṇe analavidhuśatākhyeti

jyotiṣam . (analaḥ kṛttikā) evaṁ yathāyathamudāhāryam .

agnyabhimāninaśca devāḥ kuta utpannāḥ? kasmin kasmin . karmaṇi? vā

teṣāmadhiṣṭhātṛtvaṁ taduktaṁ bhārate .

aṅgirā uvāca kuru puṇyaṁ prajāsargaṁ bhavāgnistimirāpahaḥ . māñca

deva! kṛruṣvāgne! prathamaṁ puttramañjasā .. tacchrutvā’ṅgiraso

vākyaṁ jātavedāstadā’karot . rājan! . vṛhaspatirnāma tasyāpyaṅgirasaḥ

sutaḥ . jñātvā prathamajaṁ tantu vahnerāṅgirasaṁ sutam . upetya devā

papracchuḥ kāraṇaṁ tatra bhārata . sa tu pṛṣṭastadā devaistataḥ

kāraṇamabravīt . pratyagṛhṇaṁstu devāśca tadvaco’ṅgirasastadā . tatra

nānāvidhānagnīn pravakṣyāmi mahāprabhān . karmabhirbahubhiḥ

khyātānnānārthān brāhmaṇeṣviha . va° mārka° sa° 216 adhyā° brahnaṇo

yastṛtīyastu puttraḥ kurukulodvaha! . tasyābhavat śubhā bhāryā

prajāstasyāñca me śṛṇu . vṛhatkīrtirvṛhajjyotirvṛhadbrahmā vṛhanmanāḥ .

vṛhanmantro vṛhadbhāsastathā rājan! vṛhaspatiḥ . prajāsu tāsu sarvāsu

rūpeṇāpratimā’bhavat . deva! bhānumatī nāma prathamā’ṅgirasaḥ sutā .

bhūtānāmiva sarveṣāṁ tasyāṁ rāgastadā’bhavat . rāgādrāgeti

yāmāhurdvitīyā’ṅgirasaḥ sutā . yāṁ kapardisutāmāhurdṛśyādṛśyeti

dehinaḥ . tanutvāt sā sinībālī tṛtīyā’ṅgirasaḥ sutā . paśyatyarciṣmatī

bhābhirhavirbhiśca haviṣmatī . mahāmakheṣvāṅgirasī doptimatsu

mahāmate! . mahāyatīti vikhyātā saptamī kathyate sutā . yāntu dṛṣṭvā

bhagavartī janaḥ kuhukuhāyate . ekānaṁśeti tāmāhuḥ kuhūmaṅgirasaḥ

sutām . 317 a° vṛhaspateścāndramasī bhāryā’bhūdyā yaśasvinī . agnīn

sā’janayat putrān ṣaḍekāñcāpi puttrikām . āhutiṣveva

yasyāgnerhaviṣājyaṁ vidhīyate . so’gnirvṛhaspateḥ puttraḥ śaṁyurnāma

mahāvrataḥ . cāturmāsyeṣu yasyeṣṭyāmaśvamedhe’grajaḥ paśuḥ . dīpto

jvālairanekābhairagnireṣo’tha vīryavān . śaṁyīrapratimā bhāryā

satyā’satyā’tha dharmaja! .. agnistasya suto dīptastisraḥ kanyāśca

suvratāḥ prathamenājyabhāgena pūjyate yo’gniradhvare . agnistasya

bharadvājaḥ prathamaḥ puttra ucyate paurṇamāsyeṣu sarveṣu

haviṣājyaṁ srucodyatam . bharato nāmataḥ so’gnirdvitīyaḥ śaṁyutaḥ

sutaḥ . tisraḥ kanyā bhavantyanyā yāsāṁ sa bharataḥ patiḥ . maratastu

sutastasya bharatyekā ca puttrikā . bharato bharatasyāgneḥ pāvakastu

prajāpateḥ . mahānatyarthamahitastathā bharatasattamaḥ .

bharadvājasya bhāryā tu vīrā vīrasya piṇḍadā . prāhurājyena tasyejyāṁ

somasyeva dvijāḥ śanaiḥ . haviṣā yo dvitīyena somena saha yujyate .

rathaprabhūrathādhvānaḥ kumbharetāḥ sa ucyate . saraṁyvāṁ janayan

siddhiṁ bhānu bhābhiḥ samāvṛṇot . āgneyaṁ mānayannityamādhāne

hyeṣa ṣūyate . yastu na cyavate nityaṁ yaśasā varcasā śriyā .

agnirniścyavano nāma pṛthivīṁ stauti kevalam . vipāpmā kaluṣairmukto

viśuddhaścārciṣā jvalan . vipāpo’gniḥ sutastasya satyaḥ

samayadharmakṛt . akrośatāṁ hi bhūtānāṁ yaḥ karīti hi niṣkṛtim . agniḥ

sa niṣkṛtirnāma śobhayatyabhisevitaḥ . anukūjanti yeneha vedanārtāḥ

svayaṁ janāḥ . tasya puttraḥ svano nāma pāvakaḥ sa rujaskaraḥ . yastu

viśvasya jagato buddhimākramya tiṣṭhati . taṁ prāhuradhyātmavido

viśvajinnāmapāvakam . antaragniḥ smṛto yastu bhuktaṁ pacati dehinām .

sa jajñe viśvabhuṅnāma sarvalokeṣu bhārata! . brahmacārī yatātmā ca

satataṁ vipulavratāḥ . brāhmaṇāḥ pūjayantyenaṁ pākayajñeṣu pāvakam

. pavitrā gotamī nāma nadī yasyā’bhavat priyā . tasmin karmāṇi sarvāṇi

kriyante dharmakartṛbhiḥ . vaḍavāgniḥ pibatyambho yo’sau

paramadāruṇaḥ . ūrdhvabhāgūrdhvabhāṅ nāma kaviḥ prāṇāśritastu yaḥ .

udagdhāraṁ haviryasya gṛhe nityaṁ pradīyate . tataḥ sviṣṭaṁ

bhavedājyaṁ sviṣṭakṛt paramaḥ smṛtaḥ . yaḥ praśānteṣu bhūteṣu

manyurbhavati pāvakaḥ . kruddhasya tarasā jajñe manyantī cātha

puttrikā . svāheti dāruṇā krūrā sarvabhūteṣu tiṣṭhati . tridive yasya sadṛśo

nāsti rūpeṇa kaśvana atulyatvāt kṛto devairnābhrā kāmastu pāvakaḥ .

saṁharṣāddhārayan krodhaṁ dhanvī sragvī rathe sthitaḥ samaye

nāśayecchatrū namogho nāma pāvakaḥ . uktho nāma mahābhāga .

tribhirukthairabhiṣṭutaḥ . mahāvācantvajanayat samāśvāsaṁ hi yaṁ

viduḥ . 218 a° kāśyapo hyatha vāśiṣṭhaḥ prāṇaśca prāṇaputtrakaḥ .

agnirāṅgirasaścaiva cyavanastrisuvarcakaḥ . acarat sa tapastīvraṁ

puttrārthe bahuvārṣikam . puttraṁ labheyaṁ dharmiṣṭhaṁ yaśasā

brahmaṇā samam . mahāvyāhṛtibhirdhyātaḥ pañcabhistaistadā tvatha .

jajñe tejo mahārciṣmān pañcavarṇaḥ prabhāvanaḥ . samiddho’gniḥ

śirastasya bāhū sūryanibhau tathā . tvaṅnetre ca suvarṇābhe kṛṣṇe

jaddhve ca bhārata! . pañcavarṇaḥ sa tapasā kṛtastaiḥ pañcabhirjanaiḥ .

pāñcajanyaḥ śruto devaḥ pañcavaṁśakarastu saḥ . daśa varṣasahasrāṇi

tapastatvā mahātapāḥ . janayat pāvakaṁ ghoraṁ pitṝṇāṁ sa prajāḥ sṛjat

. vṛhadrathantaraṁ mūrdhno vaktrādvā tarasā harau . śivaṁ nābhyāṁ

balādindraṁ vāyvagnī prāṇato’sṛjat . bāhubhyāmanudāttau ca

viśvābhūtāni caiva ha . etān dṛṣṭvā tataḥ pañca pitṝṇāmasṛjat sutān .

vṛhadrathasya praṇidhiḥ kaśyapasya mahattaraḥ . bhānuraṅgiraso dhīraḥ

putro varcasya saubharaḥ . prāṇasya cānudāttastu vyākhyātāḥ

pañcaviṁśatiḥ . devān yajñamuṣaścānyān sṛjat pañcadaśottarān .

sumīmamatibhīmañca bhīmaṁ bhīmabalābalam . etān yajñamuṣaḥ pañca

devānāṁ hyasṛjattapaḥ . sumitraṁ mitravantañca mitrajñaṁ

mitravardhanam mitradharmāṇamityetān devānabhyasṛjattapaḥ .

surapravīraṁ vīrañca sureśaṁ suravarcasam . surāṇāmapi hantāraṁ

pañcaitāna sṛjattapaḥ . trividhaṁ saṁsritā hyete pañca pañca pṛthak

pṛthak . muṣṇantyatra śritā hyete svargato yajñayājinaḥ . teṣāmiṣṭaṁ

harantyete nighnanti ca mahaddhaviḥ . spardhayā havyavāhānāṁ

nighnantyete haranti ca . dyāṁ vahirvai tadādānaṁ kuśalaiḥ

saṁpravartitam . tadete nopasarpanti yatra cāgniḥ sthito bhavet .

citāgnerudvahannājyaṁ pakṣābhyāṁ tat pravartitam . mantraiḥ

praśamitā hyete naṣṭaṁ muṣṇanti yajñiyam . vṛhadukathastapasaiva

puttro bhūmimupāśritaḥ . agnihotre hūyamāne pṛthivyāṁ sadbhirijyate .

rathantaraśca tapasaḥ puttro’gniḥ paripaṭhyate . mitravindāya vai tasmai

haviradhvaryavo viduḥ . mumude paramaprītaḥ saha puttrairmahāyaśāḥ .

219 a° gurubhirniyamairjāto bharato nāma pāvakaḥ . agniḥ

puṣṭimatirnāma tuṣṭaḥ puṣṭiṁ prayacchati . bharatyeṣa prajāḥ sarvāstato

bharata ucyate . agniryaśca śivo nāma śaktipūjāparaśca saḥ .

duḥkhārtānāñca sarveṣāṁ śivakṛt satataṁ śivaḥ . tapasastu phalaṁ

dṛṣṭvā sampravṛddhaṁ tapo mahat . uddhartukāmo matimān puttro jajñe

purandaraḥ . ūṣmā caivoṣmaṇo jajñe so’gnirbhūteṣu lakṣyate . agmiścāpi

manurnāma prājāpatyamakārayat . śambhumagnimatha prāhurbrāhmaṇā

vedapāragāḥ . āvasathyaṁ dvijāḥ prāhurdīptamagniṁ mahāprabham .

ūrjaskarān havyavāhān suvarṇasadṛśaprabhān . tatastapo hyajanayat

pañca yajñasutāniha . praśānto’gnirmahābhāga . pariśrānto gavāmpatiḥ .

asurān janayan ghorānmartyāṁścaiva pṛthakhidhān . tapasaśca manuṁ

puttraṁ bhānuñcāpyaṅgirāḥ sṛjat . vṛhadbhānuntu taṁ prāhurbrāhmaṇā

vedapāragāḥ . bhānorbhāryā suprajā tu vṛhadbhāsā tu sūryajā .

asṛjetāntu ṣaṭ puttrān śṛṇu teṣāṁ prajāvidhim . durbalānāntu

bhūtānāmasūn yaḥ samprayacchati . tamagniṁ baladaṁ prāhuḥ

prathamaṁ bhānutaḥ sutam . yaḥ praśānteṣu bhūteṣu manyurbhavati

dāruṇaḥ . agniḥ sa manyumānnāma dvitīyo bhānutaḥ sutaḥ . darśe ca

paurṇamāse ca yasyeha havirucyate . viṣṇurnāmeha yo’gnistu dhṛtimān

nāma so’ṅgirāḥ . indreṇa sahitaṁ yasya havirāgrayaṇaṁ smṛtam .

agnirāgrayaṇo nāma bhānorevānvayastu saḥ . cāturmāsyeṣu nityānāṁ

haviṣāṁ yo niragrahaḥ . caturbhiḥ sahitaḥ puttrairbhānorevānvayastu saḥ

. niśā tvajanayat kanyāmagnīṣomāvubhau tathāṁ .

bhānorevābhavadbhāryā suṣuve pañca pāvakān . pūjyate haviṣāgreṇa

cāturmāsyeṣu pāvakaḥ . parjanyasahitaḥ śrīmānagnirvaiśvānarastu saḥ .

asya lokasya sarvasya yaḥ prabhuḥ paripaṭhyate . so’gnirviśvapatirnāma

dvitīyo vai manoḥ sutaḥ . tataḥ sviṣṭaṁ bhavedājyaṁ sviṣṭakṛt paramastu

saḥ . kanyā sā rohiṇī nāma hiraṇyakaśipoḥ sutā . karmaṇā’sau babhau

bhāryā sa vahniḥ sa prajāpatiḥ . prāṇānāśritya yo dehaṁ pravarta yati

dehinām . tasya sannihito nāma śabdarūpasya sādhanaḥ .

śuklakṛṣṇagatirdevo yo bibharti hutāśanam . akalbhaṣaḥ kalmaṣāṇāṁ

kartā krodhāśritastu saḥ . kapilaṁ paramarṣiñca yamprāhuryatayaḥ sadā

. agniḥ sa kapilo nāma sāṅkhyayogapravartakaḥ . agraṁ yacchanti

bhūtānāṁ yena bhūtāni nityadā . karmasviha vicitreṣu

so’graṇīrvahnirucyate . imānanyān samasṛjat pāvakān prathitān bhuvi .

agnihotrasya duṣṭasya prāyaścittārthamulvaṇān .

saṁspṛśeyuryadā’nyo’nyaṁ kathaścidvāyunā’gnayaḥ . iṣṭiraṣṭākapālena

kāryā vai śucaye’gnaye . dakṣiṇāgniryadā dvābhyāṁ saṁsṛjeta tadā kila .

iṣṭiraṣṭākapālena kāryā vai vītaye’gnaye . yadyagnayo hi

spṛśyeyurniveśasthā davāgninā . iṣṭiraṣṭākapālena kāryā tu śucaye’gnaye

. agniṁ rajasvalā vai strī saṁspṛśedagnihotrikam . iṣṭiraṣṭākapālena

kāryā dasyumate’gnaye . mṛtaḥ śrūyeta yo jīvaḥ pareyuḥ paśavo yadā .

iṣṭiraṣṭākapālena kāryā suramate’gnaye . ārto na juhuyādagniṁ trirātraṁ

yastu brāhmaṇaḥ . iṣṭiraṣṭākapālena kāryā syāduttarāgnaye . darśañca

paurṇamāsañca yasya tiṣṭhet pratiṣṭhitam . iṣṭiraṣṭākapālena kāryā

ratikṛte’gnaye . sūtikā’gniryadā cāgniṁ saṁspṛśedagnihotrikam .

iṣṭiraṣṭākapālena kāryā cāgnimate’gnaye . 220 adhyā° āpasya duhitā

bhāryā sahasya paramā priyā . bhūpatirbhuvabhartā cājanayat pāvakaṁ

param! bhūtānāñcāpi sarveṣāṁ yaṁ prāhuḥ pāvakaṁ patim . ātmā

bhuvanabharteti sānvayeṣu dvijātiṣu . mahatāñcaiva bhūtānāṁ

sarveṣāmiha yaḥ patiḥ . bhagavān sa mahātejā nityaṁ carati pāvakaḥ .

agnirgṛhapatirnāma nityaṁ yajñeṣu pūjyate . hutaṁ vahati yo

havyamasya lokasya pāvakaḥ . apāṁ garbho mahābhāgaḥ sattvabhugyo

mahādbhutaḥ . bhūpatirbhuvabhartā ca mahataḥ patirucyate .

dahanmṛtāni bhūtāni tasyāgnirbharato’bhavat . agniṣṭome ca niyataḥ

kratuśreṣṭho bharasya tu . sa vahniḥ prathamo nityaṁ devairanviṣyate

prabhuḥ . āyāntaṁ niyataṁ dṛṣṭvā praviveśārṇavaṁ bhayāt .

devāstatrāṁdhigacchanti mārgamāṇā yathādiśam . dṛṣṭvā

tvagniratharvāṇaṁ tato vacanamabravīt . devānāṁ vaha havyaṁ,

tvamahaṁ vīra! sudurbalaḥ . atha tvaṁ gaccha madhvakṣaṁ priyametat

kuruṣva me . preṣya cāgniratharvāṇamanyaṁ deśaṁ tato’gamat .

matsyāstasya samācakhyuḥ kruddhastānagnirabravīt . bhakṣyā vai

vivadhairbhāvairbhaviṣyatha śarīriṇām . atharvāṇaṁ tathā cāpi

havyavāho’bravīdvacaḥ . anunīyamāno hi bhṛśaṁ devavākyāddhi tena saḥ

. naicchadvoḍhuṁ haviḥ sarvaṁ śarīrañcāpi so’tyajat . sa taccharīraṁ

santyajya praviveśa dharāntadā . bhūmiṁ spṛṣṭā’sṛjaddhātūn pṛthak

pṛthagatīva hi . pūyāt sa gandhaṁ tejaśca asthibhyo devadāru ca .

śleṣmaṇaḥ sphaṭikaṁ tasya pittānmārakataṁ tathā . yakṛt kṛṣṇāyasaṁ

tasya tribhireṣa prabhuḥ prajāḥ . nakhāstasyābhrapaṭalaṁ śirājālāni

vidrumam . śarīrādvividhāścānye dhātavo’syābhavannṛpa! . evaṁ tyaktvā

śarīrañca parame tapasi sthitaḥ .

bhṛgvaṅgirādibhirbhūyastapasotthāpitastadā . bhṛśaṁ jajjvāla tejasvī

tapasāpyāyitaḥ śikhī . dṛṣṭvā ṛṣiṁ bhayāccāpi praviveśa mahārṇavam

tasminnaṣṭe jagadbhītamatharvāṇamathāśritam .. arcayā

māsurevainamatharvāṇaṁ surādayaḥ . atharvā tvasṛjallokānātmanālokya

pāvakam . miṣatāṁ sarvabhūtānāmunmamātha mahārṇavam .

evamagnirbhagavatā naṣṭaḥ pūrbamatharvaṇā . āhūtaḥ sarvabhūtānāṁ

havyaṁ vahati sarvadā . evaṁ tvajanayaddhiṣṇyān vedīktān vividhān

bahūn . vicaran vividhān deśān bhramamāṇastu tatra vai . sindhuṁ

nadaṁ pañcanadaṁ devikā’tha sarasvatī . gaṅgā ca śatakumbhā ca

sarayūrgaṇḍasāhvayā carmaṇvatī satī caiva bhedhyā medhātithistadā .

tāmrāvatī vetravatī nadyastrisro’tha kauśikī . tamasā narmadā caiva nadī

godāvarī tathā . veṇṇīpaveṇṇā bhīmā ca vaddhavā caiva bhārata .. bhāratī

suprayogā ca kāverī murmurā tathā . tuṅgaveṇā kṛṣṇaveṇā kapilā śoṇa

eva ca . etā nadyastu dhiṣṇyānāṁ mātaro yāḥ prakīrtitāḥ . adbhutasya

priyā bhāryā tasya puttrī vibhūrasiḥ . yāvantaḥ pāvakāḥ proktā

somāstāvanta eva tu .. atreścāpyanvaye jātā brahmaṇo mānasāḥ prajāḥ .

atriḥ puttrān sraṣṭukāmāṁstānevātmanyadhārayat . tasya tadvrahmaṇaḥ

kāyānnirharanti hutāśanāḥ evamete mahātmānaḥ kīrtitāste’gnayo mayā ..

aprameyā yathotpannāḥ śrīmantastimirāpahāḥ . adbhutasya tu

māhātmyaṁ yathā vedeṣu kīrtitam . tādṛśaṁ viddhi sarveṣāmeko hyeṣa

hutāśanaḥ . eka evaiṣa bhagavān vijñeyaḥ prathamo’ṅgirāḥ . bahudhā

niḥsṛtaḥ kāyāt jyotiṣṭomakaturyathā . ityeṣa vaṁśaḥ sumahānagnīnāṁ

kīrtitomayā . yo’rcito vividhairmantrairhavyaṁ vahati dehinām . bhā° va°

mārka° 221 adhyā° . sāsya devateti–ḍhak āgneyamagnidevatāke

havirādau tri° . agninā dṛṣṭaṁ māma ḍhak . āgneyaṁ sāma . āgneyī ṛk

tri° . agnaye hitaṁ ḍhak . āgneyamauṣadham tri° .

laukikaprayogānusāreṇa aṅgernalopaśceti auṇādikasūtreṇa agniśabdasya

vyutpattirdarśitā vaidikaprayoge tu agniśabdasya

pravṛttinimittabhedopayoginyo yāskena bahvyo vyutpattayodarśitāḥ .

yathā athāto’nuktamiṣyāmo’gniḥ pṛthivīsthānastaṁ prathamaṁ

vyākhyāsyāmo’gniḥ kasmādagraṇīrbhavatyagraṁ yajñeṣu praṇīyate’ṅgaṁ

nayati saṁnamamāno’knopano bhavatīti sthaulāṣṭhīvirna knopayati na

snehayati tribhya ākhyātebhyo jāyata iti śākapūṇiritādaktāddagdhādvā

nītātsa khalveterakāramādatte gakāramanaktervā dahatervā nīḥ

parastasyaiṣā bhavatīti agnimīle iti . asyāyamarthaḥ . sāmānyena

sarvadevatānāṁ lakṣaṇasyābhihitatvādanantaraṁ thataḥ pratipadaṁ

viśeṣeṇa vaktavyatvamākāṅkṣitamato’nukrameṇa vakṣyāmaḥ . tatra

pṛthivīloke sthito’gniḥ prathamaṁ vyākhyāsyaṁte .

kasmātpravṛttinimittādagniśabdena devatābhidhīyata? iti

praśnasyāgraṇīrityādikamuttaram . devasenāmagre svayaṁ

nayatītyagraṇīḥ . etadekamagniśabdasya pravṛttinimittam . tathā ca

brāhmaṇāntaram . agnirvai devānāṁ senānīriti . etadevābhipretya

bahvṛcā mantrabrāhmaṇe āmananti . agnirmukhaṁ prathamo

devatānāmiti mantraḥ . agnirvai devānāmavama iti brāhmaṇam . tayā

taitrirīyāścāmananti . agniragre prathamo devatānāmiti mantraḥ .

agniravamo devatānāmiti ca . vājamanoyinastvevamāmananti . sa vā

eṣo’gre devatānāmajāyata tasmādagnirnāmeti .

yajñeṣvagnihotreṣṭipaśusomarūpeṣvagraṁ pūrbadigvartyāhavanīyadeśaṁ

prati gārhapatyātpraṇīyata iti dvitīyaṁ pravṛttinimittam . sannamamānaḥ

samyak svayameva prahvībhagavannaṅgaṁ svakīyaṁ śarīraṁ nayati

kāṣṭhadāhe haviḥpāke ca prerayatīti tṛtīyaṁ pravṛttinimittam .

sthūlāṣṭhīvināmakasya maharṣeḥ putro niruktakāraḥ kaścidaknopana

ityagniśabdaṁ nirvakti . tatra na knopayatītyukte na snehayati kintu

kāṣṭhādikaṁ rūkṣayatītyuktaṁ bhavati . śākapūṇināmako nirūktakāro

dhātutrayādagniśabdaniṣpattiṁ manyate . itaḥ iṇ gatau iti dhātuḥ .

akto’nju vyaktimnakṣaṇagatiṣu iti dhātuḥ . dagdho daha bhasmīkaraṇe iti

dhātuḥ . nīto ṇīñ prāpaṇe iti dhātuḥ . agniśabdo


etidhātorutpannādayanaśabdādakāramādatte . anaktidhātugatasya

kakārasya gakārādeśaṁ kṛtvā tamādatte . yadvā dahati

dhātujanyāddagdhaśabdādgakāramādatte . nīriti nayatidhātuḥ sa ca

hrasvo bhūtvā paro bhavati . tato dhātutrayaṁ militvāgniśabdo bhavati .

yajñabhūmiṁ gatvā svakīyamaṅgaṁ nayati kāṣṭhadāhe haviḥpāke ca

prerayatīti samudāyārthaḥ . tasyā gniśabdārthasya devatāviśeṣasya

prādhānyena stutidarśanāyaiṣāgnimīle ityṛgabhatīti ṛgvedabhāṣye

mādhavācāryaḥ etasya

vaiśyanarādiśabdapravṛttinimittadarśanenānekāstutayo yāskena

darśitāstāśca tattacchabdāvasare darśayiṣyante .

अग्निः – agniḥ Apte, Vaman Shivaram: The Practical Sanskrit-English Dictionary. Poona :1890

agniḥ [aṁgati ūrdhvaṁ gacchati aṁg-ni, nalopaśca Uṇ. 4. 50, or fr. aṁc

‘to go.’]

(1) Fire kopa-, ciṁtā-, śoka-, jñāna-, rāja-, &c.

(2) The God of fire.

(3) Sacrificial fire of three kinds (gārhapatya, āhavanīya and dakṣiṇa);

pitā vai gārhapatyo’gnirmātāgnirdakṣiṇaḥ smṛtaḥ . gururāhavanīyastu

sāgnitretā garīyasī .. Ms. 2. 231.

(4) The fire of the stomach, digestive faculty, gastric fluid.

(5) Bile (nābherūrdhvaṁ hṛdayādadhastādāmāśayamācakṣate

tadgataṁ sauraṁ tejaḥ pittaṁ ityācakṣate).

(6) Cauterization (agnikarman).

(7) Gold.

(8) The number three.

(9) N. of various plants:

(a) citraka Plumbago Zeylanica;

(b) raktacitraka;

(c) bhallātaka Semicarpus Anacardium;

(d) niṁbaka Citrus Acida. (10) A mystical substitute for the letter

r. In Dvandva Comp. as first member with names of deities, and with

particular words agni is changed to agnā, as -viṣṇū, -marutau, or to agnī,

-parjanyau, -varuṇau, -ṣomau [cf. L. ignis.]

[Agni is the God of Fire, the Ignis of the Latins and Ogni of the

Slavonians. He is one of the most prominent deities of the Ṛgveda. He is

an immortal, has taken up his abode among mortals as their guest; he is

the domestic priest, the successful accomplisher and protector of all

ceremonies; he is also the religious leader and preceptor of the gods, a

swift messenger employed to announce to the immortals the hymns and

to convey to them the oblations of their worshippers, and to bring them

down from the sky to the place of sacrifice. He is sometimes regarded as

the mouth and the tongue through which both gods and men participate

in the sacrifices. He is the lord, protector and leader of people, monarch

of men, the lord of the house, friendly to mankind, and like a father,

mother, brother &c. He is represented as being produced by the attrition

of two pieces of fuel which are regarded as husband and wife. Sometimes

he is considered to have been brought down from heaven or generated by

Indra between two clouds or stones, created by Dyau, or fashioned by

the gods collectively. In some passages he is represented as having a

triple existence, which may mean his three-fold manifestations as the sun

in heaven, lightning in the atmosphere, and as ordinary fire on the earth,

although the three appearances are also elsewhere otherwise explained.

His epithets are numberless and for the most part descriptive of his

physical characteristics: dhūmaketu, hutabhuj, śuci, rohitāśva, saptajihva,

tomaradhara, ghṛtānna, citrabhānu, ūrdhvaśocis, śociṣkeśa, harikeśa,

hiraṇyadaṁta, ayodaṁṣṭra &c. In a celebrated passage he is said to have

4 horns, 3 feet, 2 heads, and 7 hands. The highest divine functions are

ascribed to Agni. He is said to have spread out the two worlds and

produced them, to have supported heaven, formed the mundane regions

and luminaries of heaven, to have begotten Mitra and caused the sun to

ascend the sky. He is the head and summit of the sky, the centre of the

earth. Earth, Heaven and all beings obey his commands. He knows and

sees all worlds or creatures and witnesses all their actions. The

worshippers of Agni prosper, they are wealthy and live long. He is the

protector of that man who takes care to bring him fuel. He gives him

riches and no one can overcome him who sacrifices to this god. He

confers, and is the guardian of, immortality. He is like a water-trough in a

desert and all blessings issue from him. He is therefore constantly

supplicated for all kinds of boons, riches, food, deliverance from enemies

and demons, poverty, reproach, childlessness, hunger &c. Agni is also

associated with Indra in different hymns and the two gods are said to be

twin brothers. Such is the Vedic conception of Agni; but in the course of

mythological personifications he appears as the eldest son of Brahmā and

is called Abhimānī [Viṣṇu Purāṇa]. His wife was Svāha; by her he had 3

sons-Pāvaka, Pavamāna and Śuchi; and these had forty-five sons:

altogether 49 persons who are considered identical with the 49 fires. He

is also represented as a son of Angiras, as a king of the Pitṛs or Manes,

as a Marut and as a grandson of Sandila, and also as a star. The

Harivamśa describes him as clothed in black, having smoke for his

standard and head-piece and carrying a flaming javelin. He is borne in a

chariot drawn by red horses and the 7 winds are the wheels of his car. He

is accompanied by a ram and sometimes he is represented as riding on

that animal. Agni was appointed by Brahmā as the sovereign of the

quarter between the south and east, whence the direction is still known

as Āgneyi. The Mahābhārata represents Agni as having exhausted his

vigour and become dull by devouring many oblations at the several

sacrifices made by king Śvetaki, but he recruited his strength by

devouring the whole Khāṇḍava forest; for the story see the word


— Comp.

–a(ā)gāraṁ –raḥ, –ālayaḥ, –gṛhaṁ [agnikāryāya agāraṁ śāka-

ta.] a fire-sanctuary, house or place for keeping the sacred fire;

vasaṁścaturthognirivāgnyagāre R. 5. 25.

–astraṁ firemissile, a rocket.

–ātmaka a. [agnirātmā yasya] of the nature of fire; somātmikā

strī, -kaḥ pumān. –ādhānaṁ consecrating the fire; so -āhiti. –ādheyaḥ

[agnirādheyo yena] a Brahmaṇa who maintains the sacred fire. (–yaṁ) =

-ādhānaṁ. –āhitaḥ [agnirāhito yena, vā paranipātaḥ P. II. 2. 37.] one

who maintains the sacred fire; See āhitāgni. –idh m. (agnīdhraḥ) [agniṁ

iṁddhe sa agnīdh] the priest who kindles the sacred fire (mostly Ved).

–iṁdhanaḥ [agniridhyate anena] N. of a Mantra. (

–naṁ) kindling the fire.

–utpātaḥ [agninā divyānalena kṛtaḥ utpātaḥ] a fiery portent,

meteor, comet &c. In Bri. S. 33 it is said to be of five kinds: divi

bhuktaśubhaphalānāṁ patatāṁ rūpāṇi yāni tānyulkāḥ .

dhiṣṇyolkāśanividyuttārā iti paṁcadhā bhinnāḥ .. ulkā pakṣeṇa phalaṁ

tadvat dhiṣṇyāśanistribhiḥ pakṣaiḥ . vidyudahobhiḥ ṣaḍbhistadvattārā

vipācayati .. Different fruits are said to result from the appearances of

these portents, according to the nature of their colour, position &c.

–uddharaṇaṁ, –uddhāraḥ 1. producing fire by the friction of two

araṇis. 2. taking out, before sun-rise, the sacred fire from its cover of

ashes previous to a sacrifice.

–upasthānaṁ worship of Agni; the Mantra or hymn with which

Agni is worshipped (agnirupasthīyate’nena). –edhaḥ [agnimedhayati] an


–kaṇaḥ, –stokaḥ a spark.

–karman n. [agnau karma sa. ta.] 1. cauterization. 2. action of

fire. 3. oblation to Agni, worship of Agni (agnihotra); so -kārya offering

oblations to fire, feeding fire with ghee &c.; nirvartitāgnikāryaḥ K. 16; –

ryārdhadagdha 39, Ms. 3. 69, Y. 1. 25.

–kalā a part (or appearance) of fire; ten varieties are mentioned

(dhūmrārcirūṣmā jvalinī jvālinī visphuliṁginī . suśrīḥ surūpā kapilā

havyakavyavahe api .. yādīnāṁ daśavarṇānāṁ kalā dharmapradā amūḥ).

–kārikā [agniṁ karoti ādhatte karaṇe kartṛtvopacārāt kartari ṇvul] 1. the

means of consecrating the sacred fire, the rik called agnīdhra which

begins with agniṁ dūtaṁ puro dadhe. 2. = agnikārya. –kāṣṭhaṁ agneḥ

uddīpanaṁ kāṣṭhaṁ śāka -ta.] agallochum (aguru). –kukkuṭaḥ [agneḥ

kukkuṭaiva raktavarṇasphuliṁgatvāt] a firebrand, lighted wisp of straw.

–kuṁḍaṁ [agnerādhānārthaṁ kuṁḍaṁ] an enclosed space for

keeping the fire, a fire-vessel.

–kumāraḥ, –tanayaḥ, –sutaḥ 1. N. of Kārttikeya said to be born

from fire, See kārttikeya. 2. a kind of preparation of medicinal drugs.

–ketuḥ [agneḥ keturiva] 1. smoke. 2. N. of two Rākṣasas on the

side of Rāvaṇa and killed by Rāma.

–koṇaḥ –dik the south-east corner ruled over by Agni; iṁdro

vahniḥ pitṛpatirnairṛto varuṇo marut . kubera īśaḥ patayaḥ pūrvādīnāṁ

diśāṁ kramāt .. –kriyā [agninā nirvartitā kriyā, śāka. ta.] 1. obsequies,

funeral ceremonies. 2. branding; bheṣajāgnikriyāsu ca Y. 3. 284.

–krīḍā [tṛ. ta.] fire-works, illuminations.

–garbha a. [agnirgarbhe yasya] pregnant with or containing fire,

having fire in the interior; -rbhāṁ śamīmiva S. 4. 3. (–rbhaḥ) [agniriva

jārako garbho yasya] 1. N. of the plant Agnijāra. 2. the sun-stone, name

of a crystal supposed to contain and give out fire when touched by the

rays of the sun; cf. S. 2. 7. 3. the sacrificial stick araṇi which, when

churned, gives out fire. (

–rbhā) 1. N. of the Śamī plant as containing fire (the story of how

Agni was discovered to exist in the interior of the Śamī plant is told in

chap. 35 of anuśāsanaparva in Mb.). 2. N. of the earth (agneḥ sakāśāt

garbho yasyāṁ sā; when the Ganges threw the semen of Śiva out on the

Meru mountain, whatever on earth &c. was irradiated by its lustre,

became gold and the earth was thence called vasumatī). 3. N. of the

plant mahājyotiṣmatī latā (agniriva garbho madhyabhāgo yasyāḥ sā). —

graṁthaḥ [agnipratipādako graṁthaḥ śaka. ta.] the work that treats of

the worship of Agni &c.

–ghṛtaṁ [agnyuddīpanaṁ ghṛtaṁ śāka. ta.] a kind of medicinal

preparation of ghee used to stimulate the digestive power.

–cit m. [agniṁ citavān; ci-bhūtārthe kvip P. III. 2. 91] one who

has kept the sacred fire; yatibhiḥ sārdhamanagnimagnicit R. 8. 25.

–cayaḥ, –cayanaṁ, –cityā. arranging or keeping the sacred fire

(agnyādhāna); cityāgnicitye ca P. III. 1. 132. 2. (

–yaḥ, –yanaḥ) the Mantra used in this operation. 3. a heap of fire.

–citvat [agnicayanaṁ astyasmin matup masya vaḥ tāṁtatvānna

padatvaṁ Tv.] having agnicayana or agnicit. –ja, –jāta a. produced by or

from fire, born from fire. (

–jaḥ, –jātaḥ) 1. N. of the plant agnijāra (agnaye agnyuddīpanāya

jāyate sevanāt prabhavati). 2. N. of Kārttikeya. 3. Viṣṇu. (

–jaṁ, –jātaṁ) gold; so -janman. –jihva a. 1. having a fiery

tongue. 2. having fire for the tongue, epithet of a God or of Viṣṇu in the

boar incarnation. (

–hvā) 1. a tongue or flame of fire. 2. one of the 7 tongues of Agni

(karālī dhūminī śvetā lohitā nīlalohitā . suvarṇā padmarāgā ca jihvāḥ

sapta vibhāvasoḥ). 3. N. of a plant lāṁgalī (agnerjihveva śikhā yasyāḥsā);

of another plant (jalapippalī) or gajapippalī (viṣalāṁgalā). –jvālā 1. the

flame or glow of fire. 2. [agnerjvāleva śikhā yasyāḥ sā] N. of a plant with

red blossoms, chiefly used by dyers, Grislea Tomentosa (Mar.

dhāyaphūla, dhāyaṭī). –tap a. [agninā tapyate; tap –kvip] having the

warmth of fire; practising austerities by means of fire.

–tapas a. [agnibhiḥ tapyate] 1. practising very austere penance,

standing in the midst of the five fires. 2. glowing, shining or burning like

fire; (tapatīti tapāḥ agniriva tapāḥ) hot as fire.

–tejas a. having the lustre or power of fire (agneriva tejo yasya). (

–s n.) the lustre of fire. (

–s m.) N. of one of the 7 Ṛṣis of the 11th Manvantara.

–trayaṁ the three fires, See under agni. –da a. [agniṁ dāhārthaṁ

gṛhādau dadāti; dā. –ka.] 1. giving or supplying with fire. 2. tonic,

stomachic, producing appetite, stimulating digestion. 3. incendiary;

agnidān bhaktadāṁścaiva Ms. 9. 278; agnidānāṁ ca ye lokāḥ Y. 2. 74; so

-dāyaka, -dāyin. –dagdha a. 1. burnt on the funeral pile; agnidagdhāśca

ye jīvā ye’pyadagdhāḥ kule mama Vāyu. 2. burnt with fire. 3. burnt at

once without having fire put into the mouth, because destitute of issue

(?); (pl.) a class of Manes or Pitṛs who, when alive, kept up the

household flame and presented oblations to fire.

–damanī [agnirdamyate ‘nayā; dam-ṇic karaṇe lyuṭ] a narcotic

plant, Solanum Jacquini.

–dātṛ [agniṁ vidhānena dadāti] one who performs the last

(funeral) ceremonies of a man; yaścāgnidātā pretasya piṁḍaṁ dadyātsa

eva hi. –dīpana a. [agniṁ dīpayati] stimulating digestion, stomachic,


–dīpta a. [tṛ. ta.] glowing, set on fire, blazing. (–ptā)

[agnirjaṭharānalo dīptaḥ sevanāt yasyāḥ sā] N. of a plant jyotiṣmatī latā,

which is said to stimulate digestion.

–dīptiḥ f. active state of digestion.

–dūta a. [agnirdūta iva yasmin yasya vā] having Agni for a

messenger, said of the sacrifice or the deity invoked; yamaṁ ha yajño

gacchatyagnidūto araṁkṛtaḥ Rv. 10. 14. 13.

–dūṣita a. branded.

–devaḥ [agnireva devaḥ] Agni; a worshipper of Agni.

–devā [agnirdevo yasyāḥ] the third lunar mansion, the Pleiades

(kṛttikā). –dhānaṁ [agnirdhīyate ‘smin] the place or receptacle for

keeping the sacred fire, the house of an agnihotṛ; padaṁ kṛṇute

agnidhāne Rv. 10. 165. 3.

–dhāraṇaṁ maintaining the sacred fire; vratināṁ -ṇaṁ K. 55.

–nayanaṁ = -praṇayanaṁ. –niryāsaḥ [agnerjaṭharānalasyeva

dīpako niryāso yasya] N. of the plant agnijāra. –netra a. [agnirnetā

yasya] having Agni for the leader or conveyer of oblations, an epithet of a

god in general.

–padaṁ 1. the word Agni. 2. fire-place. 3. N. of a plant.

–parikri-ṣkri-yā care of the sacred fire, worship of fire, offering

oblations; gṛhārtho’gnipariṣkriyā Ms. 2. 67.

–paricchadaḥ the whole sacrificial apparatus; gṛhyaṁ

cāgniparicchadaṁ Ms. 6. 4.

–paridhānaṁ enclosing the sacrificial fire with a kind of screen.

–parīkṣā [tṛ. ta.] ordeal by fire.

–parvataḥ [agnisādhanaṁ parvataḥ] a volcano.

–pucchaḥ [agneḥ agnyādhānasthānasya puccha iva] tail or back

part of the sacrificial place; the extinction of fire.

–purāṇaṁ [agninā proktaṁ purāṇaṁ] one of the 18 Purāṇas

ascribed to Vyāsa. It derives its name from its having been

communicated originally by Agni to the sage Vasiṣṭha for the purpose of

instructing him in the two-fold knowledge of Brahma. Its stanzas are said

to be 14500. Its contents are varied. It has portions on ritual and mystic

worship, cosmical descriptions, chapters on the duties of Kings and the

art of war, a chapter on law, some chapters on Medicine and some

treatises on Rhetoric, Prosody, Grammar, Yoga, Brahmavidyā &c. &c.

–praṇayanaṁ bringing out the sacrificial fire and consecrating it

according to the proper ritual.

–pratiṣṭhā consecration of fire, especially the nuptial fire.

–praveśaḥ –śanaṁ [sa. ta.] entering the fire, self-immolation of a

widow on the funeral pile of her husband.

–praskaṁdanaṁ violation of the duties of a sacrificer

(agnihomākaraṇa); -parastvaṁ cāpyevaṁ bhaviṣyasi Mb.

–prastaraḥ [agniṁ prastṛṇāti agneḥ prastaro vā] a flint, a stone

producing fire.

–bāhuḥ [agnerbāhuriva dīrghaśikhatvāt] 1. smoke. 2. N. of a son

of the first Manu; of a son of Priyavrata and Kāmyā.

–bījaṁ 1. the seed of Agni; (fig.) gold (rudratejaḥsamudbhūtaṁ

hema bījaṁ vibhāvasoḥ). 2. N. of the letter r. –bhaṁ [agniriva bhāti;

bhā-ka.] 1. ‘shining like fire’, gold. 2. N. of the constellation kṛttikā. –bhu

n. [agnerbhavati; bhū-kvip hrasvāṁtaḥ] 1. water. 2. gold.

–bhū a. [agnerbhavati; bhūkvip] produced from fire. (

–bhūḥ) 1. ‘fire-born’, N. of Kārttikeya. 2. N. of a teacher (kāśyapa)

who was taught by Agni. 3. (arith.) six.

–bhūti a. produced from fire. (–tiḥ) [agniriva bhūtiraiśvaryaṁ

yasya] N. of a pupil of the last Tīrthaṅkāra. (

–tiḥ) f. the lustre or might of fire.

–bhrājas a. Ved. [agniriva bhrājate; bhrāj –asun] shining like fire.

–maṇiḥ [agnerutthāpako maṇiḥ śāka. ta.] the sunstone.

–math m. [agniṁ mathnāti niṣpādayati; maṁth-kvip-nalopaḥ] 1.

the sacrificer who churns the fuel-stick. 2. the Mantra used in this

operation, or the araṇi itself.

–maṁthaḥ, –thanaṁ, producing fire by friction; or the Mantra

used in this operation. (–thaḥ) [agnirmathyate anena maṁth-karaṇe

ghañ] N. of a tree gaṇikārikā (Mar. naravela) Premna Spinosa

(tatkāṣṭhayorgharṣaṇehi āśu vahnirutpadyate). –māṁdyaṁ slowness of

digestion, loss of appetite, dyspepsia.

–mārutiḥ [agniśca marucca tayorapatyaṁ iñ tato vṛddhiḥ it ca;

dvipadavṛddhau pṛ. pūrvapadasya hrasvaḥ Tv.] N. of the sage Agastya.

–mitraḥ N. of a king of the Śuṅga dynasty, son of Pushpamitra who

must have flourished before 150 B. C. — the usually accepted date of

Patanjali-as the latter mentions puṣpamitra by name.

–mukhaḥ a. having Agni at the head. (–khaḥ) [agnirmukhabhiva

yasya] 1. a deity, god, (for the gods receive oblations through Agni who

is therefore said to be their mouth; agnimukhā vai devāḥ; agnirmukhaṁ

prathamaṁ devatānāṁ &c; or agnirmukhe agre yeṣāṁ, for fire is said to

have been created before all other gods.) 2. [agnirmukhaṁ

pradhānamupāsyo yasya] one who maintains the sacred fire

(agnihotṛdvija). 3. a Brāhmaṇa in general (agnirdāhakatvāt

śāpāgnirmukhe yasya, for Brāhmaṇas are said to be vāgvajrāḥ). 4. N. of

two plants citraka Plumbago Zeylanica and bhallātaka Semicarpus

Anacardium (agniriva sparśāt duḥkhadāyakaṁ mukhamagraṁ yasya,

tanniryāsasparśena hi dehe kṣatotpattestayostathātvam). 5. a sort of

powder or cūrṇa prescribed as a tonic by cakradatta. 6. ‘fire-mouthed’,

sharp-biting, an epithet of a bug Pt. 1. (–khī) [agniriva mukhamagraṁ

yasyāḥ, gaurādi-ṅīṣ] 1 N. of a plant bhallātaka (Mar. bibavā, bhilāvā) and

lāṁgalikā (viṣalāṁgalā). 2. N. of the Gāyatrī Mantra (agnireva mukhaṁ

mukhatvena kalpitaṁ yasyāḥ sā, or agneriva mukhaṁ prajāpatimukhaṁ

utpattidvāraṁ yasyāḥ, agninā samaṁ prajāpatimukhajātatvāt; kadācidapi

no vidvān gāyatrīmudake japet . gāyatryagnimukhī yasmāttasmādutthāya

tāṁ japet .. gobhila). 3. a kitchen [pākaśāla agniriva uttaptaṁ mukhaṁ

yasyāḥ sā]. –mūḍha a. [tṛ. ta.] Ved. made insane or stupefied by

lightning or fire.

–yojanaṁ causing the sacrificial fire to blaze up.

–rakṣaṇaṁ 1. consecrating or preserving the sacred (domestic)

fire or agnihotra. 2. [agniḥ rakṣyaṁte anena atra vā] a Mantra securing

for Agni protection from evil spirits &c. 3. the house of an agnihotṛ. —

rajaḥ, –rajas m. [agniriva rajyate dīpyate; raṁj-asun, nalopaḥ] 1. a

scarlet insect by name iṁdragopa. 2. (agneḥ rajaḥ) the might or power of

Agni. 3. gold.

–rahasyaṁ mystery of (worshipping &c.) Agni; N. of the tenth

book of the Śatapatha Brahmaṇa.

–rāśiḥ a heap of fire, burning pile.

–ruhā [agniriva rohati ruh-ka] N. of the plant māṁsādanī or

māṁsarohiṇī (tadaṁkurasya vahnitulyavarṇatayā utpannatvāttathātvaṁ

tasyāḥ) –rūpa a. [agneriva rūpaṁ varṇo yasya] fire-shaped; of the nature

of fire. (

–paṁ) the nature of fire.

–retas n. the seed of Agni; (hence) gold.

–rohiṇī [agniriva rohati; ruh-ṇini] a hard inflammatory swelling in

the armpit.

–lokaḥ the world of Agni, which is situated below the summit of

Meru; in the Purāṇas it is said to be in the aṁtarikṣa, while in the Kāśī

Khaṇḍa it is said to be to the south of iṁdrapurī; etasyā dakṣiṇe bhāge

yeyaṁ pūrdṛśyate śubhā . imāmarciṣmatīṁ paśya vītihotrapurīṁ śubhām

.. –vadhūḥ Svāhā, the daughter of Daksha and wife of Agni.

–varcas a. [agnervarca iva varco yasya] glowing or bright like fire.

(–n.) the lustre of Agni. (–m.) N. of a teacher of the Puraṇas.

–varṇa a. [agneriva varṇo yasya] of the colour of fire; hot, fiery;

surāṁ pītvā dvijo mohādagnivarṇāṁ surāṁ pibet Ms. 11. 91;

gomūtramagnivarṇaṁ vā pibedudakameva vā 92. (

–rṇaḥ) 1. N. of a prince, son of Sudarśana. 2. of a King of the solar

race, See R. 19. 3. the colour of fire. (

–rṇā) a strong liquor.

–vardhaka a. stimulating digestion, tonic. (

–kaḥ) 1. a tonic. 2. regimen, diet (pathyāhāra). –vallabhaḥ

[agnervallabhaḥ sukhena dāhyatvāt] 1. the Śāla tree, Shorea Robusta. 2.

the resinous juice of it.

–vāsas a. [agniriva śuddhaṁ vāso yasya] having a red (pure like

Agni) garment. (–n) a pure garment.

–vāha a. [agniṁ vāhayati gamayati anumāpayati vā] 1. smoke. 2.

a goat.

–vāhanaṁ a goat (chāga). –vid m. 1. one who knows the mystery

about Agni. 2. an agnihotrin q. v.

–vimocanaṁ ceremony of lowering the sacrificial fire.

–visarpaḥ pain from an inflamed tumour, inflammation.

–viharaṇaṁ, –vihāraḥ 1. taking the sacrificial fire from agnīdhra to

the sadomaṁḍapa. 2. offering oblations to fire; pratyāsannā -velā K. 348.

–vīryaṁ 1. power or might of Agni. 2. gold.

–veśaḥ [agnerveśa iva] N. of an ancient medical authority

(caraka). –śaraṇaṁ –śālā –laṁ a fire-sanctuary; -mārgamādeśaya S. 5;

a house or place for keepingi the sacred fire; -rakṣaṇāya sthāpitohaṁ V.


–śarman a. [agniriva śṛṇāti tīvrakopatvāt; śṝ-manin] very

passionate. (–m.) N. of a sage.

–śikha a. [agneriva agniriva vā śikhā yasya]. fiery, fire-crested;

dahatu -khaiḥ sāyakaiḥ Ram. (

–khaḥ) 1. a lamp. 2. a rocket, fiery arrow. 3. an arrow in general.

4. safflower plant. 5. saffron. 6. jāṁgalīvṛkṣa. (–khaṁ) 1. saffron. 2. gold.


–khā) 1. a flame; śarairagniśikhopamaiḥ Mb. 2. N. of two plants

lāṁgalī (Mar. vāgacabakā or kaLalāvī) Gloriosa Superba; of another plant

(Mar. also kaLalāvī) Menispermum Cordifolium.

–śuśrūṣā careful service or worship of fire.

–śekhara a. fire-crested. (

–raḥ) N. of the kusuṁbha, kuṁkuma & jāṁgalī trees. (

–raṁ) gold.

–śauca a. [agneriva śaucaṁ yasya] bright as fire; purified by fire

K. 252.

–śrī a. [agneriva śrīryasya] glowing like fire; lighted by Agni.

–ṣṭut, –ṣṭubh, –ṣṭoma &c. see

–stut, –stubh &c.

–saṁskāraḥ 1. consecration of fire. 2. hallowing or consecrating by

means of fire; burning on the funeral pile; yathārhaṁ -raṁ mālavāya

dattvā Dk. 169; nāsya kāryo’gnisaṁskāraḥ Ms. 5. 69, R. 12. 56.

–sakhaḥ, –sahāyaḥ 1. the wind. 2. the wild pigeon (smoke-

coloured) 3. smoke.

–saṁbhava a. [paṁ. ba.] sprung or produced from fire. (

–vaḥ) 1. wild safflower. 2. lymph, result of digestion. (

–vaṁ) gold.

–sākṣika [agniḥ sākṣī yatra, kap] a. or adv. keeping fire for a

witness, in the presence of fire; paṁcabāṇa- M. 4. 12; -maryādo bhartā hi

śaraṇaṁ striyāḥ H. 1. v. l., R. 11. 48.

–sāraṁ [agnau sāraṁ yasya atyaṁtānalottāpanepi

sārāṁśādahanāt Tv.] rasāṁjana, a sort of medical preparation for the

eyes. (

–raḥ –raṁ) power or essence of fire.

–sūtraṁ a thread of fire. 2. a girdle of sacrificial grass

(mauṁjīmekhalā) put upon a young Brāhmaṇa at the time of investiture.

–staṁbhaḥ 1. stopping the burning power of Agni. 2. N. of a

Mantra used in this operation. 3. N. of a medicine so used.

–stut m. (agniṣṭut) [agniḥstūyate’tra; stu-ādhāre kvip ṣatvaṁ] the

first day of the Agniṣṭoma sacrifice; N. of a portion of that sacrifice which

extends over one day; yajeta vāśvamedhena svarjitā gosavena vā .

abhijidviśvajidbhyāṁ vā trivṛtāgniṣṭutāpi vā .. Ms. 11. 75.

–stubh (-ṣṭubh) m. [agniḥ stubhyate’tra; stubh-kvip ṣatvaṁ] 1. =

agniṣṭoma. 2. N. of a son of the sixth Manu.

–stomaḥ (-ṣṭomaḥ) [agneḥ stomaḥ stutisādhanaṁ yatra] N. of a

protracted ceremony or sacrificial rite extending over several days in

spring and forming an essential part of the jyotiṣṭoma. 2. a Mantra or

Kalpa with reference to this sacrifice; -me bhavo maṁtraḥ -maḥ; -masya

vyākhyānaṁ, kalpaḥ -maḥ P. IV. 3. 66. Vārt. 3. N. of the son of the sixth

Manu. 4. a species of the Soma plant; -sāman a part of the Sāma Veda

chanted at the conclusion of the Agniṣṭoma sacrifice.

–stha a. (ṣṭha) [agnau sthātumarhati; sthāka ṣatvaṁ] placed in,

over, or near the fire. (

–ṣṭhaḥ) an iron frying-pan; in the aśvamedha sacrifice the 11th

Yūpa which of all the 21 is nearest the fire.

–svāttaḥ (written both as -svātta and -ṣvātta) (pl.) [agnitaḥ i. e.

śrāddhīyaviprakararūpānalāt suṣṭhu āttaṁ grahaṇaṁ yeṣāṁ te] N. of a

class of Pitṛs or Manes who, when living on earth, maintained the sacred

or domestic fires, but who did not perform the Agniṣṭoma and other

sacrifices. They are regarded as Manes of Gods and Brāhmaṇas and also

as descendants of Marīchi, Ms. 3. 195

(manuṣyajanmanyagniṣṭomādiyāgamakṛtvā smārtakarmaniṣṭhāḥ saṁto

mṛtvā ca pitṛtvaṁ gatāḥ iti sāyaṇaḥ). –hut, –hotṛ Ved. sacrificing to

Agni, having Agni for a priest.

–hotraṁ [agnaye hūyate’tra, hu-tra, ca. ta.] 1. an oblation to Agni

(chiefly of milk, oil and sour gruel.). 2. maintenance of the sacred fire and

offering oblation to it; (agnaye hotraṁ homo’smin karmaṇīti agnihotramiti

karmanāma); or the sacred fire itself; tapovanāgnihotradhūmalekhāsu K.

26; hotā syāt -trasya Ms. 11. 36; -tramupāsate 42; strīṁ dāhayet -treṇa

Ms. 5. 167, 6. 4, Y. 1. 89. The time of throwing oblations into the fire is,

as ordained by the sun himself, evening (agnaye sāyaṁ juhuyāt sūryāya

prātarjuhuyāt). Agnihotra is of two kinds; nitya of constant obligation

(yāvajjīvamagnihotraṁ juhoti) and kāmya occasional or optional

(upasadbhiścaritvā māsamekamagnihotraṁ juhoti). (–tra) a. Ved. 1.

destined for, connected with, Agnihotra. 2. sacrificing to Agni; -havanī

(ṇī) a ladle used in sacrificial libations, or agnihotrahavirgrahaṇī ṛk Tv.;

See havirgrahaṇī; -hut offering the agrihotra; -āhutiḥ invocation or

oblation connected with agrihotra. –hotrin a. [agnihotra-matvarthe ini] 1.

one who practises the Agnihotra, or consecrates and maintains the

sacred fire. 2. one who has prepared the sacrificial place.

Rādhākāntadeva: Śabdakalpadruma (5 Vol). Third edition, reprint of the

1886 edition. Varanasi : 1967

agniḥ puṁ, (aṅgayanti agyraṁ janma prāpayanti iti vyutpattyā haviḥ


gārhapatyāhavanīyadakṣiṇāgnisabhyāvasathyaupāsanākhyeṣu ṣaḍgniṣu .

yadvā aṅgati ūrdhvaṁ gacchati iti . agi gatau . aṅgernalopaśceti niḥ

nalopaśca .) tejaḥpadārthaviśeṣaḥ . āguna iti bhāṣā . dharmasya

vasubhāryāyāṁ jātaḥ prathamo’gniḥ . tasya patnī svāhā . puttrāstrayaḥ

pāvakaḥ 1 pavamānaḥ 2 śuciḥ 3 . ṣaṣṭhamanvantare agnervasordhārāyāṁ

draviṇakādayaḥ puttrāḥ . etebhyaḥ pañcacatvāriṁśadagnayo jātāḥ .

sarvemilitvā ekonapañcāśadagnayaḥ . iti purāṇaṁ .. asya paryāyaḥ .

vaiśvānaraḥ 1 vahniḥ 2 vītihotraḥ 3 dhanañjayaḥ 4 kṛpīṭayoniḥ 5 jvalanaḥ

6 jātavedāḥ 7 tanūnapāt 8 tanūnapāḥ 9 varhiḥśuṣmā 10 varhiḥ 11 śuṣmā

12 kṛṣṇavartmā 13 śociṣkeśaḥ 14 uṣarbudhaḥ 15 āśrayāśaḥ 16 āśayāśaḥ

17 vṛhadbhānuḥ 18 kṛśānuḥ 19 pāvakaḥ 20 analaḥ 21 rohitāśvaḥ 22

vāyusakhā 23 vāyusakhaḥ 24 śikhāvān 25 śikhī 26 āśuśukṣaṇiḥ 27

hiraṇyaretāḥ 28 hutabhuk 29 havyabhuk 30 dahanaḥ 31 havyavāhanaḥ 32

saptārciḥ 33 damunāḥ 34 damūnāḥ 35 śukraḥ 36 citrabhānuḥ 37

vibhāvasuḥ 38 śuciḥ 39 appittaṁ 40 . ityamarastaṭṭīkā ca .. vṛṣākapiḥ 41

juhūvālaḥ 42 kapilaḥ 43 piṅgalaḥ 44 araṇiḥ 45 agiraḥ 46 pācanaḥ 47

viśvapsāḥ 48 chāgavāhanaḥ 49 kṛṣṇārciḥ 50 juhūvāraḥ 51 udarciḥ 52

bhāskaraḥ 53 vasuḥ 54 śuṣmaḥ 55 himārātiḥ 56 tamonut 57 suśikhaḥ 58

saptajihvaḥ 59 apapārikaḥ 60 sarvadevamukhaḥ 61 . iti jaṭādharaḥ .. * ..

asya guṇāḥ . vāyukaphastambhaśītakampanāśakatvaṁ .

āmāśayājanakatvaṁ . raktapittaprakopakatvañca . iti rājavallabhaḥ ..

apica .

agnerdurdharṣatā jyotistāpaḥ pākaḥ prakāśanam .

śoko rogo laghustaikṣṇaṁ satatañcordhvabhāsitā .. iti mokṣadharmaḥ

.. * .. atha karmaviśeṣe’gnernāmāni . yathā —

laukike pāvako hyagniḥ prathamaḥ parikīrtitaḥ 1 . laukike

navagṛhapraveśādau .

agrestu māruto nāma garbhādhāne vidhīyate 2 .

puṁsavane candranāmā 3 śuṅgākarmaṇi śobhanaḥ 4 ..

sīmante maṅgalo nāma 5 pragalmo jātakarmaṇi 6 .

nāmni syāt pārthivo hyagniḥ 7 prāśane ca śucistathā 8 .

satyanāmātha cūḍāyāṁ 9 vratādeśe samudbhavaḥ 10 . vratādeśe

upanayane .

godāne sūryanāmā ca 11 keśānte hyagnirucyate 12 . godāne

godānākhyasaṁskāre . keśānte samāvartane .

vaiśvānaro visarge tu 13 vivāhe yojakaḥ smṛtaḥ 14 . visarge

sāgnikartavyakarmaviśeṣe .

caturthyāntu śikhīnāma 15 dhṛtiragnistathāpare 16 . caturthyāṁ

vivāhānte caturthīhome . apare dhṛtihomādau .

prāyaścitte vidhuścaiva 17 pākayajña tu sāhasaḥ 18 . prāyaścitte

prāyaścittātmakamahāvyāhṛtihomādau . pākayajñe pākāṅgakahome

vṛṣotsargagṛhapratiṣṭhādau .

lakṣahome cavahniḥsyāt 19 koṭihome hutāśanaḥ 20 .

pūrṇāhutyāṁ mṛḍonāma 20 śāntike varadastathā 22 ..

pauṣṭike baladaścaiva 23 krodhāgniścābhicārike 24 .

vaśyarthe śamano nāma 25 varadāne’bhidūṣakaḥ 26 ..

koṣṭhetu jaṭharo nāma 27 kravyādo’mṛtabhakṣane 28 .. iti

gobhilaputtrakṛtasaṁgrahaḥ .. * .. atha tasya rūpaṁ . yathā —

piṅgabhrūśmaśukeśākṣaḥ pīnāṅgajaṭharo’ruṇaḥ .

chāgasthaḥ sākṣasūtro’gniḥ saptārciḥ śaktidhārakaḥ ..

ityādityapurāṇaṁ .. * .. atha homīyāgneḥ śubhalakṣaṇāni . yathā —

arciṣmān piṇḍitaśikhaḥ sarpiḥkāñcanasannibhaḥ .

snigdhaḥ pradakṣiṇaścaiva vahniḥ syāt kāryasiddhaye .. iti

bāyupurāṇaṁ .. * .. vaidyakamate agnistridhā bhaumaḥ 1 divyaḥ 2

udaryaḥ 3 tatrādyaḥ kāṣṭhendhanaprabhavaḥ ūrdhvajvalanasvabhāvaḥ

pacanasvedādisamarthaśca . dvitīya udakendhanaḥ paryagjvalanaśīlo

vāḍavaḥ . tṛtīya ubhayendhanaḥ paryagjvalanaśīlaḥ bhuktasyāhārasya

rasādipariṇāmanimittañca vidyudādiśca . iti vijayarakṣitopari

sandehabhañjikā .. * .. apica —

mandastīkṣṇo’tha viṣamaḥ samaśceti caturvidhaḥ .

kaphapittānilādhikyāttatsāmyājjāṭharo’nalaḥ .. taṣāṁ kāryaṁ yathā —

viṣamovātajānrogān tīkṣṇaḥ pittanimittajān .

karotyagnistathā mando vikārān kaphasambhavān ..

samāsamāgneraśitā mātrā samyagvipacyate .

svalpāpi naiva mandāgnerviṣamāgnestu dehinaḥ ..

kadācit pacyate samyak kadācicca na pacyate .

tīkṣṇāgniriti taṁ vidyāt samāgniḥ śreṣṭha ucyate .. iti mādhavakaraḥ ..

atyantatīkṣṇāgnireva hi bhasmaka ucyate . sa tu āhārābhāve śoṇitādīn

dhātūn pācayitvā āśu mārayati . iti rakṣitaḥ .. * .. (dehajanyāgneḥ

nādotpādakatvaṁ yathā saṅgītadarpaṇe —

ātmanā preritaṁ cittaṁ vahnimāhanti dehajam .

brahmagranthisthitaṁ prāṇaṁ sa prerayati pāvakaḥ ..

pāvakapreritaḥ so’tha kramādūrdhvapathe caran .

atisūkṣmadhvaniṁ nābhau hṛdi sūkṣmaṁ gale punaḥ ..

puṣṭaṁ śīrṣe tvapuṣṭañca kṛtrimaṁ vadane tathā .

āvirbhāvayatītyevaṁ pañcadhā kīrtyate budhaiḥ ..

nakāraṁ prāṇanāmānaṁ dakāramanalaṁ viduḥ .

jātaḥ prāṇāgnisaṁyogāttena nādo’bhidhīyate agneḥ sarvasākṣitvādi

yathā rāmāyaṇe —

tvamagne sarvadevānāṁ śarīrāntaragocaraḥ .

tvaṁ sākṣī mama dehasthastrāhi māṁ devamattama . yathā ca

bhārate —

ādityacandrāvanilo’nalaśca .

daurbhūmirāpo hṛdayaṁ yamaśca ..

ahaśca rātriśca ubhe ca sandhye .

dharmaśca jānāti narasya vṛttam .. asya sarvaprathamārādhyatvaṁ

ṛgvedasya sarvaprathamasūkte ūktaṁ yathā — agnimīle purohitam . ityādi

. viṣṇuḥ . sūryaḥ .) agnikoṇādhipatiḥ . ityamaraḥ . citrakavṛkṣaḥ .

raktacitrakaḥ . mallātakaḥ . nimbukaḥ .. pittaṁ . svarṇaṁ . iti

rājanirghaṇṭaḥ .

अनल – anala Monier-Williams, Monier: A Sanskrit-English Dictionary. London : 1899anala m. ( “an”), fire

m. the god of fire, digestive power, gastric juice

m. bile

m. wind

m. N. of Vasudeva

m. of a Muni

m. of one of the eight Vasus

m. of a monkey

m. of various plants (Plumbago Zeylanica and Rosea; Semicarpus


m. the letter “r”

m. the number three

anala m. (in astron.) the fiftieth year of Bṛihaspati’s cycle

m. the third lunar mansion or Kṛittikā (?).

Böhtlingk und Roth: Großes Petersburger Wörterbuch

anala m. 1) “Feuer” AK. 1, 1, 1, 50. H. 1099. an. 3, 622. MED. l. 57.

ŚVETĀŚV. UP. 2, 11. M. 3, 261. 4, 142. BHAG. 3, 39. HIT. I, 125. analārcis

VID. 97. priyāviyogānala Ṛt. 1, 10. — 2) “der Gott des Feuers” M. 5, 1. R.

1, 1, 6. — 3) als solcher “einer der” 8 Vasu’s H. an. 3, 622. MED. l. 37.

HARIV. 152. VP. 120. MIT. 142, 1. — 4) ein Beiname Vasudeva’s H. an. 3,

622. — 5) “das verdauende Feuer, Verdauungskraft”: mandaḥ saṁjāyate

‘nalaḥ SUŚR. 1, 47, 1. — 6) “Galle” RĀJAN. im ŚKDR. — 7) N.

verschiedener Pflanzen: a) “Plumbago zeylanica Lin.” (citraka). — b)

“Plumbago rosea Lin.” (raktacitraka.) — c) “Semecarpus Anacardium Lin.”

(bhallātaka) RĀJAN. im ŚKDR. — 8) N. pr. eines Affen R. 6, 13, 8. — 9)

“Wind” (beruht wohl nur auf einer Verwechselung mit anila) H. an. 3, 622.

— 10) mystische Bezeichnung des Buchstabens ra Ind. St. II, 316. Man

leitet das Wort von 2. an ab. — Vgl. den Artikel agni.

anala UJJVAL. zu UṆĀDIS. 1, 108. analā f. N. pr. eines mythischen

Wesens MBH. 1, 2632. fg. R. ed. Bomb. 3, 14, 31. lalanā GORR.

Benfey, Theodor: A Sanskrit-English Dictionary. London : 1866

anala an + ala, m.

1. Fire, Man. 3, 261.

2. The deity of fire, Man. 5, 1.

3. The digestive power.

4. The proper name of a monkey, Rām. 6, 13, 8.

— Comp. kāla-, m. the fire of all-destroying Time, Rām. 3, 69, 10. dāva-,

m. the fire of a forest conflagration, Pañc. 142, 6. baḍavā-, m. submarine

fire, Böhtl. Ind. Spr. 419.

Cappeller, Carl: A Sanskrit-English Dictionary, based upon the St.

Petersburg Lexicons. Strassburg : 1891

anala m. fire or the god of fire.

Macdonell, Arthur Anthony: A Sanskrit-English Dictionary. London : 1893

anala an-ala, m. fire; Agni;

-da, a. quenching fire.

Bhaṭṭācārya: Vācaspatyam (6 Vol). Chaukhamba Sanskrit Series 94,

reprint of the 1873-1884 edition. Varanasi : 1962

anala pu° nāsti alaḥ paryāptiryasya bahudāhyadahane’pi tṛpterabhāvāt

na° ba° . vahnau, vyabhicacāra na tāpakaro’nala iti naiṣadham analaḥ

nalābhāvovahniśca anupalambhavadabhāvārthe na° ta° .

avyayībhāvasiddhatve klīvatā syāt . ūce nalo’yamiti taṁ prati cittamekaṁ

brūte’sya cānyadanalo’yamitīdamīyamiti āvarjanaṁ tamanu te nanu

sādhu nāmagrāhaṁ mayānalamudīritametadatra iti saiṣānalaṁ

sahajarāgabharāditi ca naiṣadham vayobhiḥ khādayantyanye

prakṣipantyanale’psu veti smṛtiḥ . jaṭharānalasya pittajātatvāt dehasthe

pittadhātau ca . aṣṭavasumadhye pañcame vasau, mediniḥ tacca

dharodhruvaḥ somanāmā tathā’po’pyanilonala iti


nalaityatnānalaityakārapraśleṣabhrāntyaivoktaṁ kintu vasūnāṁ

svarūpakhyāpake viṣṇudharmottaravacane sruvākṣamālike dakṣe vāme

śaktikapālabhṛt savyordhādikramādyo’sau nalākhyastu vasuḥ smṛta iti

nalanāmatvasyaiva pratīternalaeva vasubheda ityavadheyam .

analadaivatatvāt kṛttikānakṣatre analavidhiśatākhyeti jyoti° . (citā) iti

khyāte citrake vṛkṣe, pu° . tasya sarvataḥ paryāptatve’pi paryāpteḥ

sīmābhāvāttattvam, (bhelā) iti khyāte bhallātake vṛkṣe ca . ana–kalac .

ṣaṣṭivarṣamadhye pañcāśatsaṁkhyāte varṣe

ṣaṣṭivarṣagaṇananāmabhedādi varṣaśabde vakṣyate . pitṛdevabhede

kavyavālo’nalaḥ somaḥ yamaścaivāryamā tathā agniṣvāttāḥ varhiṣadaḥ

somapāḥ pitṛdevatā iti vāyu purā° . anān prāṇān lāti ātmatvena analaḥ

jīvaḥ . tadrūpeṇa sarvāntaryāmitayā sthite viṣṇau ṇala–gandhe bandhe

vā na nalati na badhyate vā ac . gandhaśūnye parameśvare viṣṇau

agandhanasya śarma rasa iti tathā rasaṁ nityamagandhavacceti ca

śrutestasya gandhaśūnyatvāt tathātvam . ala paryāptau ac na° ta° .

aparyāpte aparimite parameśvare pavanaḥpāvano’nala iti vi° saha° .

bhāṣyakṛtā ca uktavyutpattiḥ viṣṇuviṣayatve darśitā .

अनलः – analaḥ Apte, Vaman Shivaram: The Practical Sanskrit-English Dictionary. Poona :1890

analaḥ [nāsti alaḥ paryāptiryasya, bahudāhyadahanepi tṛpterabhāvāt]

Tv.; cf. nāgnistṛpyati kāṣṭhānāṁ; said by some to be from an to breathe].

(1) Fire.

(2) Agni or the god of fire. See agni.

(3) Digestive power, gastric juice; maṁdaḥ saṁjāyate’nalaḥ Suśr.

(4) Wind.

(5) Bile.

(6) One of the 8 Vasus, the fifth.

(7) N. of Vāsudeva.

(8) N. of various plants; citraka, raktacitraka Plumbago Zeylanica and

Rosea, bhallātaka the marking nut tree.

(9) The letter r. (10) The number three.

(11) (Astr.) The 50th year of Bṛhaspati’s cycle.

(12) The third lunar mansion kṛttikā.

(13) A variety of Pitṛdeva or manes (kavyavāho’nalaḥ somaḥ).

(14) [anān prāṇān lāti ātmatvena] The soul (jīva).

(15) N. of Viṣṇu (na nalati gaṁdhaṁ prakaṭayati na vadhyate vā nal-


(16) The Supreme Being.

— Comp.

–da a. [analaṁ dyati] 1. removing or destroying heat or fire;

kariṇāṁ mude sanaladā’naladāḥ Ki. 5. 25. 2. = agnida q. v.

–dīpana a. [analaṁ dīpayati] promoting digestion, stomachic.

–prabhā [analasya prabheva prabhā yasya] N. of a plant

(jyotiṣmatī) Helicacabum Cardiospermum.

–priyā N. of Agni’s wife svāhā. –sādaḥ loss of appetite, dyspepsia.

Rādhākāntadeva: Śabdakalpadruma (5 Vol). Third edition, reprint of the

1886 edition. Varanasi : 1967

analaḥ puṁ, (nāsti alaḥ bahudāhyavastudahane’pi tṛptiryasya saḥ,

kṛttikānakṣatre, vatsare bhagavati vāsudeve .) agniḥ . vasubhedaḥ . iti

medinī .. citrakaḥ . raktacitrakaḥ . bhallātakaḥ . pittaṁ . iti rājanirghaṇṭaḥ


गुण – guṇa Monier-Williams, Monier: A Sanskrit-English Dictionary. London : 1899guṇa m. ( “grah” a single thread or strand of a cord or twine (e.g. “tri-

g-” q.v.), string or thread, rope

m. a garland

m. a bow-string (“cāpa-“)

guṇa m. (in geom.) a sinew

m. the string of a musical instrument, chord ifc. (f. “ā”) with

numerals “fold, times” (see “catur-, tri-, daśa-, dvi-, paṇca-“; rarely the

numeral stands by itself along with “guṇa” [e.g. “viśiṣṭo daśabhir guṇaiḥ”,

“of ten times higher value” 509; [“guṇa” = “bhāga”]

m. a multiplier, co-efficient (in alg.)

m. subdivision, species, kind (e.g. “gandhasya guṇāḥ”, the different

kinds of smell

m. the 6 subdivisions of action for a king in foreign politics (viz. peace,

war, march, halt, stratagem, and recourse to the protection of a mightier


guṇa m. = “upāya” (q.v., denoting the 4 ways of conquering an enemy)

m. “requisite” see “-ṇopeta”

m. a secondary element, subordinate or unessential part of any action

(e.g. “sarva-g-” mfn. “reaching to all subordinate parts”, hence “valid

throughout” )

m. an auxiliary act

m. a secondary dish (opposed to “anna” i.e. rice or the chief dish),


guṇa m. (= “-karman”, in Gr.) the secondary or less immediate object of

an action

m. a quality, peculiarity, attribute or property

m. an attribute of the 5 elements (each of which has its own peculiar

quality or qualities as well as organ of sense; thus 1. ether has “śabda”,

or sound for its Guṇa and the ear for its organ; 2. the air has tangibility

and sound for its Guṇas and the skin for its organ; 3. fire or light has

shape or colour, tangibility, and sound for its Guṇas, and the eye for its

organs; 4. water has flavour, shape, tangibility, and sound for its Guṇas,

and the tongue for its organ; 5. earth has the preceding Guṇas, with the

addition of its own peculiar Guṇa of smell, and the nose for its organ)

guṇa m. (in śāṁkhya phil.) an ingredient or constituent of Prakṛiti, chief

quality of all existing beings (viz. “sattva, rajas”, and “tamas” i.e.

goodness, passion, and darkness, or virtue, foulness, and ignorance; cf.

pp. 31; 36; 163) i; iii, 40; xii, 24 ff. xiii f.

guṇa m. (hence) the number “three” iic, 1

m. a property or characteristic of all created things (in Nyāya phil.

twenty-four Guṇas are enumerated, viz. 1. “rūpa”, shape, colour; 2.

“rasa”, savour; 3. “gandha”, odour; 4. “sparśa”, tangibility; 5. “saṁkhyā”,

number; 6. “parimāṇa”, dimension; 7. “pṛthaktva”, severalty; 8.

“saṁyoga”, conjunction; 9. “vibhāga”, disjunction; 10. “paratva”,

remoteness; 11. “aparatva”, proximity; 12. “gurutva”, weight; 13.

“dravatva”, fluidity; 14. “sneha”, viscidity; 15. “śabda”, sound; 16.

“buddhi” or “jṇāna”, understanding or knowledge; 17. “sukha”, pleasure;

18. “duḥkha”, pain; 19. “icchā”, desire; 20. “dveṣa”, aversion; 21.

“prayatna”, effort; 22. “dharma”, merit or virtue; 23. “adharma”, demerit;

24. “saṁskāra”, the self-reproductive quality)

m. an epithet

m. good quality, virtue, merit, excellence &c.

m. the merit of composition (consistency, elegance of expression, &c.)

m. the peculiar properties of the letters (11 in number, viz. the 8

“bāhya-prayatnās” [q.v.] and the 3 accents) on (cf. “-mātra”)

m. the first gradation of a vowel, the vowels “a” (with “ar, al” , “e, o”

m. an organ of sense

m. a cook (cf. “-kāra”)

m. Bhīma-sena (cf. “-kāra”)

Böhtlingk und Roth: Großes Petersburger Wörterbuch

guṇa 1) m. a) “der einzelne Faden einer Schnur; Schnur, Strick” überh.

AK. 2, 10, 27. TRIK. 3, 3, 125. H. 928. = tantu VAIJ. beim Sch. zu ŚIŚ. 1,

62. = tantu und rajju H. an. 2, 138. fg. = vaṭī und rajju MED. ṇ. 10. fg.

śulvaṁ kṛtvā triḥ parihṛtya guṇeṣu śulvāntamavakṛṣyāyamya LAUGĀKṢI

beim Sch. zu KĀTY. ŚR. 1, 3, 23. triguṇā mauñjī “aus drei Fäden

bestehend” KUMĀRAS. 5, 10. rasanāguṇāspadam ebend. āsañjayāmāsa

yathāpradeśaṁ kaṇṭhe guṇam RAGH. 2, 83. vidyudguṇabaddhakakṣāḥ

(vāridharāḥ) MṚCCH. 84, 13. hemakāñcīguṇa MĀLAV. 56. MEGH. 29.

muktāguṇa 47. guṇabaddha “Strick” und “Vorzüge” VID. 277; vgl. unten

u. i. — Insbes. a) “Bogensehne” AK. 2, 8, 2, 53. 3, 4, 13, 49. TRIK. 2, 8,

51. H. 776. H. an. MED. VAIJ. cāpa- R. 3, 33, 16. HIT. I, 158. RAGH. 9,

54. ṚT. 6, 1. In der Geom. “die Sehne” COLEBR. Alg. 89. — b) “Saite”:

vallakī- ŚIŚ. 4, 57. — b) am Ende eines adj. comp. (f. ā) nach einem

Zahlworte: — “fach, – plex”, — greek (urspr. “aus so und so vielen Fäden”

d. i. “Theilen bestehend”). Diese Bed. ist mit āvṛtti “Wiederholung” MED.

und VAIG. gemeint. rajjū triguṇe “dreifach” ŚĀÑKH. ŚR. 17, 2, 3. KĀTY.

ŚR. 6, 3, 15. 22, 4, 26. (vāsaḥ) dviguṇaṁ vā caturguṇaṁ vā “zweifach

oder vierfach zusammengelegt” ŚAT. BR. 3, 3, 2, 9. tasmādayamātmā

dviguṇo bahulatara iva “doppelt so dick” 8, 7, 2, 10. dviguṇānkuśān

“zusammengefaltete” Kuśa – “Halme” YĀJÑ. 1, 232. dviguṇā dakṣiṇā

“doppelt” KĀTY. ŚR. 22, 9, 2. dviguṇaṁ tailaṁ pacyate kṣīreṇa “zwei

Theile Oel mit einem Theile Milch” P. 5, 2, 47, Sch. ṣaṭśirā dviguṇaśrotraḥ

“mit sechs Köpfen und doppelt so vielen Ohren” MBH. 3, 14316. āhāro

dviguṇaḥ strīṇāṁ buddhistāsāṁ caturguṇā. ṣaḍguṇo vyavasāyaśca

kāmaścāṣṭaguṇaḥ smṛtaḥ.. CĀṆ. 78. sapta triguṇāni dināni “21 Tage”

RAGH. 2, 25. mūlyātpañcaguṇo daṇḍaḥ “eine Strafe im fünffachen

Betrage des Werthes” M. 8, 289. 243. 322. 329. YĀJÑ. 2, 4. 11. 257.

indrācchataguṇaḥ śaurye “hundert Mal tapferer als” Indra MBH. 1, 1449.

tvattaḥ śataguṇo bale R. 6, 95, 11. dāpyau taddviguṇaṁ damam M. 8, 59.

139. adv.: darbhāndviguṇabhugnān ĀŚV. GṚHY. 4, 7. duṣṭā daśaguṇaṁ

pūrvātpūrvādete yathākramam “zehn Mal schlechter” YĀJÑ. 1, 141. R. 1,

77, 27. 3, 22, 15. 5, 5, 30. PAÑCAT. 163, 4. compar.: tatpratiśabdena

dviguṇataro (= dviguṇa) nādaḥ kūpātsamutthitaḥ 57, 15. nom. abstr.:

tṛṣṇā tataḥ prabhṛti me dviguṇatvameti “verdoppelt sich” AMAR. 68. In

Verbind. mit bhū und kar: śataguṇībhūta “verhundertfacht” VID. 303.

dviguṇīkṛta ŚIŚ. 1, 63. dviguṇākar “zwei Mal pflügen” P. 5, 4, 59.

Ausnahmsweise erscheint guṇa in dieser Bed. auch ausserhalb des

comp.: dvau guṇau kṣīrasyaikastailasya “zwei Theile Milch, ein Theil Oel”

P. 5, 2, 47, Sch. puṇḍarīkaṁ navadvāraṁ tribhirguṇebhirāvṛtam “dreifach

verhüllt” AV. 10, 8, 43 (vgl. 2, 29. 32. CHĀND. UP. 8, 1, 1).

vidhiyajñājjapayajño viśiṣṭo daśabhirguṇaiḥ “zehn Mal mehr werth” M. 2,

85. māsairdvādaśabhirguṇaiḥ. ṛturmanūnāṁ saṁproktaḥ “in zwölffacher

Anzahl” HARIV. 509. An diesen Gebrauch des Wortes schliesst sich

unmittelbar die Bed. — c) “Multiplicator, Coefficient” COLEBR. Alg. 29.

170. — d) “Abtheilung, Art”: gandhasya guṇān “die verschiedenen Arten

des Geruches” MBH. 12, 6847. yadā śasyaguṇopetaṁ pararāṣṭraṁ tadā

vrajet “mit verschiedenen Arten von Getreide versehen” (ST.: “mit

Getreide und Hülfsmitteln”) YĀJÑ. 1, 347. — e) “ein untergeordnetes

Element; ein untergeordneter, unwesentlicher Theil einer Handlung,

Hülfsact”, = apradhāna oder amukhya H. 1441. H. an. (pradhāna). MED.

VAIJ. kṛtasyānāvṛttirguṇaṁlope ŚĀÑKH. ŚR. 3, 20, 16. saguṇānāṁ hyeva

karmaṇāmuddhāra upajano vā ĀŚV. ŚR. 12, 4. KĀTY. ŚR. 1, 4, 17. 5, 13.

6, 1. 5. nāmaphalaguṇayogātkarmāntaram 4, 4, 2. grahaṇaṁ

guṇārthamuttaravedyagninidhānāt 5, 4, 6. kālaguṇabhedāt 6, 7, 28. 8, 1,

9. sarvaguṇa adj. “auf alle untergeordneten Theile sich erstreckend,

durchweg gültig” 1, 3, 28. (kalau) vaidikāni ca karmāṇi bhavanti

viguṇānyuta MBH. 12, 2689. (kṛtayuge) vaidikāni ca sarvāṇi bhavantyapi

guṇānyuta 2677. Sollte hier nicht viell. apiguṇāni als comp. (im Gegens.

zu viguṇāni oben) “im Verein mit den Nebenhandlungen” aufzufassen

sein? Auf diese Weise würde auch das anstössige neutr. entfernt werden.

upāvṛttasya pāpebhyo yastu vāso guṇaiḥ (d. i. sarvabhūteṣu dayā, kṣānti,

anasūyā, śauca, anāyāsa, maṅgala, akārpaṇya, aspṛhā) saha. upavāsaḥ

sa vijñeyaḥ sarvabhogavivarjitaḥ.. EKĀDAŚĪTATTVA im ŚKDR. u.

upavāsa. — f) “eine untergeordnete Speise” (im Gegens. zu anna “Reis,

der Hauptspeise), Nebengericht, Beigericht”: pāṇibhyāṁ tūpasaṁgṛhya

svayamannasya vardhitam. viprāntike pitṝndhyāyan śanakairupanikṣipet..

….. guṇāṁśca sūpaśākādyānpayo dadhi ghṛtaṁ madhu. vinyasetprayataḥ

pūrvaṁ bhūmāveva samāhitaḥ.. M. 3, 224. 226. 228.

annādyenāsakṛccaitānguṇaiśca paricodayet 233. Vgl. guṇakāra. — g)

“Eigenschaft (der wandelbare und daher unwesentliche Theil an den

Dingen”, im Gegens. zur “Substanz), Eigenthümlichkeit”: nityaṁ

dravyamanityā guṇāḥ SUŚR. 1, 147, 5. sattve niviśate ‘paiti pṛthagjātiṣu

dṛśyate. ādheyaścākriyājaśca so ‘sattvaprakṛtirguṇaḥ..

upaityanyajjahātyanyaddṛṣṭo dravyāntareṣvapi. vācakaḥ sarvaliṅgānāṁ

dravyādanyo guṇaḥ smṛtaḥ.. Kār. im Ind. zu P. II, 451. VOP. 4, 16 und S.

225. guṇo viśeṣādhānahetuḥ siddho vastudharmaḥ. śuklādayo hi

gavādikaṁ sajātīyebhyaḥ kṛṣṇagavādibhyo vyāvartayanti SĀH. D. 10, 13.

yājyaśca prathamaistribhirguṇairvyākhyātaḥ LĀṬY. 1, 1, 8. ŚĀÑKH. GṚHY.

1, 2. yādṛgguṇena bhartrā strī saṁyujyeta yathāvidhi. tādṛgguṇā sā

bhavati samudreṇeva nimnagā.. M. 9, 22. kathaṁ śakṣyāmi bāle

‘sminguṇānādhātumīpsitān BRĀHMAṆ. 2, 15. yo yasyaiṣāṁ vivāhānāṁ

manunā kīrtito guṇaḥ M. 3, 36. havirguṇān 236. 237. vījaṁ

svairvyāñjataṁ guṇaiḥ 9, 36. mūrtiguṇa AK. 3, 4, 18, 113. amarṣaḥ

krodhasaṁbhavaḥ. guṇo jigīṣotsāhavān H. 321. Diese Bed. des Wortes

wird umschrieben durch dravyāśrita und śuklādi AK. 3, 4, 13, 49. MED. —

Insbes. a) “die den fünf Elementen und den fünf Sinneswerkzeugen

entsprechenden fünf Haupteigenschaften”: śabda “Laut (Aether – Ohr”),

sparśa “Fühlbarkeit (Luft – Haut”), rūpa “Form, Farbe (Licht – Auge”),

rasa “Geschmack (Wasser – Zunge”), gandha “Geruch (Erde – Nase”). M.

1, 76 – 78. 20. MBH. 12, 6846. fgg. ŚĀK. 1. BHĀG. P. 3, 5, 35. AK. 3, 4,

14, 67. = rūpādi H. an. MED. = śabdādi VAIJ. — b) “die drei

Grundeigenschaften alles Seienden, auf deren geringerm oder stärkerm

Vorwalten die Stufenleiter der Wesen beruht”: sattva “das wahre

Wesen”, rajas “Drang, Leidenschaft”, tamas “Finsterniss.” sattvaṁ

rajastamaścaiva trīnvidyādātmano guṇān. yairvyāpyemānsthito

bhāvānmahānsarvānaśeṣataḥ.. M. 12, 24. 25. 30. fgg. 1, 15. 3, 40.

sattvaṁ rajastama iti guṇāḥ prakṛtisaṁbhavāḥ. nibadhnanti mahābāho

dehe dehinamavyayam (wobei der Dichter zugleich an die Bed. “Schnur”

gedacht hat)

BHAG. 14, 5. 21. 13, 19. SĀṁKHYAK. 11. fgg. VP. 34. AK. 1, 1, 4, 7. 3, 4,

13, 49. H. an. MED. VAIJ. guṇāgrya = sattva RAGH. 3, 27. Daher guṇa in

der Bed. von “drei” gebraucht VARĀH. BṚH. S. 97, 1. Vgl. traiguṇya. — h)

“Beiwort, Epitheton”: saguṇasthāne ‘guṇaḥ KĀTY. ŚR. 6, 7, 23. āgneyyau

yājyānuvākye nirguṇe Sch. ebend. nirguṇaḥ preṣyapraiṣaḥ sviṣṭakṛdyāgaḥ

5, 11, 23, Sch. — i) “eine gute Eigenschaft, Tugend, Verdienst, Vorzug,

hoher Grad von”: upapanno guṇaiḥ sarvaiḥ M. 9, 141. guṇotkṛṣṭa 8, 73.

guṇottara SUŚR. 1, 177, 3. 20. guṇairvā parivarjitaḥ M. 5, 154. guṇahīna

9, 89. guṇānvita von Personen 2, 247. 7, 77. nakṣatra “Glück

versprechend” 2, 30. śarīraṁ kṣaṇavidhvaṁsi kalpāntasthāyino guṇāḥ

HIT. I, 43. guṇaugha INDR. 4, 17. ko nidhirguṇasaṁpadām R. 1, 1, 5.

KIR. 5, 24. MṚCCH. 19, 4. RAGH. 1, 9. 22. dhiyaḥ 3, 30. bahuguṇaṁ

vanam R. 3, 21, 21. dūrīkṛtāḥ khalu guṇairudyānalatā vanalatābhiḥ ŚĀK.

16. ṣāḍguṇyaguṇavedin M. 7, 167. kaḥ sthānalābhe guṇaḥ “Vorzug,

Vortheil” PAÑCAT. II, 21. guṇādrūpaguṇācca “Vorzüglichkeit der Gestalt”

R. 1, 77, 26. tejoguṇāt “in Folge des ausserordentlichen Glanzes” ŚĀK.

133. saṁbhāvanāguṇa 163. satkriyāguṇān 160. parikleśaguṇa “ein hoher

Grad von Leiden, ganz ausserordentliche Leiden” MBH. 3, 14746.

guṇāguṇāḥ “die Vorzüge und Mängel” M. 3, 22. 9, 331. MBH. 13, 24. HIT.

Pr. 47. guṇadoṣau dass. M. 1, 107. 117. 2, 212. 3, 22. 7, 178. 179. 9, 169.

R. 3, 44, 8 (sg.) 15. kṣetradoṣaguṇasya M. 9, 330. 8, 338. Von den

“Vorzügen eines Kunstgedichts” (kāvya) heisst es: ye rasasyāṅgino

dharmāḥ śauryādaya ivātmanaḥ. utkarṣahetavaste syuracalasthitayo

guṇāḥ.. KĀYVAPR. 118, 5. fgg. SĀH. D. 604. fgg. guṇa =

doṣānyadviśeṣaṇam und śauryādi H. an. = tyāgaśauryādi MED. ŚKDR.

und WILSON (“abandoning, leaving”) fassen tyāga als besondere Bed.

auf. — k) “die sechs Vorzüge, das sechsfache Verdienst eines Königs in

Bezug auf die auswärtige Politik: Bündniss, Krieg, Feldzug, Haltmachen,

Theilung der Streitkräfte, Schutzsuchen bei einem Stärkern.” M. 7, 160.

YĀJÑ. 1, 346. rājaguṇaiḥ ṣaḍbhiḥ MBH. 2, 155. AK. 2, 8, 1, 19. 3, 4, 13,

49. H. 735. = saṁdhyādi H. an. 2, 138. MED. Die vier sogenannten upāya

oder “Hülfsmittel den Feid zu bezwingen: Unterhandlung, Bestechung,

Zwiespalt, offene Gewalt” werden R. 5, 81, 44 ebenfalls guṇa genannt.

Zu den 14 Guṇa des Bālin (vom Schol. falsch gedeutet) 4, 54, 2 vgl. MBH.

2, 155 und oben u. upāya 2. — l) “die Eigenschaften der Laute, die sog.

äussere Articulation”, bāhyaprayatnāḥ (nämlich: ghoṣa, aghoṣa, nāda,

śvāsa, saṁvāra, vivāra, alpaprāṇa, mahāprāṇa “und die drei Accente”;

vgl. P. 1, 1, 9, Sch.) P. 1, 1, 50, Sch. pluto ‘pyanena vidhīyate na

guṇamātram d. i. “nicht bloss der Accent” KĀŚ. zu P. 8, 2, 101. — m) “die

untergeordnete, secundäre Vocalverstärkung” (im Gegens. zu vṛddhi “der

vollen”, welche P. 1, 1, 1 auch zuerst bestimmt wird) d. i. “die Vocale” a

(ar, al; vgl. P. 1, 1, 51), e “und” o P. 1, 1, 2. 3 u.s.w. NIR. 10, 17.

guṇavṛddhī oder vṛddhiguṇau gaṇa rājadantādi zu P. 2, 2, 31. — n)

“Sinneswerkzeug” H. an. MED. VAIJ. — o) “Koch” AK. 2, 9, 28. TRIK. 3, 3,

125. H. 772. H. an. MED. Diese Bed. hat guṇakāra, aber wohl schwerlich

das einfache guṇa. — p) ein Bein. Bhīma’s (vgl. guṇakāra) H. an. — 2) f.

guṇā a) N. eines Grases, = dūrvā RĀJAN. im ŚKDR. = mūrvā (woraus

“Bogensehnen” verfertigt werden) WILS. nach derselben Aut. — b) “ein

best. Parfum” (māṁsarohiṇī) RĀJAN. im ŚKDR. — c) N. pr. einer Fürstin

RĀJA-TAR. 4, 695. — Vgl. gauṇa, nirguṇa, viguṇa, saguṇa.

guṇa 1) a) yathā guṇe guṇamanvasyati TS. 7, 2, 4, 2. — b) ṣaḍbhyo

guṇebhyo ‘bhyadhikā vihīnānmanyāmahe draupadi pāṇḍuputrān wohl

“sechs Mal höher stehend” MBH. 3, 15649. — e) mūle hi rakṣite tāta

guṇāḥ puṣpaphalodayāḥ “eine Nebensache” R. 5, 1, 71. “Hilfsact”: -lope

ŚĀÑKH. BR. 26, 4. -bhūta “secundär” SARVADARŚANAS. 77, 17. 78, 15.

Sp. 756, Z. 5. fgg. streiche (kalau) bis entfernt werden und vgl. apiguṇa

und viguṇa. — k) Z. 3 füge “(Zwiespalt, Doppelwesen, das

Abtrünnigmachen)” nach “Theilung der Streitkräfte” hinzu. — m) ṚV.

PRĀT. 11, 6.

guṇa 1) i) Z. 10 saṁbhāvanāguṇa ist “die in Ehrenerweisung bestehende

löbliche Eigenschaft”; vgl. Spr. (II) 7050. Bei den Jaina drei guṇavrata

HEM. YOGAŚ. 2, 1. 3, 1. 4. 73. — Ueber die verschiedenen Bedd. des

Wortes s. PAT. a. a. O.5,28,a.

Mani, Vettam: Puranic Encyclopaedia. Delhi 1975

guṇa See under Pattu (Ten).

Benfey, Theodor: A Sanskrit-English Dictionary. London : 1866

guṇa guṇa (for guṣ + na, from guṣ in ved. guṣ-p; cf. puṣ and puṣ-p), m.

1. A string, Ragh. 2, 83.

2. A bow-string, Rām. 3, 33, 16.

3. A lutestring, Śiś. 4, 57.

4. Time; daśa guṇās, Ten times, Man. 2, 85; in this signification it is

almost always the latter part of a comp. adj. and preceded by numerals,

e. g. aṣṭaguṇa, i. e. aṣṭan-, Eight-fold, Man. 8, 400. dvi-,

a. Twofold, double, Cāṇ. 78.

b. Twice as many, MBh. 3, 14316.

c. Folded, Yājñ. 1, 232. With an abl., As many times more as are denoted

by the numeral, e. g. mūlyāt pañcaguṇa, i. e. pañcan-, Five times the

value, Man. 8, 289; tvattaḥ śataguṇo bale, A hundred times stronger than

thou, Rām. 6, 95, 11; also comparat., e. g. dviguṇatara, Doubled, Pañc.

57, 15.

5. Species, MBh. 12, 6847.

6. A subordinate element.

7. An accompanying dish, Man. 3, 226.

8. Quality of a subject, Man. 3, 36; 1, 76-78.

9. The three fundamental qualities: sattva, rajas, and tamas, Man. 12,


10. A good quality, virtue, Man. 9, 141; excellence, Ragh. 3, 30; gain,

Pañc. ii d. 21.

11. Excess, MBh. 3, 14746.

12. One of the six expedients in government, Man. 7, 160.

— Comp. a-, m. a bad property, Man. 3, 22. ati-, adj. extraordinary, Rām.

4, 41, 79.; dhanus-, a bow-string, Ṛt. 6, 1 (read -mālam and -guṇam).

tathā-, adj. having such qualities, Rām. 2, 22, 19. tri-,

I. m. pl. the three principal qualities, Bhāg. P. 4, 24, 28.

II. adj. 1. consisting of three strings, Kumāras. 5, 10. 2. three times as

many, Man. 5, 137., nis-, adj., f. ṇā, 1. without a string, Mṛcch. 131 17. 2.

without qualities, MBh. 1, 2432. 3. devoid of virtue, Rām. 2, 33, 11.

muktā-, m. a string of pearls, Megh. 47. vi-, adj. 1. void of all qualities. 2.

void of distinguishing qualities, Śiś. 9, 12. 3. worthless, bad. 4. imperfect,

Man. 10, 97 (imperfectly performed). viveka-vi-, adj. contrary to reason,

unreasonable, Rājat. 5, 352. viśeṣa-, m. a special quality, Bhāṣāp. 26, 89;

90. śruti-viṣaya-, adj. having as its special property that which is the

object of hearing, i. e. sound, epithet of the ether, Śāk. d. 1. sa-, adj.

endowed with qualities, Vedāntas. in Chr. 202, 18.

Cappeller, Carl: A Sanskrit-English Dictionary, based upon the St.

Petersburg Lexicons. Strassburg : 1891

guṇa m. thread, cord, rope, string (adj. –° after a num. = fold or — times,

lit. threaded); division, species, kind; anything secondary or unessential,

e.g. the seasoning of a dish (opp. anna), (g.) the secondary object (cf.

gaṇakarman), the articulation (opp. sthāna), the secondary gradation

(opp. vṛddhi); (ph.) the quality, peculiarity or attribute (opp. dravya or

svabhāva), one of the five attributes or the three qualities; good quality,

virtue, excellence; merit, high degree, pl. the six or four measures of

royal policy. Abstr. guṇatā f., -tva n.

Macdonell, Arthur Anthony: A Sanskrit-English Dictionary. London : 1893

guṇa guṇ-a, strand, thread, string, rope; wick; bow-string; lute-string;

species; constituent of policy (of which there are six or four), subordinate

element, accessory; secondary dish, seasoning; remote object (of a

verb); property, quality; elemental quality (sound, feeling, colour, taste,

smell); fundamental quality (sattva, rajas, tamas); good quality, virtue,

merit, excellence; high degree of (-° = excessive); external articulation

(of letters); first strong grade of vowels (a, ar, al, e, o); time (with

numberals); multiple: almost always -° a. after numerals = – fold (lit.

having so many strands), so many times as much as or more than (in. or


Rādhākāntadeva: Śabdakalpadruma (5 Vol). Third edition, reprint of the

1886 edition. Varanasi : 1967

guṇa t ka mantraṇe . iti kavikalpadrumaḥ .. (adanta curāṁ-paraṁ-

sakaṁ-seṭ .) hrasvī . mūrdhanyopadhaḥ . guṇayati . iti durgādāsaḥ ..

Bhaṭṭācārya: Vācaspatyam (6 Vol). Chaukhamba Sanskrit Series 94,

reprint of the 1873-1884 edition. Varanasi : 1962

guṇa āmantraṇe āmreḍane āvṛttā ityekaṁ ada° cu° ubha° saka° seṭ .

guṇayati–te ajuguṇat–ta . guṇyāntyamaṅkaṁ guṇakena hanyāt . viṣame

gacche vyeke guṇakaḥ sthāpyaḥ same’rdhite vargaḥ guṇyaḥ pṛthagvā

guṇitasametaḥ līlā° . vargeṇa vargaṁ guṇayet bhajecca vījaga0

गुणः – guṇaḥ Apte, Vaman Shivaram: The Practical Sanskrit-English Dictionary. Poona :1890

guṇaḥ [guṇ-ac]

(1) A quality(good or bad); suguṇa, durguṇa.


(a) A good quality, merit, virtue, excellence; katame te guṇāḥ Māl.

1; vasaṁti hi premṇi guṇā na vastuni Ki. 8. 37; R. 1. 9, 22; sādhutve

tasya ko guṇaḥ Pt. 4. 108.

(b) Eminence.

(3) Use, advantage, good (with instr. usually); Pt. 5.; kaḥ sthānalābhe

guṇaḥ 2. 20; H. 1. 52; Mu. 1. 15.

(4) Effect, result, efficacy, good result; saṁbhāvanāguṇamavehi

tamīśvarāṇāṁ S. 7. 4; guṇamahatāṁ mahate guṇāya yogaḥ Ki. 10. 25, 6.



(a) A single thread or string.

(b) Thread, string, rope, cord; mekhalāguṇaiḥ Ku. 4. 8; 5. 10;

tṛṇairguṇatvaptāpannairbadhyaṁte mattadaṁtinaḥ H. 1. 35; yataḥ

pareṣāṁ guṇagrahītāsi Bv. 1. 9 (where guṇa also means ‘a merit’).

(6) The bow-string; guṇakṛtye dhanuṣo niyojitā Ku. 4. 15, 29;

kanakapiṁgataḍidguṇasaṁyutaṁ R. 9. 54.

(7) The string of a musical instrument; Śi. 4. 57.

(8) A sinew.

(9) A quality, attribute, property in general; Ms. 9. 22. (10) A quality,

characteristic or property of all substances, one of the seven categories

or padarthas of the Vaiśeṣikas, (the number of these properties is 24).

(11) An ingredient or constituent of nature, any one of the three

properties belonging to all created things; (these are sattva, rajas, and

tamas); guṇatrayavibhāgāya Ku. 2. 4; Bg. 14. 5; R. 3. 27.

(12) A wick, cotton thread; Pt. 1. 221.

(13) An object of sense; (these are five rūpa, rasa, gaṁdha, sparśa,

and śabda).

(14) Repetition, multiplication, denoting ‘folds’ or ‘times’, usually at

the end of comp. after numerals; āhāro dviguṇaḥ strīṇāṁ buddhistāsāṁ

caturguṇā . ṣaḍguṇo vyavasāyaśca kāmaścāṣṭaguṇaḥ smṛtaḥ .. Chaṇ. 78;

so triguṇa; śataguṇībhavati becomes a hundred-fold.

(15) A secondary element, a subordinate part (opp. mukhya).

(16) Excess, abundance, superfluity.

(17) An adjective, a word subordinate to another in a sentence.

(18) The substitution of e, o, ar and al for i, u, ṛ (short or long) and ḷ,

or the vowels a, e, o, and ar and al.

(19) (In Rhet.) Quality considered as an inherent property of a Rasa

or sentiment. Mammaṭa thus defines guṇa. –ye rasasyāṁgino dharmāḥ

śauryādaya ivātmanaḥ . utkarṣahetavaste syuracalasthitayo guṇāḥ .. K. P.

8. (Some writers on rhetoric, such as Vāmana, Jagannātha Paṇḍita,

Daṇḍin and others, consider Gunas to be properties both of śabda and

artha, and mention ten varieties under each head. Mammaṭa, however,

recognises only three, and, after discussing and criticizing the views of

others, says: mādhuryaujaḥprasādākhyāstrayaste na punardaśa K. P. 8).

(20) (In gram. and Mīm.) Property considered as the meaning of a class

of words; e. g. grammarians recognise four kinds of the meaning of

words; jāti, guṇa, kriyā and dravya, and give gauḥ, śuklaḥ, calaḥ and

ḍitthaḥ as instances to illustrate these meanings.

(21) (In politics) A proper course of action, an expedient. (The

expedients to be used by a king in foreign politics are six: –1 saṁdhi

peace or alliance; 2 vigraha war; 3 yāna march or expedition; 4 sthāna or

āsana halt; 5 saṁśraya seeking shelter; 6 dvaidha or dvaidhībhāva

duplicity; saṁdhirnā vigraho yānamāsanaṁ dvaidhamāśrayaḥ Ak.) see Y.

1. 346; Ms. 7. 160; Śi. 2. 26; R. 8. 21.

(22) The number ‘three’ (derived from the three qualities).

(23) The chord of an arc (in geom.).

(24) An organ of sense.

(25) A subordinate dish; Ms. 3. 226, 233.

(26) A cook.

(27) An epithet of Bhīma; as in yudhiṣṭhiropi guṇapriyaḥ Vas.

(28) Leaving, abandonment.

(29) A multiplier, co-efficient (in arith.). (30) Division, subdivision,

species, kind.

(31) The peculiar property of letters which are pronounced with

external utterance (bāhyaprayatna); they are eleven.

— Comp.

–agryaṁ a principal quality; -vartin R. 3. 27.

–aguṇaḥ merit and demerit; Śi. 16. 44.

–atīta a. freed from all properties, being beyond them. (

–taḥ) the Supreme Being.

–adhiṣṭhānakaṁ the region of the breast where the girdle is


–anubaṁdhitvaṁ connection or association with virtues; R. 1. 22.

–anurāgaḥ love or appreciation of the good qualities of others; Ki.

1. 11.

–anurodhaḥ conformity or suitableness to good qualities.

–aṁtaraṁ a different (higher) quality; guṇāṁtaraṁ vrajati

śilpamādhātuḥ M. 1. 6.

–anvita, –upapanna, –yukta, –saṁpanna a. endowed with good

qualities, meritorious, worthy, good, excellent.

–apavādaḥ, –niṁdā disparagement, detraction.

–ākaraḥ 1. ‘a mine of merits’, one endowed with all virtues; Bh. 2.

92. –2. N. of Śiva.

–āḍhya a. rich in virtues.

–ātman a. having qualities.

–ādhāraḥ ‘a receptacle of virtues’, a virtuous or meritorious


–āśraya a. virtuous, excellent.

–īśvaraḥ 1. the Supreme Being. –2. the Chitrakūṭa mountain.

–utkarṣaḥ excellence of merit, possession of superior qualities.

–utkīrtanaṁ panegyric, eulogium.

–utkṛṣṭa a. superior in merit.

–upeta a. endowed with good qualities; S. 1. 12.

–oghaḥ –ghaṁ superior or abundant merits.

–kathanaṁ 1. extolling, praising. –2. a condition or state of mind

of the hero of a drama to which he is reduced by Cupid.

–karman n. 1. an unessential or secondary action. –2. (in gram.)

the secondary or less immediate (i. e. indirect) object of an action; e. g.

in the example netā’śvasya srughnaṁ srughnasya vā, srughnaṁ is a

guṇakarman. –kāra a. productive of good qualities, profitable, salutary. (

–raḥ) 1. a cook who prepares side-dishes or any secondary

articles of food. –2. an epithet of Bhīma.

–kīrtanaṁ, –ślāghā, –stutiḥ f. praise, extolling.

–gānaṁ singing of merits, panegyric, praise.

–gṛdhnu a. 1. desiring good qualities. –2. possessing enviable or

good qualities.

–gṛhya a. appreciating or admiring merits (wherever they may be),

attached to merits; appreciative; nanu vaktṛviśeṣaniḥspṛhā guṇagṛhyā

vacane vipaścitaḥ Ki. 2. 5.

–grahaṇaṁ appreciating merits.

–grahītṛ, –grāhaka, –grāhin a. appreciating the merits (of others);

Ratn. 1. 6; Śi. 20. 82; Bv. 1. 9.

–grāmaḥ a collection of virtues or merits;

gurutaraguṇagrāmāṁbhojasphuṭojjvalacaṁdrikā Bh. 3. 116; gaṇayati

guṇagrāmaṁ Gīt. 2; Bv. 1. 103.

–ghātin a. detractor, envious, censorious.

–jña a. knowing how to admire or appreciate merits, appreciative;

bhagavati kamalālaye bhṛśamaguṇajñāsi Mu. 2; guṇā guṇajñeṣu guṇā

bhavaṁti H. Pr. 47.

–trayaṁ, –tritayaṁ the three constituent properties of nature; i.

e. sattva, rajas and tamas. -ābhāsaḥ life.

–doṣau (du.) virtue and vice; -kathā; Pt. 2. 62.

–dharmaḥ the virtue or duty incidental to the possession of certain


–nidhiḥ a store of virtues.

–padī a woman having feet as thin as cords.

–pūgaṁ great merits.

–prakarṣaḥ excellence of merits, great merit.

–bhoktṛ a. perceiving the properties of things.

–mahat n. superior quality.

–rāgaḥ delighting in the merits of others.

–rāśiḥ an epithet of Śiva.

–lakṣaṇaṁ mark or indication of an internal property.

–layanikā, –layanī a tent.

–lubdha a. 1. desirous of merits. –2. attached to merits.

–vacanaṁ, vācakaḥ a word which connotes an attribute or quality,

an adjective, or substantive used attributively; as śveta in śveto’śvaḥ. —

vādaḥ pointing out good merits.

–vivecanā discrimination in appreciating the merits of others, a

just sense of merit.

–vṛkṣaḥ, –vṛkṣakaḥ a mast or a post to which a ship or boat is


–vṛttiḥ f. 1. a secondary or unessential condition or relation (opp.

mukhyavṛtti). –2. the character or style of merits.

–vaiśeṣyaṁ preeminence of merit.

–śabdaḥ an adjective.

–saṁkhyānaṁ ‘enumeration of the three essential qualities’, a

term applied to the Sāṅkhya (including the Yoga) system of philosophy.

–saṁgaḥ 1. association with qualities or merits. –2. attachment

to objects of sense or worldly pleasures.

–saṁpad f. excellence or richness of merits, great merit,


–sāgaraḥ 1. ‘an ocean of merit, a very meritorious man. –2. an

epithet of Brahmā.

–hīna a. 1. void of merit’, meritless. –2. poor (as food).

Rādhākāntadeva: Śabdakalpadruma (5 Vol). Third edition, reprint of the

1886 edition. Varanasi : 1967

guṇaḥ puṁ, (guṇyate mantryate mantraṇādibhirniścīyate rājabhiritiśeṣaḥ

. guṇa mantraṇe + ghañ .) ṣaṭprakārarājanītiviśeṣaḥ . tadyathā . sandhiḥ

1 vigrahaḥ 2 yānam 3 āsanam 4 dvaidham 5 āśrayaḥ 6 .. (yathā, manuḥ .

7 . 160 .

sandhiñca vigrahañcaiva yānamāsanameva ca .

dvaidhībhāvaṁ saṁśrayañca ṣaḍguṇāṁścintayet sadā .. ete

ṣaḍguṇāstu nītividā rājñā kadā kenopāyena ca

prayoktavyāstadvivaraṇādikantu tatraiva . 7 . 161 . ślokamārabhya

draṣṭavyam ..) dhanurākarṣaṇarajjuḥ . chilā iti bhāṣā . (yathā,

raghuvaṁśe . 9 . 54 .

atha nabhasya iva tridaśāyudhaṁ kanakapiṅgataḍi dguṇasaṁyutam .

dhanuradhijyamanādhirupādade naravaro ravaroṣitakeśarī ..)

tatparyāyaḥ . maurvī 2 jyā 3 śiñjinī 4 śiñjyā 5 jyāvā 6 patañcikā 7 . iti

śabdaratnāvalī .. jīvā 8 . iti jaṭādharaḥ .. rajjuḥ . (yathāha kaścit .

guṇavanto’pi sīdanti na guṇagrāhako yadi .

saguṇo’pi pūrṇakumbho yathā kūpe nimajjati .. sūtram . yathā,

āryāsaptaśatyām . 369 .

kāñcīguṇa iva patitaḥ sthitaikaratnaḥ phaṇī sphurati ..)

satvarajastamāṁsi . (yathā, bhāgavate . 1 . 2 . 23 .

sattvaṁ rajastama iti prakṛterguṇāstairyuktaḥ paraḥ puruṣa eka

ihāsya dhatte .

sthityādaye hariviriñcihareti saṁjñāḥ śreyāṁsi tatra khalu

sattvatanornṛṇāṁ syuḥ ..) śuklakṛṣṇaraktapītādiḥ . dravyāśritaḥ . sa tu

śauryādiḥrasagandhādiśca . ityamaraḥ . 3 . 3 . 46 .. tasya lakṣaṇaṁ yathā

sattve niviśate’paiti pṛthag jātiṣu dṛśyate .

ādheyaścākriyājaśca so’sattvaprakṛtirguṇaḥ .. iti mugdhabodham ..

(asyārthamāha durgādāsaḥ .

yaḥ sattve dravye niviśate tadevāśrayatītyarthaḥ .

apaiti tasmāt sattvādapagacchatītyarthaḥ .. yathā śyāmatā

pūrbamāmrādiphalamupagacchati paścāt pakvadaśāyāṁ tato’paiti .

pṛthak jātiṣu dṛśyate bhinneṣu padārtheṣu dṛśyate . yathā āmrādiphale yā

śyāmatā dṛṣṭā sā kadalīphalādiṣu ca dṛśyate sa guṇaḥ syādityarthaḥ .

nanu tarhi utkṣepaṇāvakṣepaṇākuñcanaprasāraṇagamanāni pañcaiva

karmāṇīti uktakarmasvapi guṇatvāpattiḥ yadā dravyaṁ sakriyaṁ bhavati

tadā karma sattve niviśate yadā dravyaṁ niṣkriyaṁ bhavati tadā karma

sattvādapaiti pṛthagjātiṣu ca dṛśyate yathā manuṣyeṣu gamanādikriyā

dṛśyate tathā paśvādiṣu ca dṛśyate ataḥ karmaṇo

guṇatvamapākartumāha ādheyaścākriyājaśceti . ādheya utpādyaḥ yathā

pakvamṛṇmayapātreṣu raktatāguṇaḥ sahi vahnisaṁyogādinā niṣpādyate .

akriyāja iti . kriyāyā jāyate .

iti kriyājaḥ . na kriyājo’kriyājaḥ nitya ityarthaḥ . ākāśādiṣu

mahattvādirguṇaḥ . tataśca guṇasya utpādyatvamanutpādyatvañca iti

prakāradvayadarśanatayā karmaṇo guṇatvaṁ na syāditi jñāpitam

karmatvaṁ sarvameva utpādyamiti . evañcettarhi dravyamapi guṇo’stu

tatrāpi hyete dharmā vartante .

yathā tadapi dravyamārambhake avayavadravye niviśate tato’paiti ca

yathā śarīramavayavi taddhi mastakādiṣvavayaveṣu samavetaṁ bhavatīti

tadvināśāt tato’paiti . pṛthagjātiṣu paśvādiṣu ca dṛśyate evaṁ dravyasya

utpādyatvamanutpādyatvañcāsti avayavi dravyasya utpādyatvāt

ākāśādestu anutpādyatvāditi . ata āha asattvaprakṛtiriti .

sattvaṁ dravyaṁ prakṛtiḥsvabhāvaḥ . sattvaṁ prakṛtiryasya sa

sattvaprakṛtiḥ . na sattvaprakṛtirasattvaprakṛtiḥ ..) viśeṣādhānahetuḥ

siddho vastudharmaḥ . śuklādayo hi gavādikaṁ svajātīyebhyaḥ

kṛṣṇagavādibhyo vyāvartayantīti sāhityadarpaṇam .. api ca .

dravyatvavyāpakatāvacchedakasattvānyajātimattvaṁ tadarthaḥ tadyathā

. rūpam 1 rasaḥ 2 gandhaḥ 3 sparśaḥ 4 saṁkhyā 5 parimāṇam 6

pṛthaktvam 7 saṁyogaḥ 8 vibhāgaḥ 9 paratvam 10 aparatvam 11 buddhiḥ

12 sukham 13 duḥkham 14 icchā 15 dveṣaḥ 16 yatnaḥ 17 gurutvam 18

dravatvam 19 snehaḥ 20 saṁskāraḥ 21 dharmaḥ 22 adharmaḥ 23 śabdaḥ

24 . iti bhāṣāparicchedaḥ .. (sāttvikanāyakaguṇā yathā, sāhityadarpaṇe .

3 . 58 . śobhāvilāsomādhuryaṅgāmbhīryaṁ dhyairyatejasī .

lalitaudāryamityaṣṭau sattvajāḥ pauruṣāguṇāḥ .. eteṣāṁ

viśeṣavivaraṇantu tattacchabde draṣṭavyam ..) apradhānam . sūdaḥ .

indriyam . tyāgaḥ . vaṭī . iti medinī .. ṇe . 10 .. bhīmasenaḥ . tantuḥ .

doṣānyaviśeṣaṇam . iti hemacandraḥ .. vidyādi . iti viśvaḥ .. (vyañjanam .

yathā, manuḥ . 3 . 226 .

guṇāṁśca sūpaśākādyān payodadhighṛtaṁ madhu .

vinyaset prayataḥsamyak bhūmāveva samāhitaḥ .. guṇān vyañjanāni

annāpekṣayā’prādhānyāt guṇayuktān vā . iti taṭṭīkāyāṁ kullūkabhaṭṭaḥ ..

āvṛttiḥ . yathā, mahābhārate .

āhāro dviguṇaḥ strīṇāṁ buddhistāsāṁ caturguṇāḥ .

ṣaḍguṇo vyavasāyaśca kāmaścāṣṭaguṇaḥ smṛtaḥ ..)

vyākaraṇoktasaṁjñāviśeṣaḥ . yathā . iṅo’raleṅṇuḥ . asyārthaḥ . i u ṝ ḷ

eṣāṁ sthāne e o ar al ete guṇasaṁjñā bhavanti . iti mugdhabodham .

kāvyaguṇasya lakṣaṇaṁ yathā — ye rasasyāṅgino dharmāḥ śauryādaya

ivātmanaḥ . utkarṣahetavaste syuracalasthitayo guṇāḥ .. iti

kāvyaprakāśaḥ .. tasya bhedāḥ . śleṣaḥ prasādaḥ samatā mādhuryaṁ

sukumāratā . arthavyaktirudāratvamojaḥkāntisamādhayaḥ .. iti

vaidarbhamārgasya prāṇā daśa guṇāḥ smṛtāḥ .. iti daṇḍī ..

mādhuryaujaḥprasādākhyāstrayaste na punardaśa .. tasya

daśasaṁkhyābhāve heturyathā — kecidantarbhavantyeṣu doṣatyāgāt pare

śritāḥ . anye bhajanti doṣatvaṁ kutracinna tato daśa .. iti bharatamuniḥ .

smṛtyuktaguṇaviśeṣā upavāsaśabde draṣṭavyāḥ ..

ज्वलन – jvalana Monier-Williams, Monier: A Sanskrit-English Dictionary. London : 1899jvalana mfn. ( 3-2, 150) inflammable, combustible, flaming

mfn. shining, 769

jvalana m. fire (“jval-” or [] “-lana”) &c.

jvalana m. the number 3

jvalana m. corrosive alkali

jvalana m. Plumbago zeylanica (or its root

jvalana n. blazing

Apte, Vaman Shivaram: The Practical Sanskrit-English Dictionary. Poona :


jvalana a. [jval-yuc]

(1) Flaming, shining.

(2) Combustible. –naḥ Fire; tadanu jvalanaṁ madarpitaṁ

tvarayerdakṣiṇavātavījanaiḥ Ku. 4. 36, 32; Bg. 11. 29.

(2) Corrosive alkali.

(3) The number ‘three’. –naṁ Burning, blazing, shining.

— Comp.

–aśman m. the sun-stone.

Böhtlingk und Roth: Großes Petersburger Wörterbuch

jvalana (von jval) P. 3, 2, 150. 1) “brennbar, flammend, leuchtend”:

pītudāru ŚAT. BR. 13, 4, 4, 7. arkajvalanamūrdhaja MBH. 3, 12239.

aśīviṣāgnijvalanaprakāśa 769. — 2) m. a) “Feuer” AK. 1, 1, 1, 49. H. 1099.

M. 10, 103. YĀJÑ. 3, 41. MBH. 5, 516. 13, 440. 4028. BHAG. 11, 29. R. 1,

1, 81. 2, 25, 25. 3, 9, 12. SUŚR. 1, 106, 10. SŪRYAS. 11, 16. zur Bez. der

“Zahl drei” 2, 20. 21. — b) “Aetzkali” (s. kṣāra) SŪŚR. 2, 125, 17. — c)

(als N. des “Feuers”; vgl. AK. 2, 4, 2, 60) “Plumbago zeylanica Lin.”

ŚKDR. — 3) f. ā N. pr. einer Tochter Takshaka’s und Gemahlin Ṛkeyu’s

HARIV. 1714; vgl. jvālā. — 4) n. “das Flammen, in-Flammen-Stehen”:

jalamāṁsārdrajvalane VARĀH. BṚH. S. 45, 19. 22. fgg.

sarvāṅgajvalanamavṛddhidaṁ hayānām 92, 1. fgg.

jvalana 2) a) ŚIŚ. 9, 13 bedeutet nur “Feuer”, nicht auch “das Scheinen.”

wie BENFEY annimmt.

Benfey, Theodor: A Sanskrit-English Dictionary. London : 1866

jvalana jval + ana,

I. adj. Shining, MBh. 3, 12239.

II. m.

1. Fire, Man. 10, 103.

2. Caustic potash, Suśr. 2, 125, 17.

III. n. Shining (and fire), Śiś. 9, 13.

Cappeller, Carl: A Sanskrit-English Dictionary, based upon the St.

Petersburg Lexicons. Strassburg : 1891

jvalana a. burning, flaming, combustible; m. fire (also jvalana or jvalana);

n. burning, blazing.

Macdonell, Arthur Anthony: A Sanskrit-English Dictionary. London : 1893

jvalana jval-ana, a. burning; shining; m. fire; caustic potash; n. flaming:

-kana, m. spark.

Bhaṭṭācārya: Vācaspatyam (6 Vol). Chaukhamba Sanskrit Series 94,

reprint of the 1873-1884 edition. Varanasi : 1962

jvalana tri° jvala–tācchīlyādau yuc . 1 dīptiśīle, 2 vahnau 3 citrakavṛkṣe

ca pu° amaraḥ .

दहन – dahana Monier-Williams, Monier: A Sanskrit-English Dictionary. London : 1899dahana mf (“ī”) n. burning, consuming by fire, scorching, destroying

(chiefly ifc.)

dahana mf (“ī”) n. (said of the “dhāraṇā” of fire) 164

dahana m. fire (of three kinds), Agni &c. (ifc. f. “ā”

dahana m. the numeral three

dahana m. one of the 5 forms of fire in the Svāhā-kāra 10465

dahana m. a pigeon

dahana m. Plumbago zeylanica

dahana m. Anacardium officinarum

dahana m. N. of an attendant of Skanda

dahana m. N. of a Rudra, i

dahana n. burning, consuming by fire 80 &c.

dahana n. cauterising

dahana n. sour gruel

dahana mf (“ī”) n. (“ā”) f. N. of part of the moon’s course

dahana mf (“ī”) n. (“ī”) f. Sanseviera Roxburghiana

Apte, Vaman Shivaram: The Practical Sanskrit-English Dictionary. Poona :


dahana a. (nī f.) [dah-lyu]

(1) Burning, consuming by fire; Bh. 1. 71.

(2) Destructive, injurious. –naḥ

(1) Fire.

(2) A pigeon.

(3) The number ‘three’.

(4) A bad man.

(5) The Bhallātaka plant.

(6) Lead-wort. (citraka).

(7) The constellation kṛttikā. –naṁ

(1) Burning, consuming by fire (fig. also); R. 8. 20.

(2) Cauterizing.

(3) Sour gruel.

— Comp.

–arātiḥ water.

–upalaḥ the sun-stone.

–ulkā a fire-brand.

–ketanaḥ smoke.

–priyā Svāhā, wife of Agni.

–sārathiḥ wind.

Böhtlingk und Roth: Großes Petersburger Wörterbuch

dahana (von 1. dah) 1) adj. f. ī a) “verbrennend”: tripura- “der

Verbrenner von” Trip., Bein. Śiva’s HĀR. 8. yugānte lokadahanī HARIV.

2522. trailokyadahanādviṣāt BHĀG. P. 8, 7, 21. nijakula- “versengend, zu

Grunde richtend” BHARTṚ. 1, 70. — b) “Alles zu Grunde richtend,

bösgesinnt”, = duṣṭacetana H. an. 3, 381 (wo dahano st. dahane zu lesen

ist). = duṣṭaceṣṭita (duṣṭacetas ŚKDR.) MED. n. 75. — 2) m. a) “Feuer;

der Gott des Feuers” AK. 1, 1, 1, 51. H. 1099. H. an. MED. dahana

upasamādhāya KAUŚ. 15. 46. MBH. 3, 1553. 13, 111. HARIV. 3765.

10457. R. 3, 19, 7. 42, 10. BHARTṚ. 2, 29. 3, 19. VARĀH. BṚH. S. 7, 1.

31, 7. 98, 1. kopa- SĀH. D. 65, 3. tvameva dahano deva (agne) MBH. 1,

8360. Am Ende eines adj. comp. f. ā HORĀŚ. 1, 5 in Z. f. d. K. d. M. 4,

305. Wie alle Wörter für “Feuer” zur Bez. “der Zahl drei” gebraucht

VARĀH. BṚH. S. 97, 1. SŪRYAS. 12, 84. — b) “eine der fünf Formen des

Feuers beim” Svāhākāra HARIV. 10465. — c) N. eines der 11 Rudra MBH.

1, 2567. 4826. MATSYA-P. in VP. 121, N. 17. — d) N. pr. eines Wesens im

Gefolge von Skanda MBH. 9, 2536. — e) “Taube” RĀJAN. im ŚKDR. NIGH.

PR. — f) “Plumbago zeylanica Lin.” (citraka). — g) “Anacardium

officinarum Gaert.” (bhallātaka) H. an. MED. — 3) n. a) “das Verbrennen,

Brennen” (auch med.): agnihotraṁ juhotyā dahanāt KAUŚ. 80. na tasya

dahanaṁ kāryaṁ naiva piṇḍodakakriyā ŚAUNAKA bei MALLIN. zu RAGH.

8, 25. aparo dahane svakarmaṇāṁ vavṛte jñānamayena vahninā RAGH. 8,

20. – SUŚR. 1, 31, 13. 47, 6. 151, 12. -kalpa 2, 48, 5. dahanopakaraṇa 1,

35, 11. yadi syācchītalo vahniḥ śītāṁśurdahanātmakaḥ PAÑCAT. I, 288.

atidahanātmako ‘yam (bhānuḥ) 190, 3. DHŪRTAS. 76, 14. — b) “saurer

Reisschleim” NIGH. PR.

dahana 1) a) dhāraṇā “die brennende, die des Feuers” Verz. d. Oxf. H.

237,a,6. — 3) dahanātmaka R. 7, 23, 4, 20. dahanātmatā KATHĀS. 74,


Benfey, Theodor: A Sanskrit-English Dictionary. London : 1866

dahana dah + ana,

I. adj., f. nī, Consuming by fire, Hariv. 2522.

2. Destroying, Bhartṛ. 1, 70.

II. m.

1. Fire, Bhartṛ. 2, 29.

2. The deity of fire, MBh. 1, 8360.

3. One of the Rudras, MBh. 1, 2567.

III. n.

1. Consuming by fire, Ragh. 8, 20.

2. Burning, Bhāṣāp. 156.

— Comp. dava-, n. The fire of a forest conflagration, Bhāg. P. 5, 8, 22.

Cappeller, Carl: A Sanskrit-English Dictionary, based upon the St.

Petersburg Lexicons. Strassburg : 1891

dahana a. (f. ī) & n. burning, consuming, destroying; m. (adj. –° f. ā) fire

or the god Agni.

Macdonell, Arthur Anthony: A Sanskrit-English Dictionary. London : 1893

dahana dah-ana, a. (ī) burning, consuming with fire; destroying (gnly. -°);

m. fire, Agni (f. -° a. ā); n. burning: -karman, n. act of burning;

-garbha, a. having inward fire, flashing with anger (eyes);

-ātmaka, a. whose nature consists in burning or causing grief.

Bhaṭṭācārya: Vācaspatyam (6 Vol). Chaukhamba Sanskrit Series 94,

reprint of the 1873-1884 edition. Varanasi : 1962

dahana pu° daha-lyu . 1 agnau, davadahanastuhinadīdhitistasya sā° da°

daha dahana! tadaitat pāpamaṅgaṁ madīyam sītoktiḥ . 2 citrakavṛkṣe, 3

bhallātake, 4 duṣṭacetasi ca . 5 kapote puṁstrī° rājani° striyāṁ jātitvāt

ṅīṣ . 6 dāhakamātre tri° . lokadahana! mano dahana ityādi . 7 rudrabhede

pu° . ekādaśa sutāḥ sthāṇoḥ khyātāḥ paramatejasaḥ . mṛgavyādhatha

sarpaśca nirṛtiśca mahāyaśāḥ, . ajaikapādahirbudhnyaḥ pinākī ca

parantapaḥ . dahano’theśvaraścaiva kapālī ca mahādyutiḥ,

sthāṇurbhagaśca bhagavān rudrā ekādaśa smṛtāḥ bhā° ā° 66 a° .

upacārāt 8 kṛttikānakṣatre dahanavidhiśatākhyāmaitrabhaṁ saumyavāre

jyo° ta° . bhāve lyuṭ . 9 dāhe na° . aparo dahane svakarmaṇāṁ vavṛte

jñānamayena vahninā raghuḥ .

पावक – pāvaka Monier-Williams, Monier: A Sanskrit-English Dictionary. London : 1899pāvaka mf (“ā”) n. pure, clear, bright, shining (said of Agni, Sūrya and

other gods, of water, day and night &c.; according to native Comms. it is

mostly = “sodhaka”, “cleansing, purifying”)

pāvaka m. N. of a partic. Agni (in the Purāṇas said to be a son of Agni

Abhimānin and Svāhā or of Autardhāna and śikhaṇḍinī)

pāvaka m. (ifc. f. “ā”) fire or the god of fire &c.

pāvaka m. N. of the number 3 (like all words for “fire”, because fire is of

three kinds see “agni”)

pāvaka m. a kind of Rishi, a saint, a person purified by religious

abstraction or one who purified from sin

pāvaka m. Prenina Spinosa

pāvaka m. Plumbago Zeylanica or some other species

pāvaka m. Semecarpus Anacardium

pāvaka m. Carthamus Tinctoria

pāvaka m. Embelia Ribes

pāvaka mf (“ā”) n. (“ikā”) f. (in music) = “pāva”

pāvaka mf (“ā”) n. (“ī”) f. the wife of Agni

Apte, Vaman Shivaram: The Practical Sanskrit-English Dictionary. Poona :


pāvaka a. [pū-ṇvul] Purifying. –kaḥ

(1) Fire; pāvakasya mahimā sa gaṇyate kakṣavajjvalati sāgare’pi yaḥ

R. 11. 75, 3. 9; 16. 87.

(2) Agni or the god of fire.

(3) The fire of lightning.

(4) The Chitraka tree.

(5) The number ‘three’.

(6) A person purified by religious abstraction, saint, sage.

(7) Good conduct or behaviour.

(8) N. of Varuṇa. –kī

(1) The wife of Agni.

(2) Ved. N. of Sarasvatī.

— Comp.

–ātmajaḥ 1. an epithet of Kārtikeya. –2. N. of a sage called


Böhtlingk und Roth: Großes Petersburger Wörterbuch

pāvaka (von pū) 1) adj. f. ā P. 7, 3, 45, Vārtt. 3. “rein, klar, hell,

hellglänzend”; nach den Commentt. gewöhnlich “reinigend, läuternd”; von

Agni: adha bahu cittama ūrmyāyāstiraḥ śociṣā dadṛśe pāvakaḥ ṚV. 6, 10,

4. 1, 12, 9. 60, 4. 2, 3, 1. u.s.w. AV. 6, 47, 1. pāvako asmabhyaṁ śivo

bhava VS. 17, 4. Āditya ṚV. 6, 51, 3. Sūrya 1, 50, 6. Marut 7, 56, 12. 57,

5. 8, 20, 19. 10, 36, 7. pāvakāsaḥ śucayaḥ sūryā iva 1, 64, 2. Sarasvatī 1,

3, 10. VS. 22, 20. āpaḥ ṚV. 7, 49, 2. 3. AV. 1, 33, 1. 4. Morgenröthen ṚV.

4, 51, 2. Tag und Nacht 6, 49, 3. śuciḥ pāvaka ucyate somaḥ sutasya

madhvaḥ 9, 24, 7. 6. dhārā 101, 2. mihaḥ pāvakāḥ pratatā abhūvan 3, 31,

20. dvāro devīḥ 1, 142, 6. juhū 6, 11, 2. Dass das Wort von den vedischen

Dichtern pavāka gesprochen wurde, lässt sich aus seiner Stellung am

Ende eines Pāda mit der Geltung von in sehr zahlreichen Stellen

vermuthen, z. B. ṚV. 3, 17, 1. 4, 5, 6. 6, 7. 51, 2. 6, 1, 8. 4, 3. 51, 3. AV.

1, 33, 4. 6, 62, 3. — 2) m. a) Bein. eines Agni: Pavamāna, Pāvaka, Śuki (in

den PURĀṆA als Kinder des Agni Abhimānin mit der Svāhā aufgefasst)

TBR. 1, 1, 5, 10. TS. 2, 2, 4, 1. KĀTY. ŚR. 4, 10, 9. VP. 84. BHĀG. P. 4, 1,

59. 24, 4 (Kinder des Antardhāna und der Śikhaṇḍinī). MĀRK. P. 52, 28.

āvasathye bhavo jñeyo vaiśvadeve tu pāvakaḥ GṚHYASAṁGR. 1, 6. — b)

“Feuer” überh., “der Gott des Feuers” AK. 1, 1, 1, 50. 3, 4, 5, 29. H. 1098.

an. 3, 64. MED. k. 117. HALĀY. 1, 62. yathā sudīptātpāvakādvisphuliṅgāḥ

sahasraśaḥ prabhavante sarūpāḥ MUṆḌ. UP. 2, 1, 1. M. 2, 187. 9, 318.

11, 121. N. 17, 39. INDR. 1, 32. ARJ. 8, 3. HIḌ. 1, 49.

pāvanātpāvakaścāsi MBH. 2, 1146. HARIV. 13929. R. 2, 47, 8. RAGH. 11,

75. 16, 87. pañceṣu- Spr. 1030. HIT. I, 83. pradīptairiva pāvakaiḥ R. 1, 54,

22. tapasārādhya pāvakam VID. 42. R. 1, 16, 14. vasūnāmatha pāvakam

(patim) HARIV. 260. BHAG. 10, 23. VP. 153. yajñavāhāśca pāvakāḥ

saptaviṁśatiḥ MBH. 2, 302. pāvakātmaja = skanda 3, 14374. Am Ende

eines adj. comp. f. ā MBH. 3, 969. 10, 310. 15, 516. 721. R. 2, 100, 23

(108, 22 GORR.). RAGH. 3, 9. KATHĀS. 45, 312. Wie alle Wörter für

Feuer symbolische Bez. “der Zahl drei” SŪRYAS. 2, 26. 27. — c) Bez.

einer Art Ṛṣi MBH. 3, 10413. Vgl. pāvaka = sadācāra “der die gute Sitte

bewahrt” H. an. MED. und = śodhayitṛnara “ein entsündigender Mann” H.

an. — d) N. verschiedener Pflanzen: “Premna spinosa Roxb.” H. an. MED.

RATNAM. 5. = citraka “Plumbago zeylanica Lin.” H. an. MED. =

raktacitraka RĀJAN. im ŚKDR.; “Semecarpus Anacardium”; = viḍaṅga

“eine gegen Würmer angewandte Pflanze” H. an. MED. “Carthamus

tinctorius Lin.” (kusumbha) RĀJAN. — 3) f. ī Agni’s “Gattin” WILS.

pāvaka 2) b) pāvakāstra UTTARARĀMAC. 105, 6 (142, 12). von BENFEY

als adj. (es geht vāruṇāstra voran) “dem Gott des Feuers gehörig”


Mani, Vettam: Puranic Encyclopaedia. Delhi 1975

pāvaka A son of Agni. Agni got of his wife Svāhā three sons, Pāvaka,

Pavamāna and Śuci. These three brilliant sons got together 45 sons and

they were also called Agnis. Thus there were 49 Agnis made up of the

father, his three sons and their 45 sons. Pāvaka had another name

also–Mahān (Chapter 219, Vana Parva).

Benfey, Theodor: A Sanskrit-English Dictionary. London : 1866

pāvaka pāvaka, i. e. pū + aka,

I. adj.

1. Belonging to Agni, Utt. Rāmac. 142, 12.

2. Pure.

II. m.

1. Fire, or its deified personification, Man. 2, 187.

2. A kind of Ṛṣi.

3. Name of several plants.

Cappeller, Carl: A Sanskrit-English Dictionary, based upon the St.

Petersburg Lexicons. Strassburg : 1891

pāvaka a. pure, clear, bright, shining; m. fire or the god of fire.

Macdonell, Arthur Anthony: A Sanskrit-English Dictionary. London : 1893

pāvaka pāv-aka, a. (pū) pure, clear; bright; purifying; m. a certain Ageni;

fire; Agni: -vat, a. ep. of an Agni; (a) -varṇa, a. brightcoloured; (a) -śocis,

a. brightly shining.

Bhaṭṭācārya: Vācaspatyam (6 Vol). Chaukhamba Sanskrit Series 94,

reprint of the 1873-1884 edition. Varanasi : 1962

pāvaka pu° punāti pū–ṇvul . 1 vahnau amaraḥ apāvanāni sarvāṇi

vahnisaṁsargataḥ kvacit . pāvanāni bhavantyeva tasmāta sa pāvakaḥ

smṛtaḥ iti kāśīkha° 9 a° uktettasya tathātvam . 2 vedyutāgnau ca

pāvakaḥ pavamānaśca śuciragniśca te trayaḥ . nimanthyaḥ pavamānaḥ

syāt vaidyutaḥ pāvakaḥ smṛtaḥ . yaścāsau tapate sūryaḥ śuciragniśca sa

smṛtaḥ kūrmapu° . 3 sadācāre 4 vahnimanthe 5 citrakavṛkṣe 6 bhallātake

7 viḍaṅge ca medi° . 8 śodhake tri° hemaca° . 9 raktacitrake 10 kusumme

ca pu° rājani° 11 varuṇe 12 sūrye ca ṛ° 1 . 50 . 6 bhā° tayośca

śodhakatvāt tathātvam . 13 ṛṣibhede bhā° va° 125 a° . pāvaḥ pavanaṁ

śuddhistaṁ kāyati kai–ka . 14 sarasvatyāṁ strī ṛ° 1 . 3 . 20 bhā° .

pāvakāśca saptaviṁśatiḥ pāvakāḥ saptaviṁśatiḥ bhā° sa° 7 a°

vyākhyāyāṁ nīlaṇṭhadhṛtavākyebhyaḥ tāni ca brahmaṇo’ṅgāt

prasūto’gniraṅgirā 1 iti viśrutaḥ . dakṣiṇāgnirgārhapatyāhavanīyāviti 2 . 3 .

4 trayī . nirmanthyo 5 vaidyutaḥ 6 śūraḥ 7 saṁvarto 8 laulika 9 stathā .

jāṭharo 10 viṣagaḥ 11 kravyāt 12 kṣemavān 13 vaiṣṇava 14 stathā .

dasyumān 15 valada 16 ścaiva śāntaḥ 17 puṣṭo 18 vibhāvasuḥ 19 .

jyotiṣmān 20 bharato 21 bhadraḥ 22 23 sviṣṭakṛdṛsumān 24 kratuḥ 25 .

somaśca 26 pitṛmāṁ 27 ścaiva pāvakāḥ saptaviṁśatiḥ . anye

pāvakabhedā agniśabde 53 pṛ° dṛśyāḥ ti° ta° gṛhyapariśiṣṭe karmabhede

tasya nāmabhedā uktā yathā

laukike pāvako1 hyagniḥ prathamaḥ parikalpitaḥ . agnistu māruto2

nāma garbhādhāne vidhīyate . puṁsavane candranāmā 3 śuṅgākarmaṇi

śobhanaḥ 4 . sīmante maṅgalo 5 nāma pragalbho 6 jātakarmaṇi . nāmni

syāt pārthivo 7 hyagniḥ prāśane ca śuci 8 stathā . satyanāmā 9 tha

cūḍāyāṁ vratādeśe samudbhavaḥ 10 . godāne sūryanāmā 11 ca keśānte

hyagni 12 rucyate . vaiśvānaro 13 visarge tu vivāhe yojaka 14 stathā .

godāne godānākhya saṁskāre . caturthyāntu śikhī 15 nāma dhṛti 16

ragnistathā’pare . apare dhṛtihomādau . prāyaścitte vidhu 17 ścaiva

pākayajñe tu sāhasaḥ 18 . prāyaścitte tadātmakamahāvyāhṛtihomādau .

pākayajñe pākāṅgakavṛṣotsargagṛhahomādau . lakṣahome ca vahniḥ 19

syāt koṭihome hutāśanaḥ 20 . pūrṇāhutyāṁ mṛḍo 21 nāma śāntike

varadaḥ 22 sadā . pauṣṭike valada 23 ścaiva krodho 24 ‘gniścābhicārake .

koṣṭhe tu jaṭharo 25 nāma kravyādo 26 mṛtabhakṣaṇe . āhūya caiva

hotavyo yatra yo vihito’nalaḥ .

महेश – maheśa Monier-Williams, Monier: A Sanskrit-English Dictionary. London : 1899maheśa m. “great lord or god”, N. of śiva

m. of a Buddhist deity

m. of various authors and other men (also with “kavi, ṭhakkura,

bhaṭṭi” and “miśra”)

maheśa “-candra, -tīrtha, -nandin, nārāyaṇa” m. N. of authors

maheśa “-netra” n. “śiva’s eyes”, N. of the number “three”

maheśa “-bandhu” m. Aegle Marmelos

maheśa “-liṅga” n. N. of a Liṅga

maheśa “-saṁhitā” f. N. of wk.

maheśa m. “-śākhya” mfn. having the name of “great lord”, highly

distinguished or eminent

maheśa “-svara” &c. see p.802col.2

Böhtlingk und Roth: Großes Petersburger Wörterbuch

maheśa (mahā + īśa) m. 1) “der grosse Herr, Gott” WILSON, Sel. Works

1, 244. Bein. Śiva’s Spr. 4710. MUIR, ST. 2, 446. -liṅga KṢITĪŚ. 25, 16. –

netra Bez. “der Zahl drei” ŚRUT. 36. — b) N. pr. einer buddhistischen

Gottheit WILSON, Sel. Works 2, 17. — c) N. pr. verschiedener Männer

Verz. d. Oxf. H. 189,b, No. 433. 201,b, No. 481. 261,a,13 (Verz. d. B. H.

159,4). HALL 66. 202. — Vgl. māheśa.

maheśa Z. 3 lies 2) st. “b)”; Z. 4 lies 3) st. “c).” 3) -tīrtha R. ed. SCHL. I,


Mani, Vettam: Puranic Encyclopaedia. Delhi 1975

maheśa An incarnation of Śiva. When once Vetāla, his gatekeeper was

born on earth, Śiva and Pārvatī incarnated as Maheśa and Śāradā on

earth. (Śatarudra Saṁhitā, Śiva Purāṇa).

Cappeller, Carl: A Sanskrit-English Dictionary, based upon the St.

Petersburg Lexicons. Strassburg : 1891

maheśa m. the great lord or god, E. of Śiva; a man’s name.

Macdonell, Arthur Anthony: A Sanskrit-English Dictionary. London : 1893

maheśa mahā+īśa, m. great lord, god; ep. of Śiva;

īśvara, m. great lord, chief; god; ep. of Śiva and of Viṣṇu; N.: pl. the

world-guardians (Agni, Indra, Yama, and Varuṇa): ī, f. ep. of Durgā.

Bhaṭṭācārya: Vācaspatyam (6 Vol). Chaukhamba Sanskrit Series 94,

reprint of the 1873-1884 edition. Varanasi : 1962

maheśa pu° karma° . śive . maheśvaro’pyatra maheśvarastryamyaka eva

nāparaḥ iti raghuḥ .

मून्नु – mūnnu Mani, Vettam: Puranic Encyclopaedia. Delhi 1975mūnnu (three) (THREE) The importance of the number three is indicated


राम – rāma Monier-Williams, Monier: A Sanskrit-English Dictionary. London : 1899rāma mf (“ā”) n. (prob. “causing rest”, and in most meanings fr. “ram”)

dark, dark-coloured, black (cf. “rātri”) (“rāmaḥ śakuniḥ”. a black bird,


mf (“ā”) n. white (?)

mf (“ā”) n. pleasing, pleasant, charming, lovely, beautiful &c.

rāma m. a kind of deer

rāma m. a horse

rāma m. a lover

rāma m. pleasure, joy, delight

rāma m. N. of Varuṇa.

rāma m. N. of various mythical personages (in Veda two Rāmas are

mentioned with the patr. Mārgaveya and Aupatasvini; another Rāmas

with the patr. Jāmadagnya [cf. below] is the supposed author of ; in later

times three Rāmas are celebrated, viz. 1. Paraśu-rāma [q.v.], who forms

the 6th Avatāra of Viṣṇu and is sometimes called Jāmadagnya, as son of

the sage Jamad-agni by Reṇukā, and sometimes Bhārgava, as descended

from Bhṛigu; 2. Rāma-candra [see below]; 3. Bala-rāma [q.v.], “the

strong Rāma”, also called Halāyudha and regarded as elder brother of

Kṛiṣṇa [ 112] accord. to Jainas a Rāma is enumerated among the 9 white

Balas; and in a Rāmas is mentioned among the 7 ṛiṣis of the 8th Manv-

antara) &c &c. N. of a king of Malla-pura

rāma m. of a king of śṛiṅga-vera and patron of Nāgeśa

rāma m. of various authors and teachers (also with “ācārya, upādhyāya,

kavi, cakra-vartin, jyotir-vid, jyau-” “tiṣaka, tarka-vāg-īśa, dīkṣita, daiva-

jṇa, paṇḍita, bhaṭṭa, bhaṭṭācārya, vājapeyin, śarman, śāstrin, saṁyamin,

sūri” &c.)

rāma m. N. of the number “three” (on account of the 3 Rāmas)

(“rāmasya iṣuḥ”, a kind of cane = “rāmakaṇḍa”

rāma pl. N. of a people

rāma mf (“ā”) n. (“ā”) f. a beautiful woman, any young and charming

woman, mistress, wife, any woman &c. (for comp. see p.878)

mf (“ā”) n. a dark woman i.e. a woman of low origin

mf (“ā”) n. N. of various plants (Jonesia Asoka; Aloe Perfoliata; Asa

Foetida &c.) vermilion

mf (“ā”) n. red earth

mf (“ā”) n. a kind of pigment (= “gorocanā”)

mf (“ā”) n. a river

mf (“ā”) n. a kind of metre

rāma mf (“ā”) n. (in music) a kind of measure

mf (“ā”) n. N. of an Apsaras

mf (“ā”) n. of a daughter of Kumbhāṇḍa

mf (“ā”) n. of the mother of the ninth Arhat of the present Ava-sarpiṇī

rāma mf (“ā”) n. (“ī”) f. darkness, night

rāma n. id.

rāma n. the leaf of Laurus Cassia

rāma n. Chenopodium Album

rāma n. = “kuṣṭha”

Apte, Vaman Shivaram: The Practical Sanskrit-English Dictionary. Poona :


rāma a. [ram kartari ghañ ṇa vā]

(1) Pleasing, delighting, rejoicing.

(2) Beautiful, lovely, charming.

(3) Obscure; dark-coloured, black.

(4) White. –maḥ 1 N. of three celebrated personages;

(a) Paraśurāma, son of Jamadagni;

(b) Balarāma, son of Vasudeva and brother of Kṛṣṇa, q. q. v. v.;

(c) Rāmachandra or Sītārāma, son of Daśaratha and Kausalyā and

the hero of the Rāmayaṇa; (the word is thus derived in Purāṇas: —

rāśabdo viśvavacano maścāpīśvaravācakaḥ . viśvādhīneśvaro yo hi tena

rāmaḥ prakīrtitaḥ ..). [When quite a boy, he with his brother was taken

by Viśvāmitra, with the permission of Daśaratha, to his hermitage to

protect his sacrifices from the demons that obstructed them. Rāma killed

them all with perfect ease, and received from the sage several

miraculous missiles as a reward. He then accompanied Viśvāmitra to the

capital of Janaka where he married Sītā having performed the wonderful

feat of bending Siva’s bow, and then returned to Ayodhya. Daśaratha,

seeing that Rāma was growing fitter and fitter to rule the kingdom,

resolved to install him as heir-apparent. But, on the eve of the day of

coronation, his favourite wife Kaikeyi, at the instigation of her wicked

nurse Manthara, asked him to fulfil the two boons he had formerly

promised to her, by one of which she demanded the exile of Rāma for

fourteen years and by the other the installation of her own son Bharata

as Yuvarāja. The king was terribly shocked, and tried his best to dissuade

her from her wicked demands, but was at last obliged to yield. The dutiful

son immediately prepared to go into exile accompanied by his beautiful

young wife Sītā and his devoted brother Lakṣmaṇa. The period of his exile

was eventful, and the two brothers killed several powerful demons and at

last roused the jealousy of Rāvaṇa himself. The wicked demon resolved

to try Rāma by carring off his beauteous wife for whom he had conceived

an ardent passion, and accomplished his purpose being assisted by

Mārīcha. After several fruitless inquiries as to her whereabouts, Hanumat

ascertained that she was in Laṅkā and persuaded Rāma to invade the

island and kill the ravisher. The monkeys built a bridge across the ocean

over which Rāma with his numerous troops passed, conquered Lanka,

and killed Rāvaṇa along with his whole host of demons. Rāma, attended

by his wife and friends in battle, triumphantly returned to Ayodhyā where

he was crowned king by Vasiṣṭha. He reigned long and righteously and

was succeeded by his son Kuśa. Rāma is said to be the seventh

incarnation of Viṣṇu; cf. Jayadeva: –vitarasi dikṣu raṇe dikpatikamanīyaṁ

daśamukhamaulibaliṁ ramaṇīyaṁ . keśava dhṛtaraghupatirūpa jaya

jagadīśa hare Gīt.


(2) A kind of deer.

(3) N. of Aruṇa.

(4) A lover.

(5) A horse. –maṁ

(1) Darkness.

(2) Leprosy (kuṣṭhaṁ).

(3) A tamāla leaf.

— Comp.

–anujaḥ N. of a celebrated reformer, founder of a Vedāntic sect

and author of several works. He was a Vaiṣṇava.

–ayanaṁ (ṇaṁ) 1. the adventures of Rāma. –2. N. of a celebrated

epic by Vālmīki which contains about 24000 verses in seven Kāṇḍas or


–īśvaraḥ N. of a sacred place of pilgrimage.

–giriḥ N. of a mountain; (cakre) snigdhacchāyāttaruṣu vasatiṁ

rāmagiryāśrameṣu Me. 1.

–cadraḥ, –bhadraḥ N. of Rāma, son of Daśaratha.

–janman n. the birth or birth-day of Rāma.

–dūtaḥ 1. N. of Hanumat. –2. a monkey. (

–tī) a kind of basil.

–navamī the ninth day in the bright half of Chaitra, the anniversary

of the birth of Rāma.

–pūgaḥ a kind of betel-nut tree.

–vallabhaḥ the birchtree.

–sakhaḥ N. of Sugrīva.

–setuḥ ‘the bridge of Rāma’, a bridge of sand between the Indian

peninsula and Ceylon now called Adam’s bridge.

Böhtlingk und Roth: Großes Petersburger Wörterbuch

rāma (wohl desselben Ursprungs wie rātrī) 1) adj. (f. ā) “dunkelfarbig,

schwarz” NIR. 12, 13. AK. 3, 4, 23, 143. H. 1397. an. 2, 334. MED. m. 26.

fg. HALĀY. 4, 49. rāme kṛṣṇe asikni ca AV. 1, 23, 1. Schaf 12, 2, 19.

nāsya rāma (= ramaṇīyaḥ putraḥ Comm.) ucchiṣṭaṁ pibet TAITT. ĀR. 5,

8, 13. rāmā “eine Dunkle” d. i. “ein Weib gemeiner Herkunft”: nāgniṁ

citvā rāmāmupeyāt TS. 5, 6, 8, 3. TAITT. ĀR. 5, 8, 13. Schol. zu KĀTY.

ŚR. 18, 6, 27. Auch die Bedeutung 2. rāma 2) “c)” greek wäre indessen

hier möglich. Nach AK. H. an. und MED. auch “weiss.” — 2) m. a) “eine

Hirschart” AK. 2, 5, 11. TRIK. 3, 3, 302. H. an. MED. — b) “Pferd” MED. —

c) N. pr. eines Mannes ṚV. 10, 93, 14. mit dem patron. Mārgaveya AIT.

BR. 7, 27. 34. Aupatasvini ŚAT. BR. 4, 6, 1, 7. Jāmadagnya, Verfassers

von ṚV. 10, 110. Im Epos und später erscheinen “drei” Rāma (daher

rāma als Bez. “der Zahl drei” VARĀH. BṚH. S. 8, 20), von denen die

beiden ersten für Incarnationen Viṣṇu’s gelten: a) mit dem patron.

Jāmadagnya oder Bhārgava, ein Sohn der Reṇukā, auch paraśurāma

genannt, TRIK. 3, 3, 302. H. 848. H. an. MED. (wo raiṇukeye st.

vaiṇukeye zu lesen ist). rāmaḥ śastrabhṛtāmaham (vgl. HARIV. 5869)

sagt Kṛṣṇa BHAG. 10, 31. MBH. 1, 272. 2612. 3, 8658. 8, 1584. 12, 1715.

fgg. 12948. HARIV. 2313. fgg. 5869. fg. rāmarāmavivāda R. 1, 3, 11 (5

GORR.). 74, 22. fg. 76, 1. R. GORR. 1, 77, 23. 37. RAGH. 11, 68. — b) mit

dem patron. Rāghava oder Dāśarathi TRIK. 2, 8, 3. 3, 3, 302. H. 703. H.

an. MED. MBH. 3, 11197. 15933. 12, 12949. HARIV. 822. 2324. fgg. 3065.

fgg. 5871. 7373. R. 1, 1, 10. 17. 20. rāmarāmavivāda 3, 11 (5 GORR.).

ramayatyeva sa guṇairudāraistairimāḥ prajāḥ. yasmādato rāma iti

nāmaitattasya viśrutam.. R. GORR. 1, 1, 22. 6, 102. RAGH. 11, 68.

VARĀH. BṚH. S. 58, 30. VP. 384. BHĀG. P. 9, 10. fgg. Spr. 2630. rāmo

hemamṛgaṁ ma rvetti 2631. ramante yogino ‘nante satyānande

cidātmani. iti rāmapadenāsau paraṁ brahmābhidhīyate.. WEBER,

RĀMAT. UP. 286. — g) = Balarāma, Halāyudha, ein älterer Bruder Kṛṣṇa’s

AK. 1, 1, 1, 18. 3, 4, 23, 143. H. 224. H. an. MED. HALĀY. 1, 29. BHĀG. P.

1, 11, 17. 10, 1, 8. WEBER, KṚṢṆAJ. 268. 281. 284. 289. erscheint bei

den Jaina unter den 9 “weissen” (s. oben u. 1) Bala’s H. 698. — Rāma

unter den sieben Weisen eines Manu HARIV. 453. MĀRK. P. 80, 4. Rāma

ist ein auch später häufig vorkommender Name: so heisst z. B. ein Sohn

Tārāvaloka’s und einer Mādrī und Zwillingsbruder Lakṣmaṇa’s KATHĀS.

113, 32. verschiedene Lehrer, Autoren u.s.w. BURN. Intr. 567 (neben

bhadanta-). COLEBR. Misc. Ess. II,49. Verz. d. B. H. No. 109. 833. Ind.

St.8,389. HALL 84. 119. Verz. d. Oxf. H. 126,b, No. 220. 129,b, No. 234.

148,a,9. 151,b, No. 321. fgg. 335,b, No. 788. 341,b, N. 358,a, No. 853.

386,a, No. 505. ein Fürst von Mallapura 148,b,15. 18. von Śṛñgavera 165,

“a”, 7. 178, “a”, 16. – RĀJA-TAR. 8, 785. KṢITĪŚ. 10, 7. fgg. — d) Bein.

Varuṇa’s MED. — e) pl. N. pr. eines Volkes VP. 177. — 3) f. ā a) “ein Weib

niedriger Herkunft”; s. u. 1). — b) = hiṅgu “Asa foetida” H. an. MED. =

hiṅgula “Mennig” ŚABDAR. im ŚKDR. — 4) f. ī “Dunkel, Nacht”: uṣā na

rāmīraruṇairaporṇute ṚV. 2, 34, 11. — 5) n. a) “Dunkel”: agnī

ruśadbhirvarṇairabhi rāmamasthāt ṚV. 10, 3, 3. — b) = vāstuka

(“Chenopodium album”) und kuṣṭha (in welcher Bed.?) H. an. MED. =

tamālapattra RĀJAN. im ŚKDR. — Vgl. adho-, paraśu-, bala-, bhadanta-,

maṇi-, manasā-.

rāma (von ram) 1) nom. act. “Lust, Freude”: svakuṭumba- adj. BHĀG. P.

7, 6, 14. — 2) oxyt. nom. ag. gaṇa jvalādi zu P. 3, 1, 140. a) adj. (f. a)

“erfreuend, entzückend, lieblich, reizend” AK. 3, 4, 23, 143. H. an. 2, 334.

MED. m. 26. fg. rāmasya lokarāmasya R. 1, 19, 20. bhāvena rāmā MBH.

1, 1812. R. 2, 44, 24. KATHĀS. 65, 27. mṛgī MĀRK. P. 65, 22.

rāmādrāmaṁ jagadabhūdrāme rājyaṁ praśāsati “lieblicher als lieblich”

MBH. 7, 2246. BHAṬṬ. 10, 2. NALOD. 1, 5. — b) m. “Liebhaber” VARĀH.

BṚH. S. 19, 5. — c) f. ā a) “eine Schöne, ein junges reizendes Weib,

Geliebte, Frau” AK. 2, 6, 1, 4. TRIK. 2, 6, 1. H. 505. H. an. MED. HALĀY.

2, 326. KAṬHOP. 1, 25. MBH. 1, 3039. R. 5, 11, 20. RAGH. 5, 49. 12, 23.

16, 15. VIKR. 114. Spr. 24. 691. 1456. 2629. 2651. 4817. 4931. 5274.

VARĀH. BṚH. S. 19, 5. GĪT. 1, 44. KATHĀS. 18, 12. 56, 425. RĀJA-TAR.

1, 370. arundhatī satīnāṁ tu rāmāsu ca tilottamā Verz. d. Oxf. H. 39,b,36.

BHĀG. P.3,23,40. 44.4,26,14. 28,59. PAÑCAR.2,3,32.4,5. 48. DHŪRTAS.

87,15. — b) Bez. verschiedener Pflanzen: = śvetakaṇṭakārī, gṛhakanyā,

ārāmaśītalā, aśoka RĀJAN. im ŚKDR. — g) “ein best. Pigment”

(gorocanā) RĀJAN. — d) “Röthel, rubrica” ŚABDAC. im ŚKDR. — e)

“Fluss” MED. auch in H. an. ist wohl hiṅgu nadīstriyoḥ zu lesen. — z) “ein

best. Metrum”: metrical sequenceJourn. of the Am. Or. S. 6, 514. — h) N.

pr. einer Apsaras VYĀḌI beim Schol. zu H. 183. einer Tochter

Kumbhāṇḍa’s HARIV. 9973. 11026. fg. der Mutter des 9ten Arhant’s der

gegenwärtigen Avasarpiṇī H. 39. — Vgl. su-.

Mani, Vettam: Puranic Encyclopaedia. Delhi 1975

rāma (ŚRĪ RĀMA). The seventh incarnation of Mahāviṣṇu, a very

powerful king of the solar dynasty.

Benfey, Theodor: A Sanskrit-English Dictionary. London : 1866

rāma rāma, i. e. ram + a,

I. adj.

1. Beautiful.

2. Black.

3. White.

II. m.

1. A proper name, particularly the hero of the Rāmāyaṇa.

2. A name of Varuṇa.

3. A horse.

4. A sort of deer.

III. f. mā, A beautiful female, Vikr. d. 114; Amar. 58.

— Comp. paraśu-, m. the first of the three renowned Rāmas, the son of

Jamadagni, Prab. 5, 5 (cf. Chr. 16, 17). bala-, m. the third Rāma, the

half-brother of Kṛṣṇa, MBh. 1, 7912. Cf. rāma-candra.

Macdonell, Arthur Anthony: A Sanskrit-English Dictionary. London : 1893

rāma rām-a, a. dark-coloured, black (V.); pleasing, delightful, charming,

lovely; m. N.: in. V. two Rāmas are mentioned (w. the pat. Mārgaveya

and Aupatasvini) and in E. three are distinguished: (a) Rāma

Jāmadagnya or Bhārgava = Paraśu-rāma; (b) Bala-rāma or Halāyudha

(elder brother of Kṛṣṇa); (c) Rāma Rāghava or Dāśarathi = Rāmacandra

or Sītā-rāma (hero of the Rāmāyaṇa); freequent N. in later C.; n. [causing

to rest: ram] darkness (RV.1).

Bhaṭṭācārya: Vācaspatyam (6 Vol). Chaukhamba Sanskrit Series 94,

reprint of the 1873-1884 edition. Varanasi : 1962

rāma pu° rama–kartari ghañ ṇa vā . 1 paraśurāme 2

daśarathajyeṣṭhaputre śrīrāme 3 balarāme ca bhārgavo rāghavo

gopastrayo rāmāḥ pakīrtitā vahnipu° . rāmaśabdaniruktiḥ rāpabdā

viśvavacano maścāpīśvaravācakaḥ . viśvānādhīśvaro yo hi tena rāmaḥ

prakortita brahmava° ja° kha° 110 a° . 4 manohare 5 site 6 asite ca tri°

medi° . 7 vāstūkaśāke 8 kuṣṭhe (kuḍa) na° medi° 9 tamālapatre na°

rājani° .

वह्नि – vahni Monier-Williams, Monier: A Sanskrit-English Dictionary. London : 1899vahni m. any animal that draws or bears along, a draught animal, horse,


m. any one who conveys or is borne along (applied to a charioteer or

rider, or to various gods, esp. to Agni, Indra, Savitṛi, the Maruts &c.)

m. N. of Soma (as “the flowing or streaming one”)

m. the conveyer or bearer of oblations to the gods (esp. said of Agni,

“fire”, or of the three sacrificial fires see “agni”)

m. partic. fire

m. fire (in general or “the god of fire”) &c. (“vahninā saṁ-skṛ”, to

hallow by fire, burn solemnly)

m. the fire of digestion

m. N. of the number “three” (fr. the three sacred fires)

m. N. of various plants (accord. to Plumbago Ceylanica; Semecarpus

Anacardium; Poa Cynosuroides; and the citron tree)

m. a mystical N. of the letter “r”

m. N. of the 8th Kalpa (q.v.)

m. of a Daitya

m. of a son of Kṛiṣṇa

m. of a son of Turvasu

m. of a son of Kukura

vahni &c. see p.933, col.3.

Böhtlingk und Roth: Großes Petersburger Wörterbuch

vahni (von 1. vah) UṆĀDIS. 4, 51. m. 1) “Zugthier, Gespann” NAIGH. 1,

14. NIR. 8, 3. ye tvā vahanti vahnayaḥ ṚV. 1, 14, 6. ajā anyasya vahnayaḥ

6, 57, 3. Rosse 2, 24, 13. 37, 3. 3, 6, 2. 7, 73, 4. 8, 3, 23. vahnirvā

anaḍvān TBR. 1, 8, 2, 5. AV. 18, 2, 56. VS. 35, 13. (gauḥ) yuktā vahnī

rathānām ṚV. 8, 83, 1. — 2) “Darbringer einer Gabe an die Götter”, daher

namentlich Agni: vahniṁ cakartha vidathe yajadhyai ṚV. 3, 1, 1. 20, 1.

31, 1. 2. 5, 79, 4. divya 6, 39, 1. tvaṁ hotā manurhito vahnirāsā

viduṣṭaraḥ 6, 16, 9. taṁ hotāramadhvarasya vahniṁ devā akṛṇvata 7, 16,

12. 75, 5. 82, 4. 8, 43, 20. Agni 1, 60, 1. 76, 4. 3, 5, 1. 11, 4. 7, 7, 5.

Hierher wohl a- NIR. 3, 6. — 3) “der Fahrende (Reiter), Wagenstreiter”;

daher von verschiedenen Göttern gebraucht: viśāṁ vahnirna viśpatiḥ ṚV.

9, 108, 10. 1, 3, 9. vahnibhirdevairagne sayāvabhiḥ 44, 13. Marut 1, 6, 5.

10, 138, 1. Agni 8, 8, 12. Indra 2, 21, 2. AV. 12, 2, 47. Savitar u.s.w. ṚV.

1, 160, 3. ādrodasī jyotiṣā vahnirātanot 2, 17, 4. 38, 1. “der fliessende”

Soma 9, 9, 6. 20, 6. 36, 2. 65, 28. 89, 1. — 4) (im Anschluss an 2) N.

“eines best. Feuers” GṚHYASAṁGR. 1, 8. “Feuer” (auch “der Gott des

Feuers”) überh. AK. 1, 1, 1, 48. 2, 4. 2, 8, 1, 30. H. 1097. MED. n. 19.

HALĀY. 1, 62. M. 11, 119. 246. 12, 101. MBH. 1, 2037. R. 3, 53, 60. SUŚR.

1, 28, 10. 34. 14. 114, 10. ṚT. 1, 27. RAGH. 2, 75. 3, 58. ŚĀK. 83. 174.

Spr. 789. ghṛtaṁ ca vahniṁ ca naikatra sthāpayedbudhāḥ 887. 1399.

2765. 3006. -kopa “das Wüthen des Feuers, Feuersbrünste” VARĀH. BṚH.

S. 8, 47. atipracaṇḍa 19, 7. -bhaya 95, 7. 56. -kṛt “Feuersbrunst

verursachend” 18. WEBER, RĀMAT. UP. 293. 302. BHĀG. P. 3, 1, 21.

vaidyutā iva vahnayaḥ 7,10,59. MĀRK. P. 82,66. 89,23. Verz. d. Oxf. H.

27,a,8. 47. 103,a,29. 104,b,14. -pūjā Verz. d. B. H. No. 1253. fg. -loka

489. krodhatīvreṇa vahninā BRAHMA-P. in LA. (III) 57, 11. -kopa ad ŚĀK.

32, 5. — 5) “das Feuer der Verdauung” VARĀH. BṚH. 20, 4. — 6) Bez.

“der Zahl drei (drei heilige Feuer”) WEBER, Nax. II, 382. — 7) “Plumbago

zeylanica Lin.” AK. 2, 4, 2, 60. MED. “Semecarpus Anacardium Lin.”

RATNAM. 68. “Citronenbaum” RĀJAN. im ŚKDR. – SUŚR. 2, 69, 15. 505,

21. — 8) mystische Bez. “des Buchstabens” ra WEBER, RĀMAT. UP. 317.

fg. — 9) N. des 8ten Kalpa Verz. d. Oxf. H. 51,b,42. — 10) N. pr. a) eines

Daitja MBH. 12, 8264. — b) eines Sohnes des Kṛṣṇa BHĀG. P. 10, 61, 16.

— c) eines Sohnes des Turvasu HARIV. 1830. VP. 442. BHĀG. P. 9, 23, 16.

— d) eines Sohnes des Kukura BHĀG. P. 9, 24, 18. — Vgl. makha-,

megha-, vana-, su-.

Mani, Vettam: Puranic Encyclopaedia. Delhi 1975

vahni 1 I An asura. It is mentioned in Mahābhārata, Śānti Parva, Chapter

227, Stanza 52 that this asura had been a lokapāla (Indra, Agni, Yama

and Varuṇa were called lokapālas) in olden days.

vahni 2 II The son of the King Turvasu. Vahni had a son named Bharga

who became very famous. (Bhāgavata, Skandha 9; Brahmāṇḍa Purāṇa, 3:

74. 1).

vahni 3 III One of the sons born to Kṛṣṇa by Mitravindā. (Bhāgavata,

Skandha 10).

Benfey, Theodor: A Sanskrit-English Dictionary. London : 1866

vahni vah + ni, m.

1. A sacrificer, Chr. 288, 11 = Rigv. i. 48, 11.

2. Fire, Pañc. ii. d. 96; or its deity, Rām. 3, 53, 60.

3. Digestion, appetite.

4. Marking-nut plant.

5. Lead-wort, Plumbago zeylanica.

Cappeller, Carl: A Sanskrit-English Dictionary, based upon the St.

Petersburg Lexicons. Strassburg : 1891

vahni m. beast for draught, team; conveyer, esp. who brings an oblation

to the gods (Agni); the rider or charioteer (sev. gods), the flowing one

(Soma); in l. l. mostly fire or the god of fire.

Macdonell, Arthur Anthony: A Sanskrit-English Dictionary. London : 1893

vahni vah-ni, m. drawer (of a car), steed (V.); charioteer (said of various

gods in V.); conveyer of offerings to the gods, esp.. Agni (V.); fire, god of

fire (C.): vahninā saṁ-skṛ, hallow by fire, burn solemnly: -kuṇḍa, n. cavity

in the ground for the sacred fire;

-kṛt, a. producing conflagration;

-kopa, m. raging conflagration;

-mat, a. containing fire;

-maya, a. consisting of fire;

-loka, m. world of Agni;

-vat, a. containing the word vahini;

-śikhā, f. flame of fire;

-saṁskāra, m. sacrament of fire, cremation;

-sākṣikam, ad. so as to be witnessed by fire;

-sāt-kṛ, burn;

-sphuliṅga, m. spark of fire.

Bhaṭṭācārya: Vācaspatyam (6 Vol). Chaukhamba Sanskrit Series 94,

reprint of the 1873-1884 edition. Varanasi : 1962

vahni pu° vaha–ni . 1 agnau 2 citrakavṛkṣe amaraḥ 3 bhallātake 4

nimbūke rājani° . tantrokte 5 rakāre ca . vargādyaṁ vahnisaṁstham iti

śyāmāstotram . vahnibhedādikaṁ yathā

jṛmbhako dāpakaścaiva vibhramabhramaśobhanāḥ .

āvasathyāhavanīyo dakṣiṇāgnistathaiva ca . anvāhāryo gārhapatya ityete

daśa vahnayaḥ . anyairanyathoktāni yathā mrājako rañjakaścaiva

kledakaḥ snehakastathā . dhārakā bandhakaścaiva drāvakākhyaśca

saptamaḥ . vyāpakaḥ pāvakaścaiva śleṣmako daśamaḥ smṛtaḥ .

śarīrasthavahneḥ nāmāni yathā vahnayo doṣaduṣyeṣu saṁlīnā daśa

dehinaḥ . doṣaduṣyāśca yathā vātapittakaphā doṣāḥ duṣyā syuḥ

saptañjatavaḥ śā° ti° . mukhyāgnayo yathā gārhapatyo

dakṣiṇāgnistathaivāhavanīyakaḥ . ete’gnayastrayo mukhyāḥ

śeṣāścopasadastrayaḥ vahni° pu° . tatra niṣiddhakarmāṇi yathā

nāśuddho’gniṁ paricaret na devān kīrtayedṛṣīn . na cāgniṁ

laṅghayeddhīmān nopadadhyādadhaḥ kvacit . na cainaṁ pādataḥ kuryāt

mukhena na dhamedvudhaḥ . agnau na niḥkṣipedagniṁ nādbhiḥ

praśamayettathā . na vahniṁ mukhaniśvāsairjvālayennāśucirbudhaḥ .

svamagniṁ naiva hastena spṛśennāpsu ciraṁ vaset .

nāpakṣipennopadhamet na sūrpeṇa ca pāṇinā . mukhenāgniṁ

samunnītaṁ mukhādagnirajāyata kūrmapu° 15 a° . agnivaikṛtyaṁ tasya

śāntiśca yathā anagnirdīpyate yatra rāṣṭre yasya nirindhanaḥ . na dīpyate

cendhanavān sa rāṣṭraḥ pīḍyate nṛpaiḥ . prajvaledapsu māsaṁ vā

tathārdhañcāpi kiñcana . prāsāda toraṇadvāraṁ nṛpaveśma surālayam .

etāni yatra dahyante tatra rājabhayaṁ bhavet . vidyutā vā pradahyante

tatrāpi nṛpatermayam . dhūmaścānagnijo yatra tatra

vidyānmahadbhavam . vināgniṁ visphuliṅgāśca dṛśyante yatra kutracit .

trirātropoṣitaścātra purodhāḥ susamāhitaḥ . samidbhiḥ kṣīravṛkṣaṣṇāṁ

sarṣapaistu ghṛtena ca . dadyāt suvarṇañca tathā dvijebhyo gāścaiva

vastrāṇi tathā bhuvañca . evaṁ kṛte pāpamupaiti nāśaṁ

yadagnivaikṛtyabhavaṁ dvijendra! vahnipu° 105 a° . 6 taddevatāke

kṛttikānakṣatre jyotipam .

शिखिन् – śikhin Monier-Williams, Monier: A Sanskrit-English Dictionary. London : 1899śikhin mfn. having a tuft or lock of hair on the top of the head &c.

mfn. one who has reached the summit of knowledge

mfn. proud

śikhin m. a peacock &c.

śikhin m. a cock

śikhin m. Ardea Nivea (a kind of heron or crane)

śikhin m. a bull

śikhin m. a horse

śikhin m. “having flame”, fire or the fire-god &c.

śikhin m. the number “three” (from the three sacred fires)

śikhin m. a lamp

śikhin m. a comet

śikhin m. N. of Ketu (the personified descending node)

śikhin m. a mountain

śikhin m. a tree

śikhin m. Carpopogon Pruriens

śikhin m. Trigonella Foenum Graecum

śikhin m. a kind of potherb (= “sitāvara”)

śikhin m. an arrow

śikhin m. a Brāhman

śikhin m. a religious mendicant

śikhin m. N. of a serpent-demon

śikhin m. of Indra under Manu Tāmasa

śikhin m. of the second Buddhi (cf. 136 n. 1; 516)

śikhin m. of a Brahmā (with Buddhists)

śikhin m. cock’s comb, Celosia Cristata

Apte, Vaman Shivaram: The Practical Sanskrit-English Dictionary. Poona :


śikhin a. [śikhā astyasya ini]

(1) Pointed.

(2) Crested, tufted.

(3) Proud. –m

(1) A peacock; uṣṇāluḥ śiśire niṣodati tarormūlālavāle śikhī V. 2. 23, 4.

8; Pt. 1. 151; Śi. 4. 5).

(2) Fire; ripuriva sakhī saṁvāsoyaṁ śikhīva himānilaḥ Gīt. 7; Pt. 4.

110; R. 19. 54; Śi. 15. 7.

(3) A cock.

(4) An arrow.

(5) A tree.

(6) A lamp.

(7) A bull.

(8) A horse.

(9) A mountain. (10) A Brāhmaṇa.

(11) A religious mendicant.

(12) N. of Ketu.

(13) The number ‘three’.

(14) The Chitraka tree.

— Comp.

–kaṁṭhaṁ, –grīvaṁ blue vitriol.

–dhvajaḥ 1. an epithet of Kārtikeya. –2. smoke.

–picchaṁ, –pucchaṁ a peacock’s tail.

–yūpaḥ an antelope.

–varvakaḥ a gourd.

–vāhanaḥ an epithet of Kārtikeya.

–śikhā 1. a flame. –2. a peacock’s crest.

Böhtlingk und Roth: Großes Petersburger Wörterbuch

śikhin (von śikhā) 1) adj. gaṇa vrīhyādi zu P. 5, 2, 116. balādi zu 136.

VOP. 7, 30. a) “einen Haarbusch tragend” TRIK. 3, 3, 264. H. an. 2, 287.

fg. MED. n. 142. GṚHYAS. 2, 52. jaṭī śikhī muṇḍī TATTVAS. 19. AV. 19,

22, 15. MBH. 4, 1639. 7, 9504. 13, 1171. 2277. 3694. HARIV. 10594.

11866. R. 3, 52, 9. Verz. d. Oxf. H. 148, “a”, No. 318. 268, “b”, 20.

GAUḌAP. zu SĀṁKHYAK. 22. — b) “auf der Höhe der Wissenschaft

stehend”: agneriva śikhā cānyā yasya jñānamayī śikhā. sa śikhītyucyate

vidvān BRAHMOPANISHAD in Ind. St. 1, 383, N. 1. m. “ein Brahman”

ŚABDĀRTHAK. bei WILSON. — 2) m. a) “Pfau” AK. 2, 5, 30. 3, 4, 18, 109.

H. 14. 1319. H. an. MED. HALĀY. 2, 86. ṚV. PRĀT. 13, 20. YĀJÑ. 3, 324.

MBH. 3, 2858. 4, 191. 6, 71. R. 2, 56, 9. SUŚR. 1, 107, 8. VIKR. 41. ŚIŚ. 4,

50. Spr. (II) 164. 2575. 5051. (I) 2832. VARĀH. BṚH. S. 3, 28. 24, 19. 34,

4. 48, 6. 68, 115. KATHĀS. 14, 18. RĀJA-TAR. 3, 335. śikhipuccha

ŚABDAR. im ŚKDR. — b) “Hahn” TRIK. H. an. MED. — c) “Ardea nivea”

TRIK. 2, 5, 24. — d) “Stier” H. an. MED. — e) “Pferd” H. an. — f) “Feuer,

der Gott des Feuers” AK. 3, 4, 18, 109. H. 1099. H. an. MED. HĀR. 162.

HALĀY. 1, 62. GṚHYAS. 1, 6. YĀJÑ. 3, 127. MBH. 1, 932. 2, 434. 1147. 3,

547. 4, 1710. 5, 1308. 12, 8556. R. 2, 98, 8. 3, 55, 11. 6, 86, 34. MṚCCH.

85, 8. RAGH. 19, 54. ŚIŚ. 15, 7. VARĀH. BṚH. S. 5, 60. 9, 44. 11, 11. 43,

65. 53, 43. 51. 119. BṚH. 2, 6. kṣatrasya śastraśikhinaḥ śamamadya

yāntu UTTARAR. 110, 19 (149, 14). Spr. (II) 355. 2488. 4812. (I) 2486.

GĪT. 7, 40. aurva- Verz. d. Oxf. H. 129,a,11. PAÑCAR.3,7,19. — g) Bez.

“der Zahl drei” (wegen der “drei heiligen Feuer”) VARĀH. BṚH. S. 77, 33.

98, 1. BṚH. 1, 13. LAGHUJ. 1, 21 in Ind. St. 2, 282. — h) “Lampe” ŚKDR.

und WILSON. — i) Bez. verschiedener Pflanzen: “Carpopogon pruriens”

RATNAM. im ŚKDR. “Trigonella foenum graecum” und = sitāvara RĀJAN.

im ŚKDR. — k) “Komet” H. 122. H. an. MED. HALĀY. 1, 49. VARĀH. BṚH.

S. 3, 11. 11, 4. 14, 27. 12, 5. 21. 47, 12. 14 (Spr. 2649). fg. vielleicht “der

niedersteigende Knoten” 20, 6. BṚH. 2, 3. YOGAYĀTRĀ 1, 12. 3, 20; vgl.

Ind. St. 10, 199. 210. fg. śikhicāra “Kometenlauf” als Titel eines Buches

oder Abschnittes VARĀH. BṚH. 11, 1. — l) “Berg” ŚABDĀRTHAK. bei

WILSON. — m) “Pfeil” H. an. MED. — n) “Baum” diess. — o) N. pr. a)

eines Schlangendämons MBH. 5, 3628. — b) des Indra unter Manu

Tāmasa VP. 3, 1, 17. śikhi MĀRK. P. śibi WILSON, VP. — g) des 2ten

Buddha H. 236. LALIT. ed. Calc. 5, 22. WILSON, Sel. Works 1, 290. 2, 5.

8. 13. BURNOUF, Intr. 222. 317 (śikin gedr.). 533. Lot. de la b. l. 503. —

d) eines Brahman (der Gott) Lot. de la b. l. 3. 106. — 3) f. śikhinī a)

“Pfauhenne” R. 3, 79, 14. — b) “eine best. Staude”, = mayūraśikhā

RĀJAN. im ŚKDR. — Vgl. ratna-, śaracchikhin, śaikhina.

Benfey, Theodor: A Sanskrit-English Dictionary. London : 1866

śikhin śikhin, i. e. śikhā + in,

I. adj.

1. Crested, MBh. 6, 71.

2. Having a lock of hair on the top of the head, Rām. 3, 52, 9.

II. m.

1. A cock.

2. A peacock, Vikr. d. 41.

3. A rellgious mendicant.

4. A mountain. Rājat. 5, 15.

5. An arrow.

6. A bull.

7. A horse.

8. Fire, Rām. 3, 55, 11; Pañc. iv. d. 76 (but cf. also Böhtl. Ind. Spr.


9. A lamp.

10. Ketu, the personified descending node, Pañc. i. d. 240 (see my


— Comp. śastra-, adj. proud of (the practice of) weapons, Utt. Rāmac.

149, 14.

Cappeller, Carl: A Sanskrit-English Dictionary, based upon the St.

Petersburg Lexicons. Strassburg : 1891

śikhin a. wearing a tuft of hair or a crest; m. peacock, fire or the god of

fire, f. śikhinī pea-hen.

Macdonell, Arthur Anthony: A Sanskrit-English Dictionary. London : 1893

śikhin śikh-in, a. wearing a tuft of hair (V., C.); m. (C.) peacock (crested);

fire; Agni; comet (rare).

Bhaṭṭācārya: Vācaspatyam (6 Vol). Chaukhamba Sanskrit Series 94,

reprint of the 1873-1884 edition. Varanasi : 1962

śikhin pu° śikhā astyasya ini . 1 mayūre 2 vahnau 3 citrakavṛkṣe amaraḥ .

4 ketugrahe 5 kukkuṭe 6 vṛkṣe 7 vṛṣe 8 śare ca medi° . 9 aśve hemaca°

10 ajalomni ratnamā° 11 parvate 12 brāhmaṇe 13 sitāvare 14

methikāyāṁ rājani° 15 śi khāyukte tri° 16 mayūraśikhāvṛkṣe rājani° strī

ṅīp .

हर – hara Monier-Williams, Monier: A Sanskrit-English Dictionary. London : 1899hara mf (“ā”, rarely “ī”) n. (only ifc.; fr. 1. “hṛ”) bearing, wearing, taking,

conveying, bringing (see “kavaca-, vārttā-h-“), taking away, carrying off,

removing, destroying (see “bala-, śakti-h-“)

mf (“ā”, rarely “ī”) n. receiving, obtaining (see “aṁśa-h-“)

mf (“ā”, rarely “ī”) n. ravishing, captivating (see “mano-h-“)

hara m. “Seizer”, “Destroyer”, N. of śiva &c.

hara m. of a Dānava

hara m. of a monkey

hara m. of various authors &c.

hara m. (in arithm.) a divisor

hara m. the denominator of a fraction, division

hara m. a stallion (?)

hara m. an ass

hara m. fire

hara &c. see p.1289.

Apte, Vaman Shivaram: The Practical Sanskrit-English Dictionary. Poona :


hara a. (rā –rī f.) [hṛ-ac]

(1) Taking away, removing, depriving one of; as in khedahara,


(2) Bringing, conveying, carrying, taking; apathaharāḥ Ki. 5. 50; R. 12.


(3) Seizing, grasping.

(4) Attracting, captivating.

(5) Claiming, entitled to; as in rikthahara &c.; Mu. 2. 19.

(6) Occupying; Ku. 1. 50.

(7) Dividing. –raḥ

(1) Śiva; Ku. 1. 50, 3. 40, 67, Me. 7.

(2) N. of Agni or fire.

(3) An ass.

(4) A divisor.

(5) The denominator of a fraction.

(6) The act of seizing, taking.

(7) A seizer, ravisher.

— Comp.

–gaurī one of the forms of Śiva and Pārvatī conjoined

(ardhanārīnaṭeśvara). –cūḍāmaṇiḥ ‘Śiva’s crest-gem’, the moon.

–tejas n. quick-silver.

–netraṁ 1. Śiva’s eye. –2. the number ‘three’.

–vījaṁ ‘Śiva’s seed’, quick-silver.

–śekharā ‘Śiva’s crest’, the Ganges.

–sūnuḥ Skanda; R. 11. 83.

Böhtlingk und Roth: Großes Petersburger Wörterbuch

hara (von 1. har) 1) adj. (f. ā, seltener ī) am Ende eines comp. P. 3, 2, 9.

10. a) “tragend”; s. kavaca-. — b) “treibend, führend”: ūrdhvabhāga-

“aufwärts” SUŚR. 1, 144, 14. adhobhāga- 19. apathaharā indriyāśvāḥ “auf

Abwege” KIR. 5, 50. — c) “hinbringend, befördernd”: duṣpravṛtti- “eine

schlechte Nachricht zu” (prati) RAGH. 12, 51. — d) “entführend, raubend,

Entwender”: haya- R. GORR. 1, 42, 25. dārarājya- R. 4, 17, 38. VARĀH.

BṚH. S. 15, 26. Spr. (II) 2584. KATHĀS. 32, 72. BHĀG. P. 3, 18, 11. 9, 8,

9. uneig.: anaṅgāṅga- MBH. 14, 211. prajñā-, śakti- Spr. (II) 6773. jīvita-

KATHĀS.39, 80. pratāpāyuḥśrī- RĀJA-TAR. 6, 257. “entziehend” so v. a.

“übertreffend”: vakṣojāvibhakumbhavibhramaharau Spr. (II) 5896. — e)

“entfernend, verscheuchend, vertreibend” (ein Uebel), “zu Nichte

machend”: agha- KATHĀS. 32, 51. ārti- 42, 82. RĀJA-TAR. 3, 87. BHĀG.

P. 1, 8, 43. 3, 4, 4. 8, 27. 4, 10, 30. jarāmṛtyu- 8, 9, 21. PAÑCAR. 1, 4, 15.

madadarpa- Spr. (II) 2454. ratikheda- SĀH. D. 19, 18. śoka- MBH. 13,

902. śrama- KATHĀS. 84, 2. saṅgadoṣa- BHĀG. P. 3, 25, 24. sarvapāpa-

YĀJÑ. 3, 309. MBH. 3, 13414. yajña- MBH. 12, 10465. R. 1, 40, 26. ari-

MBH. 1, 2659. pṛthu- (so ed. Bomb.) 14, 210. trupara- HARIV. 10565. Spr.

(II) 1525. sarvabhūta- SUŚR. 1, 181, 20. PAÑCAR. 4, 3, 59. = naśaka H.

an. 2, 470. — f) “für sich nehmend, erhaltend”: brahmadāya- M. 3, 3.

śarīrārdhaharā harasya KUMĀRAS. 1, 51. — g) “hinreissend, entzückend”:

manodṛṣṭi- R. 2, 96, 4. — 2) m. a) “Divisor” COLEBR. Alg. 8. 13. 85.

Journ. of the Am. Or. S. 6, 558. Comm. zu ĀRYABH. 2, 27. — b) “Hengst

(!”) ŚAUNAKA in Z. f. vgl. Spr. 1, 442. “Esel” ŚABDĀRTHAK. bei WILSON.

— c) “Feuer” ebend. und H. an. — d) “der Zerstörer” als ein N. Śiva’s

AK.1,1,1,29.3,4,7,32. 19,132. 27,208. H. 198. H. an. HALĀY.1,11. ĀŚV.

GṚHY.4,8,19. ŚVETĀŚV. UP.1,10. M. 12,121. MBH.1,4371. 7970. HARIV.

7198. 7455. 10565. 10632. fg. 10657. R.1,44,9. 45,27. MEGH. 7. 45.

RAGH.4,32. KUMĀRAS.1,51.7,44. ad ŚĀK. 32,5. VIKR. 48. MĀLAV. 46.

Spr. (II) 203. 986. 2303. 6859. 7173. 7369. SĀH. D. 54,2. VARĀH. BṚH. S.

43,52. KATHĀS.1,45. 18,213. 27,142. PRAB. 54,12. RĀJA-TAR.1,1. 72.

90.2,71. 134.3,1. 451. 482.4,38. BHĀG. P.1,2,23.2,6,31.7,39.7,10,66.

Verz. d. Oxf. H. 27,a,4. 38. 46,a,3. 80,a,23. 276,b,14. SARVADARŚANAS.

98,13. PAÑCAT. 63,7. VOP.5,7. HALL 126. unter den 11 Rudra JAṬĀDH. in

Verz. d. Oxf. H. 82,a,25. 190,a,38. MBH. 12,7585. HARIV. 166. Verz. d.

Oxf. H. 82,b,25. — e) N. pr. a) eines Dānava MBH. 1, 2659. HARIV. 203.

2283. 12939. 14284. — b) eines Affen R. 6, 13, 8. 7, 5, 43. — g) eines

Autors Verz. d. Tüb. H. 13. eines Lexicographen MED. Anh. 1. eines

Sohnes des Kubera HALL in der Einlzu VĀSAVAD. 12. — hara RĀJA-TAR.

1, 90 fehlerhaft für hāra; vgl. BHĀG. P. 10, 35, 4. — Vgl. aṁśa-, aśmarī-,

kavaca-, kṣata-, kha-, go-, granthi-, tamo-, tāpa-, dhana-, dhī-, paśyato-,

pāpa- (auch BHĀG. P. 4, 1, 46), pitta-, pūṣadanta-, pṛthvī-, prāgra-,

prāṇa- (auch MBH. 7, 2122), bīja-, bhaganetra-, bhāga-, bhāra-, bhūta-,

bhrānti-, madana-, mano-, mūla-, yaśo-, rajo-, rāhumūrdha-, riktha-,

roga-, vāta-, vārttā-, viṣa- (als adj. auch SUŚR. 1, 180, 13. -harī vidyā

MBH. 1, 1204), śakti-, śāsana-, śīla-, śūnya-, śrī-, sattva-, saṁdeśa-,

sarva- (vom Tode BHAG. 10, 34), sarvaṁ-, su-, sudhā-, smara-, smṛti-.

hara 1) Adj. am Ende eines Comp. (f. ā), seltener ī a) “tragend.” b)

“treibend, führend.” c) “hinbewegend, befördernd”, ~ zu prati. d)

“entführend, raubend, entwendend.” e) “entziehend”, so v.a.

“übertreffend.” f) “entfernend, verscheuchend, vertreibend” (ein Uebel),

“zu Nichte machend.” g) “für sich nehmend, erhaltend.” h) “hinreissend,

entzückend.” 2) m. a) “Divisor”, b) Hengst (!). c) “Esel.” d) “Feuer.” e)

“der Zerstörer” als Bein. Śiva’s. f) a) eines der 11 Rudra. b) eines

Dānava. g) verschiedener Männer. d) eines Affen. g) RĀJAT.1,9.

fehlerhaft für hāra.

Mani, Vettam: Puranic Encyclopaedia. Delhi 1975

hara 1 I A famous Dānava, born to Kaśyapa of his wife Danū. He was

reborn as King Subāhu. (Ādi Parva, Chapter 67, Verse 23).

hara 2 II One of the eleven Rudras. (Śānti Parva, Chapter 208, Verse


hara 3 III A synonym of Śiva.

Benfey, Theodor: A Sanskrit-English Dictionary. London : 1866

hara hara, i. e. hṛ + a,

I. adj. Taking, Pañc. i. d. 278; seizing, carrying, Kir. 5, 50; depriving of

(vibhrama-, surpassing the beauty), Bhartṛ. 1, 5.

II. m.

1. Śiva, Vikr. d. 48.

2. Agni.

3. An ass (cf. khara).

— Comp. aṁśa-, m. a co-heir, Yājñ. 2, 132; 133. mūla-, adj. uprooting

(viz. happiness), Man. 8, 353. riktha-, m. an heir, ib. 9, 185. sarva-pāpa-,

adj. removing, or the remover of, all sin. smara-, m. Śiva, Kāvya. Prak.

103, 14.

Cappeller, Carl: A Sanskrit-English Dictionary, based upon the St.

Petersburg Lexicons. Strassburg : 1891

hara (only –°, f. ā, r. ī) carrying, bringing; taking, receiving, seizing,

robbing; ravishing, charming; removing, destroying. m. seizer or

destroyer, E. of Civa, a man’s name.

Macdonell, Arthur Anthony: A Sanskrit-English Dictionary. London : 1893

hara har-a, a. -° (ā, sts. ī) bearing, wearing; taking, conveying; bringing

(news) to (prati); taking away, depriving or robbing of; surpassing;

removing, dispelling, destroying; receiving, obtaining; (taking =)

captivating; m. Destroy, ep. of Śiva; N.; (har) -aṇa, a. (ā, ī) conveying,

containing; taking away, removing; n. bringing, fetching; offering;

carrying off, stealing, theft, abduction (of a girl); withholding; confiscation

(of property); obtainment; removal or destruction of (-°).

Bhaṭṭācārya: Vācaspatyam (6 Vol). Chaukhamba Sanskrit Series 94,

reprint of the 1873-1884 edition. Varanasi : 1962

hara pu° hṛ–ac . 1 rudre amaraḥ 2 agnau 3 gardhabhe 4 vibhājake ca

anonyahārābhihatau harāṁśāviti līlā° . hṛ–bhāve ap . 5 haraṇe 6

vibhājane ca .

हरनेत्र – haranetra Monier-Williams, Monier: A Sanskrit-English Dictionary. London : 1899haranetra “hara-netra” n. śiva’s eye

n. a symbolical expression for the number “three”

Böhtlingk und Roth: Großes Petersburger Wörterbuch

haranetra n. Śiva’s “Augen” als Bez. “der Zahl drei” ŚKDR. nach dem


haranetra n. 1) “Śiva’s Auge” 134,23. 2) Bez. “der Zahl drei.”

Cappeller, Carl: A Sanskrit-English Dictionary, based upon the St.

Petersburg Lexicons. Strassburg : 1891

haranetra n. Śiva’s eye.

हुताश – hutāśa Monier-Williams, Monier: A Sanskrit-English Dictionary. London : 1899hutāśa m. oblation-eater, fire &c.

m. N. of the number “three”

m. Plumbago Ceylanica

m. fear, alarm (?)

hutāśa “-vṛtti” f. subsistence gained by working with fire (as at a forge)

hutāśa mfn. subsisting by fire

hutāśa “-veśa” m. N. of a medic. authority (= “agni-veśa”)

hutāśa “-śālā” f. = “agni-śālā”

hutāśa “-śauca” n. purification by fire

hutāśa “-suta” m. pl. “Agni’s sons”, N. of partic. Ketus

Böhtlingk und Roth: Großes Petersburger Wörterbuch

hutāśa (huta + āśa) m. 1) “Feuer”, Agni “(Verzehrer des Opfers”)

ŚABDAR. im ŚKDR. BHAG. 11, 19. MBH. 1, 5425. 2, 1147. 3, 2168. 8,

4231. 12, 13749. 13, 1088. R. 3, 13, 13. 5, 56, 85. 6, 16, 77. SUŚR. 1,

333, 15. RAGH. 2, 71. VARĀH. BṚH. S. 3, 36. 8, 23. 9, 41. 15, 14. 24, 6.

28, 21. WEBER, JYOT. 24. RĀJA-TAR. 4, 374. 6, 62. Spr. (II) 5497. HEM.

YOGAŚ. 2, 81. BHĀG. P. 1, 12, 21. 4, 7, 45. 6, 8, 21. a- VARĀH. BṚH. S.

11, 3. -vṛtti f. “ein Lebensunterhalt durch Feuer” d. i. “bei dem Feuer

nöthig ist” 5, 35. adj. “vom Feuer lebend” (Schmied u.s.w.) 53. — 2)

“Plumbago zeylanica” SUŚR. 2, 449, 11. — Vgl. hutabhuj.

hutāśa m. 1) “Feuer, der Gott der Feuers.” 2) Bez. “der Zahl drei”

GAṆIT.KAKṢĀDH.7. 3) “Plumbago zeylanica.”

Benfey, Theodor: A Sanskrit-English Dictionary. London : 1866

hutāśa hutāśa, i. e. huta- 2. aś + a, m. Fire, Johns. Sel. 22, 111.

Cappeller, Carl: A Sanskrit-English Dictionary, based upon the St.

Petersburg Lexicons. Strassburg : 1891

hutāśa m. = hutabhuj.

Bhaṭṭācārya: Vācaspatyam (6 Vol). Chaukhamba Sanskrit Series 94,

reprint of the 1873-1884 edition. Varanasi : 1962

hutāśa pu° hutamaśnāti aśa–aṇ . 1 vahnau śabdara° 2 citrakavṛkṣa ca .

lyu hutāśano’pyubhayatra . sa ca karmaviśeṣavihitavahnau ca . koṭihome

hutāśanaḥ ti° ta° .

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